Friday, March 03, 2017

Your Turn

How old were you when you moved out from your parent's home? Have you ever had to move back?


  1. AndrewBW2:04 AM

    Just shy of 20. And no, thank heavens!

  2. sandybrook2:06 AM

    20 and I didn't move out--my mother died and I chose to live by myself. My other choice wasn't acceptable.

  3. Simon2:08 AM

    19 and no way was I moving back even if meant working 3 jobs, which I did.

  4. JustReading2:08 AM

    18. No.

  5. WickedBitch2:11 AM

    <3 @sandybrook

  6. WickedBitch2:12 AM

    Out at 18, back at 20 (lost my job).
    Out for good at 21

  7. 18.
    I was flunking out of High School.
    But, my grandfather called me one day to come to his house. When I arrived, he had his next door neighbor, who was the Medford, MA Police Chief sitting at his dining room table.
    They convinced me to go into the army.
    So, I went into the army for 3 years just after graduated by the skin on my teeth.
    Moved back for a short time years later (mistake) while in-between jobs and school.
    Then after graduating college, moved to LA and haven't looked back since.

  8. sandybrook2:16 AM

    Thanx Bitch I had to learn a lot very quickly because NY'ers had zero problem trying to take advantage of someone they thought was young and stupid. They thought wrong.

  9. Hothotheat2:27 AM

    19, no.

  10. 18. Kicked out for smoking dope in my room. Only came back for summer college breaks to make money selling RE to pay for school. Paid for school myself.

  11. Sarah3:02 AM

    17 and never!!!

  12. dianavonthirstybird3:14 AM

    Was forced out at 19 when I got involved in civil rights work. Long story. Moved back at 24 when my husband was killed in a car wreck (married one year) and I was virtually comatose. Moved out at 25 and never returned.

  13. Ettacettera3:28 AM

    17 to go to college

  14. Artpunk4:19 AM

    Late bloomer here, I didn't move out until I was 23. Thankfully have not had to move back.

  15. RenShaw5:16 AM

    Worked and saved for one year then moved out at 18 for college. Never had the need to move back but my folks would have loved it.

  16. Frufra5:21 AM

    17 for college, but then came back at 19 to finish school at a local uni. Got married at 22 and moved across the state the next week. Moved back in at 30 for six months with a toddler and a newborn (who was ill at birth and had to be kept out of public for 6 mos), while my husband was out of state training for his job. Lord, that was an experience that I don't care to repeat. Hard times - but I'm glad I had the help when I needed it.

  17. Phyllis Whitweed5:38 AM

    Middle of senior year. I was told I'd have to leave less than two weeks after graduation. A lifetime of abusive parents...already had the gpa to graduate and just found out there was no money for college, and no financial aid. So I said screw this and moved out early. Partied and had fun for the first time in my life. I needed to move back several times, but never allowed. Ended up becoming successful anyway. The best revenge is happiness.

  18. Marianne6:20 AM

    17 when I graduated 2 months shy of my 18th birthday and never ever looked back..

  19. Velvet Elvis7:53 AM

    Moved out at 18 to go college and then got married. Never came back except to visit.

  20. Well, I moved out a few times between 18-21, just from fighting with my mom a lot and then staying with friends, but I officially moved out to my own place with my boyfriend when I was 21

  21. parkdove3:33 PM

    Moved out at 19 and never moved back. Worked 2 jobs a lot of the time and cut coupons and did whatever was necessary to stand on my own two feet.

  22. Scandi Sanskrit3:42 PM


  23. Scandi Sanskrit3:44 PM

    I moved out for grad school for a year in Europe. Happiest year of my life. Moved right back in to live with my parents, still do (there's no stigma attached to it where I'm from, most unmarried women live at home here anyway—in fact, I don't think my parents like it when I sleep over some place else when I'm still in town).

  24. Emmaf5:04 AM

    Out at 18, back at 27 to take care of my mother who got sick.
