Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 22, 2016

This former porn star/Charlie Sheen mistress convinced her fans into giving her $40K for rehab. She never went to rehab and is staying with a friend in LA while pretending to be at rehab.

Rachel Oberlin


  1. Joel Theriot2:44 AM

    Thank you for outing this grifter.

  2. Most of us know her as Bree Olson,

  3. Anybody stupid enough to give this whore money and not get a sloppy, deepthroat, swallowing blowjob out of it deserves to lose their money. No sympathy.

  4. Jennifer11:52 AM

    Who are these assholes who give money to people like her and Tia Tequila? Unless someone is dying of cancer then really you are just suckers.

  5. Jennifer11:53 AM

    Btw my wardrobe is outdated and hurts my self esteem. I also need some new Sephora shit so please donate to my gofund me account! I only need $90,000. Please help!

  6. banglesnthings4:06 AM

    I remember her on periscope begging and lying etc.
    folks put two and two together and outted her on periscope BUT she still had her die-hard fans that funneled her money.

    she was on there crying and rambling, she got pissed off when folks suggested she sell her luxury car and downgrade a lil. She went OFF!
