Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Blind Item #1

They made it sound manly so he would have a good story to tell, but this A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee got injured filming a movie because he was wasted.


  1. Nicolas Cage broke his ankle shooting his new movie, "211"

  2. MontanaMarriott11:37 PM

    Nicolas Cage?

  3. longtimereader2:50 AM

    F*** me what is it with these actors? i still like getting wasted occasionally but i'm always sober for work. Party afterwards you dickh***.

  4. dianavonthirstybird3:00 AM

    This is what happens when you sell your Soul to the Devil in Hollywood to make it big. You no longer have control of your life or your vices. All those incredibly talented men/women over the years who pulled the pin and imploded from drink and drugs! Love Nic Cage!!
