Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #3

June 8, 2016

This home improvement reality star is cheating on his co-star wife with a woman who works at a hardware store. Apparently this has been a year long fling.

Tarek and Christina El Moussa (Apparently there was also a nanny)


  1. sandybrook1:32 AM

    Christina looks like she could do much better than this dweeb, but then she moved on to some 60 yr. old so maybe she's just an idiot looking for rich guys.

  2. I don't understand the 'Why' do guys do this?
    Never in my 32 years of marriage did I ever think: "Hey, I will have an affair with this other woman."
    I guess I'm the Odd Fellow!

  3. Shorny2:09 AM

    Well you, sir, get a gold star.

  4. jessica2:35 AM

    She's like girls I went to hs with. Heavily highligted hair, too black eyelineer and contouring make up, vs clothes with a louey bag, sashay when they walk thinking they are the sh*t. Without all of that no one would look at her.

  5. A lot of rebound relationships don't make sense & they never last. Been there myself.

  6. sandybrook3:22 AM

    I think they already broke up.

  7. Guesser3:44 AM

    Remember, this would be going on right after she had a baby. She was probably blindsided. He was recently recovered from cancer.

  8. Brizzles4:13 AM

    I'm confused, I thought she cheated first and with that older contractor they worked with who was of HGTV employ (and therefore loaded)? Inexcusable behavior for both of them, in my opinion.

  9. Wendy5:25 AM

    I hope you're not the only one! lol

  10. Scandi Sanskrit8:51 AM

    Your wife is very lucky, David.

  11. Hortensia10:15 AM

    Jessica, very amusing comment!

  12. There is nothing odd about that, it's lovely.

  13. Also, she has dead eyes.
