Thursday, March 09, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1

February 25, 2017

Smiles for the cameras that his foreign born actress date called to show the world they are a loving couple. In the limo though it was a whole other story and our B+ list cable actor from that hit show was beyond ticked off. Pretty tough to keep two high profile relationships going when cameras are trained at one.

Norman Reedus/Diane Kruger/Melissa McBride


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Willow said...

@question - I was taking it that way, because of all the lies she tells, either with magazine articles giving false information or her lies of this epic romance she tries to sell. It seemed a bit rich coming from her to be telling others to 'tell the truth' when she doesn't. So I thought she might be inciting people to troll HER with that post as it is sort of inviting people to 'tell her the truth' about her and the things she does so she ends up looking the victim when people start telling her the 'truth' on her IG. That is how I read it anyway.

question said...

@willow got it. And it seems that people are already doing that on her IG.

Sophia said...

@NA, I'm with you. They are both trash. People still refuse to see Norman for what he is. They have no right to tell you what you can and can't say. If they don't like the truth, they should scroll on by. It's not their job to police this blind.

Willow said...

@Blind Curious - 'Locking the stable door after the horse has bolted' describes it perfectly. That is exactly what he is doing. :)

It also makes him look incredibly stupid to continue to hide her when they have already been seen and photographed together and although people may question the type of relationship - fb/girlfriend/whatever - they know there is something going on between them.

fans b gone - Can you invent a device for N that de-activates his fb/girlfriend's phone when they are together so she can't out their location or access her IG or 'creeper' photograph him. :)

MiaColucci said...

@question- They were doing it anyway. Just check her Thanksgiving post and N`s latest post.

@Sophia and @N A- Feel free to express your thoughts and feelings but I`m sure that you can do it in a calmer way. :) Don`t give DK and Coven reasons to call you crazy, trolls and things like that. I`m N`s fan but a reasonable one, like most of N`s fans here, so I can see his bad choices and stupid behavior.

Blind Curious said...

@Willow. They've both made themselves look pretty dense. That's why it's so addictive. It's just one idiot move after another.

@N A and @Sophia. You're entitled to put what you like and I'm entitled to my opinion on it. 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋

Night everybody.

Unknown said...

@sophia nobody is my police..thats right, thank you. i dont need a hall pass lol. Dialing it back would be appropriate for say posts singing F You and insulting people....lying to press constantly. "press whoring" is a literal term for it. some people arent shy....doesnt make people bitter,just honest.

Sophia said...

I don't give two shits what coven think. People have a right to say what they feel here, without being shamed for it. If you don't like it, move along,

EnnA said...

Happy Sunday,everyone!
I think every opinion makes this thread interesting and brings a little light into the dark of this fiasco.
I always try to keep it mild,but there are also benefits of brutal honesty and I appreciate that.
Not everyone is a fan of colorful language,but I can understand you have to get it out of your system like that sometimes.
I like to have pessimists and optimists around here.The more different opinions we have,the better,because we come closer to the truth through this.
The real hate from the old blind is gone,that is all I care about.
Lets continue with the real gossip!

question said...

@thread - doesn't look like a lot of fan photos are coming out of the CR visit? I only see a few on the TWD Costa IG account. Are there more just not getting posted? Is he refusing pictures. He seems to really be hiding her this time and she's agreeing which seems pretty odd.

Sunny The OG said...

@Enna so let's get some of the facts right so far... NR statement never changed from "just friends".... DK is a notorious troll... The only mention of their romance is solely from rag mags and mainly focus on DK. Whenever NR does an article or an article written about him/or interview there is never any mention of her. Throw in the HC, MR what appears to be somewhat strained, but we have no way of knowing as we are outsiders looking in. Very little to no interaction off set between MMB and NR which is weird. The trolling TWD post by DK with the deleting of comments, adding cast mates to the post when being called out, and leaving nasty remarks about MMB up and deleting negative ones about herself. Then the blocking of people including myself being blocked, because we defended our Melissa's honor. The weird follows of a couple cast mates sipping the DK kool-aid. And NR unfollowing FA. Now we have CR 2.0 NR goes pretty much silent as well as DK and a CR paper claiming she's his wife... There are so many in between things I didn't mention but y'all get the point. So my question simply is... WTF IS GOING ON MAN?! This is the oddest behavior I have ever seen! Why so secretive. What is the deal! I just want to wake up one day and not see DK name flood my TWD newsfeed

question said...

@sunny - when did NR unfollow FA? You forgot that following that over the top DM article about both DK and NR promoting their work in LA and NYC that all mention of NR stopped in her DM articles and that most recent DM article with her all over the director. Endlessly entertained.

Unknown said...

Okay....I heard it all...someone just wrote on D post...some b/f you have raping a 16 yr old passed out in his bed back in 2012...Has ANYONE ever hear this story???

Wilz said...

@question Someone noticed he stopped following FA around November 11. Not sure when he actually stopped following.

@debra No. People seem to be throwing out all kinds of strange comments this weekend.

MiaColucci said...

Jesus Christ, @debra peters! I`ve never read something like that! N can be anything but a rapist!? D is definitely ruining his personal life but with this type of accusations are ruining his public appearance too. People are so angry at him because of her. I`ve read that he is a drug addict, alcoholic and now that. Things are getting out of control.

Anonymous said...

@debra peters

No I didn't hear it but I'm almost 100% sure that I saw the user name of the person who wrote it before. And while this is probably the worst comment she ever made, if I'm not mistaken is far from the first.

wtf the original said...

@thread Happy Sunday to you all.
I am so disappointed that we didn't get the beach towel look where I am look how pretty I am selfie. But then I wonder if the bruises haven't faded yet LOL. I am of course eluding to the blind from somewhere that after the premier Dk and Fa had a round of rough sex and that is why she had to wear the coveralls. Oh sorry the designer pantsuit.
I see NR has come out of his self imposed exile to promote the article with him and MM and TWD. I am sure all leading up to the please watch Ride.
I really feel kind of bad for him because it is a much better show this year but he pissed off so many longtime fans and they are not coming back

Anonymous said...


You can blame DK for a lot of things and I really dislike her but she's not responsible for people posting comments like this. That's only on them. They maybe angry but that is no excuse to act like this.

question said...

@Debra - which it picture? I think she deleted it already. Pretty quick deleting.

wtf the original said...

I agree there are lots of things to blame D for but when people write nasty comments whether true or not that is on them completely

Wilz said...

@Mía People are overly upset about a relationship that in the end has no bearing on their life and making serious accusations about things that should not be thrown out lightly. Like @Soooooo I've seen this username make other harsh comments before.

question said...

@Wilz - that's just around the time the DM articles stopped mentioning NR and the TWD cast members started following DM. Winder if related at alll. Although not really sure why he ever followed FA.

Anonymous said...


Her last post but she deleted it already (must have been only few minutes ago).

EnnA said...

Are we sure N did unfollow FA and it was not a glitch?
Did he unfollow Jason Wu too?

Wilz said...

@EnnA N is not following FA but is following JW.

MiaColucci said...

@wtf the original - I agree, Ride 2 is way better than season 1.

D can`t hide forever, if not now most likely they will be photographed on their way back to NYC/Atlanta.

Don`t get me wrong. I`m not blaming D for this sick comments about N.She is not the pure evil. :D . Her behavior served as the catalyst for some of the reactions. Now the Pandora`s box is opened and that`s why I said that things are getting out of control. Maybe, I didn`t explain it right.

wtf the original said...

@mia I agree with you completely about D being the catalyst. Sadly N presented himself a certain way and this relationship has shown that he is not what he claimed he was. That is on him. Much as I don't like her and still can't understand the appeal of her acting he has to own what he has done and how he has acted. I find myself at times almost feeling sorry for her being still hidden away like a dirty secret. He must be spectacular in the sack because it has been months now and he still won't even appear in pictures with her. Then I remember her trolling and the nasty comments left up by her about MMB and and sympathy I might have felt flies right out the window

V.v.v said...

Two things will come of this trip. He will once more sell himself out and pose for pictures with her, or no pictures will appear because DK is yet again trying to lay low and pretend she's a good girl. I think the latter this time. She has a skill for making him believe she is not the culprit.

I have seen people comment about lots of the things DK does but although NR does ignore/join in with her antics, some of them he doesnt realise. If he knew prior to their becoming a couple she would stalk his fan blogs, and then found people discussing his ex girlfriends IG and went to stalk her, I would hope he'd be a little concerned.

DK has done many terrible things. She's not a good person and most people still here want to see karma. Bad people do not deserve rewards, and actually this is why she isn't and won't change since the second NR got with her after spain he sent a message that she can do as she wishes because he will let it happen. If she hadn't been so awful I think we all would feel sorry for her actually. The leaving up hate for M and DG over 24 hours while deleting comments for herself was the last shred of sympathy of mine gone for her.

It is unpleasant to see the change in NR this year. It is embarrassing to see how he has acted, and the tabloid monkey he now is, what he allows in his chosen gf and what little concern he has for the friends she chooses to use for herself. I'm shocked he has never looked at his tabloid pictures, the baby and sex stories DK puts out there and what people think about it and has not been embarrassed at how stupid the pair of them are, but particularly himself. It's embarrassing for many to say they are fans now I think.

V.v.v said...

In short, since this mess started, I think the consensus is NR today is an embarrassment to who he was before. It's a Shame.

Wilz said...

@wtf These past few months have revealed N is either a horrible "bf" or despises D and wants to humiliate her in public. Or both lol But D takes it so guess she likes it. I sometimes feel bad for her but then I remember she willingly turned herself into a fangirl and deliberately left up those nasty comments about M and I get over it.

EnnA said...

I agree. It‘s a shame and it‘s a fucking waste.
The sad thing is,Reedus had absolutely no need at all to take that road.His career was in full bloom.
Contrary to this,I absolutely see the reasons for Dianes need for attention,and she did not hesitate one second to drag him down with her.

Anonymous said...


I think you give DK too much credit. In my opinion she's not smart enough to be able to play this "I'm don't call paps, they just follow me" over and over again. Part of it is because I think that he knew about some of those paps beforehand (and like I said I believe he agreed because of some personal crisis).

If she's not trolling about being in CR with N, I think it's one of 3 reasons:

1) Like you said, she once again invited paps. In which case I think there would be a reason for this (my guess to calm down the growing rumors about possible affair with thedirector)

2) N gave her an ultimatum, she's not allowed to troll or.... (something - I would love to say or he dumps her, but I'm not sure he even cares)

3) She's not in CR at all. It's unlikely but it's also a possibility. Her last known location was ATL airport, as far as we know, she may still be there, waiting for N to return from the restroom :-D

V.v.v said...

@Sooo I don't think she's some evil genius, but I think she sometimes has the ability to make him question. Look how far she's come? NR can be somewhat naive/stupid sometimes and he's willingly submitted to her sordid, vain way of life but that doesn't mean he knows everything.

She's a genius in how much attention she can get herself, but also stupid because it's ALWAYS transparent about what she's trying to do. NR has definitely agreed to several pap events, but I also think he's stupid enough to believe the media actually want to report on them and it's not DK's PR (exclusive source) publishing such nonsense and dragging his best friends and their children into it. And other small things are on social media, so like i said, he and his friends won't have seen how bad she can be all the time.

I believe she's not trolling this time mainly because she's trying to prove to NR that she's not attention seeking for a while and pretend she's someone she isn't, but it could also be that she knows reward is coming if he's agreed to pictures.

Wilz said...

@Soooooooo I agree there is no way D is still using the "they just follow me!" excuse. Notice after the apt pap setup we didn't get another until CR. And I too think there was a personal reason N was okay with that. The US Open was easy to excuse because there were photographers all over that event.

I think #2 is most likely but #3 gives me a chuckle. I'd love it if we got a shot of her sneaking around nyc this weekend in her Barcelona hoodie.

Willow said...

@debra @thread - that post the person made about 'your b/f screwing a 16 year old passed out on his bed in 2012' - that was the subject of a blind. I remember coming across it on the old site of Enty's.
I don't remember all the details but it was supposed to go like; she had been really drunk and the next morning she couldn't remember if she gave her consent or not. Now because that is a serious subject - I want to clarify some things - IF that person that posted on D's IG was referring to the blind I have just mentioned - remember it was a blind item. I remember that people in the COMMENTS section of the blind used his name as a suggestion BUT I don't remember if N's name was ever revealed as the person in the Blind. That is all I know about it.

My opinion is that D saw the trolls were on her 'Thanksgiving' post and as I said earlier up the blind, she decided to provoke further responses from them with her 'Truth' post. She incites the trouble and now gets responses like that posted on her IG. God knows how many people have read that accusation about the 16yr old. D is responsible for conducting herself in a responsible manner on her IG - which she does not do.

Willow said...

@Soooooo - I like number 3 option, have a mental image of her humming to herself and playing with her phone wondering what is taking him so long :D

EnnA said...

You were right! N goes ahead and posts a RIDE promo. Tomorrow! Tomorrow! Tomorrow!
We habe them both figured out just fine

I am still going with option 3.And I am dead serious.

EnnA said...


Wilz said...

Is N posting twd/Ride promopromos going to be another one of those patterns that isn't really a pattern? 😂 He promotes those two even when he's not with D.

Anonymous said...


Almost as if he was doing the promotion thing other actors do with every project, right? So strange it happens every week :-D

Kat said...

My guess is that D is on very thin ice with N and if the FA affair accusations are true I believe it will be the final nail in their "just friends" coffin. IMO, that will keep eating away at him and he won't be able to handle it, mainly from A pride and ego POV. If D had pulled any type of pap stuff, it would have been the end right then and there. She is baiting for sure. Trying to get some comments so she can play victim. Most of the negative comments were towards N though and yes, I saw the underage girl comment too. I have no idea if that is true or not but it still is the type of news that some unscrupulous person would threaten unveiling. Maybe it's best to get it out in the open and clear it up. At any rate, D's fingers must be itching to get back to her to IG account and start taunting and manipulating the rapidly dwindling fans N has left. He must have been deleting comments as fast as D was today.

question said...

If no DM article/pictures come out of this trip, I'm more inclined to believe the other blind that she called the paps last time and AL might have been upset. I also think NR told her no paps this time.

That last DM article that mentioned both of them was on the 9th of November, when she was with FA promoting their movie in LA. Then NR unfollow's FA sometime around then right? Then no more mention of NR in the press and he doesn't comment on any of her awards posts, and actually waits quite a while before liking some of them and only posts on random photos of her (the heart emoji's). Maybe the affair rumors are true, maybe he finally told her they were just FB and to stop mentioning him in the press, maybe this is one of those 'saving face' vacations b/c things are strained between them. Who knows.

Regarding the hate on IG. Both of them could have gone about this relationship, whatever it is, in such a better way. Its as if neither one respects the other at all, the way this has all gone down.

@wilz - I totally agree - he comes across as just the worst bf in the world and then sometimes I wonder if he really just hates her deep down inside and tries to see how much/far he can humiliate her before she leaves.

I hope fans be gone can come up with a new product 'putting the FB back in the closet'

wtf the original said...

@thread the only pattern I see about him promoting TWD and Ride is he does it every weekend because surprise that is when it airs. Then again I don't really see a pattern with the MR EITD or MMB posts either.

EnnA said...

I meant the pattern thing kind of ironic....🙃but I think the RIDE promo captions look pretty desperate at this point.
I do think there are some patterns to his IG posts,though. He is posting almost nothing else than fanart recently,and I think he tries to win back at least a part of his fandom.

Wilz said...

@Soooooooo @wtf What's really strange is that N was promoting twd and posting pictures of M, MR and Eye years before he met D ;)

@question I agree that there were several ways to handle the public aspect of this relationship. Their pr people must have been asleep at the wheel.

I said months ago that it seems that N is treating D badly to get her to end it. That plus rumors that this time last year he said some mean things about her and wanted to dump her make it hard for me to believe he likes her all that much.

MiaColucci said...

He posts about TWD and Ride every Sunday and it has nothing to do with D. :D That`s part of his job- to promote his work. MMB does that every week too. She is on TTD tonight, I`m so exited!

Now we have new N pics in CR. I`m not sure how I feel about his shirt. :D Nothing, zero about D.

EnnA said...

Your last paragraph is a possibility.
The thing is,he has to invest time,a lot of his precious lifetime for this to work out,even if she makes all the effort and does all the travelling.
A high price,isn‘t it? For a busy man like him?He could get his booty elsewhere,and he didn‘t need that kind of attention before.So why keep her? There has to be something at risk in my eyes.

EnnA said...

The shirt is kind of hippie

Kat said...

Seriously starting to wonder if D actually went to CR. Zero proof.

question said...

@Enna - perhaps when Dk left those IG posts about MMB up NR realized that she was willing to out the whole MMB/NR thing? Who knows. It sure is a bunch of work, especially since it seemed he was already sick of her last year around this time but yet here we are a year later. I just don't get how you go from a casual FB relationship to putting up with as much BS as NR has with her. He must love girl drama. Maybe it makes him feel good/special. Or maybe he's just really lonely and knows DK will put up with him.

the questionator said...

I wonder if DK's getting the shakes yet, IG withdrawl can be pretty serious. No "am I pretty" selfies, no trolling pix... Of course, she may snap and get the paps working yet. Pretty sure he has her phone...

question said...

Someone is asking outright on the TWD Costa Rica IG if Diane is there with him on a private vacation. Lets see how that gets answered!

I can't believe he's been able to keep her from trolling on IG for this long.

wtf the original said...

@question and @thread while I am sure she is there it will be interesting to see if they get an answer. I am surprised but not that she has not trolled at all. Perhaps this was a make or break for them. I mean every time they are together she trolls it. Even when they aren't together she trolls it. It will be interesting to see if there is another creeper shot of them at an airport

Unknown said...

The simple truth is that there is no way you can clean up a very big PR lie such as the one they have been living. She has talked to foreign press too much and he has said nothing about it directly. She has obviously been told that American press will not forgive and make this a very big deal and they don't want that for him. She has also hung herself with her own press, pap shows and shit posting on IG. If you look through old posts and interviews, there's so much evidence to the contrary as to the false narrative they have put out there. It's pretty just have to know where to look. It's deplorable how he has mistreated his fans and allowed her to run off at them. Keep your name clean, live clean, and it won't have a negative effect on your life and career. Nobody respects the fact people cheated and act so snarky about it. That's life! Both Cecilia and Diane have both been so inappropriate....but God forbid anybody point that out, it's so mean. It's straight up drama and bad character mixed with drugs, alcohol, sex scandal (that extends beyond DK actually) etc.... I have no doubt that the shows's horrible drop in ratings this season has much to do with DK because NR is such a big draw in viewers and he's pissed off the fans. His bodyguard Cookie did a stupid thing this year when he answered a fan message on Instagram calling the fans "losers" and stating that was the attitude of N and the cast as well. It went viral. It was "Cookiegate". Bad move. So here you have we are seeing results. People don't have to adore you and they won't. There has been no regard for anything.

question said...

@NA - what sex scandal? I mean I know everyone thinks he sleeps the fact he dated someone half his age.

I wonder if his PR team told him to have her not mention him anymore in her stupid DM articles after they saw the massive drop in Ride ratings.

She has really made a mess of this but he obviously loves the drama and has gone right along with it.

As for TWD ratings - there are so many other reasons than DK why people have stopped watching but maybe she has had some effect or at least added to it. I don't think fans are going to be super psyched with the Daryl arc this season either.

Unknown said...

The idea of an affair is a cheating scandal, making out in bars and streets, barely legal gf, sleeping with girls at cons, womanizing, etc... it all gets filed under a certain category. Don't underestimate the power of PR. It's not a coincidence.

EnnA said...

I am curious about your opinion.
Do you think at the core of this fiasco is a serious relationship? Love involved? Something has to pay off for them,something has to be there.
I just don‘t know anymore.50% screams serious,50% screams the total opposite.What the hell are we looking at here?

Unknown said...

No i don't. He won't fix himself. I think he runs from real love. He's more than made that statement with his IG activities and constant liking of posts of other women and particular quotes about having better things to do than date and fixing things for the 150th time. It's toxic and won't go anywhere real like others before. "Sky" will go in the garbage.

EnnA said...

That makes sense.
Although I have serious problems understanding how people can live like that.
He seems to have a lot of issues with loneliness,but before he invests his time in precious company and a good,real thing that will pay off when he gets older,he rather wastes his time for toxic things instead.The clock is ticking

Bee said...

Hi guys. My username in the old site was Bee. I dont comment as much but I always read. I saw this new site a while back but I dont comment because I've been in IG.

I was shocked when D and N are seen in ATL Airport. Was it planned or what?

@exwiccan/debra I would like to thank you for all you've shared here. sorry but I would like to ask if MMB and N still hang out like before or no more? Are things ok between them? Also, you mentioned before D's IG posts have meaning. do you think there's a hidden meaning on her 'truth' post? thank you and i hope you can answer. sorry if i have a lot of questions...

i'm kinda bummed with the public breakup because they only revealed they were together via the pap walk

Bee said...

i kind of doubt D will just agree with the public breakup.... there has to be a deal so she can have attention even after this relationshit.

the questionator said...

@Bee I'm thinking she'll have to have a new victim lined up before she gets her talons out of N. She can't be without a man in her life.

EnnA said...

We have two new swimsuit pictures on DKs IG. So she finally got her phone back.

EnnA said...

She made sure to not post selfies this time....

MiaColucci said...

We have new N pics too and still no D around him. LOL

Her pictures are most likely selfies. She could`ve easily put her phone/camera on the ground/sand. Maybe she managed to escape N`s supervision and took them quickly. :D

My thoughts- Still to this moment nobody saw her in CR. That leads me to 6 theories:

1. She is there with N- He locked her in the hotel room- He is living the Costarican life- Pura vida!

That`s really an option. People take pictures with him almost every day and no one ever said that D is near.

2. She is there with N- They are together all the time- People in CR are so polite that they respect her personal space and wish for a private vacation(sarcasm inserted)- Costa Ricans took pictures only with N, who is ok with that

I don`t think so. If she was with N how exactly would`ve she deny people a selfie. N is ok with fans attention and most definitely he`s not on the private parts of the resort most of the time, so that makes me think that this is not a private/secret vacation. There are so many resorts which can bring him peace and no tourists/local fans but he is at the same place as usual. It doesn`n seem like he is hiding. I don`t think D is with him most of the time.

3. She is there with N- He is 50/50 alone and with D- She stays only on the private parts of the resort

That`s an option. So, N may have told D to stay in the resort only, while he is living his life in CR. At the nights he`s getting what he wants from her and at in the mornings he is spending his time the way he likes.

4. She is not even there :D- Her selfies are from her roof top

That is my absolute favorite but really unlikely :D

5. She is not there- She went somewhere with a pool/ocean/see- to troll fans

Same goes with this

6. She is not there- The selfies are from her previous CR experience

Slightly chance, but most probably no.

Overall, she is dying to be seen with N. :D
I will re-think my theories if there`s no other D picture especially from the airport.

MiaColucci said...

*sea :D

EnnA said...

There is a comment on her latest post from twd costarica.Welcome back again and 3 wink emojis.Even this can go either way.
I am leaning towards she is not there.
You are right the angle of the photos is like she stuck her phone in the sand to make them.And another strange thing about the pics: You can only see the sky,not a single grain of sand on a beach.So we can‘t identify the location. Coincidence?

MiaColucci said...

@EnnA- Yeah, and it`s really strange how not a single question about her location is answered. :D Why not? I mean, is it so hard? One thing is for sure, he doesn`t look very good. I`m still waiting for DM article :D or D pics from the airport. Now is more than obvious where N is so that paps can find him easily. Let`s see what will happen.

Off topic, but MMB was an absolute sweetheart on TTD and her acting on Sundays episode was breathtaking! Her eyes were everything,she is the definition of pure talent.

EnnA said...

She is absolutely adorable!

question said...

Are they still down there? I thought someone said they only rented a car for 4 days. This is a long time, probably longest, they have spent alone together or together at all isn't it? Those swimsuit photos were not flattering at all, but I love how she made sure to make it look like someone else took them. My guess is that she hangs at the resort most of the time and he does his thing. If she is with him when he's having all of those fan photos and he's still not letting her take photo's that's pretty messed up. If he's still trying to hide that they are together that is pretty messed up. She works so hard, I'm glad she can fit in a vacation (when is the 200th premiere of In the Fade next?).

@Bee you shouldn't be surprised. DK worked hard to make sure she had him in a good place to fully implant her talons after TWD stopped shooting. She had a little hiccup with the TWD IG fiasco but clearly know's how to manipulate out of situations.

I agree with some of what N.A. said - he totally seems like the type of guy to always run from real love/relationships and pick childish women to date. It's easier when you don't have to really work at something and you just get a women who throws herself at him. He also clearly LOVES the drama. Probably grew up with a lot of drama and it just seems natural to him.

Wilz said...

@EnnA That twd cr page knows N is there and knows D was with him in August so like others they seem to assume she is there now. Despite the effort D put in to make it seem like someone else took her photos and that she's in CR I'm still not convinced.

@question He leaves for hours to do what he wants and D stays hidden at the resort? What a romantic vacation 😂 And she could be with him and refusing pictures-she did it on the road trip from hell and I'm 99% sure that wasn't her idea.

Willow said...

@Bee – Hi – I am not sure what N was thinking but pretty sure D knew they would get creeper shots taken by someone when they were at airport. Maybe that is why she didn’t call paps (that we know of) as she knew it was outed in sm. That way it looks like she can say to N – it was nothing to do with her that people know where they are. Also agree if they ever break up – D will drag N’s name through tabloids the way she has done with JJ’s name and in a derogatory way.

@Mia/ @EnnA – agree looks like she propped her phone up on ground and did self-timer shots. Funny, how we don’t see sand or beach to give away location. Not sure what the winks mean in the comment from twdcostarica it could be taken both ways.

@Mia – I go with option 1 or option 3 :D

@thread -I certainly don’t think it is a coincidence that after N finally posts a shot of himself in CR on his own IG – (after he didn’t post for a few days until it was time to post his Ride and TWD stuff) and then the Queen of Pap posts a couple of photos of herself which may or may not be in CR. She is giving the impression she is in CR without actually outing her location so she can say to N – ‘I didn’t tell them where I was, or even show a beach or anything’ – so technically if she had agreed to no paps or outing her location – she hasn’t actually broken that agreement.

Also N posting a shot on his IG of him in CR and her posting a couple of swimsuit shots (maybe CR?) is enough to link them together if people already know about the airport shots – it is as good as she can get if she had to promise not to call the paps this time – sly isn’t she?!

MMB looked amazing, as always, on The Talking Dead, and she seems so happy – at least one of them has moved on from this drama. She seems like someone who is at peace with themselves and has found her place in the world. Unlike N & D who look like they are living in their own private versions of hell (of their own making)- Karma :).

Willow said...

@thread – I posted this elsewhere but decided to post it here too, even if I sound ‘kray kray’ but treat it as a CONSPIRACY THEORY –

Okay my thoughts on this are D & N know that creeper shots are practically guaranteed at the airport if they are seen together. So they get the sm to work to their advantage – so creeper shots get taken while at the airport – this gets around sm so it is assumed they are together in CR. This is just for more of the ‘agreement’ they had, to pretend everything is okay (as she has done with previous men in her life when the relationships went sour) BUT it has got to the point where N said he did NOT want to actually spend time with her – so this was a compromise. He agrees it can be assumed they are together until such times as they announce the official break up. The reality is he went alone and she went elsewhere and lay low until the vacation time is over – they may even meet up again to be seen at the airport again. I KNOW this sounds a bit far-fetched – but it is just so weird there are NO CREEPER shots even if D doesn’t organise a pap parade – she would not beable to control someone snapping a shot of them if they were out somewhere together.

MiaColucci said...

@Willow- Actually, I was thinking something similar. :D I was just waiting to see if there will be any actual D pics in CR but now as you`re saying it... That`s why I wrote that I may re-think my theories.

It is really strange that there are so many N pics from CR with different people, there are even pics at the CR`s airport but not a single pic of D. D was last seen at the Atlanta airport and since then it looks like the ground has swallowed her. She is some sort of celebrity and I doubt that people will miss their chance for a picture. Also, as you wrote, D posted her selfies at the same time as N did with his and that`s definitely not a coincidence.
N is definitely out and about CR,not in a private area,this is his what 6 or 7th day there, so what are the chances of D being with him but not photographed? I have to say 1%. Not only there are 0 pics but nobody has seen her in CR. There are two explanations for me- she is simply not there or she stays at the resort only.

question said...

They posted a couple hours apart, him first. I'm sure once she saw he posted she knew she could too. These IG game are so childish just like their relationship.

question said...

Well that was a quick reveal by Enty -- usually he waits a bit longer to reveal. Wonder why he didn't include NR's name in the reveal?

Willow said...

@question – maybe Enty did a quick reveal because he knows something is about to happen – like a break up announcement or something, or a leak confirming that she has been having an affair?
It is almost like an exact repeat of her cheating on JJ with N when you think about it. The rumours of cheating – then the public announcement of a break up. Just a guess – but things seem weirder than usual with those wacky pair, I still can’t understand why there are no pap shots of D in CR – even if she is just staying in a private part of the Resort there are still going to be other people around with phones that have cameras!

Willow said...

@question - N is bound to have seen her bruising then - maybe he gets off on it - or else he is pissed off with her - didn't someone say he stopped following FA? Who knows what the hell is going on - but there is never a dull moment with this pair!

Kat said...

A pic of D, kinda hard to tell because it's so dark, with nothing but sky in the background. Come on, you can do better than that girrrlllfffrienddd! Maybe there's truth to the bruises rumor and that's why your photo is so dark?? And what's up with the saxophone guy posting today that he enjoyed traveling with D in Germany? How long has she been there?

EnnA said...

Your conspiracy theory is exactly what I thought for a while. I am pretty sure they are not together.

EnnA said...

Can you link the saxophone guy?
On the blind reveal they already call D Lindsay Lohan 2.0 *lol*

Anonymous said...


I think the guy with saxophone said that because she's on the cover of the magazine he has in that picture.

Wilz said...

@thread It seems D might have outed herself. The sweater she was wearing in her swiftly deleted IG post doesn't look like CR wear lol

Willow said...

@wilz - missed that - what did photo in her post look like?

MiaColucci said...

There is photo of NR leaving CR.(only N)Lets see what`s going to happen now.

EnnA said...

YIKES! This is getting interesting

Wilz said...

@Willow It was a selfie

Willow said...

@wilz – then I am going to suggest another CONSPIRACY THEORY – she posted and deleted it on purpose, she knew enough people would see the post in the time it was up. She wore a jumper to suggest she is leaving CR to get on the plane home, so was dressed for the colder weather back in NY. When @Mia said there is a photo of N leaving CR that theory just came into my head. They will probably be seen together at airport in NY or somewhere and she will be wearing the same jumper as in her IG shot.

MiaColucci said...

It`s getting interesting, better than reality TV! :D CR-NYC is approximately 5 hours flight and CR-Atlanta is 4h. Just in case he`s heading back in GA.

question said...

@willow - she would've left the picture up just so people would put the two together. Like she did when she left NYC on her way to Barcelona and wore the exact same outfit each time she called the paps.

@wilz - I hope there is a screenshot somewhere of that post.

@mia - did it say NR was alone at the airport or it was just him in the photo (like all of the others)?

Anonymous said...


Some woman posted separate selfies, one with D one with N, probably when they were leaving. It was few hours before the pic of N leaving CR was posted.

D was also tagged (along with FA and some other people from her movie) on a photo of nighttime NYC.

Wilz said...

@thread The conspiracy theories were fun while they lasted but it D was in CR, hiding in a closet while N was having fun ��

Willow said...

@wilz -That is the definition of sad and pathetic that any woman would agree to be hidden like a dirty secret on a holiday, or anywhere else for that matter. Her life must be so empty. Strangely enough I have NO sympathy what so ever for her – this is the life she choose. Maybe she was hiding because her bruises are still showing. :D

@Mia – it looks like your options 1 and 3 from earlier are correct. :D

MiaColucci said...

Now I`m confused, wasn`t D supposed to be at the 335 premiere of her film yesterday (or today)? Is FA alone at that?

@Willow- Yeah. :D

Conspiracy theories were too good to be true, but it was fun, a lot of fun. :D
That doesn`t change the fact that D was hidden all the time. What a beautiful "relationship" she has.

question said...

I think it's pretty clear NR gave her strict rules for her to come on vacation. This time. I wonder if there was more of a fall out after the last CR vacation that we missed because of his over the top IG liking of her posts. It's like he knows now he can push her as far as he wants and she will just take it and continue to stick around.

Sophia said...

When did they leave CR? Sunday or today?

Wilz said...

@Willow It's ridiculous and sad for both of them-she allows herself to be hidden away and shoved to the side and he's with someone he doesn't trust and has to keep on lock down. Even CS got to be seen on vacation with N.

@question Like I said earlier-horrible bf who seems to despise his gf and tests her limits. Relationship goals.

@Mia If she was this wouldn't be the first time that she skipped an event to follow N.

@Sophia Today.

Willow said...

@Mia – yes conspiracy theories are a lot of fun – the crazier they sound, the better :D
I don’t know about the premiere – but it wouldn’t be the first time she blew off a gig of her own to be with N. Probably because he appreciates her so much and treats her so well. LMAO
I suppose it would not be a good time to be seen around FA in light of the recent Blind that was revealed. :D

Willow said...

@wilz - I think the way you just described their 'relationship'- that is their karma.I never had any sympathy for her and any sympathy I may have had for N for losing MMB has faded away as his actions and behaviour over the past few months have just deteriorated at a steady pace. They deserve each other, as one is as bad as the other, in their own way.

EWW said...

dk was in the airport ... I saw the pic of NR with a fan when he's leavin in TWD CR facebook and you can see her. He leave with her.

Sophia said...

He lied yet again because he told the rental car person he was leaving Sunday. She was sure not to call the paps this time so I guess the shit hit the fan when she did last trip. She is so pathetic with her stating she wouldn't talk about her relationship now because it ruins everything. What a joke. No bitch, talking about yo man doesn't ruin your relationship, screwing someone else does. She is such an attention whore there is no way this hiding is her idea. A leopard doesn't change its spots. And re the 16 year Hope it's not true but I can see it happening. I'm surprise he hasn't been charged with sexual harassment or worse with all this rape/harassment stuff being outed. The way he acts with coworkers and women in general is gross and inappropriate. Like grabbing DG and kissing her on the mouth in that video, sticking his knife up mmb's butt in that video, hanging all over people, pretending to choke people....yuck he is so nasty. He has zero self awareness and zero respect for boundaries. He really needs to watch himself. But he probably thinks it's funny and harmless. After all he's Norman reedus...who wouldn't want to be groped by him? His ego is so huge I can see him thinking this way.

Wilz said...

@Sophia Where did you see N say he was leaving on Sunday? All I saw was a conversation where a fan assumed he'd leave on Sunday because he only rented the car for 4 days.

CasualObserver said...

Hi - casual observer here but I'm confused! I went on the TWD Costa Rica FB page but didn't see D. There was a blonde with short hair in a red striped shirt so that could be her but I didn't see any pictures that proved it was her. For arguments sake, let's say she left with him. But then there's the IG post: "Shared a seat and good conversation with Norman Reedus on the way home from Costa Rica". It looks like she's from Canada so it's possible she had a connecting flight through NYC. So....
1. D was in CR but flew to LA or somewhere else and N was flying to NYC
2. D sat in a different seat
3. D wasn't there
4. Poster was exaggerating her experience and did not actually sit with him on the plane.
Is this weird or is it just me?! If there are pictures of D at the airport can someone post a link or location to see them?

JustFriends said...

NR and DK at the airport in Costa Rica today

Sophia said...

Maybe I misunderstood but I thought I read somewhere that the rental car person said he was leaving Sunday. Why would you only rent a car til Sunday when you weren't leaving til Tuesday? Guess they spent their last day fucking. And that is Diane in the red striped shirt.

Wilz said...

@Casual There's a fan photo with D where she's wearing that shirt. There are also other creeper photos of them at the airport in CR. Convenient those showed up. Regarding that fan that shared a seat-it looks like they are on a shuttle so I think that is where they shared a seat. N is likely headed back to Ga because reshoots are apparently are taking place this week. Plus his car and I'm guessing his cat are still there.

@Sophia The car person said he rented for 4 days and the fan made the assumption he was leaving on Sunday. Maybe they extended the reservation? Maybe they didn't need it the last day? No idea. N was out surfing yesterday, no idea what D did.

CasualObserver said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wtf the original said...

JFC I wish people would stop tagging DK with TWD. Just because she is doing the dance with no pants with NR doesn't mean that she has to show up in all things TWD.
Sorry I just needed to vent for a minute
While I really enjoyed reading everyone's theories sadly I was pretty sure that she was with him. At least she seems to have behaved and he looks okay not as bad as he often does so that is good I guess

Unknown said...

@willow...I am gonna agree with you...I believe they made sure a photo of them arriving was caught and a few leaving...N was out and about but not ONE creepier picture of the great D?? Come on..something smells very fishy....I don't believe they were there together..or she showed up right when he was leaving..but together??no...unless some pictures pop up..

CasualObserver said...

Cookie's wife (I assume) has just posted pictures so it was the 4 of them together.

Eww said...

Is hard to believe all the things some people say about DK and NR relationship when you see pics of them together. I think DK IS CRAP but I think people, from coven and here lie about having sources.

sorry but, what is the point of NR playing a game if he hates DK so much?

MiaColucci said...

So it wasn`t exactly a romantic vacation? :D Something is really odd, so the wife of N`s bodyguard can post a pic with 4 of them(including D) but N just posts selfies?! For me the reason is not that he doesn`t want to piss off his fans, because come on, everybody knew/assumed D was in CR( the conspiracy theories were a lot of fun, but only that). Fans were already angry with the creeper Atlanta airport pictures. And people still ask why we find their "relationship" strange and unnatural?

@Eww- I don`t think he hates her and I don`t think he loves her.

N just goes with the flow, he let her do all the work. She is easy, if I can say it that way. N has serious issues with loneliness, like, he`s always dating somebody no mater what. Usually the girls/woman make the moves and he is just there accepting what they are offering. Just look at his previous relationships- all of them are disasters. After HC and MMB( if you believe in that theory, I do) I don`t think he ever loved a woman. Now it looks like he punishes himself, he gave up and just goes with the consolidation prize which is DK. Better with her than alone, I guess.

Is it just me? said...

@eww I think they are together, but maybe have an open relationship. I thought someone said in original blind N and HC had, or morphed into an open relationship? Maybe that's how he wants to roll and she agreed to it. I think so many do not like them together, they project their own point of view that it's all fake when it just isn't. Can't stand her, especially after her trolling antics and the TWD100 Post. I don't know why he puts up with her bullshit unless he wants to be with her. I'm not even that crazy about Daryl anymore, and I NEVER thought I would feel that way. He's being kind of a reckless dumbass jerk on TWD lately imo. N and D seem so sleazy and gross to me now. There are plenty of classier actors to admire and support and I have lost so much respect for NR. I really wanted to hold out and try and give N some benefit of doubt, but I don't think I can anymore. I only hope she continues to be low profile, but I doubt she will.

Eww said...


About MMB ... Well I don't know what to say about. I know the whole theory. It makes totally sense because they have a loooot of sexual chemistry BUT How MMB could be ok with NR after all the crap that his gf is doing to him.

She looks fine with him, well at the S8 premiere HE looked sad AFTER He kissed her hand, but who knows. And on TTD when he said that he loved MMB more thant Daryl loves Carol, that was weird.

Tell me something. When I started to read this blind I remember somebody that lived close to NR'S place saw Melissa a 1000 times that he/she thought that they lived together???

Somebody remember that?? I'm here mostly for that story. I don't give two fucks what NR does with DK, they deserve each other.

EnnA said...

I don‘t get the secretiveness. There were creepers of them coming (so the ones that wanted to hate on them already did) and going. Nothing inbetween?
I don‘t think it‘s possible that no one made a shot of them or mentions them in a whole good week in CR.What is the point of this?They make it look as if they were both at CR,but vacationing each on their own.Weird. They were already seen together at multiple events.
I AM SIDEEYEING THIS STILL.Something is not right.
As much as I once adored N, it is slowly sinking in that he is probably not right in the head.D isn‘t for sure.

Nicoline88 said...

Where's this pic of the loving couple and cookie? I dont see it lol

EnnA said...

Can someone link the pic of cookie‘s wife/cookie with them

Eww said...

The girl who took the selfies with both, NR and DK, remove the DK one... weird! saw her IG

Eww said...

Is it just me? said...

Go to ultraviolent_minus_the_n on IG. That is Cookies wife/gf and there is a pic of the four of them dining out. Sorry I am no good at posting links. Btw I thought N looked like hell in all the recent CR pics I saw.

MiaColucci said... - There you go. :) Nothing special

@Eww- I`m not so sure that MMB is so thrilled about N right now. Lets not forger that she is an actress, a tremendous one, so she can pull everything in front of the cameras.( take notes, DK). She is a class act and I doubt she will ever make it look that something is wrong.As I said previously on this blind N and M are not together outside of the show anymore. From where were exactly their last pic together- SDCC?! and when were they last seen together away from anything TWD related!? I can`t even remember.

MiaColucci said...

*forget :D

Eww said...

@Mia you mean they are lot friends anymore? Well is hard to say. She supports him and his stupid show but who fucking knows... It creeps me out that NR choose DK over mmb. Acording to Anonna, mmb wanted that NR confront DK and almost a year later he is with her in CR ... So weird

Eww said...


MiaColucci said...

No, I`m sure they are still friends but it looks like MMB is keeping her distance now, she stepped back. Their friendship is something really special for both of them so I don`t think the bond between them is gone. They will be fine. One thing is clear to me, the things are not what they used to be between N and M, which is sad. At TWD`s premiere and then on TTD N looked so miserable, almost like he is guilty about something and yes, his-"I love M more than Daryl loves Carol" was strange.

liddakrever said...

In the picture of the four of them you can see DK took it and not Cookie‘s wife. DK is as pathetic, she probably asked/told the wife to post it because D. herself isn’t allowed to post a picture of herself and Reedus probably because he told her so. We all know she would spam her IG with pictures of him if she only was allowed. So she simply asked the wife to post it so everyone knows she was there and to get her attention she so desperately needs and at the same time Reedus won’t get mad at her because she didn’t post it. These two truly deserve each other. Reedus is just as embarrassing and false as she is. A woman like MMB would be way too good for him so I hope she‘s keeping her distance.

Is it just me? said...

@lidda, good point. Cookie wife sharing that pic further illustrates the blurred boundaries between Cookie and N. If they are such good pals they now vacation together, fine. But as N’s “professional security”, it’s another glaring example of Cookie and wife not making N’s privacy the priority. Maybe D successfully manipulated the wife into posting and/or Cookie and wife enjoy being attached to N fame to gain attention. Or N approved the post because he just doesn’t care anymore, a distinct possibility. I also agree M is light years ahead of N. If there was a thing with them, she was wise to limit it and cut the cord. She deserves way better than manchild. He is showing his true colors more every day. Thought I read he said in Ride he wants to disappear? At the current rate, he may get his wish sooner than he thought.

question said...

@thread - I find it so incredibly strange that NR and DK vacationed with his body guard. I find it really weird that the body guard posts things like 'great photo of you' on his clients GF's IG account. None of that seems professional at all. I guess we know why DK stayed in line this time, didn't want to piss off the body guard again. When was the last time NR saw his kid? Didn't he miss MR's birthday too. Every time I see a picture of the two of them they just look more and more shady. I'm new to following the NR antics and I must say after watching this whole fiasco play out I have absolutely no idea what people saw in him before. He looks like a dirty drunk half the time and just a complete mess the other half. Did you guys see his eyes in that one picture/selfie with the girl? My lord.

As for NR and MMB - we'll see but if I were her, I would be keeping my distance from him. Working together they have to be professional but now that they won't see each other at work, lets see what happens.

Well at least now we can have some more DK open mouth selfies and trolling posts..

question said...

Looks like the trolls found Cookie's wife's IG picture already. Pretty surprised she posted that. Of course now more sympathy for DK and all of the 'hate' she gets. DK love spreads wide.

MiaColucci said...

Most of the people around N are using him to gain attention, nothing new. His hairdresser is like that, Cookie, Cookie`s wife, GN and the list goes on. That`s why I respect MMB even more. Not a single time she took advantage of N in any way to gain popularity, likes or whatever, despite the fact that they used to spend a very good amount of time together. Actually, it is N who shares pics and different stories about him and M. Not only she is smart, beautiful and cute, but she is also humble. I trust her judgment about N.

What type of a bodyguard is Cookie? If being N`s bodyguard includes having lunches with him, surfing, taking pictures and arguing with fans ok! I can do that. :D Isn`t Cookie supposed to keep N`s privacy and to keep him safe? I get it, maybe he was there to hide D somewhere. :D

@question- I really enjoy the hateful comments now. :D DK deserves every single one.

I have a question- Was it like that with N`s previous girlfriends, with all that hate spreading accounts, blind items and fan tantrums? Was it so bad before ?

MiaColucci said...

Cookie`s wife deleted the post. :D What a surprise! Someone in the comments asked her if N knows about the picture and her answer was to delete the pic.

question said...

@mia - saw that deletion coming a mile away!!! Wonder if NR knew she posted it to begin with. Does he follow her? I'm sure we will get a new DK follow from cookie and wife.

Wilz said...

@Eww The fan pic with D was in her IG story and those delete after 24 hrs. Also if you believe Annonna N didn't choose M over D. M ended things, taking the choice out of N's hands.

@question I find it strange N vacationed with his bodyguard too.

@thread I really really wish trolls would stop with the nasty comments on pictures D or others post. As noted it gives her the attention she wants and it achieves nothing. N isn't going to see a random comment on ig and decide to dump D.

@Mía I don't think it was so bad with previous gfs. CS trolled and argued with fans but at least N acknowledged her and didn't hide her away.

Willow said...

@Mia – I don’t really remember anything of interest about being said about N’s girlfriends prior to him becoming Daryl. I don’t remember anyone hating on Jarah – Glenn got a bit of hate from what I remember, as some fans thought she was using N’s name to further her career ( I have no personal opinion on Glenn as to whether she did that or not). Cecilia was sort of a diluted version of what you are seeing with DK with regards to how the fans reacted to her, but keep in mind, CS was a young girl 19/20yrs old and I think a lot of her behaviour was just immaturity and being a bit starstruck. (N also referred to himself as ‘single’ despite the fact that CS was living with him). DK on the other hand is over twice CS’s age and has no excuse for her trolling/taunting crap that she pulls with the fans. I think part of the fangirl hate is also because N has adopted this ‘sex symbol’ version of Daryl around season 5 and actively encouraged this adoration from the fangirl type so they then get jealous of his girlfriends. The BDS fans were more about him as a hard-working, humble, genuine guy who cared about his fans and I don’t think they cared that much who he was dating. I think most of the hate about DK (apart from fangirls) is the genuine anger, disbelief and disappointment felt by so many of his fans who found out he was not what he had claimed to be and the ones trying to warn him about D or were expressing their upset with him were blocked and deleted. He was the guy who claimed to hate cheaters and liars and jealous women – and look what he ends up with. I still think a broken heart got him where he is now, but he is not doing anything to fix any of the damage he has caused or in any way trying to sort himself out and get of this mess he has created.
Was Cookie there to keep an eye on D I wonder? Yes, surprised Cookie’s other half posted that picture, she must have known the trolls would find it – probably what D was hoping would happen. It seems a very unprofessional relationship, between Cookie and N - there are no employer/employee boundaries by the look of it. I don’t really understand what Cookie’s job is, I know he is meant to be a bodyguard but it isn’t like N is getting Rugby-tackled to the ground by fans every 5 minutes! Does he really need a body guard 24/7 – he isn’t that famous!

Willow said...

sorry about the lack of paragraphs in the last post - I am having trouble getting the posts to publish, so had to recopy and paste and hope for the best until it published.

EnnA said...

If those two were in love they sure as hell would go on vacation ALONE.Even more so if they haven’t seen each other much.Looks like N fears to be bored with her as soon as they get out of bed. He packed his vagina for his vacation,she really is nothing more obviously.

I don‘t care if they are fwb or fb or in an open relationship.They make fools of themselves and it is getting worse and worse.Fb or fwb keep it on the downlow. No drama whatsoever.Diane is NOT a woman for that. An open relationship would be much more public. This whole thing is sending different signals depending on who of the two has the upper hand right then. Not good for both.

I guess these two are just two very very lonely persons who have fucked up their life and are now killing time in the presence of each other as an only option.A dick and a hole fit together,so why not.
That‘s what I think at this point.It‘s a necessity.

At the twd100 premiere it was clear as day that N was kind of sad when he saw the love for Melissa and when he kissed her hand.He looked kind of embarrassed,too.Ducked his head down a lot. For me it confirms the theory about mmb 100%.Norman is probably very aware that he is making a fool of himself with this drama ESPECIALLY in front of Mel.Also,it must be very strange and awkward to have the two women at the same location.

MiaColucci said...

@Wilz and @Willow- Thank you. That`s what I supposed. All of the hate is because of who D is and her constant trolling, not because of the fact that she is with N.

Even if N needs a bodyguard all the time I don`t think that person should be dressed in shorts and surfing,riding jets,snorkeling and God knows what else, around his client. LOL

@Willow- I have the same problems with cdan today.

Sophia said...

I didn't know that was cookie. I thought these losers had just made some vacay friends to hang around with. Lol so the romantic vacay wasn't so romantic after all! Too funny. He takes his bodyguard on his romantic getaway with his gf?? Man he really can't be alone with her at all. Every place they go they have babysitters. Just ridiculous.

Pigs Will Always Be Pigs said...

“A rep for Norman tells us the two are just friends and did not take a trip together.” This right here and the subsequent behavior proving this a lie while simultaneously confirming the affair rumor is why no one should support Norman Reedus. This is for the Coven loons on down. Nothing will ever change the fact he blatantly lied to his entire fandom about his shady behaviors including making out in a bar in December 2015, having a rendezvous in Italy in July 2016, sneaking upstate numerous times together in August, September, and October 2016, and finally their romantic trip to Lapland in December 2016 a mere day after Diane posed with him at his Paris art show as “just friends.” Take away everything else and NOTHING will ever erase this simple fact. He is a proven liar, cheater, and deceiver.

Kat said...

@pigs- my very first thought when I read this on N's tagged IG is that Pigs will be pigs is Diane.

Is it just me? said...

All the men being outed for sexual misbehavior lately have another thing in common: There have been sexual misconduct rumors swirling about them for years. I am conflicted on speculating this, but I won’t be surprised if N gets added to the list of the mighty who have fallen. I’m even starting to wonder if that might be a reason N hangs on with D, when he clearly doesn’t love her. There is a growing zero tolerance for this behavior in all professions. I’m no longer a fan of N, but I will be little saddened if that happens.

Wilz said...

Am I missing something? That statement was from February and was a response to a trip that was proven to never happen. As for the friends part-this still comes off as a fb/fwb thing to me so the statement rings true. But others are entitled to think otherwise.

Wilz said...

@Kat Interesting that was your first thought. The ig account does seem to be intent on making this point. Not sure why they are deleting posts ;)

Kat said...

@wilz- the way it's written just reeks of a woman scorned, it's definitely something she would do but most importantly, why wasn't DK tagged?

Wilz said...

@Kat I wondered that myself.

question said...

@Kat and Wilz what us this post you are talking about in IG? Is it by the same pigs that posts here?

EnnA said...

Same here @Kat
Can you please explain

Anonymous said...

I think people need some complicated reasons for something that to me looks really simple. N does treat DK the way he does, because to him she's just a FB/FWB. I don't think anything changed from his last official statement - just friends.

I don't think there's hiding or secrets, it looks like he doesn't have problems being seen with her by general public (she even took some fan photos). The reason why it seems like he was hiding her I think is that he simply wasnt much with her the past few days.

I think he just won't post picture of her on his SM or accompany her on events because that's something that is reserved for an actual official partner. Which she is not. And I believe that perhaps at first he maybe tried, but again I believe he give up before her birthday.

I believe he has some weak moments (which she uses for her own benefits and which is when the pap walks happen), and those are probably bad reactions to something happening in his personal life, but in general he doesn't have problem with not seeing her for longer periods of time and it looks to me like he's not giving her much thoughts either.

I can easily imagine their vacation going by few simple rules - pay for your own flight and don't bother me when I spent time the way I want, if I want to see you I will.

For some reason, she's going with it. Maybe because she's in love with him (I don't believe it), because she think she is, because she doesn't know how to not be in any relationship or (my guess) because she's trying to pretend (for herself and others) that she didn't ruin her longtime relationship (which was pretty much her career) by solving her midlife crisis and boredom in a relationship with going for a guy who clearly doesn't care for her.

I think he'll keep her around until he meets someone else, who interests him (if there's zero chance with MMB) or until she does some serious line crossing. So far her attempts are more amusing than anything else. Or until she has enough (small chance, she can take a lot) or finds someone else.

Wilz said...

@thread Guess pigs didn't like being called out-they deleted their account. It was an ig with the same statement from Pigs that is posted above. Only tagged N, not D.

@Soooooo I echo your thoughts.

EnnA said...

Well,you wrote the best summary and explanation I have read so far,I think.
The one thing I do not understand is: Why does he ignore the effects this connection obviously has on his fandom/career? If we go by your theory,to him she is clearly not worth remotedly enough to risk anything for.I would think it goes like,she can stay as long as it is convenient,if she causes trouble he kicks her out.That did nor happen,and she caused a shitload of trouble and cost him much imo.
Does he not see it? Or does he think fans will forget over time and he is invincible?

Unknown said...

My own personal opinion of it all is that he doesn't actually 'think' about what the DK effect is (on his career or otherwise)and certainly doesn't seem to care at this moment and time...well if he does think about it he is thinking with his 'other head'.

He is getting laid whenever and wherever by a woman who isn't 'nagging' him or whatever (you know, a women who won't allow him to walk all over her). WHO is also willing to allow a man to treat her like a piece of ass and who travels around the world to give him a BJ?! It seriously is just sad....that women needs girlfriends stat.

Also, he is surrounded by "yes people" and that includes her. He is being told constantly how amazing he is, how wonderful and gorgeous he is. How loved he is...yada yada yada. His inner circle of people indulge him, feed his ego, his comments on his SM indulge him and his gf or whatever the hell she is indulges him.

He drank his own Kool-Aid and I personally think he believes that shit now and just doesn't care. After all the ones who say negative things are just 'fans who are jealous that they aren't with him'.

Just my own two cents...he has overindulged on his own Kool-Aid...

Anonymous said...


I think there're two possible reasons:

1) He doesn't think there's much of an impact. Let's be honest with ourselves, if we didn't follow this blind (and other blinds) or his relationship with DK, would we see it as something dramatic? I saw people on IG and Twitter commenting that they didn't even know he dates her. Many people probably dont or don't care. I think this blind and our own interest into it makes it a bigger deal than it actually is. Just my opinion, I understand if you disagree.

2) Or he doesn't think it has anything to do with DK. What are the thing people blame DK for?

TWD ratings - that's pretty much on the crappy writing and general
loss of quality

Ride ratings - it didn't have huge rating since the beginning and it's now in a very competitive slot, first episode this season was anomaly that strongly benefited by TWD and TTD airing before that

possible loss of a chance with MMB - if you believe Annonna, she didn't want more anyway

problems with his kid and HC - if there're any (we can't be sure, only he knows), it could be many reasons

the way he looks - again let's be honest, he's almost 50, with a terrible lifestyle and quite obvious lack of sleep

My point is, that he likely doesn't think that DK is ruining his life. Even with the fans, I'm sure there are nice one who are disappointed in him, but there're much more louder group of "fans" who acts in a way that possible makes him wonder if those are a fans he wants (maybe it's harsh but I think he could possibly see it that way).

Wilz said...

@Soooooo I agree with you again :) The other day I saw someone on Twitter comment that D and N looked "solid" so outside of the bubble of fans that follow every detail of this relationship, people think things are going along nicely. The twd fan that watches the show every week and then doesn't think about it again until the next episode does not care who N is dating and certainly isn't tuning away from the show because of it.

EnnA said...

Good points.
Imo he must feel the huge loss of fans,for example at Cons and especially when it comes to selling his artprints and books.Longtime fans purchase these things,and they won’t continue now.I think he feels it,that is why he reblogs so much fanart lately.

Another thing,I do understand why he would take her on vacation,giving her the rules you mentioned.I understand why he would turn up at an random event with her from time to time.
But I do not understand why he would tolerate her at twd events or allow her to call him babe on IG.That woman is high maintenance and it will blow up into his face
Don‘t you think?

the questionator said...

@SunnyDaze, I truly hope that N has some "real" friends amongst the "yes people". Having too many "yes, yes-don't want to rock the boat-need my steady paycheck" people is how a lot of celebrities end up dead...

Anonymous said...

he must feel the huge loss of fans,for example at Cons and especially when it comes to selling his artprints and books.

- With the cons I think it depends on what info he has. I've heard his con manager is a bit hungry, he could tell him how in demand he is and let's keep those prices up :-)

- With his art, I don't know but I think it was never big to begin with, so again it may not be something he thinks about much

Longtime fans purchase these things,and they won’t continue now.I think he feels it,that is why he reblogs so much fanart lately.

- Could be, but I think reposting his fanart is because he's keeping his IG non-personal, which is a little sad (he posted weird things, but interesting). It almost looks like IG of many other actors, singers, etc. Like an official fan account.

But I do not understand why he would tolerate her at twd events or allow her to call him babe on IG.

- I don't either (with the events, but wasn't it only the premiere? I think the invitation was another result of poor choice and every picture posted of him from the afterparty showed him with different glass in hand. That could explain how he did tolerate her.

- I'm not sure he tolerates her calling him babe (or at least he didn't). I'm sure you remember Cannes, right. How he was liking everyone of her posts. Well I remember being amused when after she called him babe for the first time, he ignored her posts until she won (I guess after his over the top actions he didn't have much choice but to congratulate her). At least that was my interpretation. Currently I think he simply ignores her.

That woman is high maintenance and it will blow up into his face
Don‘t you think?

- Honestly I don't know. Some of her JJ treatment makes her look like she can hold a grudge, but I think it's because she's still not over him. And any mistreatment of N could backfire on her. His fans who support her now will turn their back on her once she tries to drag N's name in tabloids in a negative way.

And I'm sorry, I'm not trying to shot down everything you say, I swear :-) All is just my opinion.

EnnA said...

I agree completely and hope for the same.

MiaColucci said...

Well, as I said before, D is not the main reason for the bad ratings. She is not that important. LOL My point is that the producers are already loosing fans for different reasons and right now TWD doesn`t need the D drama. Drop by drop makes an ocean. Some abandoned the show because of the bad writing, others because Glen and Abe were killed off, some people found better shows and on top of that there are fans who are really annoyed with D`s presence in TWD tags and everything TWD related.
As for Ride- I have no idea what`s going on there because the second season is actually better that the first. And who is watching Ride- that`s right, mostly N fans so the reason is somewhere in him.

EnnA said...

I did ask for your opinion,so it is just fine 🙂
Every opinion brings more light into this
What do you think might happen next? Currently they are both again silent on IG.....

Anonymous said...


I think D will appears somewhere in NYC. Someone from her film posted a picture of nighttime NYC, tagged her, FA and some others and the comment has right arrow and the word SOON. N I guess will be in GA now, apparently they're doing some reshoots and he still has his car there (he drove to GA back in spring). And in the MM interview he mentioned working on Ride soon after TWD filming ends. He also has several cons planned after new year.

Personally I think he will be doing his things with maybe occasional visit from DK. DK is probably already thinking how to keep up the idea of fairytale romance during Christmas and N's birthday. :-) And of course some blogs will use everything in their power to convince people how much time N and D are spending together now :-)

So the usual.

Btw there's a new blind about A list foreign born dual threat whoever.

And does anyone else has trouble with posting comments today?

Willow said...

@Soooooo – Firstly, yes I had trouble yesterday and today with posting – my post to Mia earlier today took a couple of attempts. I write it in ‘ Word’ document first now and then copy and paste as I’ve ‘lost’ the post before because it hasn’t uploaded, this has happened a few times. – It is taking longer to get to the end page to see new messages and to refresh. I think we are starting to get the problem we had on the old blind when it had so many messages – it takes a while to load in now – for me anyway.
Regarding your earlier post about the N situation with D and how he views her – yeah agree that is pretty much how it appears to me too. Also he seems to have reined in her pap shots – let’s see if it lasts.
I wonder about how many real friends are still around N – I wonder if he still has the friendship of his WD cast mates or have they distanced themselves from him. We don’t know how things are with his family so it is speculation that there is a rift but it seems to be the case. I would hope he is not just left with the hangers on and the ‘yes’ men only wanting to leech off his name and the ones who are not a good influence on him.
Regarding D attending the WD events – D also appeared in that girl’s IG post outside the restaurant/bar the weekend of the NYC Comic Con – and the girl had also shots of AL, N and MMB – so not sure what time D was there but she either went to the dinner or just showed up to meet N afterwards. Yet again – it seems pathetic if she wasn’t invited to the dinner and just turns up afterwards as a bootie call. Would you still regard this as attending a WD event? She must have met some of the cast that night – maybe they don’t talk to her or maybe some do – who knows.
It seems weird Cookie and his other half going with N and D on the vacation – N obviously didn’t want to be stuck on his own with D.
Well does anyone think D is going to be invited to go the N’s friend’s wedding? If so I wonder what hideous creation she will be wearing! 

Blind Curious said...

@ Willow. If she goes to N's friends wedding she will probably wear something to upstage the bride. Can you imagine?! Was it Liz Hurley that flashed some skimpy knickers off with a big split in her dress? Something like that. Or a long white dress. Or head to toe in black with a black veil. I would love all 3 of those. She'll prob turn up on her motorcycle with her scenester leathers on though. 🤦🏼‍♀️

Sophia said...

To me it seems like his longtime twd friends like al and mmb have been replaced. Now you mostly see him out with jdm, aa, and together in pics with cs and am as far as female cast. Seems like his long time friends are rarely around, You rarely see pics of him and al and what I'm more pissed about is no mcreedus pics. Wonder why? the only new factor is dk. Not saying that's it, but what a coincidence.

MiaColucci said...

I found this on Instagram- D`s pictures from CR without filter.

EnnA said...

Holy hell! The filters really do wonders,don‘t they?😉
Is it considered a serious thing if you take someone as a date to a wedding in the US?
In Germany it counts a lot.At least when we are talking about weddings of close friends.

EnnA said...

Site works better now!

Blind Curious said...

@Mia. Good find!

@Enna. I'm a Brit and it's not that big a deal here if you bring somebody to a wedding with you. Not where I live anyway, even if it is a close friends. It's just another reason to have a piss up. Same as Christenings. A funeral would be a different matter though.

@Sophia. I much prefer the older friends to the new ones. AA seems ok so far out of the new friends, but the older ones seem to have more common sense, decency and aren't using him for their own benefit like the newer ones appear to be.

EnnA said...

Reason for a piss up,I had to laugh at that!

I wonder where the no filter pic came from.Are there devices to strip down IG pictures to the original look?
And another cat mood pic from DK.Seems she is still travelling.

Wilz said...

@EnnA N was driving back to nyc and she was probably with him. Nice of her to let us know ;) It seems N is back in nyc now.

@Mia Bringing a date to a wedding can be a big deal but not always. It's funny that last December N went to the wedding of a close friend. It seemed he had a date for that wedding ;)

Willow said...

@Blind Curious – oh please – I am too scared to even IMAGINE what D would wear – a transparent dress ha ha! Or maybe a white version of the lovely boilersuit she wore to the Book signing event! She would be jumping into the middle of all the wedding photographs as well! :D
I wonder if N will get all nostalgic going to another wedding in December – the previous wedding was Stephen Yeun’s where N and MMB hung out together that weekend and wasn’t that sort of what made N realise he had serious feelings for Mel?

Willow said...

@thread - I am so fed up, I am having so much trouble trying to get a post to upload - it is taking multiple attempts - is anyone else having problems still?
@Mia – yikes scary photos – it looks like she has bruising around her neck but I think it is just shadows making it look like marks. Also if she was trying to give the impression that N may have taken the photos – why did she not at least try to smile in them!

The Moon Horse said...

@Willow - I'm convinced N took the pics of DK. There's an artistic element to them that she has never been able to manage in any of her selfies/alonies. Uh, bless him for using a filter, btw.

As for DK not smiling in the pics, it looks to me like she was just in that former-model/I'm-so-edgy mode that she slips into sometimes. Just a pose.

Wilz said...

The angles on that photo are too low to have been taken by another person. Unless N was crawling on his belly which I doubt lol Pretty sure D set up that lonely photo shoot all by herself.

MiaColucci said...

D`s photos are definitely selfies,or N is the worst photographer ever. D could`ve just asked Mrs. Cookie.:D

Cookie made his Instagram private because of the "ass*oles" as he calls them. Weren't D`s haters just 20-30 people according to Coven? Well, I guess that`s what you get when you`re using your boss. I find it really funny how a grown-up man and a BODYGUARD complains about something like that as if we put N`s pics on Instagram. Wasn`t a bodyguard supposed to known what to do in this type of situations? I doubt he gets more hate than D. Again he called N`s fans "ass*oles".

question said...

@mia - did Cookie call the fan's 'ass*holes' again or are you referring to cookie gate? They are all just so childish. I love how it's all on the fans and NR doesn't have to take any responsibility for what is going on. Was Cookie getting hate or getting hate b/c of DK? Why in the world would the wife put that picture on a public account? Why is she posting anything about NR on a public account? I still find it so odd that they vacationed together. I find it odd that this is twice NR/DK have had someone related to TWD with them when they are together. Does NR really need a body guard around him all the time still? I think his ego thinks so but reality is different than his ego. I just see Cookie standing by him at all of these Con's doing absolutely nothing.

MiaColucci said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MiaColucci said...

@question- Sadly, I`m not referring to Cookie gate. He called the fans ass*oles again. Check Coven to see his post( you need to scroll down a bit :D but you can find the asks there amusing too). I don`t know why he was getting hate but I suppose it`s because of D and the fact that he`s exposing his client`s life that way. Last thing I saw before Mrs. Cookie deleted the pic was that people were concerned about N`s safety. I never check Cookie`s Instagram so I don`t know what was posted there.
N woud`ve died from boredom if he was on that vacation only with D, so I suppose Cookie was there to keep N company.

question said...

@mia - that's brilliant. I can't stand Coven so will take your word for it. Piss off more fans. great body guard. It's like watching kids in junior high. I think all of this NR/DK stuff would have been over months ago if she didn't get all of this hate. It just feeds into NR's love for drama and instigating his fans.

MiaColucci said...

@question- I doubt it. N always says that his girlfriend are getting a lot of hate( well, at least he believes it) and that people can be really mean to them but still after 2-3 years he changes the girl. :D Also, I don`t think that N loves the drama as much as people think. This catastrophe right now is caused by D`s stupid trolling and attention seeking and N`s childish behavior.

MiaColucci said...


EnnA said...

Well I took a look at Coven for the first time in months and hell that was a bumpy ride....
saw Cookies statement and the two pics including Diane.So she can take pics with everyone but not with N? Cookie seems slightly overchallenged with the social media situation.I thought he is a bodyguard?He has to know what happens and why.
Regardless if D is N’s girlfriend or something else,the easiest way to calm the situation would be for N to make an official statement.He could simply take a stand,explain the situation and demand respectful treatment for his friends.
Maybe N and D try to make an example here.I get the feeling that they try to show the fans their middle finger,telling us that we know nothing and never will.That they can do what they want without being judged.That they owe no one an explanation.
This goes on too long.

question said...

I wonder if Annona still follows these blinds and/or will start commenting again now that NR is back in NYC?

MiaColucci said...

@ EnnA- N should`ve done that months ago if he really cared for D. Now is too late and it will cause a shit storm. Can you imagine all of the responses he will get from fans? It will be crazy,the battle of fans,the battle of the worlds! LOL The right thing for N is to keep it quiet and just to continue with his work. Season 3 of Ride is coming, some cons so N better focus on that and he better be extremely good with his fans too.

@Willow- I still have problems with posting too.

@question- I wasn`t here on the first blind so I really want Annona back.

Sophia said...

Could someone explain the new blind that was revealed about dk? I can't get any of the links to work. I hate this site...posting And links are a bitch. Why in the world would Norman need a bodyguard in CR? Never had one before. Is Normie gonna relocate cookie to ny to protect him as he walks down the street every day? Pfff Norman's a legend in his own mind. If he just asked them on vacation as a friend, then the relationship is definitely blurred. Can't do your job properly if you're minds not on your work but on kissing ass and being shown a good time by your "employer ". Cookie is a yes man for sure. Why would you post these pics knowing the shitstorm it would cause. Cookie and Norman seem to have the same I do what I want mentality. There is no need to show the public this shit. If they truly want privacy, they could have public instagrams and private also to share shit like this between each other. They can't stand not having the public to lick their asses and tell them how wonderful they are that's why. Narcissism at 'its finest.

EnnA said...

The reveal said that DK had to cover herself up head to toe the day after her German IN THE FADE premiere,because she cheated on NR and had very rough sex with her director.She had to cover the bruises

Wilz said...

@question I also suspected that Annonna's connection was nyc/Ride related so maybe we'll get some information when season 3 starts filming.

question said...

Looks like DK is back to trolling on IG it seems. Is Coven claiming they are living together in NYC yet?

@Wilz - yes annona seemed to have some intel during the Barcelona fiasco so I figured the source was NYC/Ride related. Annona used to comment on some of the older NR/MMB/DK blinds too. Maybe now that it's a bit nicer on this blind they will come back.

question said...

@sophia - here is the link to that cheating blind

click on the yellow date to get the comments from the blind before it was revealed.

question said...

@thread - found these tidbits from Annonna on the old original blind for this. Wonder if the same things are going on now and why this is still going on.

Annonna said...
Norman was angry, but he also feels bad for her. Yeah, we're back to that again. He's been there with a past ex-girlfriend. He kept letting her back in even though he was done with both her and all the drama she brought simply because he didn't want her to get hurt... nor did he want her talking to the press ;) So still nothing new on this. Sorry guys. Things are rolling on as usual it seems. He's still officially uncommitted to any woman, but extra close to two: one who won't stop trying for more no matter how many times he says no, and one that's perfectly happy staying out of the drama and just having a "fun time" with him. Guess who's who? ;)

Annonna said...
That's what it used to be and still is (re: fwb), but like I said since that wedding he wants more. (the rest of this message is speculation based on the facts:) I think it's still growing, seems like he talks more and more and more about her and their "thing", and about Diane (but in a "I'm so done, what do I do?" way). As for Diane, she does know about Melissa and I wouldn't be surprised if that is one of the reasons he's not letting Diane go at the moment - fear of what she may do. Know what I mean? Again, that's all pure speculation though.

wtf the original said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wtf the original said...

@thread I don't know what is happening I have posted comments and it shows up as a link to this page so here goes again. I have been lurking more than commenting here but I read every post
I really miss Annonna a lot as well but I thought she said she couldn't post right now because of suspicions
I am sure these 2 yahoos will have more crap fest for us coming up in the next few weeks

... said...

Why do you guys have such faith in this Annonna? She is probably just another one of the super fan aliases and she knows no more than you all. You invoke her name like you are calling on a deity - oh come back, great Annonna!!!!! We need your truth. But I doubt she knows anything for sure. Just an observation.

wtf the original said...

do you know who we never ask to come back ...
Why that would be you Coven Mary ;)

Not cool said...

Mrs. Cookie thinks the ice queen is her friend. Haha! IMO, DK is working that bumpkin over like a cheap suit! Like DK would give her the time of day. It's so obvious that she is being played and DK had her post those pics. Check out Mr & Mrs. Cookie's ego too, talking to the fans, acting like Cookie is equal to Norman. What a joke! NR needs to put those people in check. They are making him look like an idiot. A true bodyguard or friend would have never posted those pics, against NR wishes. Cookie had to sign a confidential agreement and finding a way around it, because DK asked is bs! Backstabbers helping a backstabber. Disgusting that these are the people closest to him! I hope someone reports Cookie to the agency that he works for, he has overstepped his boundaries!

Blind Curious said...

@wtf. 😂😂😂 Ooh I don't know. I love a bit of @...said...! It's nearly Christmas and I do enjoy a pantomime villain. 😉

@question. Good to see those comments again. They seem to correlate with what we have seen, so I would put more faith in them than not.

@Willow. Still no clothes to laugh at. 🤷🏼‍♀️ What's going on? I wonder if the wedding would make him realise what a relationship shouldn't be like (I'll not say should as he seems unconventional and hardly likely to be like the rest of society). I'm also having trouble posting. 😡

Willow said...

@wtf the original – ha ha, absolutely brilliant retort to @...said… :D

@...said… - I thought you said you were too busy to come here?!

@wtf the original and @ question – I really miss Annonna too.

@Blind Curious – I think during the times N spent with MMB it made him realise what a real relationship should be like and that IS what he wanted with Mel. It is sad it didn’t turn out that way. I think we would be seeing a very different N if things had worked out between N & MMB. Waiting patiently to see if D gets invited to the wedding……

@Not Cool – agree that the Cookies’ are overstepping employee boundaries. Maybe they are ‘friends’ with him but it doesn’t look like N’s privacy is their priority. Mrs Cookie should have known that posting that pic of the four of them would provoke fans/trolls. Maybe that was the intention – who knows.

Wilz said...

@... Here I thought you were back to finally give your perspective on why D left nasty comments about M on that twd post. Oh well. And I personally believe Annonna because the things we've seen so far support the info shared. I'm guessing that's why you get so agitated when people bring Annonna up-their info about N's feelings toward D and the relationship don't support the love story certain people are selling.

@thread That first comment from Annonna support a conversation from ig the other day-N can't hold a grudge or be malicious. If he's willing to excuse a fan for biting him, it makes sense that he puts up with some drama from D.

question said...

Is DK throwing some shade with latest post or is it just another example of her posting stupid stuff?

... said...

@Willow I always have time for you guys. 😊😉

The Moon Horse said...

@Question - I wondered the same thing about D's Ali quote, especially given that N isn't that far away from fifty. But he's already liked the post, so either the shade went over his head or it was just a random attempt at being deep by DK and doesn't mean anything relative to their relationship.

Noticed he doesn't seem to have liked her "touched" pic, though, unless I missed it. I actually thought it was a beautiful photo, so I'm a little surprised he didn't give it a like.

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