Monday, March 27, 2017

Jodie Sweetin's Ex Arrested Again

In what seems like will probably be a fairly frequent occurrence and the second time in just a week, the now ex-boyfriend of Jodie Sweetin has been arrested. This time Justin Hodak was arrested for violating a restraining order. Almost a dozen police responded to a 9-1-1 call from Jodie who said she thought she saw him near her house which would violate a restraining order she took out. I sure wish a dozen cops would come each time a non celebrity would call about someone violating a restraining order. Then again, he may have had a gun and been drunk and I'm glad they responded in such force. The thing is though, there are plenty of other times someone calls under the same conditions and who are not on television and they don't get anything close to that for help.


  1. Kimmy Gibler12:27 AM

    I think Jodie could use some relationship advice. Don't things always turn bad for her?

  2. Sad.
    Domestic violence is no joke.
    But, Enty is correct about the police' response in this case. But the police do need to take domestic violence calls serious.

  3. shakey2:04 AM

    Happened here last week. 18 year old girl broke up with her boyfriend. She had a restraining order on him, she found him in her car. She called police when she was at work I believe, but they were a no-show. She half-jokingly said to her friend "do I have to die to get them to come?" (I believe there were a few times that she had called them before and they were very slow to respond.) She went back to the apartment they shared to pick up some stuff and he killed her.

  4. Yenta2:41 AM

    Just from his picture I can tell that he's an asshole. Ladies if anyone approaches you at the bar with a guido haircut and clothing that is intentionally too tight to showcase his

  5. Boredtechindenver5:15 AM

    She should quit dating her dealers.
