Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Your Turn

A woman now or in history you admire.


  1. sandybrook2:07 AM

    Joan of Arc

  2. Tricia132:12 AM

    My mom.
    Second to hear(and from history)-Rosa Parks



  4. AndrewBW2:25 AM

    My wife is just about the nicest person I've ever known.

  5. AndrewBW2:26 AM

    Way nicer than me!

  6. Katharine Hepburn
    Josephine Baker
    Bette Davis
    Lucille Ball
    Judy Garland
    Lena Horne

  7. JustReading2:30 AM

    Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel, rejector of corsetry.
    Catherine II of Russia, forced her husband's abdication because he was kind of an asshole & caused international problems.

  8. Artpunk2:31 AM

    Valentina Tereshkova. Woman has stones bigger than I ever will.

  9. syvyn112:41 AM

    My best friend, let's call her "K". She came to me in my first week at a new high school. My previous school was hell on me. It seems the entire student body, teachers and principles were out to get me. I wasn't that far off the truth. The jocks had free reign to terrorize any student. Since I would not fight back, it got worse and worse. They did it all to me, beat me up,threaten, had their cheerleader girlfriends say they wanted to get with me. Thankfully one of them tipped me off to their decite. One student, just coming back from hunting before school, stopped me in his truck, showed me a gun, "This is the gun I'm going to kill you with". I believed him.

    At home it wasn't any better. My parents were divorcing and with such things, I was a pawn for my parents to use against each other. At this point my sister was acting out and drinking (she was two years younger than I). I felt there was no way out but killing myself.

    After the divorce was final, my mother (The Sainted One) said my dad could take my and sis. Funny, she still took child support payments. We were in a big city and we registerd at the local high school. Still depressed and wanting to kill myself, I wasn't going to off myself soon, but I was planing it out. One of the classes I was assigned was the school paper (the only class you could buy your grade by selling ads). I met her. A firey red head who enjoyed life. "Syvyn?", she never called me that, but for this story... "You are one of my writers and thusly you are now my friend." She took charge.

    She taught me to be a writer, gave me cover when I was supposed to weekend with my mom (she said she needed me to lay out the paper. Total lie). She was one of the first people in my school life to show me any kindness. She let me into her circle of friends (all cheerleader, so she taught me that they weren't all heartless bitches) and we've been friends for 32 years now. Biggest mistake I made was not asking her out back then. But she has a great life now with her hubby and kids.

    But if it wasn't for her, I would not be hear.

  10. Best comment of the day! (and no, I'm not his wife. hahaha, but as a wife, thought this comment ROCKED).

  11. WickedBitch3:13 AM

    My mother, the most beautiful (innerly and outwardly) and generous woman alive. She taught me that no one should be wearing the pants in a relationship: each person is a leg. (Just one of her many pearls...)

    My boss, beat the absolute shit out of cancer twice and encourages me to live my dreams (and pays me for it).

    Historically, Marie Curie because brains and dual Nobel Prizes are sexy.

  12. Just4Fun3:28 AM

    Gabby Giffords

  13. CityGirl3:28 AM

    Michelle Obama, for me, for obvious reasons

  14. lalaland3:41 AM

    Mike drop!

  15. Jennifer3:54 AM

    Jackie O. Putting up with those manwhore Kennedy's while keeping your composure cannot be easy.

  16. Lurky McLurkster4:19 AM

    Griselda Blanco

  17. just sayin'4:27 AM

    elizabeth warren

  18. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob4:28 AM

    Not famous, several.
    Famous, everybody male or female have their negatives and therefore not deserve my admiration. Some achievements sure deserve my admiration, but not the person who did it and was as disgusting as all people.

  19. Love the imitation Enty blind!

    (Now, what my was this from?)


  20. Maggie6:50 AM

    Beyonce, Madonna and Lena Dunham. All of them have shown women what they can achieve and are such empowering figures.


  21. Yeah Thats Right7:01 AM

    Hillary Rodham Clinton

  22. Jennifer7:14 AM

    Lena Dunham is a disgusting pig.

  23. Rosalind Franklin

  24. Honeybunny8:20 AM

    My mom, grandmother, and Michelle Obama.

  25. dianavonthirstybird8:25 AM

    Please don't insult the pigs by comparing that thing to them. She is beyond redemption. My hero? Eva Peron for personal reasons I can't go into.

  26. Scandi Sanskrit8:27 AM

    A very depressing read:

  27. Scandi Sanskrit8:29 AM

    Miss Piggy is comedy genius. ♥

  28. Scandi Sanskrit8:29 AM

    I ♥ Lucy!

  29. Scandi Sanskrit8:31 AM

    Nah. She should've cut Bill's balls off.

  30. Jennerationb8:38 AM

    What a great story. It's amazing how one person can make all the difference in our worlds. I truly believe in the saying that any act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted?

  31. Jennifer8:46 AM

    My apologies to farm animals everywhere. What was I thinking?

  32. Scandi Sanskrit8:55 AM

    If those stories of how they met (Michelle used to tutor Barry in law school) then she's like the perfect manifestation of the "woman behind the man" concept (and, no, I'm not talking about riding on a man's coat-tails).

    I wish I met the current guy I have a crush on earlier. LOL.

  33. #Facts10:29 AM

    Ah, Hillary Clinton. The savior of child rapists.

  34. Oh good god, I want to smack her.

  35. LucidDreams11:55 AM

    Carol burnett

  36. CheeseFries1:20 PM

    My mom. She worked on Wall Street and helped put my dad through grad school before we were born. She later lost her first born, my brother, a death that changed our family. Her strength and grace through that loss.. I will always be in awe of my mother who kept everything together when her world fell apart for the sake of her family. I will also always be sad for her for having to bury a child. No other woman will ever coke close to her in my eyes.

  37. My cousin, Lezlie.
    She died way too young, 4 years ago today.

  38. Ldybozz3:39 PM

    Eve ~ 1st woman, knew GOD, talked to a snake.....what more could you ask for, despite the neg

  39. dianavonthirstybird6:56 PM

    If man went through stages over millions of years, where does Eve fit in? Neanderthal? It's about time people start realizing so much of what we have been taught is totally, completely false. It's happening now. People have started questioning.



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