Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Today's Blind Items - Quick Hits

#1 - I have to give this foreign born closeted A list athlete in his corner of the sports world credit. He keeps plugging away at trying to find a beard and in the meantime just sends out waves of things from his PR people linking him to any single female celebrity who happens to walk into the same building where our athlete is.

#2 - I guess this foreign born former A- list singer has been told by his people that the whole eloping with a guy thing is not going to work out so well for his career so he is making up crap about dating the bazillionaire ex wife of a permanent A+ list athlete.

#3 - The C- list celebrity offspring of this still alive permanent A+ list singer is HIV+.


  1. sandybrook3:14 AM

    3-Chers daughter turned son? Is his name now Charles?

  2. Sunspirit3:16 AM

    #3 -Diana Ross

  3. MontanaMarriott3:17 AM

    3. Well we know Bab's son Jason is HIV+ so is this him or someone else?

  4. sandybrook3:17 AM

    1-Lewis Hamilton

  5. MontanaMarriott3:19 AM

    1. Lewis H?

  6. sandybrook3:19 AM

    2-Gavin Rossdale and Elin Nordgren tiger's ex-wife

  7. Sunspirit3:19 AM

    #2 -Gavin Rossdale maybe

  8. MontanaMarriott3:20 AM

    "Still alive" leads me to think this is someone really old, Aretha?

  9. MontanaMarriott3:22 AM

    Yep you got it, dating Tyger's ex Elin

  10. just sayin'3:23 AM

    sean stewart for 3?

  11. austin3:24 AM

    Chaz, same as before transitioning. I just can't believe it's him. It fits, but.. damn. He wasn't into the drug scene and didn't engage in high risk behavior. It would be much easier to believe this is about Cher and Greg Allman's son Elijah. He was a druggie wild child for years.

  12. Tricia133:26 AM

    3)Dionne Warwick(son either David or Damon)

  13. Nasty3:26 AM

    3. Rod Stewarts son, Sean.

  14. austin3:26 AM

    Has to be him, but it's old news so I thought this would be about someone we didn't already know about. Enty just found out? lol

  15. austin3:27 AM

    re: Jason Gould, Bab's son.

  16. MontanaMarriott3:28 AM

    3. Could be anyone since the singer's gender is not stated and although it does not say foreign born it doesn't mean anything since Enty has been known to omit "foreign born" from time to time as previous BI reveals have shown.

  17. Sunspirit3:31 AM

    I thought he was already married to a guy?!

  18. Katie3:34 AM

    #2 Gavin R.

  19. austin3:38 AM

    I like this guess. Rod is 72, Sean is 36. 72 isn't so old that you'd think he's "still alive" in the age of modern medicine though, unless Enty was throwing shade.

  20. austin3:42 AM

    Yeah.. according to Enty from a previous blind, Gavin already married the guy. The whole story is dubious imo.

  21. Sunspirit3:44 AM

    He wears a wedding ring on The Voice UK

  22. Sd auntie3:46 AM

    Elijah Blue Allmann. What does he do for a living? Never seen him other than an occasional picture at a rave. Chaz does not seem the type to shoot up.

  23. longtimereader4:06 AM

    Needs to pay previous beard nicole a stack of $$$'s to beard again. The only one the public believes.

  24. austin4:17 AM

    Interesting. If it really is true, they must have been in a relationship long before he and Gwen split.

  25. Sunspirit4:27 AM

    He was with a guy years ago and then got with Gwen a few weeks/months after they split.

  26. austin4:28 AM

    He married a girl he met in Germany and lives in Beverly Hills post office off Benedict Canyon Rd. It must be agreeing with him because he doesn't do drugs anymore - hasn't in years. He's a musician but I imagine both he and Chaz also derive income from Cher - probably a trust of some sort.

  27. Guesser4:47 AM

    One Lewis Hamilton,Two Gavin and Tiger's ex,Three Greg and Cher's son, I think the comment still living is about the Cher is Dying rumors​.

  28. Sharper Teeth5:26 AM

    Maybe he said "still alive" because tabloids have been saying she's going to die any day, for years.

  29. Airhead5:49 AM

    LOL I was so confused thinking this was TYGA... that would be the more unlikeliest of people... Gavin and Chyna lmao or Gavin and Kylie when they break up for 5 seconds.

  30. just sayin'6:35 AM

    in this case i'm guessing that "still alive" doesn't refer so much to age as to the opposite of dead, a la elvis and lisa marie, michael and paris, etc.

  31. Mind you, given Rod's lifestyle for a whole lot of years, it is something of a surprise he's still with us!

  32. Zilla111:17 AM

    #3 is Jason Gould, Barbra's don (and only child.). He has been HIV positive for years and it really is not a secret. It's been mentioned in the media.

  33. Jecko Wonka12:00 PM

    HIV statuses as blinds are just plain gross... Is your life THAT miserable, Enty?

  34. Clarisse McClellan6:00 AM

    I think "still alive" means that this is not about Paris Jackson.



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