Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Today's Blind Items - The Coke, The Bad And The Ugly

One group of readers will love this blind and another group will just click the next button. Those of you who are on board, will really love this one. After this MTV reality star made her first stop in LA at a house for the second straight time, I started asking about it. Previously I thought it was just a guy who produced porn. He does produce porn, a lot of in fact. He also is a pimp in the sense he will connect porn stars with people who can afford to date them and then take a little cut. Anyway, one of his biggest money makers is selling drugs to celebrities. Yes, our reality star wanted to do porn. Yes, she was told it would have to be with a partner because she wouldn't pass talent testing at that time. Yes, he was happy to sell her drugs to last for her visit. So, each time she has returned to town she has made the trek to the dealer. Her order has grown exponentially each time. Not only is she using pretty heavily now after a short break, but her significant other is up to his eyeballs in addiction and he spends her money like water when it comes to buying drugs.

Out of town and with a huge supply of drugs to get them through three days they head to their hotel. One of the people I know at the hotel said all was quiet at check in and even up to four hours after check in. It was then, that things began to go downhill in a hurry. The noise complaints were first. First, from the room next door, then the room beneath them. At this point it was just loud music and a video game being played at a volume of 100. Apparently the couple started watching porn and had the volume up on that to 100.

The front desk called and the noise quieted down. For a few hours. Later that night there was arguing and screaming and furniture being tossed around. That, according to the room's neighbors who called to complain once again. Oh, a side note. It was 4am.

The "star" has red marks all over her neck and arms and even face when she emerged the next day. Her significant other was there with his arm around her neck. They started looking at some brochures in the lobby and he grabbed her to kiss her. When she tried to pull away he grabbed her even harder and stuck both his hands down her pants from behind. When she resisted again, he grabbed her face and shoved his tongue down her throat. She pushed him away.

Later in the day, when they came back, she was begging him to please forgive her and promised to buy him the boat he wanted if he would just forgive her. That night was more of the same in the room. Noise complaints and partying. The time was close to dawn. For the next 24 hours, no one left the room. There was no noise. Not a peep. My spy was at her house when she heard there had been no noise for almost an entire day and evening and actually said to herself and her roommate that she wouldn't be surprised if the pair had died of an overdose.

Nope. They emerged the next day and were the happiest they had been since checking in. It was like none of the past few days had happened. Five hours later they were back. Having paid another trip to the dealer, they bought enough to last two weeks. It has been downhill from there. Fights and broken furniture. Pipes and the remnants of plastic wrapped needles. The stench in the room was apparently overpowering and might never be the same. At one point, our "star" had a bloody lip and looked like she had been slapped on that side of the face from the mouth to the eye. They spent thousands of dollars on room service and complained because their employer had only agreed to pick up $500 of the total.


  1. Tricia133:13 AM

    Farrah Abraham

  2. Tricia133:13 AM

    Or Janelle

  3. sandybrook3:15 AM

    I hope it's not Amber so I'll go with Maci

  4. sandybrook3:18 AM

    I think a porn company would give Janelle plenty of money if she wanted to do one. Plus Maci seems to have a decent looking body. So her.

    1. Do u watch teen mom? It's not Maci 😂 where did u get that from. It's Jenelle

  5. Cindaaay3:21 AM

    100% Jenelle as she just spent about a week in L.A..

  6. dianavonthirstybird3:30 AM

    Whoever they are, it sure hell beats sitting in your bedroom on your computer while being held captive by Storm Stella! The rain saved Manhattan this morning. Instead of tons of snow, we got sleet and it melted a lot of what had fallen. Still can't go out. The sidewalks are a thick sheet of ice.

  7. Ugh, enough with the Teen Moms. Who cares?

  8. And Simon Saran. He is the WORST. Well she is the worst... he is equally as awful.

  9. Nasty3:40 AM

    yup-she stayed a week longer in LA to film the aftershow and her and Davids behavior was said to be strange. She refused to go on stage at one point and was seen with bruises. She just had another kid.Gross.

  10. Nasty3:42 AM

    This site is not to cater to your interests. Enty even said skip it if you are not interested in the first paragraph.

  11. AddisonDeWitt3:42 AM

    Oh, who cares about this trash?

  12. Guesser3:45 AM

    I assume it's a teen Mom,but I don't really known them, except from here.

  13. Tricia133:48 AM

    Yep@Norm definitely not dinner party material!

  14. Cindaaay4:00 AM

    I did not know about the bruises! Wouldn't be surprised though since he beat up his other baby momma before. She's such a trainwreck.

  15. Alistdiva4:44 AM

    This has to be Jenelle. She went to a taping of the Teen Mom 2 after show, only a few weeks after giving birth, and insisted on bringing David. Yes, I am ashamed to admit I know all this! Haha

  16. MYOFB5:32 AM

    Ugh, enough with the preaching busy body. Who cares? Only you...

  17. There's pic on twitter that show her with a black eye the week she was in LA. 110% JENELLE. She's a trashy addict just like David.

  18. ZKelz7:34 AM

    And then she wouldn't come onstage, isn't that so?

  19. Wendy8:28 AM

    I would totally believe aside from the fact that MTV would never let her do porn while she was still filming with them. I think they learned their lesson with Farrah. And she supposedly has to stay clean if she wants custody of her son beck and she has actually been going to court for it, so it just seems like she wouldn't do that, but who knows, it is Jenelle.

  20. LucidDreams3:35 PM

    I atill cant believe in this opportunist industry not one picture was taken to sell to the tabloids for proof?

  21. Hereforthebs1:30 AM

    Sounds like a badly written book.. people have way too much time on their hands with teen mom BS.. but you keep doing you people, rise to the top of the BS pile and shine as much as shit can ??

  22. Typical selfish druggies.

  23. Typical selfish druggies. And did anyone report any of those crimes to the police?

  24. Usagi9:54 PM

    Sounds like a horribly written book of bs. lol. Did a twelve year old write this? XD

  25. The Truth Finally Speaks9:45 AM

    This is Janelle, and here's why:

    - They recently had a taping for the Teen Mom 2 reunion. They even had it filmed at the hotel this is referring to. Both were acting quite odd during the show with a lot of tension built up. You could feel it just by watching it.

    - There are pictures of David, Janelle's boyfriend, smoking illicit drugs on the patio during the time at this hotel. Google it.

    - One of the hotel front desk workers, who I will refrain from naming, had clearly told this story to some insiders who I happen to know in the industry. He also overheard the two talking in the lobby how cool it could be if they could film in a porn together, laughing. Well, as this states, David became distraught when he found out he wouldn't be able to be in it and Janelle would have to film with someone else.

    Remember, Janelle has leaked nudes on the web before and wants to make the $$$ Farrah is making. She doesn't mind spreading the ole' BH. This couple has serious money issues (the room service proves it) and they need capital ... fast.
