Monday, March 20, 2017

Woody Harrelson Gives Up Pot

Woody Harrelson has quit his marijuana habit after three decades of what he calls partying too hard.

The actor is one of Hollywood's most well-known marijuana enthusiasts. Harrelson told Vulture that he hasn't smoked pot in nearly a year.

He cited "30 solid years" of partying for his decision to quit. He also said he felt like the drug was "keeping me from being emotionally available." Still, he had nothing bad to say about marijuana, which he called "a great drug."

The 55-year-old said he still drinks alcohol in moderation.

Harrelson was arrested in 1996 for planting hemp seeds in Kentucky in order to challenge a state law. Hemp is a relative of marijuana, but has a lower concentration of THC, the substance that makes pot smokers high.


  1. First off congrats. I gave up pot upon relocating to Russia. Pot is a source of non human estrogen which equals 60% chance of noticeable gynocomastia (male breast enlargement) . Cuts out emotional highs and lows, and messes with (my) libido.

  2. lemon swizzle12:14 AM

    It makes me bananas that people keep making out pot to be some sort of wonder drug without any side effects. Not only is it a gateway drug to harder core drugs, but it can be a depressive.

  3. Guesser12:19 AM

    It can also bring on psychosis , particularly people with undiagnosed mental illness. This is especially a problem with teens and young adults who haven't experienced the effects of the illness yet.

  4. Still better for you than alcohol.

  5. Jack, where in Russia do you live? I have been a few times. Weird country. Pretty good food though.

  6. AndrewBW12:38 AM

    Geez, next thing you know people are going to tell me Donald Trump has been elected president or some -- oh, wait -- damn . . .

  7. Zilla11:51 AM

    "Still better for you than alcohol"

    Well, not entirely true, studies have found that a glass of red wine daily is beneficial to the heart.

    And not smoking anything at all is, of course, much, much, better for you than pot.

  8. I gave up pot 40 years ago.
    My lungs just couldn't handle the smoke, etc.
    I couldn't stop coughing, hacking and i didn't like the feeling of being sick/ill.

  9. dianavonthirstybird3:07 AM

    Came home from work one afternoon and my cat was trying to stand on his head in a corner. Asked hubby what was up and he said he and his artist friends had blown pot smoke in his face for an hour. So sad. The cat was never the same. Had to give her to a friend.

  10. longtimereader3:49 AM

    Really? weed makes me and most people horny as f***.

  11. Marlo I live in Stavropol. Southern Russia.

  12. That's horrible.

  13. masterblaster4:15 AM

    moderation is the key to EVERYTHING. whether its sugar, weed, any of that stuff. if you constantly are doing it, expect to waste a lot of life. I smoke medical marijuana but its always important to treat it like a medication - keep your bong clean, know the amounts it takes you to alleviate your pain, and also make sure to have other ways you can try to cope. thats my 2 cents.

    also...edibles are a whole different type of animal than just plain smoking weed. like, you get hallucinate on them. when you involve a person's metabolism and a complete molecular conversion w/it of the weed once metabolized...its way different!

  14. Sadie4:38 AM

    Huh? I've never known people hornier than stoners. I think you're a little confused... Jeff Sessions.

  15. Sadie4:40 AM

    Huh? I've been to Russia on vacation (Moscow and St. Petersburg). The food was inedible - worse than Ireland - much worse.

  16. Isn't he under investigation for something? He is probably being drug tested because of it. Women don't get beat by their husbands because they smoked ganj.

  17. Pot doesn't make you horny. Having said that, stoned sex is AMAZING.

  18. "...gateway to harder drugs"

    Pfffft. No it's not. If anything, alcohol is.

  19. Frank Reynolds1:17 PM

    I have had many people say cannabis makes them horny. They make a sensual massage oil that gets you stoned. Ol' fashioned hand jobs haven't been the same. There are more we know now about the different acids and terpenes that we can now intensify the high by stacking other terpenes like the ones found in certain fruits. Eat said fruit smoke one and it feels like three. He may not smoke but he can eat it, or drink it, slap on a patch, take a pill or even rub something on his genitals or bald head to get fried.

    Dabs are the best. It is 100% pure no plant matter.

  20. Good for his neighbours, and for anyone else who had suffered this selfish man's second-hand smoke.
