Monday, March 13, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 9, 2016

These two celebrity offspring daughters are financially supporting their celebrity mom. They don’t mind paying for her bills, but are getting ticked off her bills include tens of thousands of dollars a month for shopping and her “contributions.”

Gigi and Bella Hadid


  1. MontanaMarriott2:05 AM

    Ok this goes totally against the BI reveal that Yolanda had a huuuuge divorce settlement from Mohammad because she had video/audio proof of him cheating on her with JKrupa. Unless she has blown threw that money already.

    Guess she didn't get anything from David Foster?

  2. I Ain't Saying She A Golddigger, But She Ain't Messin' With...2:38 AM

    It was paltry. David's been taken to the cleaners a few times; finally wised up and got a good pre-nup. They weren't married that long, either. Her alimony won't last long--not with her burn rate.

  3. MontanaMarriott2:39 AM

    Awww, Gotcha


  4. Mop top2:39 AM

    Well that was a neat trick. Use your time with someone rich/famous to propel your children to fame and then let them support you. I guess it all comes full circle.

  5. Jessica3:22 AM

    She got squat from David, it's why she's requiting "working girls" for mohamed.

  6. Okayyyyyy3:25 AM

    Shez a stage mom in the style of pimp mama kardasian. Hope her daughters realize that they don't need her "help " soon.

  7. AndrewBW3:41 AM

    How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child.

  8. Airhead5:37 AM

    NOT A SURPRISED! I would assume this to be her reason in getting gigi modeling from an early age and convincing bella to get a nose job.. her son is starting to model too.. so she invested well in her stalks

  9. Euro Trash is what we refer to Yolanda as here in the states.
