Thursday, March 09, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1

February 25, 2017

Smiles for the cameras that his foreign born actress date called to show the world they are a loving couple. In the limo though it was a whole other story and our B+ list cable actor from that hit show was beyond ticked off. Pretty tough to keep two high profile relationships going when cameras are trained at one.

Norman Reedus/Diane Kruger/Melissa McBride


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Willow said...

@Soooooo - thank you for another perspective - I appreciate another point of view, as sometimes this thing just looks like a bleak, never-ending saga of patterns repeating themselves. :)

Willow said...

@Soooooo and @Wilz - thanks guys, for a different perspective and appreciate hearing other points of view - it is good to hear different opinions. I suppose sometimes this thing just seems like an never-ending saga to me and things can look a certain way, even if it isn't the case. :)

wtf the original said...

@thread HELLO there I have been reading just not posting lately. There is a picture on D's Instagram of her with a reporter or editor from Germany and it is timestamped from 2 hours ago. I would think she is still in Germany but what do I know. This shooting break will be interesting but at least he has Ride 3 to film so there is that. And last night at the wrap party there was a picture of N with AL and M was there as well so hopefully those 3 did some shots and bonded some

wtf the original said...

@thread I forgot there is a German interview where DK says she got the heart tattoo in her armpit(Still strange place to get it) at the same time as she got the anchor.

Willow said...

@wtf the original; regarding to your thoughts on the wrap party: "hopefully those 3 did some shots and bonded some"..... 'Amen' to that being the case.

Interesting D mentions the heart tattoo being done when she got the anchor one - what time scale would that be, in reference to when N and JDM got their tattoos? (I lose track of time with this saga!) :D

Anonymous said...


N and JDM got the tattoos when they were in San Francisco for a con. I think it was before filming of season 8 started, so maybe in April. DK got hers much later, I think it was when she was in Europe shortly before US Open, someone posted picture of her in tattoo studio while doing the anchor on her foot.

wtf the original said...

@Willow N got his tattoo while at SDCC which was July around the 22nd and the picture of D getting her tattoo is timestamped June 30th and she tagged FB in it. So she got hers first but then I don't think his heart tattoo is for her anyhow :)

Blind Curious said...

I'm wondering how D is going to go on when the season is wrapped. It'll be harder to know where N is so her trolling pictures are going to have to improve (hint hint D if you're reading - you're gonna have to raise your game if you want to keep us interested!). Will we know by her not allowing comments, or to get a bit of attention, will she leave them on to stir a bit of shit up? Most people have clued up to her by now and pretty much ignore her, so she needs to learn some new tricks. The DM articles need a bit of a re-jig too. I only flick through as there's very little new, laugh at her outfits and read the 10 comments. They're just as bland as her personality.

MiaColucci said...

@Soooooo and @Wilz- I know it may sound ridiculous but N does that every time. In my opinion he`s doing it when he feels guilty about something it almost looks like he seeks some sort of comfort. Of course he posts or likes MR or MMB pics on other occasions too but there were weeks without him liking something like that at all. He definitely posts or likes this type of posts after pap pics or DK`s hard trolling. Maybe he`s not doing it intentionally but it has happened so many times that it`s hard to believe that`s just a coincidence.

And why he should care about the opinion of a small group of people- That`s exactly what everybody`s wondering- why he is still hiding D after so many pap walks and pics if he is so in love? What is stopping him? It doesn`t look like he had a problem bringing his other girlfriends on different events and they weren`t famous. D is an actress, she`s known at least so what`s exactly his problem? It looks like she`s more than willing to show herself with N everywhere. I also think that people are just tired of all that drama and that`s why they are not commenting on this topic, it`s getting old.

Anonymous said...

@wtf the original

You're right that DK got hers earlier that I said. But N definitely got his first, it wasn't during SDCC but earlier in San Francisco.

Blind Curious said...

@Mia. There's also been a drop in people as on the old blind some people (cough Coven cough) constantly changed usernames and had conversations with themselves on it. 😀 It's been much friendlier on here since it changed format but I still prefer the old format. It was easier to tell the time of the comments and better to have conversations with people. On the plus side, there aren't any pictures of D on here.

wtf the original said...

@Soooooo you are right sorry he got the heart shorty after M tweeted Daryls heart and that was April 2nd :) Still think his is not for her

wtf the original said...

@Blind Curious you are right about the Coven having conversations with themselves which while a pain in the arse were fun or something lol. It is a much nicer place now and way less body shaming and nasty comments which is nice. But I also miss the old format and some of the commenters. But the group that is still here are pretty A-OK as well

Anonymous said...


The point is that N posts something like that or likes something like that even when it has nothing to do with DK. Perfect example is pictures of Carol/Daryl. People were freaking out as if he and DK were getting married and instead it was just first promo pictures from new season. And on the other side, I don't remember any "warning" before DK appeared in Costa Rica.

To me this is another theory that doesn't work such as when apparently his IG silence means that she's with him (while it was proved that he was both silent when she was in another country and very active on SM while he was actually with her) or that being online at the same time means that they're together.

And I don't think he's "hiding" her anything to do with fans and this blind. The way I see it he doesn't treat her as his previous girlfriend simply because to him she's not his girlfriend, just a FB who occasionally appear where he is at the moment.

Anonymous said...

@wtf the original

Thanks, I knew we could put the timeline together :-)

Willow said...

@thread - I thought N's heart tattoo was because of his Grandmother passing away (from reading something, but can't remember if it was here or somewhere else). Also I seem to remember some posts between MMB and N on the heart - did MMB say something about 'Daryl's heart' was that before or after he had actually got the tattoo?

@Mia - this whole saga is like a case of 'deja vu' and the movie Groundhog Day! However the one thing, that in my mind, remains a constant - N is not in love with D - she was a rebound/consolation after MMB ended the fwb arrangement with him and I don't think that his feelings have changed towards D even though he forgives the shit she pulls. D knows he doesn't love her and this is why she trolls and tries to sell this as an 'epic romance' for appearances sake because she threw away what she had with JJ for an 'illusion of a romance' with N.

question said...

@soooo - he did that 100th episode video with MMB at her house and posted it right before CR. Then he tried to hide the crap out of DK when they got to CR, until of course she outed them.

Getting a huge heart tattoo on your chest is a pretty big thing if you do it for a girl. I would think (I don't think he got it for her) that if he did get that for her that he would treat her much better in public. And going from 'just friends' to a heart tattoo two months later is pretty odd. And Dk getting the heart tattoo when she is thousands of miles from him and when she is fulfilling a bet with her director is also odd. Of course with NR's ego and constant need for attention from women maybe it just made him excited that she would do something that rash. If I remember right she got that tattoo and then rushed back here to follow him upstate for July 4th and then some think they had a fight b/c right after that he went back to GA and was online all drunk late at night liking all sorts of things a man in a committed relationship wouldn't be liking.

Willow said...

@wtf - see you had posted a date for the heart tattoo regarding when MMB had tweeted Daryl's heart. Maybe the heart was for for MMB....( I wish) :D

wtf the original said...

@Soooo highest of fives for you ;)
@Willow highest of fives and happy dancing for you because I am all over the idea of him getting the heart for Daryl and or MMB. Although I think it is for his Grandmother but hey I am open to new ideas.
I just have to weigh in a little on the N posting M or MR pictures. Yes he posted the video with him and MMB before CR BUT that was work related and it actually came out before SDCC which although it was before CR we also got the cute flirty stuff between N and M just to put a wee different spin on it
So much flirty between N and M

Wilz said...

@thread I agree with Soooooooo that a lot of the theories and rules people come up with are random and only work some of the time. @question I don't think the 100 episode video can be used as evidence because like @wtf said it was work related and N didn't decide when that was released, AMC did.

I have no idea why N got that tattoo-for Daryl, for this grandmother, or because he loves hearts. But I'd be willing to bet money it's not because of D. Again agreeing with @Soooooooo she's a fb not a gf and I don't see him doing that for a fb.

@wtf We did get cute flirty stuff from sdcc. What was it you said at the time? M and N seemed smitten :)

Anonymous said...


I think the video is the same case as him posting the promo pictures. It was official promotion for TWD, SDCC was sort of an official start of season 8 promotion. I doubt it has anything to do with DK, especially since MMB participated in it. I personally don't think that N would go to her to help him pacify those people because he's taking DK on vacation.

Willow said...

@wtf - thank you for the highest of fives and happy dancing. :)

I am wondering if it was all the flirting and happiness between N & MMB at the Con, made a jealous D decide she wanted to go to CR and whined/begged/cried/guilted him, until he agreed she could go. Either he agreed just to shut her up or else for a compromise or a deal - if we believe a plan for future public break up was made, if she got holiday pap shots? Just a thought.

@Soooooo - I wonder if the July (or her Birthday?) falling out was anything to do with her getting the tattoo - she gets the tattoo and rushes back to show it to him and says she got it for him to match his heart - maybe instead of being flattered that D got a heart tattoo for him - he was angry with her. She was taking away whatever reason he had really got the tattoo - and made it look like the heart was for her. Maybe the heart tattoo means a lot to him if it was for personal reasons like his Grannie or MMB. Just an opinion, I have no facts to back it up.

Anonymous said...


JDM was asked about his tattoo on Kimmel few weeks ago and the way he said it they decided to get the tattoos just because they had time to spare. It's quite possible it has no meaning at all.

... said...

People are still here who don't agree with you, don't worry. We just don't comment anymore. You are purely comedy relief. What are you going to do when he is no longer on the show and nowhere around MMB? What will happen to your fantasy? Don't answer. This is just rhetorical.

Anonymous said...


DK in July is pretty much a tale of desperation. I think it's still debatable if she spent 4th of July with him, because to be fair it's almost impossible to guess where he was, they were sightings of him both in GA and upstate NY. I personally don't believe she was with him on her birthday. She was really desperately trying to convince everyone how great it was, which again tells me that it wasn't. Don't forget the facetiming and a really desperate trolling on IG, what I remember most is when she posted that break up song and posted comment that it's just a song she likes (to make it sound that no break up actually happened).

Adding that N looked very happy during July, it makes me think that he broke up with her sometime between their road trip and her birthday. It's quite possible that CR was some kind of deal, shortly after that they announced the Oscar campaign for her film. And the only time between CR and US Open she tried to imply she was with N was her helmet selfie (which could've been latergram from CR, that was not a helmet for motorcycle).

It's also possible that US Open wasa reaction to something wrong happening in his personal life (fight with HC at their son's fashion show), which I think was also the reason forthe pap walk in March (it was so OOC that something must have caused that behavior).

wtf the original said...

@... So glad you are finding comedy relief here
Sort of a quid pro quo situation really
Since those who bother to go to Coven blog find it a great source of comedy as well
You're welcome

Willow said...

@Soooooo - was the pap walk of shame after the Barcelona trip - I thought that was when MMB ended things with him because it was getting too messy/public with D and her pap articles?

@...said.. I can't speak for others but when the show is over - I'll probably be doing what I did before the show was on, as I was a BDS fan not a WD fan originally. I do not have fantasies about MMB and N, I just wish that N would sort out his life and address his issues. If we wish to converse with each other on here we have every right to do so, if it amuses you- I'm so glad to have brightened up your day.... If you do not agree with what is said here; well - people on here have different opinions to each other - so how can you disagree with all of them!!! By the way I do understand the meaning of 'rhetorical' but since you bothered to post something, you must have expected a reply. Have a nice day.

Wilz said...

@Willow Yes, the pap walk o'shame ws after Barcelona. The garage setup happened, then N released the "just friends" statement. Then Barcelona after which M ended things. The pap walk was not longer after.

I don't think they spend the 4th together because I think they broke up after the road trip. I tend to believe the pap walk, CR and the US Open were all reactions to things going wrong in his personal life. Possibly the premiere too.

question said...

@Willow - there were the garage pictures in February, followed with the 'just friends' quote, followed shortly after with the DM article 'catching DK hailing a cab to the airport', followed by a DM article showing DK in the same exact outfit she wore in the 'hailing a cab' article wandering around Barcelona. This is followed a day later with pap pictures of her in the Barcelona airport where she is giving the pap's the finger. This is followed shortly after with the NYC walk of shame. There was someone who went by Annnoa who commented on here back when this all went down and they apparently had some inside knowledge. They indicated that MMB called it off after Barcelona when it started to become too messy. Some think NR reacted to MMB calling it quits with that stupid pap walk of shame.

question said...

@Wilz - I agree but I do think she followed him up to his update place over the 4th to try and fix matters or whatever. I think she was just there over night or maybe one day and I don't think things went well.

Anonymous said...


Glad you're still here. I don't remember seeing your insults since people here asked you about your opinion on DK'a actions on that TWD post she made. It looked like you vanished. Or maybe I'm just missed some since it's all the same.

Willow said...

@wilz - agree that there always seems to be a catalyst for these 'events' with D. Sometimes it's hard to remember the order these things happen in without having to go and check.

@Soooooo-I remember that N seemed happy in July and the blind thought there had been a break up.
Also regarding the IG shot of D in that helmet which wasn't suitable for a motorbike - when looking at the photo she took in CR with GN's daughter - Greg's daughter's helmet looked the same or similar, to the one in the troll photo D posted, so it does look like it was a latergram from CR.

Willow said...

@question - thank you for the timeline, I started reading the old blind shortly after it was revealed but never commented until the old blind went down and the cdan family found each other again on the blind about Al's family getting papped in CR. I do remember Annonna (wish she would come back and help us out with what is going on, but it may still be too risky for her as she'd said someone found out someone was leaking info).
I also remember that after D's NY pap shot of hailing a taxi - there was a shot of her getting on or off the back of N's bike in Barcelona. She had the same clothes and that little shoulder bag which gave her away. It was said he had ditched her in the street when fans recognised them so he dumped D and went over to do selfies etc with fans from what I remember. Didn't she end up going to a hotel in Germany or something after Barcelona and wasn't allowed to go to his Photography Exibition which Jeff and his family were photographed at?

Anonymous said...


My guess is she called paps to Barcelona hoping that they'll "catch" her with N but it backfired. Maybe you remember that Annonna said DK was invited to Spain under the condition that she won't call paps like she did in he garage. My guess is that she thought (and maybe she was invited, but I don't think so) that she will go to the gallery but after N found out about the paps he sent her away. Her pics from the airport and her hiding in the hotel in Germany made me think she was humiliated.

Interesting was that some spanish pap claimed on local TV show that they have pictures of them together, but they never appeared.

question said...

I knew instantly when I saw that picture of her hailing the cab in NY that she wanted people to at least assume she was going to meet NR in Spain. When I saw the picture of her in Barcelona in the same exact outfit I almost spit out my drink. I couldn't believe how desperate/obvious she was being. Yes there were some pictures of her getting on his bike, of him looking like a deer caught in headlights when he looked up and realized they were being photographed and then him dumping her on the side of the road. She was clearly pissed at the airport. If she had gotten what she wanted she would've been playing it up for the Paps not acting all pissed off (unless that was an act for NR to cover the fact she actually called them). So much humiliation this woman is willing to take. I'm actually sort of surprised she didn't fly back to GA for the wrap party and than back to Germany for her premiere or whatever reason she is still there for. I totally expected more from her.

Kat said...

Has anybody else seen the wrap party photos? N looks rough again. Maybe he is just worn out from his busy schedule or has to look that way for WD.

MiaColucci said...

@Kat - I saw them. Maybe he was tired from work and drunk. :D Judging by his SM activity (Mellymel - How cute is that? :) N looks in a good mood but who knows.

EnnA said...

Can someone explain the mellymel comment? I do not have twitter. What was this about?

MiaColucci said...

@EnnA- N posted a short clip from last week`s episode( the Caryl part) again this time on Instagram. He shares everything from his instagram on twitter too,usually he posts just an instagram link, the same one twice :D. This time he posted it 3 times and the second time he added the Mellymel thing( but only on twitter, on instagram he just wrote "Tonight!"). Mellymel has to be some sort of a nickname for MMB. I hope that helps.

Wilz said...

@EnnA Here's a link The ig post is a clip from last week's episode where Carol heard Daryl's motorcycle

Kat said...

@MiaC- looked like a couple day binge! Hahaha. Maybe he is celebrating dumping D! I so hope so. She has been nothing but trouble for him.

Willow said...

@question @Soooooo @thread: I seem to remember that Annonna said N invited D to Spain when he was drunk. I think he and M had a row because she told him to confront D about the pap photos in the garage and he had a weak attempt at doing so. I remember D had promised there would be no paps ( lmao, how could he ever trust her again after THAT lie, she had the paps planned before she even got to Spain, with that NYC sidewalk pap shoot!)

It is an insight into the type of person D is - that the publicity was more important to her than just enjoying spending some time with N in Spain. She just had to call the paps – yes it backfired on her and she made a fool of herself. Also the fact she made up the story to go with the garage pap shots - that she and N had returned from a trip - when N had actually been with MR upstate and not D – more lies from her.

It is a good to have timelines and reminisce here about some of the earlier events since we lost the details in those posts when we lost the old blind.

Perhaps D was not at the wrap party because N told her she was not welcome at it. (I am sure if he had invited her she would fly to GA for the party and back to Germany). Even if they haven’t finished with their fb arrangement – it would be awkward for his co-worker friends for D to be there after her leaving those comments on night of her WD post. Plus I don’t think N really relaxes when D is around, so maybe he just wanted to enjoy a night with his friends without drama from her.

Strange N spreading the MMB love again, okay, I will hold my judgement on the fact he has now posted a MR and a MMB on his IG and not take it as a sign of a bad omen! (thinking positive thoughts).

@Kat: I would like to hold onto the hope that he is finally done with D but we will just have to wait and see if that is the case! Time will tell. :)

Blind Curious said...

@wtf. Those pretend conversations were hilarious. I genuinely think they thought we would take them seriously. 😁

@Willow. That is quite a good point about N and M being flirty at SDCC and D possibly guilting him over it. I've always found it funny how N looks completely at ease with MMB and with D there just isn't anything in their body language that shows any kind of intimacy. It all looks pretty forced when they have tried to show it. I sometimes get a thought in my head that they aren't really a couple but are just using one another for appearances. Him to show certain people (or a certain person) that somebody wants more with him and D to show everybody that she didn't cheat on JJ for nothing. I don't actually believe this but occasionally it makes sense to me when you look at their body language together.

@...said.... Long time no see. We don't all agree with one another on here, I don't even agree with myself a lot of the time. I try to look at things from other angles on occasion. It's called having a conversation. You don't have to be mean to people that don't agree with you and you don't have to agree with everything they say either.
What will I do when N leaves the show? Have a celebratory pint. If MMB leaves I'll prob stop watching. Other than that my real life will be full of kids, work, friends and fun. Except in my downtime I'll probably go back to Am I being unreasonable on Mumsnet. The trolls are much more entertaining on there.

Kat said...

I am starting this comment with full disclosure that what I saw was just a random comment on N's latest IG post by a random person and there is no proof or validity to their comment yet. Someone commented that he was heading to Costa Rica again. Maybe they saw old news and photos? But..... wouldn't that be awesome if he could redo that fiasco of a vacation and actually enjoy himself and relax for a change. I know my posts lately are based on completely circumstantial evidence, intuition and wishful thinking but no matter how angry I get about his actions, I am still rooting for the man. I truly believe he just doesn't know how to get out of the mess he has gotten himself into.

question said...

Well if he is headed to CR I'm sure she is headed there as well or will be soon. Maybe he'll do a better job of keeping her trolling under wraps this time.

MiaColucci said...

@Kat- think the last day of filming is this Wednesday so most likely he`s still in GA but who knows. I am still rooting for him too. :)

Wilz said...

@thread I'm hesitant to put any truth into a random comment by a random person. How would they know N's travel plans? Also D allegedly has a premiere on the 23rd so if he does go I don't think she'll be joining him.

The Moon Horse said...

I caught sight of a pic on IG of N and a woman from an airport in Costa Rica that had been reposted within the past few days (I got the impression she's an airport employee). Maybe someone saw that and didn't notice it was originally posted back in August. I also think it's a bit weird that he'd go to Costa Rica this close to Thanksgiving, but maybe that's just me. Granted, that doesn't mean he ISN'T headed back there now, but I'm not going to get worked up just yet.

Blind Curious said...

@greenery. If I was N, now that I had some time off I would be wanting to spend some time with my kid, especially if they are on bad terms. I don't think he's going there. He isn't me though so he could turn up anywhere!

MiaColucci said...

Well, there are 2 pics of N and AA in downtown Newnan so if the pictures are really from yesterday then most definitely N is still in GA. Mystery solved. :D

EnnA said...

I find it interesting how Reedus is hanging so much with Austin Amelio in his freetime recently. Instead of jdm.
I really like Austin,he is a nice,unique and down to earth guy and he seems to avoid drama. Might be a good thing for N

question said...

@EnnA - I think JDM might have left GA already. I didn't see him in the cast photo from the wrap party (maybe I missed him). I did notice MMB looked like she wanted to be anywhere but in that photo. I think NR will hang out with anyone from the cast who rides.

@Wilz- what film premiere does she have on the 23rd?

Wilz said...

@question Correction-the premiere is on the 21st. I'm assuming this is In the Fade but I don't know for sure. Passing along what was shared on ig.

moep said...

@question it's in the fade.

moep said...

just found a german article and it says the premiere is today in hamburg (but official release is 23rd)

Willow said...

@thread - check out D's IG - seems like some sort of presentation going on with her and Fatih.

Hopefully Hamburg WILL be her 'hood' from now on - (my apologises to members of the cdan family who reside in Europe)! :)

D must have changed her mind from the interview when she said she felt she didn't fit in, when she was in Germany!

MiaColucci said...

She`s so fake all the time, it`s ridiculous! So, now Germany feels like home, huh? Her outfit is horrible and her hair- please, not again! I guess she was dressed good for BAMBI awards by mistake.:D

Willow said...

@mia @thread - D has just posted another pic on her IG with the Major of Hamburg and Fatih.

I think D is wearing one of her 'Joshua - the mechanic' outfits as advertised by 'Fans be Gone' but where is her beret!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Blind Curious said...

😱😂🤷🏼‍♀️ Has she been shopping at a jumble sale or something? Good God. Oh well, at least she dressed somewhat respectable. Hood my arse.

Willow said...

@thread - TV ratings for TWD continue to fall...

Unknown said...

My god that outfit...someone commented..are you pregnant?....but the best she dating f now?? And surprisingly that question is still up...r we trying to piss off Normie????? I have a feeling things r very Rocky with these two..she even said...have to make this my new hood!!! Such class!!

Fans-B-Gone said...

Oh boy, we were so excited to see Diane Kruger wearing what appeared to be one of the outfits from our National Lampoon's cousin Eddie inspired collection as she met the mayor of Hamburg! Diane appeared to be rocking our festive "Cousin Eddie Comes to Christmas" ensemble complete with snakeskin pimp shoes, which we're confident cousin Eddie himself would give two very enthusiastic approval belches! Way to get people in the holiday spirit Diane! This flame retardant outfit can be yours for the low, low price of $29.95! If you order today, we'll throw in another outfit from the collection, "Cousin Eddie Goes Kidnapping", for just $9.95! Does your guy have a couple of tv shows that are not doing so great in the ratings department? Need to kidnap some of his ex fans on your scooter, I mean "motorcycle", to deliver to your dude on Christmas Eve complete with a big red bow, a la cousin Eddie, so your dude can force them to watch the shows that he's been practically begging them to watch? If yes, then "Cousin Eddie Goes Kidnapping" is for you! The brown coat with fur collar and fur hat with flaps are perfect for those who claim to be animal lovers but continually wear dead animal carcasses! The hat with flaps is ideal for riding a scooter...I mean "motorcycle" at a snail's pace! Who needs a helmet when going that slow?! But we're not done there! If you order right now, we'll also throw in cousin Eddie's "Shitter's Full" bathrobe for free! Do you love to post pot stirring IG stories to antagonize your boo thing's fans & ex fans? Ever thought about posting a video pumping out your dude's septic tank as a way to drop a hint that you're at his house? If so, cousin Eddie's "Shitter's Full" bathrobe is the perfect attire for such a video! And don't forget to add the hat with flaps, maybe they'll think you just got back from riding your scooter...damn, I mean "motorcycle" with boo! Call the number at the bottom of the screen now to get this amazing deal while supplies last! Hurry, once it's gone, it's gone for good! As usual, we accept Vasa and Mustercard and The Walking Dead Monopoly money.
**Hope there are some National Lampoon's Christmas vacation fans around here or this probably won't make sense at all! I had to do this! My mind immediately went to cousin Eddie as soon as I saw Diane's outfit! It was certainly an...interesting choice!**

question said...

@Debra it must have worked because the comment about NR is gone and he has now posted his go to heart emoji on her latest post. I thought her DM article was an article about her an Fabian coming out as a couple. Looks like games are being played again. I have no idea why he gets so wrapped up in this.

Unknown said...

@fans be gone....exwiccan here.. have truly missed your D.K it!!!! Thanks...we were just talking about that movie......Grace..Grace died over 30 years ago!!! it

question said...

@fans be gone - That was awesome. When I see her outfits these days I wonder how high she was when she decided they were a good idea.

I feel really sorry for the directors wife. It seems DK is now using him and their relationship to get attention now too. Truly disgusting.

Willow said...

@fans b gone - brilliant and outstanding post as usual. :)

@thread - maybe N got told off by D for not leaving heart emojis on her indie or bambi awards, funny we were only saying recently that he hadn't commented on her award posts. It is as if she reads the comments on here and then acts upon them!!!! Surely a serious Hollywood actress wouldn't be worried about what a few people on cdan thought!!!!

Blind Curious said...

😂🤣😂 National Lampoon! Classic. Always good to wake up to a @Fans-B-Gone comment. I thought you might have moved into red carpets after the premiere. She certainly disappeared off of there in a flash.

The gold dress with the basque on is awful. I did actually wear a basque over clothes once when I went to a fancy dress party as Madonna a few years ago. I made a couple of massive cones in the same material and put them on it - they kept knocking the pole off the limbo thing much to my annoyance! It was still a better outfit than this one and that one was a piss take. What are the little frilly strap/sleeves about? Who the hell is dressing her? If she has got a stylist I'd love to shake their hand. They must hate her.

MiaColucci said...

N acts really strange, so, he was hiding somewhere during her BAMBI and Indie awards, then he gave her just a simple "like" but now he`s back again with the heart emoji on her post about the "100th" time her film has a premiere somewhere. :D Isn`t it funny? What a support she receives from him!

I hope she`s happy now. TWD and Ride ratings are dropping so fast and yes, she`s one of the reasons. N won`t find a better job after that which is sad but true because for most of the people he`s simply Daryl. Let`s see how D`s gonna react when his fame won`t be the same as it used to be. At first, people were mad only at her but now the anger is transferred to N too and I understand. Hr deserves it. People reactions are like the 7 stages of break up - first it was the desperation for answers- is it true!?, why he is doing it!?. Second- the denial- It can’t be true. This isn’t happening! He is not like that!. Next stages are bargaining and going back to him, because he`s just great guy in general. That leads us to stage 5- anger and here we are right now. There are only two stages left- the initial acceptance and redirected hope. N should be scared, but really scared because when people reach stage 7 there`s no going back and they`ll find somebody else. Somebody who is easy to be liked with less drama and issues, somebody young and new and that will be N`s end.

I want him to be happy, healthy, busy with great work but nobody can help his but himself. He`s a hot mess right now. Christmas is coming so I can only hope that his Christmas miracle is realizing what`s exactly wrong with his life.

question said...

It's like Cannes all over again. He avoids posting anything related to it and then she guiltes him through DM articles and who knows what else and he responds with a generic post. He put that heart on the post after that DM article was posted where again NR is not mentioned but her budding relationship with the director is the focus. It looks so weird that his body guard and BFF can use actual words on their posts but he can't.

I thought TWD might hang in there another year before the ratings tumbled this far. This is the start of the end. Also it must be a big ego hit to NR that it appears JDM carried that first episode of Ride and on his own he can't get ratings or demographic numbers close to last year's season.

Willow said...

@question – what was the comment about NR, you mentioned earlier, that had been deleted from her IG post?

D certainly didn’t waste any time getting that DM article out! I did not really speculate about her and Fatih much before now, as I just thought she flirts around any man, but in those photos in that article, she is definitely draping herself all over him in a way that draws attention. Definitely more rapport between them than anything I’ve ever seen between her and N.

I still think this ‘whatever it is’ between N and D will end when she stops running around after him, when she no longer answers the ‘request for bootie’ phone calls from him, because she has found someone more popular/famous and whose career is not seemingly stagnating in declining ratings (for his both shows). It is ironic that when she met N he was a in good position career wise, in a popular show, with his own impending show starting up, he looked great back then, fit and healthy more importantly he looked HAPPY in those days. Fast-forward to now – declining ratings, N looking tired, worn out and aged beyond his years - I think D has probably already planned her next move to find someone else whose career is on the ‘up’ as N’s appears to be steadily on the downward slope now. Ironically she had a lot to do with his decline but so had he.

Anyone else thinks N looks really worn and haggard in the latest ‘Christmas’ photo-shoot for the NY times?

@Mia – I liked your analogy on the seven stages of a break up. I think I have been at stage six since the season 8 premiere when I saw the photos of N and D standing together in the green-room amongst his cast mates. I am sticking with cdan because I enjoy reading the posts from you guys and want to see how this saga finally ends.

Unknown said...

@willow...the question was...are you pregnant?? I read she did a Germany interview and I guess she said she was taking time off next year to ride her motorcycle through New Zealand I guess...

Willow said...

^ NY Post not NY Times

Willow said...

@debra - thanks, although since she is the one who does the 'baby' rumours for her DM articles etc, you would think she would be pleased to have people speculate that.
Has your friend heard anything lately?

Unknown said...

@Willow - I came here to mention his new Christmas photo shoot! It's a professional photo shoot and he still looks like hell. Look, I am a NR fan. I am a BDS fan from the get and I honestly want this man to do well. I want him to be okay but dear Lord he looks rough. He is bloated, it's something more than tired. I just stared at the photos sad because he doesn't look at all like the man from just one year ago. It's not just aging. The comments though? LMAO omg! No wonder he acts the way he does. People praise his behavior regardless of what he does. Meanwhile I am the asshole who is 'dude I love you but you look like ragged shit!' Meh...rant over. LOL! I just wondered if anyone else saw that Christmas photo shoot.

@thread - Like I said I am a NR fan but a realistic one. I am SO glad I found cdan and all of you because for the most part all of you say what I am thinking. Dear Lord other blogs are just ass-kissers or just straight up delusional. :-)

question said...

@sunny what photo shot? Are the pictures somewhere?

@willow I thought she had deleted something but was wrong. As of this morning she still had that comment knocking NR up.

MiaColucci said...

@SunnyDaze- I feel you. :)

Instead of bringing me joy his photo shoot made me really sad. He doesn`t look like himself at all, the fire in his eyes is gone now, it`s so scary. He`s just the shell of the man he used to be.

@question - :)

Willow said...

@sunnydaze – I was BDS fan also, but as you say – have to be realistic – I don’t recognise the guy anymore from what he was years ago. Question is – are we seeing the real N now and the other version was a fake? I have to say, I don’t think so, because he can't have faked it all those years and because the version he is now seems to be sucking the life-blood out of him. I think the guy is in his own personal hell and either has decided to just live in it or he doesn’t know how to get out of it and back to the person he once was.

I think that photo shoot may have been done around the season 8 premier as his hairdresser's IG shows a post from that date with the Santa hat and the gold reindeer glasses.

Unknown said...

@question and @mia - NY Post...thanks for posting! And yes that is it! The spark is gone! You described it perfectly and it really is sad. There are more pics from the shoot all over IG and the pics that didn't make the article? Sigh. I just want to slap him and tell him to get his shit together! I guess being like everyone else he will just have to hit rock bottom before that happens.

Unknown said...

@Willow - You are in my head LOL - I could have wrote that word for word. I have thought the same things before. "Is this the REAL NR? Nah.... no one could fake that for so long!" And I agree, I think he is in his 'midlife crisis' or just some deep personal hell. Sadly I think it's a little of both...he seems to be accepting it because he doesn't know how to fix it. And I am not entirely convinced he is surrounded with people who will actually care enough to help him rather than just watch it happen. I am hoping that Austin will be a good influence since they seem to be hanging out a lot lately.

MiaColucci said...

@Willow0 I agree completely! You put my thoughts on the topic in 3 sentences, thank you.

SnoopyD said...

The photoshop is quite heavy in his new photoshoot and even that is not enough to show how quickly he is aging. I suspect the aging is from stress, both personal and professional, and how he chooses to deal with that stress. In the last episode, Daryl actually had a lot of speaking lines, and boy did Norman's smoker's voice shine through. Gravely and deep. The man smokes way too many cancer sticks. Plus, his nose is becoming quite bulbous as highlighted from a side shot in the episode. I hope N takes care of himself in the offseason, but I doubt that very much, especially with D hanging on.

Has Ride 3 been ok'd for filming? The current season is getting bad ratings, so I wonder what AMC will do? If they are smart, they will take any $$$$$ they are putting into Ride and use it to better TWD. But they aren't smart, so....

Personally, I don't see DK is directly the reason for TWD rating decline, that is on the showrunner and his shitty writing, but I do feel like she has been a bad luck charm for me, indirectly shitting on my experience as a hardcore TWD fan. I dislike how N treats her, I dislike how she treats N fans/certain castmates, and I hate her encroaching on the show's events, like the premiere, especially in light of how N treats her, hiding her away like she's not important to him. I hate how N/MMB's relationship seems different because of D.

Overall, I just see N in a bad light due to his relationship. I question the integrity of his castmates for liking/befriending her online simply because I don't care for her. So, all of that, plus the shitty writing, has made me drop watching the show live. The show has too many negatives that outweigh the positives for me at the moment.

Willow said...

@SunnyDaze - yeah I have noticed him hanging with Austin a lot too. :)

My concern is that AL, MMB and the rest of his other cast mates that are a good influence on him will be gone during the break until next year's Cons and WS Cruise and the Australia tour.

I am dreading the thought of him going back to 'hang' with his crowd in NY as there are some of those guys who are definitely NOT a good influence on him. :(

I don't know if he - didn't know/didn't care - about D's WD post with leaving the nasty comments up about MMB but THAT should have been the moment when he woke up. It is not enough that (even if) it was him made D turn her comments off. I am not sure what it will take - perhaps it will be as I said - when D leaves and leeches on to a new victim or WD/Ride gets cancelled or the ratings reach rock bottom. To be honest - I am not sure if he has a breaking point any more. It is sad to watch but he is the only one that can fix himself and he has to WANT to.

EnnA said...

My God. The pics from the ny photoshoot are godawful. And they are highly manipulated imo. Makes me sad. I want to slap and shake the guy. Did anyone see the little video? I think his whole way to talk and present himself has changed.What is happening there?

MiaColucci said...

@EnnA- I saw it too and it made me even sadder. His behavior towards the hairdresser wasn`t exactly nice and the question- "Why are you fixing my hair all the time?" maybe because that`s her job, ass*ole! Jesus, I hate to say it but he was unnecessary rude and I`ve never seen him react like that before.

EnnA said...

There was a talkshow on the german tv channel ndr the day after Kruger/Akin got the Bambi.
I just watched it via youtube,because I wanted to form my own opinion.
I have to say neither Akin nor Diane did present themselves well. They were both not remotedly articulate and did stammer a lot.They did play up the buddy and coolness factor though,as if there was no tomorrow.This is a very strange connection between those two.Whenever the attention was on other guests,Diane looked bored.Very bored.There was a young charismatic singer in the group of guests that stole the whole show and you could see that it pissed D off.Ironically the singer talked about perception of beauty in Hollywood and media in general and how to gain self-confidence.That young girl had so much to say.Diane had nothing to say at all.She came across very immature,arrogant and simple minded.

Wilz said...

@thread I don't think his comment toward his hairdresser was that big of a deal. It was a throw away line and imo not some bigger indication of the person that N is. It's the kind of thing I'd say if my mother was constantly adjusting me lol He and his hairdresser seem to have a good relationship judging by the videos and pictures she posts. I get that I'm in the minority but sometimes if feels like people are searching for things to mean more than they do. Kind of like N and D's relationship-it's not that deep but people keep trying to make it so ;)

I thought the photo shoot was fine if a bit weird. I don't get the comments about the spark/fire being gone from N's eyes as he's been giving that same blank expression in photo shoots forever lol I've always preferred candid/fan shots of him where he at least attempts to smile.

Season 3 of Ride has been confirmed and according to the NY Post interview that went with these photos, N will be starting filming soon.

@Snoopy I agree that I don't think D is the reason for TWD rating decline. This show has been going down hill since around season 5. People give D way to much credit for her influence on twd and Ride.

SnoopyD said...

@Wilz..Thanks for the info on Ride 3. It's interesting that AMC keeps it on the air because I can't see them making any revenue from Ride. I wonder if Ride was part of the negotiations N made along with his pay increase. Also, I could see AMC giving N Ride because he is their "cash cow" and keeping him busy/happy keeps him out of any offseason trouble.

TWD is in such a hole, so I wish that whatever extra money AMC had would be put to making TWD what it once was. Instead, they throw $$$ at N so he can ride around the world for free with C/D list celebs no one is interested in.

I agree about D and the ratings to a certain extent, but she is one of the reasons I see TWD and it's cast a bit differently. I just think she has been a bad luck charm for N in general for the last few years, so yes, that does cloud my visions of the show. Actors and their personal lives do factor into my decision to give my full support to their work.

Blind Curious said...

@Snoopy. Thanks. You've just hit the nail on the head for me with D - making me see TWD and the cast differently. I just couldn't get the words in my head to make sense. There have been a few other things that have made me side eye some of them too. XB and his desperate attempts at wooing a young girl for one. Nicotero just creeps me the fuck out with his pimping and thinking he's some kind of rock god. I also agree Ride is partially to keep N out of trouble.

Wilz said...

@Snoopy I certainly understand N and D's antics clouding your personal opinion. That happens to all us. My comment was directed to those that portray D as the sole reason for twd or Ride ratings declining. Bad writing, little to no character development, overcrowded cast, dropped plots-those things factor into twd's rating decline. And with Ride I think the day and time of the show and direct competitors factor into the decline. I'm not saying that some fans haven't bailed because of D and that drama but there is no way that D is the #1 reason for the decline. N may be popular but no way is he popular enough that his crazy personal life cost the show 3 million viewers lol

Kat said...

I think Glenn and Abe's deaths caused a lot of fans to leave WD. Sorry but in a apocalyptic zombie world, there are no untouchables. I am still a huge fan but I do believe this seasons "all out war" has made some big mistakes and left some huge plot holes and questionable actions. I didn't like the first season of Ride but I am really enjoying this season. As for DK, I believe she has moved on to greener pastures via FA. She even looks less tired and more relaxed and happy. I would imagine that years of smacking your head against a brick wall with someone who will never conform to the lifestyle you want would be exhausting. Poor N must be drained and exhausted too.

Blind Curious said...

@Kat. A lot of TWD fans were majorly pissed off about the aftermath of Glenn and Abe's deaths. Glenn barely got any decent screen time before he got killed. There was also the dumpster palaver, that didn't go down well either. Maggie wasn't seen again until how many episodes after Glenn, an original cast member, was brutally murdered in front of her. Season 7 was so miserable that I'm not surprised a lot of people stopped tuning in and don't really want to go back. Did anybody else see the really shit CGI deer last year? What the hell was that about? Surely they could hire a goat for a couple of hours. Also tptb pretty much called the entire fandom thickos for not being on board with the cliffhanger. How the hell did they think they could get away with about 10 minutes if Carol? Christ, I could be here all day listing reasons why people are tuning out. I'll be there until the end, same with Krudus. 😀

Blind Curious said...

I don't know why I put hire a goat instead of a deer. 🤷🏼‍♀️😂

Willow said...

@thread - Seth Gilliam’s IG account seems to have disappeared, it this a glitch with me or can anyone else find it? Interesting that he had a video of N and D standing together in the green room at the Season 8 premiere, but if they had wanted that removed, SG could just have deleted the post. So I assume his IG has disappeared for some other reason. Also someone I was talking to said they couldn’t find any pics of D & N on the BSRAgency site anymore, I can’t find anything, is this a glitch or are they gone?

SnoopyD said...

@BlindCurious @Wilz.. I totally agree with you. I just feel that since TWD is hemorrhaging viewers, AMC should be taking a look at everything that could be the cause of that hemorrhage, including actor's personal choices off camera. For example XB. I currently side-eye every actor from TWD that nonchalantly posed with him at the Jim Gaffigan show. It implies to me that they have zero problems with how XB's twitter shitstorm with that girl went down. XB has no idea how lucky he is to have had dodged a bullet early on, considering the state of Hollywood right now. I will not watch anything that he is in, including his scenes on TWD. AMC should have kept XB under wraps more.

As far as N, it's like how I hear he treated D in Barcelona. I'm not going to support Ride when he acts callously toward his supposed g/f when filming the show. Pus, D's Pap manipulations while Ride was filming and during Costa Rica during TWD hiatus really left me fuming. AMC, just keep this woman away from TWD. She has bad karma......

MiaColucci said...

@Willow- I don`t have an instagram but was able to see his account before. Now I can`t find it. Also checked BSRAgency site and again you are right- no pics of D and N but I have to say that I don`t have a registration there. So maybe someone else should check it too.

Unknown said...

@thread I have an IG and I am not able to pull up Seth at all. Like it doesn't exist. Maybe a glitch, who knows.

Wilz said...

@thread A few weeks ago Seth made a post saying it would be his last post for awhile. He did make a few posts after but maybe like Josh McD he's over the sm hate he's getting. He mentioned it in an article not long ago.

Anonymous said...

Seth posted few days ago that he won't post for awhile. People speculated that he could be bullied and send him supportive comments. Some also speculated that maybe it's because something in his episode (the last one) that he can't spoil or that it would bring him hate from trolls.

The pictures from BSR agency are likely problem of the website, I tried to search someone else and still nothing.

I agree that TWD ratings suffer due to bad writing and weak showrunner. Also unlike the comic book I don't think they can afford to kill main characters and replace them with undeveloped ones. Many people watch shows for their favorite character, and Glenn was one of the most popular. And if there's any truth to MSF speculation, it will suffer even more.

Ride rating were always low compared to TWD but I think they're fine for the kind of show it is. First epi of this season benefitted from beng aired after TWD and TTD. Now it's competing with Monday programs, where it doesn't have much chance. AMC is arrogant but not stupid, they were aware what would happen if the put it on Monday. They renewed i already so I think they're content. It's likely very cheap to produce.

About his photoshoot, I think he looked fine, especially for someone who seemed to be sleeping very little recently. I'm not sure what spark you expected from an interview with the antichrist MM :-))). His comment also wasn't rude to me, it was only missing him calling her Mom with a whiny voice. I'm sometime amused when people get angry (or in some cases outraged) on behalf os someone who likely doesn't see it as a big deal. Few week ago she was laughing when N was knocking baguette on her head.

And for the heart on her posts, I doubt she guilted him into it. I'm willing to bet he does what he wants when he wants it. Just like I'd bet that once again it meant nothing to him at all.

question said...


ha ha - Enty really doesn't like DK. And that outfit she wore was terrible.

Anonymous said...

@ question

He still calls her A lister, I think he secretly likes her :-)

question said...

@ soooo - well that is a different way to look at things!

As for the bleeding TWD ratings - there are so many reasons behind that and I don't think DK is a big cause but I'm sure a lot of people are sick of seeing her associated with everything TWD. Actors like NR who are famous b/c of one role rise for a while and then hit a saturation point and I think we are seeing that now with NR. Ride ratings are falling b/c people just don't care that much anymore about NR/Daryl and are moving on to the next thing. I would think AMC moved Ride to Mondays to cash in on the people watching TWD. I think he probably has the 3rd season and then I would be surprised if it got renewed past that. I am sure there are discussions going on with regard to what to do with TWD and how to shake things up. I think if the mid season spoiler that is going around happens, they are really going to alienate a lot more fans.

Blind Curious said...

@Soooooo. I think/hope he's being sarcastic!

Blind Curious said...

That new blind!!!!! Jesus.

question said...

@thread...go check out the article about DK on Who knows if true but hilarious nine the less.

Anonymous said...


I remember that blind, it was on the other BG site, not here. And some people actually guessed it was DK, but they also guessed someone else, so who knows. That site rarely reveal the blinds.

Willow said...

@question - re: story - actually wouldn't put it past D to do something like that! Maybe she should try and get Normie's passwords and then she could put heart emojis 'from him' on all her posts! Moral of story - change all passwords, bank accounts, keys and locks when you break up with your Ex!

@thread - not sure about the blind being D as her dress wasn't showing her as covered up as her 'boiler-suit' did, (well arms her were showing in her dress thing). Although it wouldn't surprise me if it was her. I see her tattoo made an appearance in the pic on her IG that N left the heart on.

Re: Seth IG, I thought it was something wrong with the site, which was why I asked about it. Sorry to hear he was getting bullied, I hope that he didn't feel the need to shut his IG down because of bullies.
Regarding the other site - could be glitch then, wasn't sure.

Blind Curious said...

@Willow. The new blind is probably a load of bullshit but I kind of would rather believe she wore those 2 outfits for any reason other than personal choice.

question said...

@blind curious - agree it's probably BS but the fact everyone automatically assumes it's her is hilarious. I feel pretty bad for Faith's wife though. I hope she is not aware of this site. The article DK put out last night was really pretty rude to the wife but I expect no less from her. I don't know how enty would know about her sex life. Either she has some really bad friends that rat her out to him (the racists role play blind) or enty just has a great imagination and plays off the shit she puts out in the press.

Willow said...

@Blind Curious - that boiler-suit thing was hilarious, it looks as if she lost her suitcase going over to Germany and had to go into a charity shop and just grab the first thing that came to hand! Someone referred to it as an SS uniform on her IG, I don't know if the post is still up.

Really don't know what was going on with the gold dress thing, it just looked like she had put her underwear on the outside of her dress!

I don't know anything about fashion - but I have seen other actresses and models look amazing in beautiful clothes. I do not know what goes on in D's head when she looks in the mirror - can she not see what we see?

Blind Curious said...

@question. I know, I feel for his poor wife too. It must be awful if she's getting wind of the rumours. I want rid of D but I wouldn't wish heartbreak on another woman.

@Willow. She would have actually looked better in an SS uniform. God it's awful. It's too long in the leg. The shoes! Can't her mum tell her she looks a twat? Sometimes you've got to be cruel to be kind.

Willow said...

@Blind Curious @thread - since we enjoyed her boiler suit photos so much earlier, she seems to have obliged us with yet another DM article or else it is a re-hash of the earlier one. To be honest I am starting to get confused - as she puts out so many articles lately!!!!!!!!!!

Close up shots of the glorious boiler suit, Dear Lord I nearly wet myself laughing when I looked at it in detail!

Blind Curious said...

@Willow. So the boiler suit after the suspender dress? I thought it was before but DM says otherwise. The comment about her being boring was in again. Would you really have rough sex if you're having a load of pictures taken with an official the next day? I liked the close up of the shoes. 😁

Blind Curious said...

Remember the bar rumour with NR when she was still with JJ, the theory that she spread the rumours to make JJ jealous as their relationship was in trouble. Maybe the rough sex with a married man is her trying to make N jealous. She does like to follow the same patterns.

Unknown said...

@willow...the last thing I heard was the fight after the W.D premier...I guess he was beyond pissed..what I heard was she was NOT invited to the premier by N...who got her in??old kiss ass friend G.N...that is why she was escorted off red carpet so fast..yes,N played nice during the after party but I was told he DID NOT know what had happened on her I.G until much later...when comments were turned off..I heard he ended it with her and she chased him back to Georgia.after that..not much other then...yes, rumors of F.A and D have made it to wife's ears.....I was also told a few W.D cast that is now following D did it not because they like her perky peachy personality...they did it to watch and protect M.M from something like that ever happening again..N was shown screen shots and he was heart broken for M...He tore into D and flew back to GA...that is why she was sitting in airport lounge for so long... waiting to let things cool off just a bit then jumped on first plane to Atlanta..I don't believe she is trying to make N jealous...she knows it's close to being over if it isn't already....I don't know how her visit here went but word around camp wasn't good...I also heard she begged him to play the part and a public announcement of their break up would be very soon...I think that's all...sorry,been busy going back and forth to was fighting bladder cancer..we were told doc believes we won!!! Now husband favorite uncle has a brain tumor... haven't been able to post to much,but I have been reading..have to check in on my Cdan family...Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!

Willow said...

@debra peters – firstly, sending best wishes for you, that is great news about your mum’s recovery and I hope everything goes well for her. I am so sorry about your husband’s favourite Uncle.

Thanks for sharing the information from your friend. I would like to think that what D did, with regards to MMB with those IG posts, WOULD and SHOULD be the last straw for N, but he is in such a dark place in his head – who knows when he will get himself together, we can but hope.

I shake my head in despair when I think of all the shit he has brought to his friend’s/family’s lives and his own, by letting that snake into his life. I would hope that the rest of the cast will keep an eye out and protect MMB from anything like that happening again. It must be torture for Mel as she is such a private person, and she has been dragged under the spotlight by D in this saga. It proves beyond any doubt how jealous D is of her. I have been side-eyeing GN for a long time now; something is just ‘off’ with that guy.

I can see D dragging this thing out with N and milking it for all it’s worth for as long as possible. Strange though how she hasn’t mentioned him in DM articles recently. I wonder if her comments about making Hamburg her ‘hood’ are an indication she may spend more time in Germany/Europe in future. I suppose we will just have to see what happens, knowing how D behaves – it is sure to be entertaining!

Willow said...

@Blind Curious – according to her IG posts the book signing was first – but I don’t know, she had another DM article about the 1000000th premiere of the ‘In the fade’ and she had photos of the boiler-suit in them, as well as the gold dress/underwear photos, so I’m a bit confused as to what came first. I think she seriously needs to get a stylist; her clothes are a confusion of different styles and most are truly hideous!

I honestly don’t know if the bar rumour was true – she posted pics of her and Fabienne from earlier that night and there were conflicting stories that either N was with them or he was at a party elsewhere. There are some of the old debates in the archives of NRGS from around the time.

I could see her re-enacting similar rumours or doing something to try to make N jealous but the difference is – JJ loved her and I don’t think N loves D. It may hurt his pride if she made a fool of him by rumours of her being with someone else for a ‘rough’ session – but it also doesn’t put her in a good light either (so what’s new – ha)!

It could be possible that the blind is about her; yes it would be stupid to do something like that before a premiere if she ended up with bruises. Firstly it is her reputation to like ‘kinky’ sex and perhaps that is why people assume it is her, but we don’t know it is for sure. If there is truth to the blind and it is her – ( maybe it is a rumour put out by her or maybe it happened), with the intension to make N jealous – perhaps. It doesn’t say who she is meant to have been with though.

With regard to rumours about FA,(his poor wife) I hope D is not planning on breaking up a marriage either through rumours or fact, the way she drove MMB away to get what she wanted, to get N. One thing definitely do know is true – the scandal of her behaviour just follows D around like a shadow.

question said...

I think it's well established that NR was at the bar with DK the night of the 'bar make out'. DK's team even admitted to that but said the director was there too, although arrived later than them. I think NR's team just denied the hook up and didn't go into details.

DK stopped mentioning NR in the DM articles after that over the top DM article about how the happy couple was promoting events in NYC and LA. If any of the rumors that he is pissed about the TWD IG thing are true, perhaps he got pissed about that article and told her to stop mentioning him. I could totally see her using Faith and these latest articles to try and make him jealous. It makes sense. All that being said, its Thanksgiving so I am waiting for the picture of them together to surface somewhere.

I feel for FA's wife if she indeed has heard the rumors. Either way, I would be pretty pissed if someone my husband worked with was putting these articles out.

Wilz said...

@question You don't have to wait-there are creeper photos of them at what appears to be the airport. Maybe the CR comment was true.

Willow said...

@wilz funny I was just coming here to post a comment I had seen on his IG:
"WelI guess it's an open relationship with Diane since they're hanging out again after she spent the past weeks in Europe sleeping with other men. Lots of people saw her making out with another guy at a party Oh well, to each" and other comment about them being at airport.

I guess they are still together in what ever it is they are.

question said...

@ Wilz of course there are. He is so shady. Where are the pictures? Good to know he sees his kid on that thanksgiving.

Sunny The OG said...

Idk what your friend is telling you @Debra Peters, but they sure do look together lol. They are at the airport about to go on vacation together. I've always wanted to believe what you say you hear, but idk. Looks like she has a ring on her finger too. I don't think there is any end in sight. And I'm beyond sickened about it.

Wilz said...

@Willow I take that comment with a huge grain of salt. Unless the commenter was one of her alleged partners how would they know? Lol

@question I saw them on the BI IG but they'll probably pop up other places.

@Sunny I think the ring has no significance. If this relationship was on track for an engagement D wouldn't be so insecure and troll so much.

Willow said...

@thread - go to his ig and read the latest posts on it about them being seen at airport and holiday wishes and that D will call the paps again.

Yeah, looks like all has been forgiven about the MMB posts. There is officially no hope whatsoever for him at all. He has obviously just decided to live with this. Nice if it is true she was sleeping around in Europe and then comes back to go on holiday with him. I hope she had a damn good shower before leaving Europe!

@Mia - I think I have reached Stage 7 of your theory now!

@Sunny - what sort of ring? Was my guess about Christmas engagement right!? Someone on his IG post referred to D as N's wife but not sure if she is just being sarcastic.

question said...

@Wilz found it. He looks Terrible and they look super happy so same old. Wonder what airport that is. She is gross. Posting that picture on her IG on thanksgiving. The ring is not on her ting finger. I think the rumors about her cheating could be true. They have a super unhealthy relationship and could see her messing around on him because she knows he does the same. Just keeping the shit circle going.

Willow said...

@thread - I am expecting a DM article shortly about - 'D and her Walking Dead star - romantic get away holiday over Thanksgiving' article. I hope he manages to 'smile for the cameras this time' and look happy to be with her on their vacation.

@question - yeah agree - Just keeping the shit circle going......

question said...

@Willow - I cannot wait for the DM article. I hope NR learned from the last go around and smiles this time. Noticed he's wearing his white CR pants. Classic. People are calling him out on his IG now for not seeing his son. He should check his IG and start deleting/blocking people per usual.

Unknown said...

Apparently they were seen in the Atlanta airport. All I can do is smh. I’m aging waiting on karma with these two. Saw a IG post the other day of a photo shoot with NR and JJ. The irony was not lost on me. Someone cropped JJ out of it and posted it which NR likes. Seriously?! D*ckmove. JJ may have had his heart broken but honey the Gods were looking out for you! Be oh so thankful the garbage was taken out! I have lost any and all respect I’d had for NR but I’m now a fan of JJ! Norman...lmao....dear Lord someone save this fool from himself. Well we wondered how they’d behave once he wrapped TWD and day one they’re “on”! They’re both...well we all know exactly what they both are. Sigh....

Willow said...

@question - I hope he doesn't check his IG and the comments stay up for a long time so that the most people possible read them. I haven't seen the photos, but it sounds about right that he is wearing his Costa Rica pants - maybe she is trying to get better photos for future use as he looked like his dog had just died in the previous beach shots.

D does have a history of doing happy vacations with her men after relationships are over, pretending everything is okay and also this could be to divert some of those Fatih and her rumours, that have been going around as well.

Nevertheless, even if she is just a fb to him he should have cared about what D did to MMB. The fact he still has her as a fb/whatever - after that and goes along with her PR crap and goes on holiday with her means he 100% complacent in everything she is doing.

It doesn't look as if things are going to change any time soon. He is a lost soul and there is no hope for him.

Kat said...

@blind curious. I will be right there with you til the end!

MiaColucci said...

@Willow -I`m at stage 6 now.

Jesus, what`s going on now. I`m slowly starting to give up on him. Sorry, but that`s too much, can`t stand her at all. Am I gonna be able to separate Daryl from N- not so sure.

Still, I`m staying here till the end, it has to be an end to all of this.

EnnA said...

Had a hard day at work....and oh holy hell,what I read here is unbelievable. Twd has wrapped for one day and he is now going on vacation with her? After everything that occured recently? I am exhausted and truly sad.
The man has lost his mind.

question said...

Maybe MMB totally separated herself from him after the while TWD IG thing and now all he has left is DK. She's been known to do nasty things to push MMB away from NR. His son is with his mom so no family thanksgiving for him. Can't wait to see how this keeps going. And yes going in vacation with DK is not a good sign at all.

MiaColucci said...

I totally forgot with all of this mess, but yes, her post on Thanksgiving is absolutely disgusting.

So now we know the reason for all of that MR and MMB posts lately. I still believe in that theory.

Wilz said...

@question Both N and M have posted about each other on sm without being prompted since the ig fiasco so I don't think M has completely separated herself.

@thread I'm quite curious to see how this vacation goes-if they are alone he can't occupy his time surfing with AL or hanging with GN. It will 24/7 D.

question said...

@wilz what has MMB posted with regard to NR? I thought it was related to TWD and their characters are linked in the show so to me that is promotion of the show. I know NR has been posting a bunch about her.

An alone vacation with these two and all the rumors swirling about DK...should be an interesting couple if days.

EnnA said...

Last vacation CR she announced it with a naked man underwater in a pool. Now this. A disgusting beach picture.
Rumour has it they are going to the Bahamas (via tnrg)

Wilz said...

@question Both their posts have been show related-the video N posted and M's behind the scenes facts-but they also made mention of each other so I count it as both :) I only remember N posting the video so I don't know about him posting about M a lot since the premiere.

@EnnA That picture is gross. Maybe she thinks their vacation will be shitty lol

Willow said...

@wilz - maybe her post means she is shitting on his usual.

@Mia - yeah the MR post and the MMB posts and now this - it has happened like that before. Join me in Stage 7 - it isn't so bad and I'm not leaving cdan....:)

He usually goes with MR on hols around this time - obviously that wasn't going to happen. Maybe he has no one else to go on hols with anymore.

EnnA said...

This is going to be a very interesting weekend....

Is it just me? said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Is it just me? said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

@sunny the I said..only repeat what I was told...and I also said I did not have any info on the begging to forgive me moment when D chased N back to Atlanta...but, I will tell you one thing...things are not always what they seem...There is a lot of problems going on between these two..but my info is over now that filming is done...I will say one thing for certain...N was highly pissed at her for the post involving M.M...Now,knowing how evil that bitch is she may have AGAIN blamed it on jealous fans..Other then that...idk how to take these person has been pretty good with info..but,who knows what that bitch is capable of doing,saying,and promising...I still believe a break up is coming...I don't believe they are a happy couple,I do believe he was highly pissed at her..proof..toke him awhile to like her award winning call was made to him to like them...I know this looks really bad..but unless something very big happened..I believe a lot of this is B.S...but..guess we will have to wait and see...

MiaColucci said...

Now there is a picture of N with a fan at Costa Rica`s airport. The person who said before that N will be in CR is a f*cking wizard because Reedus was definitely at Newnan on 22.11.2017. the things are getting really interesting.

question said...

Did NR maybe say he was headed there in the Talking Dead last weekend. Can't believe they want back to CR. Has he cleaned up his IG comments yet?

@debra some of your information was pretty detailed. I think we all agree that DK followed him back to GA, because it was proven she flew a day after he went back to GA.

I think it's weird she stopped mentioning him in DM articles right after that over the top article about the happy couple. That followed with the articles about her and Faith over the past few days and now a couple vacation alone???

Was DK in the fab photo or is he trying to hide her because that is pretty idiotic at this stage.

Wilz said...

@question He mentioned it as a favorite place but I don't remember him specifically saying he'd be there for the holidays. I haven't seen D in any of the fans photos yet.

@thread A fan ran into N in a store in Ga yesterday and D was allegedly with him. She made her way back to Ga as soon as the premiere was over.

question said...

@wilz is that the fan that said she thought a homeless person had come into the store and then realized it was Daryl Dixon? Just saw that comment on tumblr I think. That is so sad, someone thinking he was a homeless person. Well I guess CR was a special place for them and now it's super easy for the paps to find them.

Wilz said...

@question It is though I think the homeless comment was a joke. CR has been special to N for awhile don't know of D has anything to do with it.

question said...

@Wilz I didn't take it that way and saw the picture and he looked terrible. Well now it's a special place for the two of them, two vacations there in less then 6 months. Unless of course neither of them has someone else to spend the holiday with.

Unknown said...

I wonder why Norman doesn’t take MR to his Moms (NR Mom not HC) or sister for the holidays? He always speaks of his Mother in a great light so it just seems that some holidays he’d take his son. Just an observation that I was curious about...

Sophia said...

Guys, there is no end to this relationshit in sight. They are exactly alike. Two kids trapped in grown up bodies. Two lying, cheating pieces of trash. Two egomaniacs. She gets the notoriety and attention she can't live without being with the hottest man on tv Daryl Dixon. She is famous, award winning(������) a woman men want, and it gets him off and he loves the fact he is with someone other men would want to be with. HC was the same type of woman (although Diane can't compete with her) and look how long they were together. We are in for a long ride with these two. You can keep lying to yourselves, but they aren't breaking up, this isn't some sort of agreement, he got the tattoo for her, and he bought her the bike. IMO it's a small price for him to pay for her stroking him and his ego, being his traveling vagina, and doing all the work to be with him. I mean hard is it to buy someone's affection and appease your guilt? Not hard at all...just whip out the checkbook, buy them something nice, and take them on some nice trips. . Even though that nasty bitch lets herself be treated badly by being hidden, and always having to go to him when he never makes an effort to do for her, they are both ok with it. And him treating her the way he does tells me all I need to know about him. He is a lowlife. She is trash. They deserve each other. If this is either one Or both of their ideal of love, they are both fucked up and need therapy. One person giving all and the other person taking all is fucked up. They both must have suffered some bad shit to think this is right or true. Also, them trolling fans is really bad taste. They are so childiish. Her beach pic? Really Diane? Are you thinking your romantic trip will be shit? Or are you shitting on Norman's fans.? Omg they are both fucked in the head and need help. I don't know why I waste time herebecause they are disgusting, but it's kinda fun watching this train wreck.

Sophia said...

Guys, there is no end to this relationshit in sight. They are exactly alike. Two kids trapped in grown up bodies. Two lying, cheating pieces of trash. Two egomaniacs. She gets the notoriety and attention she can't live without being with the hottest man on tv Daryl Dixon. She is famous, award winning(������) a woman men want, and it gets him off and he loves the fact he is with someone other men would want to be with. HC was the same type of woman (although Diane can't compete with her) and look how long they were together. We are in for a long ride with these two. You can keep lying to yourselves, but they aren't breaking up, this isn't some sort of agreement, he got the tattoo for her, and he bought her the bike. IMO it's a small price for him to pay for her stroking him and his ego, being his traveling vagina, and doing all the work to be with him. I mean hard is it to buy someone's affection and appease your guilt? Not hard at all...just whip out the checkbook, buy them something nice, and take them on some nice trips. . Even though that nasty bitch lets herself be treated badly by being hidden, and always having to go to him when he never makes an effort to do for her, they are both ok with it. And him treating her the way he does tells me all I need to know about him. He is a lowlife. She is trash. They deserve each other. If this is either one Or both of their ideal of love, they are both fucked up and need therapy. One person giving all and the other person taking all is fucked up. They both must have suffered some bad shit to think this is right or true. Also, them trolling fans is really bad taste. They are so childiish. Her beach pic? Really Diane? Are you thinking your romantic trip will be shit? Or are you shitting on Norman's fans.? Omg they are both fucked in the head and need help. I don't know why I waste time herebecause they are disgusting, but it's kinda fun watching this train wreck.

Wilz said...

@question It's funny you say that because I had that thought-who else would they celebrate with? N's closer friends have spouses and families, things with his son appear strained, D doesn't seem to spend time with her friends (or doesn't have any). So hey why not go on vacation together?

Kat said...

Happy Thanksgiving everybody. I had a great day with my family, my son and daughter in law whom I would never miss a chance to spend time with. I think karma is catching up with them. N must like sloppy seconds cause only an idiot could look at the pics of skank and FA together and not think they were fooling around. And yeah, she doesnt care if men are married with kids as long as she gets what she wants. Wifey probably showed up and drug FA home for a family holiday. I am beyond disgusted with them. N looks like death warmed over. I believe the go fug yourself article about her hacking into her ex's account and typing the gushing article about her winning at Cannes is true. It sounds exactly like her pap articles. WDs ratings are plummeting and there was an article in Game stop I think, about how Negan is ruining it so JDM's time there may be running out too. So sick of seeing his middle finger. No JDM...f*#k you and your cocky ass. I can't stand people who aren't grateful for their blessings. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. Here I was, happy for N that he was getting a redo at his vacation and he's got his self absorbed lying whore with him. Oh well, it's just a matter of time.

question said...

JDM and NR have AA doing the whole middle finger thing now too. It's kind of a like a stupid immature TWD fraternity with the motorcycles and middle finger. I want to shake AA and tell him to stop it and just be himself. I saw the article about Negan too, it's not the first one to say they need to get rid of Negan to get the show back. I have never been an NR fan but watched the show and followed it enough to have clearly seen that NR replaced AL with JDM as his BFF last year and that to me has always been a huge indication of who he really is. NR is a mess. DK knows he's a mess and uses it to her advantage. The whole thing with her director wreaks of the start of the entire NR/DK relationship. Using another male co-star/director to make her boyfriend jealous. I think karma is slow with these guys and it will happen over time and I agree with Kat that its starting to happen.

MiaColucci said...

I find it funny how every time N steps outside his house there are at least 2 fan pics no matter where he is- at the pharmacy, grocery shopping, or even riding his bike in the middle of nowhere on the roads in GA! Then we have DK, who lives in NY or is in LA most of the time, and these are cities with millions of people and a ton of tourists, but no one seems to bother with her presence. :D She flew USA-Europe, twice the past few days,and not a single fan pic! Not even one, like she was invisible! Everyone knows how big the airports are, there`s no way she could`ve passed through people without being noticed. Nobody even knew she was back from Europe. :D And now we have N`s CR pics with fans which were taken almost immediately he stepped on CR`s land. Still, people are not interested in taking pics with DK at all. I bet that sucks.:D

This morning I`m in a much better mood and ready for some DM articles. Let`s see if Mr. N can fake it for at least 5 seconds. This would be EPIC!

Thanks, everyone, for your posts. Love reading them.:)

EnnA said...

I am in a state of mind now where I gloom about all this.
I loved Reedus,but this has been beaten out of me pretty thoroughly in the last year,I guess.I still do not wish any bad on him,but I also think it is pretty clear that he is self destructing and way beyond hope.
I think it is pretty telling that he spends Thanksgiving with D in CostaRica.She is from Germany and Thanksgiving is no big deal here,so she has no particular reason to spend time with her family. But Reedus? He has a Mom,3 siblings plus their families,a son.And nothing? The situation seems even worse than I thought.
I am wondering where Reedus will be in a year or two. With both his shows in a ratings free fall. Friends,coworkers and family abandoning him because of his behaviour. With his health issues,heavy drinking and most likely substance abuse.He is alone and without support except for a shallow whore that will drop him as soon as she has milked evrything out of him that she can use.When D will finally be gone,there will be nothing left of N.He will live in a garage full of motorcycles and walking around in a filthy bathrobe.
What a waste of a once charismatic,talented,adorable and handsome man.
I will make a Christmas wish to the universe to send help for him in any form.
Have a nice weekend,cdan family!

Blind Curious said...

@Enna. I completely agree with all you have put. My first thought this week when I heard that David Cassidy had died was that N would end up like him in a few years. A bitter lush with nothing seemingly nice to say about anybody. As they say, misery lives company and she's quite happy to profiteer from that. I don't give much of a shit about him but I do feel for his fans that have invested in him and been sold the wrong image.

Blind Curious said...

Loves not lives. Autocorrect is a wanker.

Willow said...

@EnnA - I agree with you too, especially the part where you say "What a waste of a once charismatic,talented,adorable and handsome man".
I think that guy is long gone and N is not coming back from this, I just see a continuation in a downward path.

All the comments that were put on his IG about the holiday, D and people's general disappointment in him are still there - it seems he can't even be bothered to remove them or block anyone anymore.

It is very telling that he went on holiday with D as I don't think he has anyone else to go with, as was pointed out previously - most of his cast mates friends have family. As you say- he has a family,but they are probably living their lives, have moved on and he isn't a part of it anymore, since he never seems to bother with them.

I saw some of the CR fan pics - he looks like hell and of course the white pants again - she must have bought them for him as he hasn't worn anything like that in years.

Sophia said...

Saw the cr pics....he looks like complete hell. A comment on tnrg said they were feeding the needy yesterday. Hahahahaha seriously? They couldn't do that in NY, where they both live and are a part of that community??? No, they wanted a vacay but decided to try to make themselves look good in the process. Laughable. When has dk ever done anything for anyone but herself? Reedus does a few charity things, but not much. They are truly pathetic because I think everything they do has an ulterior motive, especially where she's concerned. sorry all the charity work in the world can't erase your lying and cheating.

wtf the original said...

@Sophia I think that the feeding the needy comment was someone being sarcastic lol.
@thread I just can't even wrap my head around this. There was a picture of him in a store looking gross and the woman said the blonde that was with him she only saw from the back as she was rushing away and that they really tried to not look like they were together. Now fan pictures of NR in CR and none of her. Nothing Nada. No pictures of them together on vacay. Must be waiting for the paps. Apparently they only rented the car for 4 days.
Does she have another premier on Nov 28th? Isn't that her US premier of the movie? Maybe I am crazy. Maybe he is finally going to go legit public with her or he will dump her off and claim work. It is really sad that he couldn't even make the effort to see his kid. And I know that he is 17 or 18 and obviously doesn't want to see him but it is just sad. But I have been here so long now I can't leave it is like TWD I keep watching hoping for better

question said...

The comments are still up on his IG and there is another. Who is the person who keeps calling DK his wife and saying they are getting married? Because of the ring in the picture.

He looks terrible. There is another creeper photo from the airport with the commemt..whatamesswhatamesss...

He is headed south real fast. It's pretty sad to watch.

DK is a us citizen and lived here for 20 years so I'm sure she has celebrated thanksgiving in the past.

Not sure how much more of this i can watch. The DK aspect has always been entertaining but what is happening to ME is sad.

Kat said...

I will make that wish for help too.

Willow said...

@question - that girl that leaves the 'wife' comments has been doing so for a while - check through other posts and you will see it - I think she is the one that says things about D abandoning her cat to move in with him and having a baby with him etc - I took it she is being sarcastic. Strange he is leaving comments up not just on this post but has left them on others (I haven't checked back on older posts recently to see if they are still there). Maybe he just doesn't care anymore.

The pic of him yesterday in CR, with the guy wearing the pink shirt, reminds me of the photos - from the previous CR when he was seen with D's blue suitcase- and the shot of him with a guy taken during the roadtrip from hell - N has the look of a dog that has been beaten down into submission. Very sad to watch this, I agree.

Kat said...

The similarities quickly popped into my head too. Too much fame and adoration followed by big head and and ego, then POP! Something happens to make their world crash.

MiaColucci said...

@wtf the original- Yeah, you are right and it really doesn`t even matter how old MR is! N is his father after all and M was clearly with HC on Thanksgiving not partying somewhere with friends! My parents love to spend time with me and for them my age is just a number there is a reason that this is a family holiday just like Christmas and Easter. The idea is to spend it with your family! N could`ve been with his mom if not with M, even Eye in the dark is closer to him than DK. LOL

About the pics- He looks awful and that`s the nicest thing I can say about it.

What if he goes to her US premiere? Nothing, absolutely nothing can erase N`s behavior towards her the past year. Now whatever they do will be questioned really hard no mater what. They can even get married and people still won`t believe that this is a healthy relationship simply because it`s not. D could`ve played her cards so good but nope :D She may morph into her current "boyfriend" but her real personality creeps out, she can`t help it. D wants the world to know that she`s with the hot, sexy NR but now with her influence he`s not so glamorous hot and sexy as he used to be.

shortstorynook said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
EnnA said...

Any pictures of DK or both together from CR? As long as we have only pictures of him alone I choose to believe this is a fake couple vacation.It‘s that easy.

Kat said...

All I have seen is the two of them in the airport, both looking miserable. Several of N with fans which is par for the course. He is still playing "hide dat girl". I would be embarrassed to be seen with her too. I am sure she will find a way to get visible proof out. All I can do is repeat the tag on the airport pics, what a mess, what a mess, what a mess.

Wilz said...

@EnnA No, none yet.

@thread I said this elsewhere but I might as well say it here too-the CR vacation doesn't phase me. Yes it's annoying to see N and D still together but to me this time is no worse than the first trip or the US Open or the premiere. They'll be seen together until they aren't.

About N being selling a different image: the things N was doing 5 yrs ago he's still doing-cons, interacting with fans, saying stupid stuff in interviews, promoting his shows, making stupid juvenile jokes, being occasionally charming, etc. To me the only change is he's doing these things while in a toxic "relationship" with someone who is attention starved and going through her own midlife crisis. Are there particular changes not related to his relationship with D that are bringing people down?

From what I've read and from stories N's shared I've always gotten the impression that he did his share of stupid stuff when he was younger. I think fatherhood and having a steady job helped in calming those behaviors but N self destructing doesn't surprise me as it seems to surprise others. I also don't think he's beyond hope or as far gone as some make him out to be.

EnnA said...

His self destruction does not surprise me either. But I am afraid if he can come back from this. He often seems kind of weak willed and I do think that as long as D is around she is a strong catalyst for even more or faster damage.
You really think he will manage to get rid of her eventually and fix things? What are your predictions?

Anonymous said...

@Wilz @Enna

I agree with Wilz and I don't really think he's too far gone either. When they're not together (which I think is more often than they are) I think people tend to focus on DK, what she's doing and how she's trolling (likely becausethey're expecting her to do something) and often forget to look at N. And at least to me, whenever she's not around N seems pretty much like his normal self. Like Wilz said he's still excited about his projects, he's hanging out with friends (even though not the ones you may prefer) and he doesn't seem to give D much of a thought. And occasionally his behavior makes people think that DK is no longer in the picture.

Wilz said...

@EnnA I do because I don't think he's as invested as people think he is. Nothing in his behavior has shown me that he's working to keep D around or that D is the one calling the shots in this relationship. If she's there, cool. If not, also cool. I'm willing to admit if I'm wrong but I have yet to see anything serious from him. I think once he's truly bored or finds someone new, he'll move on. @Soooooo makes a great point about looking at N's behaviors. When N and D appear together fans melt down and go on about how N looks horrible and is never coming back to the person he was. But then D leaves and fans immediately comment on how he seems happy lol If he's able to bounce back from "the edge" so quickly after leaving D, that indicates to me that he isn't that far gone. If he was truly hopeless wouldn't we see that even when he's away from D? And I have to admit I'm confused why things that were speculated about are now taken as fact (substance abuse, health issues). Do I think there might be some overindulgence or a shift in N's personality around D? Sure, but it seems these things have been inflated to the point where some think N is on death's door.

Willow said...

@thread - regarding pic of N in a surf shop and what is this story about N bought a surfboard for his wife in the costa rica newspaper they said he was there with his wife Diane(comment in the surf shop's IG)
There are also comments on both of N & D's instagrams about this being in some CR newspaper that she is his wife. Misprint or secret wedding?

Anyone shed any light on this?

Wilz said...

@Willow Haven't heard about buying a surfboard but I highly doubt there was a secret wedding. I think the paper is simply misinformed.

moep said...

it's this article I think:

google translation of the part where they call her his wife: "In addition, in August of this year he was in Costa Rica with his wife the German actress Diane Kruger. On that occasion, the artists joined a reforestation campaign in Playa Guiones and planted several trees."

I think it's just a guess of the person who wrote that article that they are married.

MiaColucci said...

My Spanish is at a pretty good level, So I looked the article about D and N planting trees, published several months ago and there, as well D is referred as his wife. I also think that it`s simply a misinformation.

Willow said...

@wilz @moep @mia - thanks for information - was assuming it was either a mistranslation or the paper had got it wrong, just wondered if anyone else had heard about it apart from the ones on N and D IG commenters.

@wilz - this was the surf shop that mentions him buying surf board.

MiaColucci said...

Of course he will need a surfing board if he wants to surf :D
The person who commented the post is just guessing that he`s buying it for D. Translated, his comment means exactly-" Probably he bought a surfing board for his wife, in the CR`s newspaper is said that he`s here with his wife D, so romantic". I don`t know why people think that he bought a surfing board at all. Isn`t it more logical for him to just rent a surfboard? What he`s supposed to do with it after the vacation is over anyway?

Anonymous said...


The comment about him buying a surfboard on that post is from someone who follows this blind on IG and based on some of her comments I'm pretty sure it's meant to be sarcasm :-)

And the article we're talking about doesn't even mention that DK is in CR now, they only mentioned her being there in August. As @Mia said she was mentioned as his wife before in August, which I highly doubt was the case and I highly doubt is even now.

Willow said...

@Mia - thanks for explanation - I read 'seguro' as meaning sure/certain - but my Spanish is very rusty! :)
Yes it would make much more sense to rent rather than buy surfboard. :D

@Soooooo - yes looked at the link to the article in that newspaper and I thought it was odd that it didn't mention D being in CR with him THIS time (when they mentioned previous time). I wonder did they go through customs separately to look like they were not together - who knows with those two. :D

Willow said...

@Soooooo - Thanks for letting me know - I didn't know it was a 'blind' follower who commented! :D

MiaColucci said...

I think that all the people who comment that D is N`s wife are just being sarcastic.Maybe to scare him. :D
@Willow- The comment can be translated the way you say too. @Soooooo wrote that this person is on the ig blind, so maybe the comment was meant to be something like - I`m sure he bought it for his wife( Yeah, sure :D (rolling eyes) .

Willow said...

@Mia - thank you - as I didn't know it was from a 'blind' follower commenter - I didn't even think it could be someone being sarcastic! I understand now. :)

Not cool said...

I don't get why he is liking her post; a day later, while they are vacationing together. Is she that bitter and petty, to force him to do that so she can rub it in JJ's face and piss off NR's fans? Just wow man!

question said...

I don't think it means anything. I think he just automatically likes all of her posts. He must have her phone under lock and key because it's been two days and no trolling from her

EnnA said...

I‘ll say it again. I think N is alone and it is a fake couple vacation.Or they met for one day in Georgia for a booty call and parted ways at the airport. No mention or pictures of her. There would at least be some creepers if she was with him. Costa Rica tourist people know about her,after all.

That would explain him liking her posts,too.
Or maybe I‘m just delusional and grasping at straws. 😓

EnnA said...

Thanks @Wilz @Sooooo for your input
Makes me hope for the best

question said...

@enna I'm pretty sure it's been confirmed she is there with him. It's not that surprising. He probably didn't want to go on vacation alone and we all know she will go anywhere he allows her. She didn't show up in Amy creeper shots last time. Not until she showed up at the tree planting thing and he looked like a deer caught in headlights again.

Wilz said...

@EnnA I haven't seen anything confirming she is with him but I assume she is. Someone has to take pictures of N with fans ;) I like your fake couple vacation theory though!

Unknown said...

Diane has a request folks.....speak the truth even if your voice shakes! I wish every fan across the world would post the truth on that post and call them both out because they are the most deserving of being told what losers they are. She's a shameless press whore, real whore and stupid, shallow whore who has no clue she's she's a pile of shit and he's right there with her. Also, there is absolutely NO GOOD REASON to skip a family holiday with your child for a whore either. NONE WHATSOEVER. Some things just speak for themselves. If he needed to make a separate dinner to do it then that's what should have been done. If he wanted to feed the needy, he should have joined the needy in NYC OR ATL and perhaps asked his son to help out. This is the real Norman Reedus and he does not deserve respect for this priceless show of disregard for what truly matters in life. Trust doesn't end there either. He looks bad because there are drugs,alcohol and a cheap woman (or women) in his life who feels as morally exempt as he feels. Paints a damn picture doesn't it?

Blind Curious said...

@N A. I think you need to chill a bit and stop being mean to whores. I'm sure they don't want to be compared to DK. 😉

What does everybody think about the photo situation? Are they avoiding having one together because they always look miserable? Or have they got another shitty article coming out (remember the last pics had a special disclaimer on them)? Or is he Just hiding her again for his own amusement?

Wilz said...

@N A Geez with the whore talk. We get it-you hate them. Maybe find something that makes you less angry?

@Blind All 3? 😉 Although I wish we could get pictures so we can see #1 in action. I've never seen a "serious, deeply in love" couple that looked as miserable as those two on the 1st CR trip.

MiaColucci said...

@Blind Curious- Honestly, I don`t know what to think anymore.

The things I know for sure are:

1. D was seen only at the Atlanta airport. No pics of her in CR( I`m sure she is in CR:D) but still it`s strange.
2. N was seen 2 times without D and 1 time somebody said that there was a blond woman with him but it`s only a rumor
3. N rent/bought a surfboard

That`s it.

My guess- she`s waiting for her paparazzi so they can photoshop her properly. :D

Blind Curious said...

@Wilz. It's possible it is all 3 but I think @Mia gets top marks for the photoshop guess! I actually love their photos together. They're all a classic in their own right. Hard to choose between the miserable Costa holiday, the creeper bar ones where she's on her phone and he looks like a rabbit caught in the headlights or the pap walk of shame. My overall favourites are the fake FaceTime ones but I didn't count them as he wasn't really a part of them. 😁

Unknown said...

Im entitled to call a man a whore too. It is what it is. They are pretty spiteful and mocking of people...why do you insist on going easy on that?

Willow said...

@question – damn, it looks like Normie didn’t hide D’s phone too well cos it looks like she found it and of course the first thing she does is to rush to her instragram to TROLL! :)

By the way Diane – we have been ‘speaking the truth here’ for months now – so you don’t fool everyone with your pap DM articles and lies. I suggest you look up the word ‘hypocrite’ in the dictionary maybe you should follow your own advice –and you speak the truth for a change.

@wilz –“Someone has to take pictures of N with fans” (loved that one) :D - maybe she should take a few photography lessons from N, as some of the photos she has been taking of him on their CR holiday are a bit shaky and the exposure could have been better in some of them. :D

@Blind Curious –I have no clue why N doesn’t want photos with D. if you Google either of their names for images - the amount of pictures that come up of them together is frightening – but they are actually only from a few events – ‘Sky’ related press/premieres, garage pap shots, Barcelona, pap walk of shame, CR misery shots and the US Open, I haven’t included any creeper shots in these examples – I just meant the main search that Google would bring up. So with all those photos being out there already – I don’t understand why he cares if they are photographed together as a few more aren’t going to make any difference.

@Mia – You do raise good points – it seems like D is the ‘invisible woman’ on this CR trip. Maybe she is waiting for the ‘exclusive’ article for the DM or Just Jared – and yes she is probably waiting on any photos to be retouched before released. While she is at it with the Photoshop – D might want to use some of those photos of N from the ComicCon where N was with MMB where he looked HAPPY and she could do ‘head swaps’ for the photos he gets taken with her - where he doesn’t.

Blind Curious said...

@N A. I don't think anybody here is going particularly easy on anybody. Everything has been up for scrutiny. There is just no need for name calling just because you're angry/upset/let down/whatever. It just makes you sound irrational and your points kind of get missed amongst the nastiness. We don't know for certain what the situation is. It's all just speculation based on what we see in the media/online. Who knows what really goes on behind closed doors. For all we know you could be DK in disguise, trying to wind us up on here so some of us go to your IG to leave nasty comments that benefit you. I'm sure you're not but you never know!

Blind Curious said...

@Willow. It does make you wonder if he's locked her phone in a safe or something! Maybe he's let her have half an hour on it as she's got the shakes from phone withdrawal. He might as well be photographed with her now. There are that many already out there that it's like he's trying to lock the stable door after the horse has bolted, especially after all of the other "coming outs". It's just the most bizarre relationship ever.

question said...

@willow how is her post trolling? I missed it. It just seems like one of her stupid life quotes that is supposed to make her look cool or like a bad ass. But in fact it's just stupid. Is it supposed to be a house in CR? Waiting patiently for the DM article.

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