Sunday, March 26, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5

March 15, 2017

Network actress/writer on an ensemble show to the same thing in her own show to wanting to do movies but telling people she still wants to do her own show is in love with the guy she has wanted forever. They went to a recent big big event together and she thought they were good, but he is still seeing any woman who remembers him from his one good role.

Mindy Kaling/BJ Novak


  1. sandybrook3:06 AM

    Mindy needs to move on. Maybe Dev Patel can learn to like her, he can't get JLaw so maybe he can settle?

  2. just sayin'3:12 AM

    they were so cute together. when i think of them as a couple i think of that hysterical music video male prima donna by subtle sexuality.

  3. Sd auntie3:29 AM

    Dev has a girfriend, some English actress. Just cause he is from the same country does not mean they should date
    He is way to handsome for her and she prefers men with as little melanin as possible. Freida is perfect whereas Mindy is just dumpy.

  4. Salaam4:16 AM

    He's always given off a douche-baggy vibe. She can do better I'd think.

  5. Guesser4:24 AM

    They are not from the same country ,she is American,he is British. She's going on a date with Senator Cory Booker , so while it's likely a fake date,good luck anyway.

  6. FebruaryJones4:41 AM

    aw Kelly and Ryan. Life imitates art.

  7. Sd Auntie5:31 AM

    Yes u are correct. Same ethnicity. Cory Booker is one handsome fella and I doubt he will date her long term. I'm sorry, just do not like her and feel that there is some self hatred going on with her.

  8. Jessica6:06 AM

    She goes for guys that are frankly out of her league & know it, she was had a crush on one of the guys on her show even though he had a long term live in GF. She can't quite keep straight fact and fiction.

  9. Police dog6:10 AM

    Corey booker is gay....I thought it was supposed to be funny/platonic. Lol

  10. I had to look him up. He's cute! Still don't know which one's supposed to be the "one good role."

  11. Zilla18:38 AM

    I thought Aziz Ansari was the one who wanted JLaw, not Dev Patel.

  12. Rebecca8:51 AM

    You are correct. It was Aziz

  13. Laninna9:01 AM

    Yes, Ansari. Apparently, "they" are all the same.

  14. Scandi Sanskrit10:26 AM

    LMAO. Why am I thinking of that "Scott Brown" SNL skit?

    This one:

  15. Hortensia10:43 AM

    Mindy Kaling is darling. And thank you Guesser.

  16. Scandi Sanskrit10:44 AM

    They're not, really. Asian actresses (and maybe African actresses too—from what I've learned about Lupita) who don't fit traditional ideals of beauty in their home countries have a better shot at making it overseas in the West (if they're talented and hardworking enough). This is why when of local actresses/singers make it big here in Asia, they think they can easily make it in L.A. (where people actually care about the craft, and not simply the fact that you're a lighter-skinned Asian/mixed race, you have a pointy-nose, or some easy marketing gimmick) because they had it so easy here in Asia. They think it'll be easy just like when their stage parents bought off their roles/a record deal back home.

    This is partly why it upsets me so much when foreign beauty companies "play along" and capitalise on the post-colonial internalised racism/insecurities in the Asian countries they do business in (especially the companies that that preach "everyone's beautiful" BS in their campaigning like Dove and The Body Shop—both of which sell skin-whitening products in Asia that you never hear about in the US/Europe). These companies had a chance to sell their product on the basis of "beauty relativism" (like "cultural relativism" for beauty standards). But instead of sticking to the high ground, they "join 'em" and cash in on the local racism.

    Dude, if I agreed to play all the shady roles I've been offered, and I came to every audition for every offensive beauty product, I'd be at least C-list now (realistically). And now I've been turing down roles from sketchy people because of a dumb rumour.

    Hell, even Asian-Americans and British citizens of Asian descent are different from Asians who actually live in Asia. My God, the diaspora is so out-of-touch...

  17. Scandi Sanskrit10:48 AM

    Oh, and I don't know that you're a "dude", I just say "dude" a lot (so please don't be upset). And I should STFU and stop long-rambling. My God, I ramble. I speed-type and next thing you know, I've written a novel. Bye.

  18. Boston Girl12:12 PM

    I think Mindy needs to get over BJ Novak, and go for Senator Cory Booker. He is straight, well-educated, and has a sense of humor. Mindy is all of these things and more!

  19. I don't get her appeal at all.

  20. SnarkIsFun9:05 AM

    Mindy reminds me of a saying I've heard: an egomaniac with an insecurity complex.

  21. Al Franken4:06 PM

    LOL. Cory Booker is gayer than a rainbow colored $3 bill with Obama's face on it.
