Thursday, March 09, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1

February 25, 2017

Smiles for the cameras that his foreign born actress date called to show the world they are a loving couple. In the limo though it was a whole other story and our B+ list cable actor from that hit show was beyond ticked off. Pretty tough to keep two high profile relationships going when cameras are trained at one.

Norman Reedus/Diane Kruger/Melissa McBride


  1. All the comments gone. There were some good ones

  2. Wow...................................

  3. At least I can get this one up on my phone. I'm struggling with the AL one now! It's a shame they couldn't have put some of the better comments on.

  4. Yea really. Maybe since it's just us, maybe @Anonna will come on and maybe gives any insight before the crazies start trolling. Not that I put much stock into anything anyone ever says, however, she had some good insight.

  5. There doesn't seem to have been as many crazies since it became more time consuming to change your username. 🤔 I still think it's same old same old. They're still doing whatever they were going but a bit more out in the open still looking extremely uncomfortable together. I don't think either of them are particularly bright but the whole thing overall has been very entertaining.

  6. They just have zero chemistry together. Or at least I haven’t been able to see it from what I’ve seen.

  7. Sucks that the comments are gone but at least our blind is back!

  8. @thread Hey our blind is back! Maybe it took ENTY so long to bring it back b/c he really tried to rebuild the 22k.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Ups double post ... good thing we can delete ;)

  11. @thread Great post by HC for MR today :)

  12. Exwiccan here...jeez,wish our old comments were back up...some were priceless....been very quiet the last few days...get that feeling. It's the calm before the storm...@wtf the original..H.C comment was truly beautiful.. could tell it was straight from a loving mother's heart....I pray to God N is with them or will be soon...I hope his is not with the snake...18 is a milestone in a young adults life..please be a good father and do the right thing...if he completely ditches him for her I will lose any little respect O still have for him.....

  13. @ANONNA...please if you are around help a little..A lot of people are very confused...Hear one thing then thing one and thing two do the complete opposite....I was told this show was over...then C.R...then was just for clean break up...then U.S.mens opening...then's over...and fan picture at same bar as W.D crew....what the hell is going on?? I'm getting dizzy

  14. @debra peters This is just my opinion but I do think what you've heard is most likely what's going on. I, along with mostly everyone watching this shit show thought it was done after the roadtrip. You could just sense a difference in both of them. But for whatever reason, N decided to bring her to CR and that was a bad setback for him. I have a feeling that the entire weekend of Ming's fashion show and US Open was rock bottom for him. I'm certain he has a booze problem, especially around her. I don't doubt that it was over after the road trip and I'm pretty sure N was planning on it being over after CR. But with damaging his relationship with Andy and the shit show at Ming's fashion show, I think he was at his lowest then, and DK pounced on it and convinced him to go to the Open with her.

    I do feel pretty confident for now that things are winding down again, but history has shown that DK has a way of leeching back onto him. I get the feeling he's trying to make things right, and you can see it with how he and Andy interacted, especially at DC. But of course, DK isn't going to make it easy for him to let her go. Never has. But I do hope he'll be able to hold strong this time.

    1. How many times are you guys gonna say this? I mean honestly don't you feel stupid constantly saying they are done only to be proven wrong? Delusional fucks seriously your fucking ridiculous. Andy is still friends with Norman. Dk wad invited by Norman to Costa Rica. Dk was invited to comic con dinner and to hang with the cast. The kid is 18 not 8 he doesn't want to hang with his parents. How insulting can you be accusing him of being a fall down drunk? You have zero proof of thid asshole stop making shit up. He has been working his ass off all week he isn't in New York deal with it. Fyi I live in Newnan Diane was seen here yesterday deal with it losers.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. @exwiccan and @Leah29 I saw on IG that she is supposed to be in France for an event with CD for the movie they did together on the 19th and 20th so hopefully we get through this weekend and then she is gone to France and then he is in LA with TWD family for the premier. We can hope anyhow

  16. Is that N upstate N.Y home that H.C is standing ... with balloons there a wierd picture on fireplace mantle that looks like N taste

  17. Someone wrote on H.C post..when your not invited to meant for it

  18. I'm so sad the old comments are gone :( At least we have our place back. :)


  20. Ohh yeah our original reveal is back. Wish comments were here too tho

  21. Hopefully the trolls stay away and @anonna and @raina will pop up.

  22. Anonymous9:11 PM

    It's always amusing when someone comes here claiming to live in Newnan & they just so happen to see all this stuff to report back to gossip threads. @Get real and get help: Next time try saying you live in Serenbe. Norman doesn't live in Newnan nor were him or Diane seen there yesterday. The only "losers" around here are Norman, Diane, & imbeciles like you who want to defend the pathetic asshats. Joke's on them & people like you. I'm sure if Diane is in Georgia, she'll post a lovely photo of his kitchen counter so she can prove she's there. God knows he keeps her locked up & tightly hidden otherwise. Also, Liz, next time have someone with at least a 5th grade education proofread your rants. It's really hard to take you seriously when you can't even use the correct form of your/you're. ;)

  23. You are the dumb ass and you should really check your facts before making yourself look like a complete ass..N does NOT live in Newnan Ga..if D was invited to comic Con dinner then where are the pictures?? Oh,the one we're she is sitting ALONE at the bar?? Fun,N was seen coming and leaving that night ALONE..if she was with him he must of been bored to death..he was interacting with fans on I.G until 2 a.m...and C.R???she was asked to come after begging and being,turned to G.N for help..then no pictures of the two tegether until paps showed up..being on D payroll and honestly..I never seen two people look so miserable,(and this was a romantic get away)....give me a break.,and if they are so IN LOVE?? Then why is she so insecure to the point of having his tat(symbolizing the love and bond between N,H.C.and M.R)removed in photos again by her hired clowns?? Why does he not go to any of her public functions?? If their is so much love and respect for D by N family and friends then why is He.C publicly mocking and trolling D?? Why does N publicly admit D is his g.f instead of hiding her unless again D pap clowns are around to snap fake has hell loving couple pictures??

    1. So you crazy bitch what do you have to say now? I told you DK was in Georgia I saw her myself. You go on a long winded incoherent rants just to be proven wrong AGAIN! When are you going to learn to shut you're fucking mouth. Your theroies and sources are shit just like you. You either need rehab or some serious counseling. I need to prove nothing to you and the 5 people that believe you're bullshit. A real Norman fan sees he us happy you and you're deluded buddies see things that don't exist. I guess once again you're wrong he didn't break up with her. Give it up and shut up. And who the hell is Liz that is not my name loser?

  24. Oh,I am not fact..I just got started...why does N keep the hell hound away from his son?? If you dare to say they do spend time together then prove it...because there are plenty of pictures floating around with M.R and N ex's...when N is with her and fans take picture why isn't she in Any in fact..he has asked people to delete pictures that show them together and used his body or arms to hide her from photos..why isn't there any loving pictures of N on her I.G?? She posted J.J with no problem..she still
    L has some of them picture on her I.G....why isn't there any photos of her lying on his bed,sitting on his couch, playing with his cat...a certain ex posted many...N had no problem post Birthday wishes to family and friends but not even a thumbs up for his love..why??When his lover was off enjoying one of the biggest nights of her life(Cannes awards)..he was hanging out..doing nothing...and when she won it was no loving comment from was a congratulations to the whole crew..why?? Why did he look like he would rather be running naked through fire then sit with her on the pictures during Graceland trip?? Why has she NEVER been on W.D set?? No pictures,no proof..but certain ex was..can you answer that?? So there...many questions..can you honestly answer any with proof to back answers up?? No,make up shit like you D ass kissers like to do...and don't even try to hand us the complete b.s..they like their since when??D would have paps take pictures of her wiping her ass if it made her look good..other then them two acting like complete idiots together,what is there??and that is one of the biggest actions you so called N and D fans do that piss me off..You are so fake... everything is right in front of your eyes,picture couldn't be more clearer that D is a liar,user,self centered,evil,bitch and is destroying everything N worked building for years..he is to blame also..but she is just pure evil..and you all see nothing but love, happiness, commitment,and long term can not even see one negative image between these too..

    1. I've just found this blind after hearing about it and I am curious to know why you people say he doesn't live in Newnan only because I actually live in newnan and know the property norman bought and it's in newnan not serenbe or wherever you are claiming he lives so why the constant lies of him not living in newnan and I have lived here for over 25 years and this is where he has lived for 2 years now

  25. One more can you honestly (this is legit questions),come on here,say we are bulling her,and jealous of her and we make up things without proof..all that for a digesting pig that was on a set filming a movie, cheating with the man she hand picked for the lead role and then without any shame or sorrow post a picture of her better half of ten years on her I.g when he lovingly, showed up on set,to do her a favor and for free and film a part for two days...which means she was sleeping with J.J and the minute he left jumped back in the sack with N...and don't you dare say...the only people that really know what happened Is N D and coven imps know Everything else.I wondered why you all came her and would lower yourself to protect a liar,and a cheat..then it dawned on me.the answer was right there the whole all have probably never been in a real loving,honest,happy, committed relationship,(guess it's hard when your living in mom's basement),you really don't know what a happy relationship is based on...Here is a few facts..if it was started with cheating,more then likely it will end with cheating..if it was started with lies it will be filled with lies..need was started by hiding and sneaking around..and it's now based on hiding,(he is always hiding her unless her paid clowns are there to take pictures..and they still sneak around..other then a couple public,b.s pap outings..he is never with her at her public functions..why??shame, relationship there..when you are in a loving,strong,honest relationship you stand strong pulling together with each other strength and you lean on each other and help each other with their weaknesses...when someone tries to break you down physically, mentally and emotionally,when they try to isolate you from family and friends,when they try and make it look like they are the only one that will always stand by you, understand you,and you don't need anyone else..right there...RUN!!!! Has fast as you can...because not only can this end very could end deadly...they like complete and total control of their partner at any and all cost..and when it's over..the other person is so beat down,so lost, exhausted,and they feel like they have nobody..and that is when it could end very bad...and still you have no imagine of this being a bad, dangerous relationship because you don't know the difference..that women has no class,no morals,she only and can only love herself,and you come here and feel you must be her voice here..Now,that does guys must have no class,no morals,and really don't care about anyone but yourself....for dare you call yourself a true fan.You don't see all this going on??how sad he looks,how lost he must feel...If you can honestly answer half my questions then I will stand down...but that will
    never will come here,throw your insults,your name calling,you will start making up lies to justify everything negative about D...I don't know what more to say..I have said this many times and I will say it one more..I am a Daryl Dixon fan and W.D fan..never was really into his personal life and relationships,did not even know he was dating the young one..and really cared less..his personal life was his business...then when I heard rumors of cheating on Sky set I just really hoped it wasn't real..but then I saw the walk of shame video,I saw that wicked, sneaky smile on her smug face,I saw how drunk and weak he looked,I saw how he kept wanting to go one way and she was pulling him the other way..and I hated her right then and made me sick..and that is when I started getting involved..and more and more her ugly,true colors came out..I don't care how beautiful you think you maybe or how beautiful people say you are..if your ugly inside it flows right into your outer being...she is truly one of the ugliest people I have seen..not based on appearance..but based on actions...she is evil and has a fan I hope to God he sees it before it's way to late

  26. Anonymous1:13 AM

    @Get real and get help

    Anyone who follows this blind or their "relationship" in general (which you obviously do) would know that if N spend his kid's birthday with DK, it would draw a lot of criticism and hate towards both N and D. There's absolutely no proof of that happening, so I wonder why a fan of N and D (and of them as a couple) would try to provoke people to throw hate at them again.

  27. Wow, Debra, you need professional help or at least need to lay off the booze. Says me from the house I own and paid for......NOT my parents basement. You are basically veering into incoherence.

  28. It's the big premiere next weekend (or Monday where I am). I don't know when Ride premieres as it's not something I'm interested in. There should be a lot of focus on TWD. If she's meant to be in France slightly before, how long do you reckon she'll be there? She seems to spend more time having her hair and makeup done than she is actually at her own premieres/events. Then she magically appears on a completely different continent, garnering lots of negative attention from Ns fans, when she could have used the occasions to get positive media attention for her own work. She's a very strange individual.

  29. @thread I am curious about the "filming" she has done in Vancouver because as far as I could tell she was there 2 times. Once for a day and once for a day and a half. I wonder if it will be a "starring" role? I agree @Blind Curious she is a very strange person. Seems to not really promote herself unless it is about what she is wearing.

  30. This is just a random thought in my head. A lot of people are questioning why N and Ming seem to not be hanging out nearly as much anymore. But I do see a lot of folks assume that they're not hanging out b/c either HC doesn't allow N near Ming, or that N just doesn't go see him as often b/c of this whole D situation. To me though, I think ppl forget that Ming is his own person now. He's technically 18 years old now, he doesn't need anyone's protection. So maybe the reason why they're not spending time together isn't b/c of N or HC, but b/c Ming doesn't want to. If exwiccan is right and that N and HC had a big fight at the fashion show, I guarantee Ming would side with his mother. It's heartbreaking to think about but maybe Ming is the one that's keeping the distance between him and his father. I don't necessarily blame him for it, but just b/c they're not together as much, doesn't mean N doesn't want to be with him. It may have more to do with Ming not wanting to. Just a thought.

    1. I agree ���������� @leah! He's not a child anymore. He's an 18 year old with his own mind. I also believe he made the decision to stay away from his father.

  31. I see D and her beret are at the airport - any ideas where she is heading? Maybe going to Europe early?
    Her movie roles do seem very short, and strangely she never seems to promote her career either and agree she spends more time promoting what she is wearing - strange woman.
    Sad the old comments have gone - hopefully Enty has a copy of them stored somewhere.

  32. @wtf I was curious about that too since she seems to be done with that film. It's quite strange.

    @Leah29 It's possible that MR was the one to pull back on spending time with N. The distance seems to go back further than the fashion show so who knows what brought it on. It's sad either way.

    @Willow She's leaving Ga and headed back to nyc.

  33. @wilz was she seen in GA? I didn't know she was there.

  34. @Willow She posted a picture on her IG

  35. @...said..and there is my proof...three damn long post..many questions and observations and that is your answer..? Lol,you wanted to clear up the fact you don't live in your mother's basement and then like I said..the insult..if you want to insult me you really have to do better then that...I don't again..and this is exactly what I mean...You D ass kissing, flying monkeys can not have a half way intelligent conversation.I gave you a chance..if we are so wrong,if we are completely delusional when it comes to that evil witch I would of read your reply with a open mind... that is part of having a open, honest,half way intelligent debate with someone...and you couldn't answer one question,you couldn't debunk any of my facts,you could show me one shred of evidence to prove me wrong. So,this conversation is over. You proven beyond doubt you are unable to think for have a closed mind and you are unable to hold a half way adult conversation.@soooo...said something that I also thought when reading your b.s comments..are you really that senseless?? I would of said N and D were celebrating My birthday together with H.C because they are one big happy family..I mean come on..if you are going to lie at least try to make D and N half way decent human beings...but your dumb ass not only threw them under the bus you drove over them...@leah29..I understand what you are saying but something happened that put a wedge between N and his son..yes he is 18 and I have raised 5..youngest is 14...but m spends a lot of time with his,I do believe either M is very upset with his father because of the choices he has made lately and one of the choices is D..or he is pissed because of a situation involving N and can tell he is very close to his mom and whatever happened caused him to turn his back on his dad..H.C and N had a fight at M show...I was told it had everything to do with N breaking away from D.. trying to straighten out his life,then she show's up with him in C.R..and then having paps take pictures so she can shove it in everyone that was trying to help N face..and final nail in that coffin..having the nerve to bring up M in the article..I can bet H.C was done with him after that...D has been very sneaky,evil,and convincing...she stirs the shit pot then plays a victim..and I really thought N was smarter then this..

  36. @BlindCurious
    The thing is:
    She is not only strange but contradicting herself in her basic principles and ideals as a woman.
    On the one hand she seems to speak up for feminist topics like equal payment,women in science and so on,but on the other hand she is perfectly okay to reduce herself to the worth of a clotheshorse if it only brings some attention.And she initiates it herself! She clearly defines her value over her looks,her "youth",her "coolness" or how much attention she is able to get.
    She doesn't give a fuck if someone thinks she is capable of good acting. She doesn't seem proud of a good finished project.She doesn't promote her work.It seems just like a thing she finds easy to do because she is pretending always anyway.Easy dollars on the side.

    For me,she seems like a needy,weak woman.She only cares if she is still desirable to a man or a fashion label and if she is still able to get fucked by an alpha male.
    She is obviously very progressive and emancipated,isn't she?

  37. @Wilz
    To me there is no clue that she is leaving Georgia? Please explain

  38. do you know that Atlanta...I am trying to remember when you walk in how far away is ticket booth is from the doors and glass windows...and I honestly don't believe they are that close to the front doors... I am almost positive about that..but could be wrong..when you walk on you have the machines to print your pre ordered tickets,then a wide walk way,then agent,like I said..could be wrong but idk???

  39. @wilz - I did see that just before I posted my 'where is she going?' comment. Could it be a photo she just had in her phone from another time, (a latergram?) I don't know what GA airport looks like, but just wondered if she was trolling and making it look like N spent this particular weekend of M's 18th birthday with her. It just seems like something she would do to stir the shit. I do not know if she was there or not, I just think it is possible, to make it look like he spent last weekend (at the WD event) and this weekend with her.

    @EnnA - good points, and she is just contradicting herself over and over.

    @exwiccan - has your friend heard any news recently?

  40. just wondered if she maybe has some photos taken on her phone, at the airport from the time she turned up at in N&N's so they would still look like recent photos, and she was wearing the beret then too (yeah I know she wears it all the time). I am sure she has a stash of photos for trolling purposes. Just a thought.

  41. @thread Someone else did the detective work with a picture of Hartsfield lol I personally had my suspicions she was there so I don't think it's a latergram. I don't think she's trolling (more than usual that is) because it doesn't make either of them look good to prioratize a 24 hr visit on this particular weekend.

  42. @willow..friend said everything is quiet...the last thing I heard was before NYCC..and she had heard either he was breaking it off again or he already made it clear it was IDK??? Like I said..I get dizzy trying to keep up with them two...I was wondering if Bowman heard anything...Bowman my friend..are you here???plz tell us you have heard something.. anything

  43. @exwiccan - thanks, only thing I can think of is maybe N is very upset this weekend if he is estranged from M. I could see D using that to her advantage and talking N into letting her visit to 'comfort' him - of course it is just her on her usual agenda of worming her way back in. I truly hope N manages to get rid of her for good in the end before she destroys him completely. Only question is - how long does this have to go on before he gets the strength to end things once and for all.
    @wilz - just a thought (hope springs eternal!)Don't know what Hartsfield means though. :)

  44. DK was probably there. She actually deleted comments mentioning the airport. For obvious reasons that
    NR was not filming Friday or that night. It does not look good he prioritizes his monthly binge drinking with Diane over his son. To the point he did not get around to wishing his son Happy Birthday on social media until the early hours of the next morning the same time Diane posted she had been drinking too much. It doesn't look good. An 18 year old boy excuse does not wash with me because his son is happy to be with HC and follow her everywhere and at that age I would still want to see my parents more times in a year than fingers on one hand.
    It is just another symptom of the toxic influence DK has on his life and how his health, relationships and attitude have been destroyed since she meddled her way into his life February. She may get what she thinks is happiness but she should consider she's still losing and how much effort she went to for what is not and never will be genuine. She had to meddle her way in to end up still losing. in 5 years time how is she going to explain the origins of your relationship. It will be hard to tell without lying. Honesty with themselves is something NR and DK both need to do and to stop absorbing into this relationship which holds itself as a barrier from hard truths they are avoiding about themselves.

  45. This looks so bad to me. Either he chose to spend the weekend with D or he wasn't wanted at his son's birthday. Both scenarios are pitiful. I can't believe she just shows up and forces her damn self on him time after time after time. He is totally complicit in this fuck fest. Yuk!

  46. @Willow Sorry, Hartsfield is the name of the Atlanta airport. I will say if N was upset this weekend perhaps he should look at what got him to this point instead of falling back on old habits.

    @V.v.v and @iijm I agree with you both completely. It's not a good look for either of them. Interesting that D is deleting comments. If she didn't want people to know she was there, why post the picture at all? Maybe she had a moment of clarity and realized it makes them both look really bad.

  47. @debra peters Same! I feel like it's the same, never ending cycle since CR. He'll say he's done with her, then something happens that upsets him and he's willing to hang out with her b/c he's depressed (Fashion show, US Open). This could definitely be one of those times when Ming told him to stay away and he got so sad that he was willing to have D over for the weekend.


    I'm going to hold my breath on this one to be honest. The only evidence we have is one sided. Yes it is most likely the atlanta airport but we have no idea when it was taken and we have no idea what the circumstances are. It could definitely be her leaving today, but it could also be a latergram, or a layover. Hell it could be her going down there and him saying no so out of spite she posts a selfie in the airport. We just don't know.

    I usually don't rely on sm that much b/c the majority of the patterns I see between them prove to be invalid, but there are a few habits that I see that have yet to be proven false. N likes DK's posts quite a bit, and he's liked trolly posts before. However, from what I've noticed, he's never liked her trolly pics if they were indeed together, or even right after the fact. He's liked some of her troll pics before, but all of them were ones in which they're not actually together, she's just being a troll. I don't use sm silence as a sign anymore (same with sm active) b/c they've both been proven false in regards to good tools in figuring out if they were indeed together.

    Either way, D knew this was going to reek havoc on his fandom. She couldn't wait to post an airplane selfie. Nope, she wanted ppl to know where she was (or had been). This was definitely a troll move and I guarantee she did it b/c she's pissed at him about something. Why do this to someone you care about, or that you're so in love with?... please


  48. Maybe she had her layover in Atl, and N didn't see her at all. Just because her broom landed there doesn't mean shit. Shes an ass and i believe she'd stoop to that level just to get to Ns fans. Or she could gave met up with GN and asked him to try and make N love her and treat her like a boyfriend should.

    1. @sgomfn- I am thinking along the same lines What's with the face she is making? Looks like she is pouting about something. That's her, "you haven't been paying attention to me" or "I can't believe you are doing this to me" selfie face.

  49. I'm still not sure if it's Atlanta airport... something just doesn't seem right..the ticket agents are not that close to door..but @leah29...I agree 100 percent...if she is leaving after being with him then again showing her true ugly picture knowing how much backlash N would get from fans...but, something I don't understand..if she was truly on Georgia and posted this picture knowing people would figure it out then why delete comments..just doesn't make's public so why keep hiding it...she is disgusting...and if he is such a wonderful dad he could of tried to work something out with son...boy, something really big must of happened..find if funny how He.C was trolling her this week too...@get real and get help....amazing how stories change...if you were the one that saw dumb and dumber why did you not say that in your first comment???why??because you didn't see got lucky when she posted that selfie at also replied to my comments about not living in mom's basement..never mentioned your imaginary you see yes in order for people to believe in your b.s then prove your statements.. without proof you look like a complete liar just like your idol queen liar,cheater,troll d herself...and I am delusional?? Where did I call you Liz?? Do you always hear these voices?? Funny.. didn't have much to say now you come on running your full of shit mouth...still can not answer one fuckn You are a waste of my just proved to everyone here that your are a fucking liar,your delusional,you have no morals or class standing beside a bitch that cheats and lies but will come between and father and child...there are few types of people that I believe is the lowest form of scum on are child molesters, rapist,and the third..a person that will tare a parent from their proves many things... she wants all his attention,she can not share him because that means he isn't giving all his love to her,she hated the fact that N and H.C maintained a good,loving relationship,it keeps him emotionally depended on her...I was always worried she would try to get pregnant..but I am not anymore..if a baby came along the baby would get all the attention and love and she couldn't handle that...there is something seriously wrong with this women...I am getting to the point were I am beginning not to care anymore...I here to watch the train wreak..because it's coming..I really had concern for N but every time he pulls away she tugs on that big problem for N...the drinking..thats to her advantage

  50. @EnnA. Well she's done it again. She just seems to love the attention, even if it is negative. Why does she need everybody to know she's been with him? Definitely some sort of self esteem issue going on with her. If she didn't behave like such a twat, I might actually have a bit of sympathy for her. She just brings it on herself.

  51. @Kat I think that's supposed to be her "I'm so sad to leave!" look but her acting couldn't quite sell it.

    1. Wilz -Hahaha Yep! No Oscar nomination for this attempt.

  52. I believe NR and JDM were among the few celebrities that were silent on Twitter Friday to show support for some of the female celebrities involved with this whole Harvey Weinstein thing. Among some of the females involved are NR s good friends. Unfortunately this happened on MR birthday hence why he posted in the wee hours of the morning . I don't believe he was with DK at all yes NR has made some stupid choices but I don't believe he's that stupid. If DK was really in GA she wouldn't delete comments saying so. Just my thoughts

  53. @so over this: good point. I probably jumped to conclusions, but I thought I saw a post somewhere that someone snapped a pic of D at Atlanta airport. D will continue her IG antics forever. Probably best to go back to my own advice to ignore her.

  54. @is it just me I believe that's all she wants is attention good bad or indifferent but I think her deleting those comments says it all. But hey maybe someone did see her at airport and if they did maybe she tried to see NR and he sent her packing 🙏🏻

  55. @unknown...just a quick question...where did you hear about this blind and how did you find this one?? The one that was gone for awhile?? I mean,most of us having been on this blind since the beginning but the original one was hacked and it took a week but we found each other..but,we were all on another blind up until a few days how did you hear about this one certain blind already??only ones that really know about this blind our the Cdan family..and coven and most likely the queen of hell herself...not trying to be rude..just seems very suspicious..I also live in GA..and we have a few other members that live,just wondering...have had others claim they live here...but a few simple questions,(that only people from ga would no)and found out they were,you say he lives in Newnan..okay..he may live in the outskirts of how many towns our set up here...but,not Newnan city limits...but not going any further... people like to prove themselves and not caring about people safety and privacy...some dumb ass came here and to prove themselves outs N upstate N.Y really don't care if he lives under a bush in downtown....

  56. I just got done reading Abnormal Angels blog and ppl say it looks like Newark airport so she put pics of both airports up but what I love the most is she won't let DKs selfie grace her blog😂😂👍🏻👍🏻

  57. In the airport pic, people look bundled up for GA weather idk. Could be wrong. There may have been a cold front in ATL

  58. No cold front here in GA today. This morning with the heat index the temp was around 83 degrees and humid around 10am. Flip flops not wool coats!!

  59. Anonymous5:34 PM

    She posted the selfie to let people know she had been in GA with him this weekend. That's the only reason. She's deleting the comments about it being Hartsfield-Jackson because of Norman. She wants to appear innocent to him as if his fans are the obsessed ones who figured out her location and she didn't want them to figure it out even though that was her intention all along. "See, Norman. I'm innocent. I'm deleting the location comments. Your fans are just so crazy and mean. They're so jealous of us." That's the bullshit she pulls on him. She's gaslighting him and he's too ignorant to figure it out. And to @Get real and get help: It didn't take a genius to figure out she would be in GA for her standard weekend bootycall. I even said she'd post something to let everyone know because that's the only way she can validate this sham. But try as you might, she was not seen in Newnan because she was never there. She came for 24 hours, if that, and stayed locked in his house the entire time. He probably spent the majority of their time sleeping anyway because he was filming from 6pm to 10am Friday night to Saturday morning. He was also filming from 6pm to 10am Thursday night to Friday morning. So I'd love to know when they spent any "quality" time together because the man has to sleep sometime. It should concern you that Norman chose to hide away in GA, yet again, instead of flying back to NYC on Saturday to see his only child who just celebrated a milestone birthday. But then again, you don't look that closely. You only see the deluded bullshit Diane feeds to you. The man is miserable, his life is falling apart, and Diane is the key cause. But keep telling yourself the opposite, Liz. Let me know how that works out for you in the end when he's left completely destroyed by that succubus.

  60. From the looks of her latest IG something big definitely went down.She doesn't owe loyalty to someone who makes her question their loyalty. Yikes.

  61. And the plot thickens....

  62. Diane is totally someone who should look in the mirror

  63. @PWABP Mind if I ask how you knew he was working Friday night? It's a genuine question b/c I don't know. I assumed he was but I'm not sure.

  64. I knew something was wrong in the airport picture..First..where the check in booth are and windows and doors..(to close to each other) that is the main thing that kept me from believing it was Atlanta airport...but then you guys pointed out the way is that's been hot and muggy all week.. tonight is muggy but pretty nice because we got rain finally today...but that picture was posted around noon I way!!!to hot to be dressed like that..and again..why would she delete comments about being at the Atlanta airport..she never had problems with comments regarding N unless..she is hiding something from! Him..she is pissed off,..she is trolling..or just in case someone saw her at the real airport that she was at..took a creepier picture that could pop she has to cover her ass...I guess you may have missed my question earlier...does anyone know what N upstate N.Y house looks like inside?? Reason I am asking...H.C posted a picture of herself holding balloons..if you look at fireplace mantle there is some looks like a wolf man or something.. something N would like...and also..H.C wrote this beautiful letter to her it she mentioned N...she didn't have to..she could of been something between son and maybe..N was there..she wrote..Not invited to party..!maybe it was no parents allowed...and maybe N being so queit on I.G this weekend was because he was spending time with son...and D is pissed.Maybe that is why He.C was trolling D so much this last week..maybe N is waking up and trying to fix his mistakes...We have to look at things with D very carefully..we all said that when it ends between them she will make his life a living hell...what better way then to try and get his fans to believe he picked banging her over your only child's 18 birthday...piss many fans off...even I was looking at it wrong..but now...I believe the real show is beginning

  65. @debra peters...if I had to take a guess the architectural look of the house is more to HC taste then NR he's more modern. And the stripper pole also leads me to believe it's HC house.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. @ debra i agree with you completely. I think there's a storm brewing. As far as all these people who live near Norman and see her all over town, I'm gonna use a certain bloggers favorite quote. me proof. You cant tell me that anyone who is a fan of N and sees him about town with or with her isn't gonna take a pic (even a creeper) i mean come on, we've seen creepers of him sleeping in planes. The only pics, other than the paps have been the bbq place and his restaurant. I have had doubts ever since the rumors of her grinding on him at the bar came out. Again, I'm all about privacy but if I'm at a bar and i see that I'm taking a pic. I would never publish but you know what i mean. I find it amusing that she can actually go into an airport and no one has a clue who she is. I think other than the celeb hunter in nyc I've never seen her in a pic with fans. She clearly isn't as famous and she thinks she is.

  68. It’s Atlanta airport, the Delta check in area is identical. You’re in for a world of heart ache if you believe otherwise.

  69. @so over that..oh my... completely missed stripper pole..haha..Thanks..but going back and looking at photo..a reflection of a person taking the picture is in the window..frame looks like a man but that is all I see..,.....@she get on my freak nerves..said the same thing many times... everybody walks around now days with phone...and all this time dumb and dumber are sneaking around and only a couple creepier pictures out there..just don't believe I also said if she is at his house so much why isn't there pictures of her and his cat,her sitting on his couch..young ex had no problem posting selfies...I also believe the two fan pictures we seen with D are ones she wanted people to prove she was somewhere...C.R. And you said either people really don't know who she is or she is a complete bitch when it comes to taking pictures with the 3 times they were pap was such a staged show..walk of shame..I really don't believe N knew what was going can tell she was leading him in complete different direction..and you could tell he was wasted,..C.R..N looked so miserable it was almost heartbreaking,and Tennis..that was a complete b.s act..I just can't seem to shake off this strange feeling that H.C was trolling her for a reason..why not before?? And D deleting all comments about being in Atlanta..why??never deleted comments linking her and N together before.There are some new comments about Atlanta that are still there..including mine..under exwiccan..said no way hartfield airport..see if she deletes it...I think the crash happened and now the show is thing for sure..if it is over and N is trying to fix things between family and friends D better watch what she does and says...H.C doesn't seem like someone that will put up with shit and she seems loved,respected,by many other celebrities...I believe H.C can make D life a living hell

  70. @shitshow...really..Delta counter looks the same in almost every's the surrounding area that doesn't match...and the way people are dressed..and why would I be in a world of heartache?? I'm not screwing N...

  71. The surrounding area looks exactly like another picture of Hartsfield taken from the exact same angle-same monitors, Delta advertisement, windows. And where are people seeing people bundled up? Other than D you can only see two other people and neither are bundled up.

  72. I just flew into pgh international airport last night, hell she could be here- because the delta area is exactly the same. Im going to go on a limb here and say that just like any other corporate company or restaurant they try and keep everything the same. Every hotel chain, Applebees or cheesecake factory I've ever been in looks the same.

  73. @she gets on my F'ing nerves, so what are you saying? Forgive me, but, what is pgh? Details please?

  74. @wilz is correct, the surrounding area is an exact match to Hartsfield, even down to the little sign above the front sliding doors. And as far as the deleted comments, they were my comments and I was the one who deleted them. I made 3 comments referring to Atlanta, all made when I saw him on IG. One I tagged him too. I deleted them because I changed my mind about being blocked. I originally did it just to see if he was reading her comments.

  75. Anybody else think the airport selfie is more of a jibe at HC for the "when you're not invited to the party" comment? I don't think it's anywhere near over yet. There's gonna be more crap to come. Let's be honest, if she put as much time and effort into her work as she does her IG, she might actually be able to build a bit of respect for herself. Instead of everybody (apart from a few daft heads) thinking she's a giant tit.

  76. Well, I guess we can go on for days debating if it's ATL airport or not...I'm not going by comparing pictures..been there many times..just there 3 wks ago..and when I was talking about how ppl were dressed I didn't mean they were bundled up for a winter storm..The man behind D looks like he has a light jacket on,girl looks like it's a think sweater,all long sleeves..I don't no about you???but in high 80s with alot of humidity I don't dress like's been warm enough to still be running a/c in house..feels very tropical..but,other then that there are two possible conclusions to this...either he spent the weekend with her,either because piece of ass is more important then own child or relationship with child is so strained,son wanted nothing to do with him..or..this isn't ATL airport..and she is pissed because he was with son or there is another possibility..she went there and he kicked ass to curb...guess we shall after airport post has me wondering..funny how she talks about loyalty...she doesn't have a clue what that word means..I love the comment J.J...that one made me smile...she is such a hypocrite...and makes herself look like a complete Moran...maybe when she was learning English no one taught her the meaning to many important words like loyalty,trust, commitment, honesty,and hypocrite to name a few..

  77. @exwiccan – re: HC balloon shot, it looks like HC’s NY apartment, can just about make out the brick walls in the photo, and bookcase and windows look the same and bookcase location beside window same as other photos I had seen of her place. Also, the pole-dancing pole. Later posts look like she went to her Catskills house.

    Regarding the witch’s airport IG post, yes why post it at all, regardless of whether she had been with N or not, the only reason to post that photo it is to shit stir on this particular weekend of all weekends.

    I looked at the airport pic on Abnormal Angel site, the only thing I can say is the check-in desks look different to me in D’s IG photo and the shot of Altanta in A-Angle’s blogsite photo of Alanta airport. If anyone is familiar with that airport, look at the design of the check-in desks in both photos. I don’t know as I have never been there.

    I noticed exwiccan’s post on D’s IG is still there about it not being Alanta airport and there was a couple of posts on N’s IG “Hope your girlfriend will come back to Atlanta soon. This goodbye selfie from her yesterday was cute” and someone else replied to it saying “hmm let's hope!!! But I think ..Its time that he do something with his son. he already skip his bday party bc her.” I wonder if he just hasn’t noticed them or isn’t going to delete them and someone said he liked her airport shot, why would he like a shot of her trying to show she is at Atlanta airport?? This is so confusing at times.

    Agree that there is a shit-storm brewing.

  78. Wow..she didn't waste much time taking that J.J comment down...maybe someone explained to her what the word loyalty actually means...

  79. Didn't see the comment, just saw someone had left a #and Josh's name.
    It is a weird thing to post anyway, sounds like she is definitely pissed off about something.

  80. @thread In regards to N liking the airport pic, I feel like he wouldn't have liked it if he did drop her off that morning, or they hung out. It does look like ATL but then again, it could be any airport. They all look alike. But even if she was in ATL, we're not sure if she just took a connecting flight, or her selfie could've been from a day earlier or her trip to N & N's a few weeks before. Really the only info we have of her being in Ga is her own selfie and that could've been from any time of day or week prior, and I don't trust her so I'm taking this as a grain of salt for now.

    Either way, for her to post this selfie means she's still pissed at him. She knows what a shitstorm this would cause on his son's bday weekend of all weekends. Ppl say she has a smug look on her face like the cat got the cream, well maybe it is b/c she knows how much this would affect him. She could've taken a selfie on a plane or when she was back in NY, but she made sure to do it in the airport so that ppl would know where she was.

  81. I know at 18 I did not want to celebrate my birthday with my parents. Dinner, sure - party, nope.

    And he must be fine with her because he like her loyalty post.

  82. @... that's definitely no excuse come on. If I had a kid I would want to see it to his/her birthday regardless if he wants to see me. Or maybe the day after. Fact is he should be there for his son and celebrate this important birthday and not put some woman before him. That's absolutely disgusting and there is NO excuse for this particular behavior the past weekend. He proved himself he rather wants some piece of ass to f*ck than go see his kid. I tried to give Norman the benefit of the doubt over and over when it comes to his kid but the past weekend showed what's really important to Norman, and that's apparently not his kid but boozing and screwing around. And don't tell me he doesn't want his das near him because weirdly he loves to spend time with his mom all the time and is even traveling with her. But well, I know you come here to constantly defend Diane and kiss her a**. Must be cool.

  83. @lidda I think that's the real issue-it's not that MR is 18 and doesn't want to be around his parents at all, it seems to be an issue with his dad in particular. Whatever the issue may be, I hope they work through it.

  84. @lidda and @Wilz I agree with you both. Whether or not the party was to include the parents he could have been in NY and taken his kid for brunch or a coffee or just hung out with him for some time. I have not commented about this because I think this is the saddest part of this whole thing. Whatever the issue is to spend time with his girl friend or whatever she is as opposed to his son is just sad. And I have to say that I actually thought that HC post about not being invited to the party was actually about her and that the party was for M and his friends. Maybe a partial dig at others but more about her. JMO

  85. Y'all!! She's adopted a southern accent now via her recent IG post! How pathetic can she get.

  86. I take it that she's in Europe now. We've had the strangest red sun and sky here today. Like the Wicked Witch of the West has been flying through the sky on her broomstick/plane.

  87. Hey y'all! Wtf is next with our cute as a button a lister? Scarlett O'Hara film clips? Cotillion ball gowns? 💩 😑

  88. @Sunny I didn't even notice that lol D is quite the chameleon.

    @Blind Hahahaha Click your heels three times and maybe you can send her back home!

  89. Can someone please point me to proof that N was not with his son, but DK instead? And while you are at it, can you please enlighten me about how you know without any doubt that is Atlanta airport from freaking windows and kiosks? And by the way, why would she check luggage if she was travelling from NY to GA and home again for what appears to be, once again, a 24 hour or less booty call?

  90. Hopefully that is the official moving on song. Sure sounds like a break up song.

  91. @dkiscray: I don't think anyone has proof she was in GA. But she sure knows the speculation that will ensue with her IG. She wants us to believe she was there. I don't think it matters what she OR he posts or doesn't post or even SAYS anymore about anything. They have shown themselves to be untrustworthy and phony In my opinion. Most actors/celebs are a persona they promote, but DK takes it to a whole new level, and even N, but to a slightly lesser extent. I think N just doesn't give a shit. He does what he wants with no fucks given. And I have already cared too much about these two ding dongs for one day.

  92. The way I am looking at it now is; it doesn't matter now if she really did spend the weekend with N or not, because of her posting that airport IG photo; now most people BELIEVE it to be true that he spent this particular weekend with her instead of MR.
    Her ego is so huge and her craving for attention good or bad is unrelenting. She makes N look bad, which is her intention, she also makes herself look bad and she doesn't care.
    She had no need to post that other than to troll, which still makes me think she is pissed off.

  93. @Is it just me? "these two ding dongs" you made my day with this comment. Honestly couldn't have described them better lol

  94. @willow - I agree that post was to get back at N for something. I guess she didn't get her way or exactly what she wanted. She knew people would pounce on him. Why would you put someone you care about out there like that to be the subject of such hate? Oh, wait, she's a spiteful witch. I think things are not good between them or he showed her the door already. I see she's back to posting sad songs and passive/aggressive quotes. She's also stopped instantly liking all his posts.

  95. @DKiscraycray - I have had the feeling she is pissed off with him since the weekend of his photo talk at Sotheby's, I have no information - it is just my own opinion.
    The IG photo that appeared with that girl last weekend of TWD in NYCC was D shit stirring as she knew the fans would be upset she was near the WD cast. The latest IG at the airport also shit stirring because of this particular weekend.
    Only question is why does that nitwit N like the friggin posts!!!!!!
    It's like she is shit stirring and making him look like a piece of crap and he thanks her for it??!!

  96. @sunny-pgh is abbreviation for Pittsburgh. I flew into our airport, that's what i was referring too on my last post. Also- lmao I was also going to make a comment about the y'all. I think it's comical, maybe she's trying to give subtle hints to make her "fans" that she has been spending time in GA.

  97. Both in their 40's acting like 14 year olds.

  98. @... there have been times in my kids lives that their father has had to miss our kids bdays, holidays, sporting events etc because of his job. My husband is am excellent father, and now that my kids are getting older they understand. Doesn't mean they're happy about it but they don't hate their father or hold resentment towards him for that. They love and respect him, and appreciate the hard work that he does to give them the things they need and want. I think if you had a kid you would understand and be more sympathetic to the things that parents do and give up for their children. I'm sorry but seeing the relationship N has with his son, I don't think that D played any part on him not seeing M on his bday, if infact he didn't.

  99. @Blind sorry about your luck. You could keep her for a bit if you like. You know take one for the team and all ;)

  100. @DKiscray: she was checking in her luggage because supposedly she was flying to France, which also explains her heavy clothes, and of those in the same Delta line. Hot in Atlanta but cold in Europe. I will take the hard road on this and choose to believe she was in GA with N, probably since Wed or Thursday even. She didn't want to leave him, hence the sad face. It does look like the Atlanta airport and even for her standards to post a photo pretending she was there, knowing that N has been to that airport thousands of times and could recognize it with his eyes closed... I hope I am wrong especially for Mingus sake.

  101. If she was really leaving for France it wouldn't make sense for her to be in GA right before and leave from GA. She usually leaves from NYC since that's her main place and I'd think she needs to pick up some stuff. But who cares. Anyone believes what they want. I personally wouldn't be too sure she was there but it doesn't matter either way, she's a shit stirrer.

  102. @chris w - Norman himself said he was working on a night shoot on Thursday into Friday, and he was supposedly filming, according to someone on here, until 6 a.m. on Friday as well. She must have had a lot of alone time. She is an expert troll who throws hissy fits and throws him under the bus when she doesn't get her way. She knew what this picture would do to the fandom and the backlash it would create. And I am not saying she wasn't in Atlanta, I just don't think that was a current photo. It was simply to stir the pot. She probably got her granny panties in a bunch that HC tagged N in her beautiful birthday post to Mingus, who cannot stand DK. She is a jealous, entitled woman who will even go so far as to come between a father and son. Europe can keep her.

  103. This comment has been removed by the author.

  104. And by the way, it's in the mid to upper 70s in Paris right now. Not winter coat weather.

  105. @Wilz. If I could click my heels and send her anywhere it would be North Korea still!

    @wtf. She can bloody well piss off back to the US (or North Korea). I'm blaming her for the red sun, orange sky and now a flipping hurricane. God I hope it doesn't last long so she doesn't get stuck over here. She'll prob be trolling all week with it being the premiere. There's more to come.

  106. @Blind I head NK is quite lovely this time of year ;) I hope you stay safe from the storm!

  107. Thanks @Wilz. I might join her in NK at this rate. Should be safe enough. We've only got the tail end of it luckily. Bloody noisy though.

  108. Sorry, no one is going to wear jackets and long sleeves at this time of year in Atlanta. We are just now - that is, today - getting a cold front. She is wearing a heavy blazer that looks like it is made of wool. The person behind her is wearing long sleeves and the couple beyond that are wearing clothes more appropriate for cooler weather. I don't believe this picture is from this weekend, and I don't even know if it was something done on a "visit" to N (read: this year). More than likely, it was a layover at some point. I am sure she has been at Hartsfield Jackson more than once... it is a huge international hub.
    IMO, DK is attempting to cause discord between N and his friends/family, N and his fans, and between Ns fans. After reading some of the things that have been posted in the last couple of days, I would say that she succeeded in causing a lot of turmoil in the fandom. And now she thinks she is making him jealous with another of her 'so many men, so little time'. It would be interesting to know exactly when DK got to Europe, considering the tour to promote the Deneuve movie started on the 11th. I can't imagine her telling someone of Catherine Deneuve's stature 'I can't make it'.

  109. @bowman...she is up to no good that's for sure...I haven't heard anything knew lately so,things have been very hash hash...if the shit show is over then N maybe throwing likes her was to keep the peace...but,this is going to get ugly..... She posted that picture on many ppl said ATL.airport...but there is a very wide walk way from front doors to ticket booth,that is why I was thrown off...but..??maybe it was just me...but yes, clothing did not fit weather.. it's been hot here until yesterday...thank God!!finally give the ac and my 400 dollar electric bill a guess we just have to sit back and wait to see what happens next..I sad before she is evil,but she is good!! She calculates her next move very carefully...and he is a complete idiot if he doesn't see it...

  110. @thread Just want to give some input on the airport thing. This is all assuming that her selfie was indeed in real time (which I'm still doubtful). I checked the flights yesterday from Atlanta to Paris and all of them were mid afternoon or after on Sunday (earliest left at 4pm). However, she posted her selfie before noon, I think around 11-11:30ish. So if she did indeed leave for Paris from atlanta she waited a long ass time to do so. However, there were delta flights that left for NY Sunday morning, right around when she posted the selfie. HOWEVER, out of all the flights to Paris, none of them had connections to anywhere. It was just straight from Atlanta to Paris. So if she did take a flight to NY, it had to be a separately paid flight.

    Again, assuming that her selfie was not a latergram, two scenarios played out Sunday: 1) She got to the airport super early for her flight to Paris. I know they recommend getting there 2 1/2 to 3 hours ahead of time for international flights, but she would've waited 5 hours in the airport, and that's only assuming her flight was the earliest one to leave. Not to mention she would've flown first class, so she probably could've afforded waiting even longer before getting to the airport. It also goes to show that, if this was the case, then obviously N had no urge to be with her for very long. 2) She went to NY first to grab stuff before flying out of NY to Paris. If she did indeed go to NY first, then her visit with N was not only most likely not planned ahead of time, but very short b/c she didn't bring any of her belongings she would've needed for Paris. Now yes her selfie was in front of the delta check in line, but that doesn't necessarily mean she checked in a bag. She could've posed in front of it for all we know. After all, if she posed in front of the self check in kiosks, then no one would've known which airport she was at.

    I don't know if this info would help at all, but either way, in my opinion, if that selfie of hers was in real time then things aren't looking good for her. B/c either she had an incredibly impulsive and short trip to Ga, or (and) she was dropped off at the airport super early, which means N wasted no time in making her go.

  111. Just want to add a little more. In regards to her selfie in general, yes I do think it was the ATL airport, but there is no indication whatsoever that it was indeed from Sunday. If we had that selfie, plus multiple legit sightings with actual pictures, then yes I would admit right away that it was most likely from Sunday, but I can't with this. Plus I know many ppl talked about it before, but it wasn't sweater weather in ATL, so everyone's clothing was a bit off on her selfie. In some ways it almost feels like the birthday weekend all over again, where she posts that selfie in the garage with the motorcycle, N is pretty much silent all weekend, yet the only thing connecting the two ppl possibly hanging out is D's post, which we later found out was a latergram and she wasn't in fact with N.

    Now if she was indeed in Ga, I have a feeling it was a very quick trip. I think if she was there, she came Saturday and either left then, or Sunday. Now a lot of ppl say that it was the normal 24 bootie call that N sent out, but to me, if N has other fuck buddies around, why in god's name does he need her? He was by no means faithful to D this entire time, b/c their relationship was never exclusive (and hell, she's cheated on him too). So if he does have other fb's, why bother having her around? Which makes me wonder if she did a surprise visit to Ga, b/c she has done surprise visits before. Think about it, if D wanted to fuck with him for not giving her what she wanted, she knew all she had to do was make him look bad in front of everyone. So what better way to do that than to make ppl assume he would rather spend his son's 18th bday with her? It's the same concept of what she did in CR by driving a wedge between N and Andy. Not only would that make ppl really angry, but it could cause him to have another bout of depression, which would cause him to drink more, which would make him vulnerable to her manipulation again... She's cunning, and I hope for N's health and safety that he catches onto her game soon. His body can't take much more

  112. @Leah29
    I applaud you,Sherlock! You did check this thoroughly!

  113. I heard from others Norman was filming Friday and Saturday. So why would she bother? I'm thinking latergram.

  114. Leah29...good work... everything you send made complete sense..If this is Atl.airport it's a latergram...May be her loyalty post has something to do with N finally waking up and choosing his W.D family,his other family,friends and yes fans over her...there is on important fact I keep missing..with the crazy weather Georgia had this year and the horrible accident on set,they still might be a little behind in filming, and they really don't have much time maybe N could not get to N.Y with his son..and he let his son have his night with friends and they will have their time soon..I do know one thing..if this was D plan all along, then she is even worse then I imagined..he may need to hire another cookie or two..this women is beyond crazy...I wish him a lot of luck

  115. @Leah... I think you nailed it. He is a known world traveler, Atlanta is a major hub for international and national flights. Of course, she has selfies there. IF you actually compare this photo to her Cartier photos, it could be as old as even few years ago. It could also be a filter, but I don't know how you would take away crepey skin and eye wrinkles on a phone - but I don't care about things like that so maybe you can. (A friend pointed the pic age out to me).
    @exwiccan... Yeah, I'm afraid that things are going to get worse before too long. She won't let him go without a fight - she has too much invested, going back to convincing her bestest friend FB to cast N rather than the Hispanic actor that the role was written for. Unfortunately for N, she will get away with raking him over the coals because so many of his fans assume that everything she says and does is gospel. It is already assumed that he couldn't be bothered to visit M for his bday, but we all know they were filming. That hasn't stopped the meanness. We will see how things go.

  116. Haven't checked in here for a few days.....y'all are still lunatics. Good to know.

  117. ... You haven't been missed. Just thought you would want to know that too

  118. ... y'all...? that's cute... I remember my first beer ��

  119. @thread - I see D is being called out in the comments on her IG for inappropriate language on her 'Catherine Deneuve AF !!!!!! ♥️♥️♥️'post -
    lack of respect, requires a little more class, inappropriate using the 'AF' term about CD, no need to be vulgar - are some of the observations in the comments.

    Yes, with a woman of Catherine Deneuve's stature, I think D, you could have gone with a better choice of words.

    D and yet another one of her faux pas!

    Oh and someone else just called her a Racist in their comment, she must not have noticed the negative comments yet, since they are still there.

    @Blind Curious; hope you survived the storm okay, it was pretty bad wasn't it, some places worse that others.

    @Leah29; commend you on your research, good points raised on your posts.

  120. @Willow. Thanks. Yes I'm fine thanks. Just a few poor broken trees around. Did you have a red sun too? I thought I was losing the plot when I went outside.

    I've just been for a neb at her IG comments. Chuckling to myself on the heart dress one. Somebody's called her Annie Wilkes. Pretty accurate.

  121. @blind curious..I almost peed my pants I was laughing so hard at the Annie Wilkes comment..they deserve a standing ovation for that one!!!classic

  122. @Blind Curious - glad you are ok. sadly missed the red sun, but there was a lot of debris from trees lying around the next day. Other areas near us had lost power and had trees come down. Glad it is over. :)

    @blind curious and @exwiccan - D never fails to provide entertainment of some sort, although most of it is un-intentional on her part! Must go and look at the Annie Wilkes comment, I wonder if D knows who Annie Wilkes is, ha ha :)

  123. That exercise video he posted is truly disturbing.

  124. Can we talk about how disturbing DK's comments about Harvey Weinstein are in that new interview? She's basically saying she was aware of what he did, but had good times with him. Is she serious? Way to go, DK. But, what do you expect from a woman who has a reputation of sleeping with her directors and leading men.I hope people hold her accountable for this. She can kiss any hope of an Oscar nod goodbye. She is classless and disgusting.

  125. @DKiscraycray - I saw a couple of interviews in 'Closer' and 'Non-stop people' - online just there now. It IS disturbing what she is saying, I am a bit confused - is she actually defending H Weinstein by saying she met photographs who were worse than him?! Yeah and saying she had a good time with him doesn't sound good either.

    I don't know what to make of this - yes, she can forget an Oscar nomination and her reputation takes another dive to yet another new low.

    Someone needs to intervene with her, she is clearly does not understand how actions have consequences, with regard to the personal and professional choices she makes in her life.

  126. She thinks very highly of herself and thinks no one will call her on her actions. Norman may let her get away with her b.s., but others should call her on her comments. She should stand with her fellow women since she loves to pretend she's all about female empowerment. Wonder how he feels since he is friendly with several of the women who were victims of Weinstein? Not a good look for her, but an true reflection of who she really is in her heart.

  127. Tone deaf DK is the real DK. I think she's an empty, elitist airhead that doesn't give a fuck. There are tons of them out there and they don't always get called on their shit, and if they do, they don't give a shit! Kind of like N, I'm sorry to say. I appreciate N for giving us a wonderful character in Daryl, but that's it for me anymore. He could have put the skids on this a long time ago, but having his cake and eating it too is more important than decency and integrity.

  128. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Some people on IG (myself included) try to translate her comments into different language than english and it translates as not great/pleasant moments, it does for me.

    That doesn't change the fact that her comments come off as making light of the situation by saying she met worse than HW (worse than man accused of raping several women and harassing many others?), which someone may interpret as HW is not that bad, there's worse, what are you complaining (I'm not saying she meant that, just that it may sound that way).

    What I'm missing is offering some criticism towards HW and some sympathy for the victims. Even though some statements are clearly PR that people fell they had to do, it's still a sign of "This is not accepted behavior". And there's this huge forming sisterhood in Hollywood, I would think she would want to be a part of that, supporting her fellow actresses and the new generation.

  129. This comment has been removed by the author.

  130. Can someone link the interview? Is it in German?

  131. @Enna - try this link, if it asks for user name and password, just press cancel and it should still bring up the magazine page

  132. Anonymous12:51 PM

    DK's comment on Harvey Weinstein translated from French into English:

    "Everyone was a little aware that it was someone who did not behave super well with the actresses. He never assaulted me. I had some great moments with him. But you know, it is not only in cinema. At the time, when I knew him (Harvey Weinstein), I had meetings with photographers who were much worse than that."

    She's basically saying everyone knew he did inappropriate things but no one bothered to care until he was exposed to the public. She's also implying that what he did wasn't so bad because she knew men who were worse. This comment from her is so problematic and it's disgusting to think Norman or anyone would want to have any associations with someone who writes off the behavior of a sexual predator simply because SHE had some "great" moments with him and knew others who were "worse." Yes Diane, you spread your legs for him in exchange for a career like the others did. It's nice to know you still don't give a shit about being someone's whore.

  133. Not surprised she's so non chalant about it. She's rude about everything else, why should we be amazed at her stellar outlook on this man? From someone who has slept for her career, she isn't the best person to ask about these things. Talent never had anything to do with her. She was put in the Royal Ballet by her wealthy parents and placed into a movie career by the man she was sleeping with and married to. She's always been a whore for her career. This has pretty much been Kruger's life. A social climber. Broke men need not apply. You don't get substance here lol.

  134. Let's see what D coven has to say about her highly praising a sick s.o.b...but,you know what's really sad? Just like Roman a few years he will be welcomed back with hugs and kisses and a standing ovation...H.W is filled with ass kissing hypocrites...and then they can stand on a stage and pass judgement on others...what a joke..D probably doesn't see anything wrong with laying on a casting couch or getting on your knees if you are given a part..I said this the other day..the women has no class,no morals and she sure in the hell has no self respect...but her little fan club will worship her endlessly....they are has sick as she is...she sure isn't a person I would want my daughter's,grand daughter's, sister,or any other women to look up too.

  135. They aren't her fan club though. They are Norman's fans. They never heard of her until him. Same as me. That woman has zero fan base. How can you have almost 640,000 followers and your last post which was nearly 3 hours ago garnered only 8 comments... cmon. I'm over these clowns for real.

  136. @sunny the o.g...I know they are N fans..but they sure act like they are her fan president!!! They stick up for her over and over again and turn a blind eye to all the nasty, trolling she does...I am beyond words when it comes to her comments about H.W...she basically slapping everyone that was a victim and had the great courage to come forward..Many know this may end their H.W careers, yet, they did it. H.W is very forgiving for guilty H.W elites,and they turn their backs on the victims..I remember when Corey Feldman came out about this sick activity going on in H.W and no one believed him, he was basically black balled from for D to basically say to these victims,"stop whining,some people are worse",is disgusting..but,for her..putting out to get a part is probably the norm for her..

  137. @debra peters - I couldn't have said it better myself. She built her career, if you can call it that, sleeping with directors and actors for roles. What I can't understand is how people don't see her stalkerish and obsessive behavior toward Norman. She follows him all over the world and shows up unannounced. That is not cute. That is scary and unstable. I am sure we'll see her slinking around the LA Premiere this weekend, invited or not, so the Daily Mail can write about their epic love affair. What's so funny to me is that today's Daily Mail story about what she was wearing, once again, mentions that she and Norman went public in March (drunken mistake pap walk) and haven't been seen together since September 10. I'd be embarrassed if a magazine wrote that I haven't been seen with my boyfriend in six weeks. I expect a break-up announcement due to their busy careers right after Oscar nominations come out.

  138. @thread - looked at the Daily Mail article, don't notice the tattoo in any of the shots in the DM article - if it is meant to be on her left arm anyway, although I THOUGHT I could see a dark mark on her arm in her IG shot of the group shot. Someone with better eyesight with me can check that if they want, I did enlarge the screen but it is hard to say 100% that the tattoo is there, but there is a dark mark on her arm on her IG photo, if so they why photo-shop it out of the magazine shots??!

    It is laughable how N & her are still being described as a 'new' romance, as their previous hook-ups are quite well known. I think it was also the DM who were one of the gossip rags that ran the article at the time, about them getting hot and heavy in the NY bar back in Dec 2015!

    I'm surprised D would want the DM saying she hadn't been seen with N since the US Open, when according to some IG photos after that - she was in N&N's, hidden in the G-Wagon shot, she made sure someone took a photo of her the weekend TWD were in NY and of course her own troll photo of last weekend where she is trying to convince us he picked being with her over his kid.

    Maybe this 'epic romance' story is on it's last legs, even for her and her make-believe stories she tries to sell. It never manages to come off as genuine in any of the public photos - pap walk, CR and the US Open - all looked staged and unconvincing. She looks awkward around him and he always looks like he would rather be anywhere else than with her and he still hides her if and when she is in GA/NA with him. They are both supposed to be ACTORS and they can't even act and pretend to be in love for all these pap shots and articles.

    Time will tell, and yeah,I'm expecting her to make an appearance at the LA premiere too, maybe just as another photo in someone's IG, or get papped going into a hotel or something, I can't see N taking her officially. There would be too much backlash from fans, if she was there and it would overshadow the good publicity for the premiere.

  139. @thread Not surprised by D's interview. She does herself no favors in interviews. Or on sm. She seems to have trouble with looking beyond her own bubble.

    @Willow The tattoo is there. In one of the images (I think on Getty) it is clearly visible.

    I agree that for actors these two have trouble selling the story that they like each other. I shouldn't be surprised-I watched Sky and they couldn't sell that love story either lol

  140. @wilz - it's weird then, as I can't see it in the Daily Mail shots taken of her in the similar pose, so assuming it was photo-shopped out.

    Yes agree, that D cannot see or is not interested in anything that does not directly effect her or her little bubble world.

    She came across in that interview as not caring what the other's experiences had been and by her saying, that in her experience she met people who were worse. This made her look like she was trivialising the horrendous experiences of the people who HAD suffered at the expense of Weinstein.

    D makes it sound like this is just what happens in Hollywood - by her saying 'people were a little bit aware', as if she didn't think it was that serious or that she just accepts that it is something that goes on.

  141. I see she's defending herself about something against... something... with the new pic she posted. Question is, who is she referencing? To be honest, there's really only one or two comments at most on her posts that talk about her comments on Harvey Weinstein. There's a few who call her out for the "AF" caption about Catherine but that's only a few as well. The media never picked up what she said (shocker), so really she shouldn't be feeling backlash of any sort right now b/c apparently no one cares what she says. Unless she's referring to comments on cdan calling her out, then yes it would make sense. But why bother be ticked about it now? We've called her out plenty of times, the rhetoric is nothing new.

    Unless we want to make it interesting and speculate if she's pissed at N again... frankly I think she's been in a constant state of pissyness since Sotheby's, she's just a bit manic/depressive on sm about it.

  142. HW is a dirty, disgusting, fat-necked pig of a man and anybody that minimises his actions in any way is just as deplorable. Well done DK. You've surpassed yourself this time. I don't think she'll be called out on it publicly as she's pretty much irrelevant. We're all quite aware that her moral compass is way off course. She's probably thinking he'll give her a role if it all blows over.

  143. Seems to be a lot of empty seats at the movie viewing come as a shocker D.K but you really don't have that many fans....many people recognize you only as N g/f or j.j.ex....must be a complete let had your big chance after Cannes win but you choose to run around chasing a man that only has you sneak in,give him a booty call and what a life must be very proud..oh and I forgot the one other will be known has a cheater,liar, and a,almost forgot must be so proud...never cared for you and always knew their was something really nasty about you...but when your remarks were published about completely made the top of my list...for the most disgusting,self centered,bitch out in the public eye...and C.D doesn't really look very happy in pictures with you....wonder why??

  144. I see she's mimicking N again with her latest IG post. Just makes me wonder how much she was actually "herself" when she was with JJ. Once again I think she has absolutely no sense of "self". And her arguing with the person of IG shows just how far up her ass her head is... Just saying.

  145. DK has no personality, no substance. She is whoever she is with. She attempted Deneuve's look, then she went with one that matched more with the guy costar. Nothing is her own thought or idea. Unfortunately, that makes for a very scary person. She is capable of anything, and obviously, has no conscience to keep her from her end goal.

  146. @bowman and @the questionator...agree with both of's like when she gets into a relationship she gets into a new character..Deneuve does not look very happy in any of them pictures,not one smile.So I guess the big question is...Is the shit show over?? I believe it is, I believe N liking her post is just a way to keep peace..I don't believe she was invited to the little get together at the bar with cast either..I believe she crashed it or waited until everybody left,went inside,and made sure a picture was,the big show is next..will she show up in L.A?? Or show up at the big C.C in Atlanta?? This is the big show...N you should of walked away along time ago...I sure hope them booty calls were worth it because she is going to try and. Crucify you and your career..N you are almost should know by now to stay away from the crazy should of said no to the part in SKY,(didn't help your career at all),and moved on...I am getting the Nacho's and beer ready.. because it's about to begin...all the attention is on W.D this week...oh, yeah, it's gonna start...Wish N would show up publicly with another women on his arm..that would be the best...

  147. I don't think anyone cares anymore, Debra. You are beating a dead horse. The lack of posts here show folks have moved on.

  148. @said.. You and the Coven mod are so annoying.

  149. @.... maybe use your brain before making assumptions. There isn’t much to talk about right now since they aren’t nearly in the same space and she‘s still in Europe. What do you want people to talk about then? smh

  150. Most of the original members are still here and still watching. Debra, I saw the distance and the look of distaste on Deneuve too. Reminded me of N's pap pics with the "I would rather be anywhere but here" look. The people of this group don't post until we have a reason to, unlike outside agitators who come here to attack and stir up things. I believe N pulled the plug on this train wreck a week or two ago but I don't believe D is done with her shenanigans. Even if she has already found other prey, she won't let this drop without trying to save face.

  151. ... and yet here you are. Glad you are here because as a DO fan I wanted to get your take on her comments about HW. Do you agree with her stance that it didn't happen to her and so no support for anyone else that came forward.

  152. Knowing her modus operandi,I suspect DK did most likely offer herself to HW for the role in Inglorious Basterds so he obviously had no need to harass her.

  153. always seems like when it's obvious that there is trouble between your coven version of Romeo and Juliet (the ho version),you come here to stir the pot...r u getting nervous?? What will you do?? Will there be a custody battle on which of you idiots will be team N or team D??How can you idiots come on this blog and stick up for a women that basically said she had good times with a sick pig like H.W??What the hell is wrong with you?? She is extremely racist,she sticks up for a man that sexually assault women, basically forced them to watch him pleasure himself,went after young girls that just came of age,the list goes on and on...and this women y'all worship made excuses for him and basically said she put up with much more from photographer's..How does she know what this poor women went through?? Any person that can justify what that pig did is even sicker then him..maybe their are people that have something wrong with their brain and do sick things..idk??I will NEVER understand...but,for someone to say...I had good times with the man and saw nothing wrong...what the hell!! Even giving her the benefit of the don't justify a pigs disgusting actions even if it didn't happen to you...I never like her,I always knew their was something off and evil about that women and now I have no doubt in my mind...she is about the lowest of human you can find on this Earth..and for you to even say one kind thing about her,for you to stick up for her,says a lot about you..I guess everything you guys say about bulling,and standing up for people is just are no better then her...

  154. I can bet the witch is on her turbo broom flying some where....been very quiet!!! Will it be L.A??? N.Y?? Or Atlanta waiting for babe to money is on L.A..... to much attention is on the W.D cast, she has to make some kind of appearance...she needs the attention...wponder what she has in her bag of tricks...

  155. @debra peters I am hoping that perhaps she has gone to visit her Mom or really any friends she has or anyone at all that is in Europe. I would hope she would stay the he double hockey sticks away from LA and GA NY would be okay

  156. @wtf the original..I am hoping right along with you friend....but I have a bad feeling...he seem to have ignored her last few post...that broom is probably on super turbo charger heading for L.A

  157. He has not liked 5 of her last 6 posts. She liked his Good Morning post. I am sure that was a warning, and now I am hearing that he has unfollowed HC again - don't know if he has for real or if it is that glitch that happens every so often. I really hope that for once, DK actually is visiting her mom. My gut tells me that things are going to get ugly... I, for one, don't see this going well for N at all. He has already taken flak for what I construed as good-natured joking between him and MMB + the others in that interview. Anyway, we shall see. I hope we are concerned over nothing.

  158. @bowman...what interview?? I missed it!! Where can I find it

  159. @debra. Go to the MMB page on tumblr and scroll down to "Caryl question on SiriusXM" and read the comments. I take it as workplace banter but I work with a load of men. I also use the term "tarting about" as a derogatory phrase for somebody that is procrastinating when there is a shit load of work to be done and they've just been fucking about with their phone all day, so I don't take it as a slutty word. It seems a lot of other people do though!

    God knows where she is. No doubt she'll drop us a trolling picture soon. Yawn. I hope she doesn't turn up there. Purely because it would take the focus off TWD. They work too hard for her to come and ruin the big moment. You only have to look at the pics from her big premiere. Jesus. Doesn't anybody know how to crack a mile or laugh? So serious. I suppose that's France for you. Up their own arses.

  160. DK should be staying in Europe for the weekend (keyword: should) b/c her movie is shown on Monday and Tuesday in Paris. I would hope she would visit her mother in Germany... or maybe visit a particular director. But knowing DK, she's not going to let Norman have any kind of fame without her. She loves attention, whether good or bad, but she really loves it when the attention starts slamming N for being associated with her. I would hope she'd stay in Europe for her sake b/c she can't just skip out on possible career promotions only to disappear or stalk N, but my expectations are very very low for her.

    In regards to the HC unfollow, I have a feeling that was a glitch b/c N doesn't seem to be in a bad headspace (as far as we know). He didn't even unfollow HC after the disaster that was his son's fashion show. So I doubt N did it intentionally. It happened a ton even before DK, where he'd suddenly stop following her and everyone would freak and suggest crazy stories of a fall out, only for him to follow her a few days later again. Norman hung out with AA yesterday and rode bikes around LA, and he hung out with Greg Friday night at a concert. So he seems to be in high spirits. He looked really good in the close up pics from yesterday, so at the very least we know he hadn't seen her in a while. But since he's been ignoring her sm posts for the past few days and is about to hang out with his cast members (including Mel and Danai), I bet you she's going to be too overwhelmed with jealousy to not do something.

    She's going to troll no matter what. If she does stay in Europe, she's going to stay quiet. Or she can post a latergram of LA, or even go as far as to actually be in LA. I would hope she wouldn't make an appearance at the premiere b/c frankly, that's a stupid move... but then again she's surprised me many times with her obsession.

  161. @Leah: great post. I agree with your analysis. And thanks for all the info on N's activities yesterday in LA. I knew some of it but not all. Let's all keep barricaded waiting for D's next move, lol! ;P

  162. @Blind He wasn't using the phrase to imply procrastination; contextually that makes no sense. He seemed to be implying that a single, female character having multiple suitors is somehow her "fault" and that her having the gall to date is an issue. Whatever his intent this is instance 483 of N not thinking before he speaks. Much like D, he doesn't seem to do himself any favors in interviews. You'd think after being an actor for 20 years he'd have that skill mastered. I'll say it again-he needs better media training.

    I hope D continues to be silent but I'm still hoping for the best and expecting the worst.

  163. DK is so predictable! She's posted and since when does she act so supportive?? She's trolling hard and not just for like but for comment too

  164. And there we have it. D's opening move. Trying to seem sweet and supportive to force a like from him and possibly his cast mates. Hmmmm.

  165. Although she left out several of the cast who have been there for most of the show but made sure jdm got in there! As far as I know he never returned her follow.

  166. Nope he hasn't followed her yet! DK doesn't do anything unless it could benefit her or garnish the attention she so desperately needs. Let the games begin!!

  167. I screaming she really pulled this now how much more embarrassing does she wanna get? I can’t with her 😂
    Girl knows how to get likes of Reedus‘ co stars.

  168. That post is getting a lot of attention...mostly for MM and a long awaited kiss!!!

  169. @Wilz. I do get why others find it offensive but tart isn't that offensive to me. It's more of a comedy word. If he'd said she'd been slagging around, that would be a different matter. I get that some people see tart and slag/slut as the same but where I live there is a massive difference. I just can't take the word seriously. Blame it on 80s comedy shows! I'm just glad that for once he didn't say she was like his mother. It seemed to me that they were all egging him on as they know he always puts his foot in his mouth. I don't know why they let him speak. It must be hard when you can't give an answer either way, but he should know how to skirt around it by now. He doesn't do himself any favours.

    We all knew she was going to do something. Anything to get her name linked to TWD so she gets more attention to herself. I can't believe she tagged (almost!) everybody too.

  170. Well she's also getting a lot of heat for not tagging everyone in the pic!! Ppl are calling her out for it and she's responded to one. I'm sure she'll start blocking

  171. And wow, Norman hasn’t jumped on her post to like it 5 seconds after she posted it. He still hasn’t, it‘s been over an hour. Damn Norman, she‘s waiting for your like, you better hurry up.

  172. Seems like coven are harassing A-Angel on tumblr. She's holding her own though. I'm not an N fan but I do enjoy reading her posts. I didn't realise D hadn't tagged MMB and DG originally. I bet she was gritting her teeth adding MMB!

  173. Omg..this is getting good..her ass is getting whipped by ppl posting that W.D.picture...damn,and I thought all the excitement would be out to @blind curious and @bowman...found the interview..very interesting.. honestly,I think it was in all good joking with N...sticking his foot in his mouth...but idk..alot of fans were not happy...

  174. Wow someone called D on not giving any credit to D.G...but instead of says her name someone forgot the black girl....and D replied..your right...d you keep digging your own racist grave you dumb ass...I can not believe she did that...this is unbelievable but I think their is something bigger coming Cdan family

  175. @Blind I get that culturally the word doesn't mean the same to very one but whatever he was trying to say was stupid no matter what word he used lol Like you, I don't know why they let him talk. We're heading into season 8 and he can't answer a question diplomatically?

    D is so predictable hahahaha She should have pulled up imdb before making that post.

  176. @thread what‘s the last post Norman liked of her?

  177. @lidda One of her Paris posts from 3 days ago

  178. If he likes her post he'll create an even bigger shitstorm. She knew what would happen if she posted something. She was counting on it happening. Anything for attention.

  179. As far as I can see none of the cast has liked her post. She's definitely stirring the pot that's for sure. Wonder if the cast has been on IG since she posted🤔🤔

  180. Well or she already is in LA to do anything to get even more attention and that‘s why he hasn’t liked her troll post. Wouldn’t surprise me if she flew from France directly to LA. She‘s capable of everything as long as it gets her attention. So embarrassing for a 40 year old woman.

  181. @liddakrever..that's what I am thinking too..she was off I.G for a a long flight from Paris to L.A... would not surprise me at all...

  182. I have watched every single episode of WD the past week so by the end of tonight I can say I watched 100 episodes in a row. Everything about it is beyond excellent. The writing, the acting, wardrobe, special effects, make up, etc. Watching it in a sequential way, I am picking up on things I never saw before. To have her trying to gain attention from all the hard work and genius that went into making it is just making me sick.

  183. I have seen all TWD seasons 3x, ok almost, currently catching up on last two episodes of S7. Still love the show and the characters. It moves me like no other show ever has. Still love and adore Daryl, even through all the mixed feelings I have with N. I hope this is a great season, although I'm not looking forward to the big character deaths AL hinted at (my biggest misgiving with the show 😪). I've been distancing my exposure to N lately because he just leaves me feeling sad. I can't even watch premier festivities because of that sadness 😞. I totally understand and respect anyone that defends him, but it has gotten too hard for me. I really hope he will distance himself from DK because he can be with someone of better character, but I'm not counting on it anytime soon. Just too many let downs for me. Not jealous. I seriously doubt he would give someone like me a second glance. Happy viewing for the premier episode! 👏🏽📺❤️

  184. Well it's been confirmed DK is at the premier!! But NR walked in by himself not with her

  185. @thread I saw a glimpse of her on the live feed. She hugged someone and it looks like she walked by the photographers, not stopping. N appeared about five minutes later.

  186. Wouldn't surprise me if she just showed up

  187. @So I'm pretty sure she's there because N wants her there. I don't think she managed to talk her way onto the red carpet.

  188. @thread she is for sure there I just saw pictures. Obviously he wants her there so whatever they are his happy with it

  189. I still don’t get why not walk in TOGETHER? The other cast members who brought s.o’s walked in with their partners. So why not N and D? Seems like he’s still trying to hide her. He can’t be that embarrassed to be publicly seen with her. After all, if he’s not embarrassed that his private dirty talk and sexting were outed by her on a national online tabloid, why should he still be unwilling to be seen walking next to her?

  190. Ok @wtf... if what you say is true then why not walk the carpet as a "happy " couple?? I mean they've come out how many times?? She's a celebrity so she could get on the carpet if she wanted to. Unless this premier is only for TWD cast and crew only. Jmo



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