Tuesday, March 14, 2017

No Buyer Yet For Mischa Barton Sex Tape

That drugs for sex video being shopped around of Mischa Barton still doesn't have a buyer. The actress, wearing just a grey hoodie having sex with a guy also half clothed just has not found the right person who wants it. The interesting thing is that it is online video sites that are most interested and VIvid seems to be taking a pass. Maybe because it is hard to identify Mischa. One potential buyer said with the stills he saw, he is pretty convinced it is Mischa. The fact Mischa has not said anything yet could mean it is her video or she is so wasted on drugs she doesn't care.


  1. Obviously you?

  2. French girl12:57 AM

    The only reason why I know Misha Is because Enty seems obsessed by her.

  3. mariaj1:10 AM

    well, i care, and i feel sorry for her..i don't like people degrading themself at this level

  4. Guesser1:14 AM

    Maybe Vivid doesn't want to buy a sex tape with someone who is not of sound mind. They make deals with the people in them, someone like Mishca who has been committed, can't be considered of sound mind.

  5. SarahS1:15 AM

    Right? I don't get all the posts. She's basically on the level of Tara Reid or Lohan or even Bieber, at this point--people we already know are hot messes, we don't need the daily reminder.

  6. I predict it will be free online sooner than later.

    That's what usually happens to all sex tapes.

  7. QiQi.NYC girl2:06 AM

    I agree, it is so sad to see this. Writing about self-indulgent narcissists is one thing, they should be ridiculed. This is a troubled young woman who had promise and the system and her greedy parents ate her up and spit her out. Very sad

  8. sandybrook2:40 AM

    Part of it would be she has to sign for it to be released and she probably won't, so nobody wants to be sued. Plus I'd imagine who has seen it can see she is probably whacked out and unaware of what she is doing.

  9. texasrose9:05 AM

    I think she would sign for a couple tanks of gas for that moving truck she has been driving around.

  10. jennifer9:24 AM

    I hate this revenge porn shit. No one deserves this kind of humiliation.

  11. She might get famous again ? looool

  12. Sd auntie1:37 PM

    Feel sorry for her too.Her evil mom robbed her blind and her boyfriends were jerks. Greasy bear and Cisco Adler.. yuk. Hope she sues her mom. Find a regular joe and settle down.

  13. parkdove2:21 PM

    I feel sorry for her too. Hope she turns her life around and makes a comeback so she can inspire the other hot messes out there.

  14. marlo5:03 AM

    I agree with the commenters here. She's a vulnerable woman with serious issues. I wish she'd get help.

  15. Kelly5:55 AM

    I'm confused, wasn't there a post on here a few days ago about how she's hired a lawyer to stop this? Why does this post make it sound like she's wanting it to be sold?
