Thursday, March 09, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1

February 25, 2017

Smiles for the cameras that his foreign born actress date called to show the world they are a loving couple. In the limo though it was a whole other story and our B+ list cable actor from that hit show was beyond ticked off. Pretty tough to keep two high profile relationships going when cameras are trained at one.

Norman Reedus/Diane Kruger/Melissa McBride


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Sunny The OG said...

Christian S started following dk on IG. Wtf?!

EnnA said...

Maybe CS also wants to support that poor girl DK because she gets bullied all the time by WD fans.

Well the ex_texts like is very telling. From my point of view this is exactly how he would treat her. It‘s out there for everyone to see how he behaves around her.Sometimes I wonder if she is submissive.Maybe he goes off on that kind of thing

MiaColucci said...

@Sunny The OG - So, JDM, NR`s bodyguard, some of his NY friends and now Christian are following her? For me that speaks volumes, because those are the people who are not good for him. I don`t know about Christian S but she doesn`t look very close to N. To be honest she`s not one of my favorite actors on the show, maybe she`s all sweet and everything but I don`t like her very much.

DK is just not good for NR, it looks like they want different things but that doesn`t make her the pure evil. Maybe some of NR friends really like her and I noticed that this people are his "party" friends. She can easily be a good drinking buddy. We can see her strange behavior, pap walks, etc. but that`s because we`re looking at the situation from neutral point of view. I don`t think that a big part of his friends are half as invested in his well being as we are, which is sad. We are spending part of our free time trying to figure out what`s exactly so wrong with NR and his "relationship" but that`s just us. For me one thing is obvious, he doesn`t look happy, relaxed and in peace with himself at all.

There`s a saying that goes like “May God defend me from my friends, I can defend myself from my enemies ”. I find it really good for the occasion.

question said...

CS is very young and I have no problem believing she would look up to someone like DK. I also doubt she knows much about the relationship between NR and DK. I wouldn't imagine NR talks to her or most of the cast about her or their relationship. Who knows what JDM or the body guard even know.

So over this said...

I'm pretty sure his bodyguard doesn't follow her. He did at one point but when she had the paps outside his house he unfollowed her.

wtf the original said...

@thread after seeing the "fashion choices" DK has made lately I think the woman needs a stylist like right away because sheesh they are bad. At least she is in LA and NR is in GA filming so that is good perhaps we will have a troll free weekend

MiaColucci said...

@wtf the original- Yes,she dresses horribly lately. Her tin foil dress from TIFF still makes me laugh so hard but all of her "fashion" choices are breathtaking ( unfortunately not in a good way :D). I don`t know if she has personal style at all since she transforms into her boyfriends. Maybe the brands that she wears are paying her and we all know that she needs money for her appearances in the pap magazines.

I don`t know when TWD wrap party is but I hope that she won`t be there. She`s ruining every single event especially since the NY con. Can`t stand her anymore.

Blind Curious said...

Jesus. Another DM article. How many is that this month? This one is a "by DMreporter" again, so a PR article with no mention of N. Strange. Another horrible dress. No comments to enjoy as of yet. 😀

MiaColucci said...

She is just pathetic. Now I`m waiting for articles dedicated to DK`s toilet paper choices , what`s in her fridge and does she have plants at home.

Blind Curious said...

@Mia. We've already had the toilet paper pap and what's in her fridge? About 50 bottles of posh water. We also had an article with pictures of her new eco friendly apartment in NYC. 😂

MiaColucci said...

Jesus, I never knew! 😂 She`s even crazier than I thought. Looks like I've missed all the Fun!

question said...

@blind curious - maybe NR asked her to knock it off with the articles after that last one that was so over the top.

@mia - try to find the DM article from last fall on DK where she was 'papped' drinking wine by herself in a dress on her balcony. It's terrific.

The outfit is really terrible.

Blind Curious said...

@question. Maybe whoever wanted PR for the vile dress didn't want the N and D shit associated with it. The comments on the one saying she was his girlfriend were about half and half between fancying him and thinking he was homeless. Nothing really pleasant about her. Not had chance to see if any new comments on new article as away with a friend. Just having a sneaky check in!

MiaColucci said...

@question - I checked it! You were right - amazing journalistic work. :D If I were her, I would have been so embarrassed with all of this stupid articles. Th strangest thing is, that she`s not bothered even slightly, quite the opposite! What a puzzling behavior.

question said...

I wonder if those promoting In the Fade asked her to stop mentioning NR in every article related to the film? Maybe her PR finally told her to stop adding his name to every article? Another DM article about DK without mention of NR

Willow said...

@question – you could have a point, if you are right about this, it is about time someone talked to her about the amount of DM articles she does. Maybe N has told her to stop mentioning him as well as her own PR talking to her to stop mentioning his name. He gets trashed in the comments any time his name is mentioned in them, so it isn’t like it is doing him any favours to be included in her crappy articles.

That other DM article about him promoting in NY while his ‘girlfriend’ was promoting in LA was absolutely over the top. She tries so hard to sell this as a ‘fairy-tale epic romance’ and you only have to read the comments in the articles to see what people really think of her.

I wonder if the DM articles are also for her to promote what she is wearing in them for the designers, you will get photos in the article describing what she is wearing and then an advertisement where you can buy the same outfit/shoes. Maybe she gets paid by the designers of the outfits to promote them in her pap articles? Remember the Barcelona article where it gave you the advertisement to buy the boots she was wearing? Sadly, as far as I remember, it didn’t give you the option to purchase a similar black hoodie to the one she was wearing, for all those people who wish to go around incognito…………………lmao :D

EnnA said...

Again most comments on the DM article are negative,about her looking much older and so on.
I like this one,it‘s the very first :
Where is Norman Reedus? Are they over or were they never really a couple despite her leaving yummy Joshua Jackson for him?
This whole fiasco in a nutshell 🤣

question said...

@willow she does get paid for the clothing ad in the artucle. A lot of actresses do the same. NR has been mentioned in other articles that promote clothes so something changed.

Sunny The OG said...

Welp another one bites the dust lol. Steven ogg follows DK now. Someone needs to explain to me wtf is going on. This bitch lol

Willow said...

@ Enna - regarding that comment - yeah, I think that is what most people are starting to catch on to. The 'romance' seems to be in her imagination - like an obsessed teenage fan girl; writing her 'fan-fiction'!

@question - thanks for that information, I wasn't sure if she got paid for clothes advertising, but that is what it looked like to me.

N looked happy and relaxed in the photos where he and some of TWD cast were out together at the Jim Gaffigan show (there are pics on NRTea site), it is good to see him out with his friends.

I think TWD filming of the finale goes on until the 22nd of this month. It will be interesting to see what happens after N is done filming. I just hope he is getting his life back together again - without her in it.

EnnA said...

Beside Nicotero/jdm it seems no other one from twd family he is actually close to follows her. Danai,Steven,Alanna,Austin do not.
I don‘t know. Maybe there is some kind of deal? As everything for her is about attention,maybe it is about likes on IG.She gets around 2000 likes on her own,much more if someone from twd likes it too....

Willow said...

I was thinking that the IG following from some of the cast & GN could be part of a deal to make D look more popular. I don’t claim to be an expert about sm, but it seems weird to me the amount of followers she supposedly has compared to the amount of comments she gets on her posts. If you really had that many genuine followers - wouldn't there be more comments on each of the posts?

The latest DM article forgot to mention that she ‘started her career as a model in Europe’ and also forgot to slot in the usual ‘envy inducing’ into the narrative somewhere in the article! Maybe it is just the way I am seeing it, but the shot of the back of her dress and the other shot taken side on, looks as if the dress is too big for her. I thought that blazer/jacket dress that she wore looked too big for her as well, why don’t they get the clothes to fit her properly.

Willow said...

@thread - found these comments in her IG post of the 2 girls'skull' post, D mustn't have noticed that they were there. It isn't just us that see the things that D does.

“That's exactly why people got mad at Diane in the comments on that post. People were saying really mean things about Melissa McBride and when people said please stop hating on Melissa to the people who were being jerks they got blocked by Diane, but she never removed the mean comments about Mel or block those people. She likes to talk about how hate is bad so why was she allowing hate towards Melissa and blocked the people who defended Melissa? Those people who got blocked didn't say anything mean to Diane in their comments, all they said was positive things about Melissa like how she's a great actress and that she doesn't deserve hate, so it makes no sense that Diane acted like that”

“At the end of the day she blocked people that said nothing bad about her at all, that only said good things about Melissa, but she didn't block comments that said bad things about Melissa. That's mean. It's not ok to promote hate for someone else like that. It's not excusable and trying to make excuses for her does not make what she did right. Of course she's gonna block people who are saying mean things about herself, who wouldn't, but when she also spends time reading comments and decides to block love over hate for another woman there's no excuse. That kind of behavior will always upset people and if it is like you say and a lot of people make multiple accounts just to be mean to her then why would she let people be mean to someone else? That almost makes it even worse to be honest. :/”
“I'll say it again, she specifically removed nice comments and kept bad ones. There's no excuse”.

MiaColucci said...

I find it really amusing that her posts with goats, cats, yelling women, etc. are getting much more likes and comments than DK`s own photos.

About people from TWD cast following her- I don`t think some of them even know her in person. :D And let`s be honest, they are just colleagues. How much time NR has spent working with them? Almost everybody from TWD( actors, producers, hairdressers, workers, etc.) has a picture with NR sometimes just because he`s the most famous on that show which is sad, but lets face it- it`s the truth! Meanwhile for 8 years MMB has like 8 pictures about him on her SM account, most of them promoting his show Ride, his nomination for an award and group pics with other cast members. Same goes for Danai,LC, AL,we know who are the closest cast members to NR.

question said...

Lucky girl getting SO to follow her - that guy is a mega creep. He defended XB when that 19 year old posted all of that creepy stuff about him. Real stand up guys (I remember right before the the XB thing there was a picture of XB and MMB and she had such a look of disgust - it was great).

Maybe NR didn't like her associating their relationship with his show "Ride" in that DM article a few days ago. The ratings dropped like over 60% between the first and second episode. He does get trashed in the comments in the DM articles so I have no idea why he would want to be in them.

EnnA said...

Diane Kruger follows 308 people on IG.
I took a few minutes to look this through. She is only following jdm and nr from twd. No one else.
The rest are make up artists or hair stylists,a few celebrities and designers,some close friends,a lot of french people (I guess movie colleagues)and the cast of ‚sky‘ and ‚in the fade‘. She does follow some people that are strongly connected to HC,too.Some things she has just copied from nr.mmh.
After a 10 year relationship with JJ,a modelling career and a whole lot of years in Hollywood this seems very meager....

nantares said...

Fwiw, I noticed SO started following his girlfriend at the same time as DK. She's a clothing designer, so maybe he's just hoping to get a connection going between her and DK (although I can't tell if she herself follows DK or not). Or maybe it's just nothing more than wanting to be supportive of N. Sometimes you do that with people you know, even if you're not close friends.

@EnnA - Interesting observation about DK not following most of the TWD folks. They all tend to post pics of each other from time to time; DK probably doesn't want to see pics with MMB in them if she doesn't have to.

Blind Curious said...

Yet another DM article. I thought she actually looked normally dressed for once in one of the pics until I saw the shorts. I don't like the weird sleeved dress either. As my mum always says, just because you can wear something it doesn't mean you should. No mention of N again.

@question. I didn't realise the girlfriend article was out just before the second Ride. It had a massive drop but I kind of put it down to being shown on a weird night and JDM not being in it because he's the new favourite on TWD for some reason. I wonder if the article did have any bearing. I've never really followed him but he's always come across as being too cool(?) to need articles like that. Maybe other people think he's selling out too - even though he probably had nothing to do with the article.

question said...

@blind curious - sorry I didn't mean it came out before the second ride. I just meant maybe he didn't want her associated with it, especially since the numbers dropped so much (agree probably b/c it was shown back to back nights). I just thought that article (the boyfriend/girlfriend) was just so over the top and it specifically mentioned "ride" and since then the DK articles have not mentioned NR and that it might be related. But who knows. She is clearly into the Oscar push season now so maybe her people just told her to cut it out with the whole NR thing too. Clearly something happened though. I think it will be pretty interesting to see how he supports this Oscar run once TWD wraps filming.

MiaColucci said...

@Blind Curious - Yeah, her fashion choices are still really bad and especially the black suit?! if I can call it that way. The dress wasn`t as bad as I thought but again it looked like 3 sizes bigger on her. The worst part was the hairstyle , DK`s hair looks exactly the same all the time! It doesn`t matter if she`s on the red carpet or in a grocery store.

There`s definitely something strange about the recent DK related articles. I don`t think her PRs have something to do with that because she needs publicity, all types , even if she`s portrayed in a bad light. We know that she doesn`t have a huge fan base, which, as @EnnA said, is really strange considering her Hollywood years, JJ and everything else. Mentioning NR in this types of articles is awful only for him. I`ve seen the comment sections and the things aren`t good for our guy. It`s only damaging him, people started to hate on him too. I`ve never seen anything like DK`s hate circle in my whole life. It looks like she has more haters then fans just because she is obsessed with the idea of sexy hot NR like her life depends on that.

Completely out of topic, but NR always promotes TWD really hard when MMB has a big part in an episode. Same goes when there is TWD marathon. He always posts "Consumed" pictures.

Blind Curious said...

@question. It's ok. Prob me that read it wrong. It's hard to tell with the timings in here when things happened. It's 11am just about here and when I list this post it will say it's daft o'clock so it's easy to get confused. It is weird how she was name dropping everyone possible before and now it's just about her. Its a shame it's taken the Oscars to start to do that. I'm also curious what will happen when filming ends. Maybe that's why there's another season of Ride - so AMC can keep an eye on him!

@Mia. The first thing I thought of when I saw the dress was Stretch Armstrong. She looks better either with a fringe or more of a central parting in her hair. It doesn't flatter her face whatsoever in that style.
N has definitely been overexposed in those articles. I'm not a fan of his but I try not to be too mean as there are fans of his on here but at least before he wasn't selling himself short. It's not done anything to enhance his reputation by being tabloid fodder. D seems to rely on it but N was doing pretty well without it. People just don't seem to care about her at all if N isn't mentioned in the article other than to mock her. She's never tried to develop her own fan base. From what was said on the deleted blind, she has a bit of a superiority complex and is mean to people unless they are beneficial towards her. Who wants to be a fan of somebody like that?

MiaColucci said...

@Blind Curious - Feel free to point out NR`s stupid behavior any time. :D He definitely needs a good slap from time to time. Yeah, I like NR but I`m not blind and won`t defend him when he`s acting like an immature ass*ole.

Willow said...

@thread – latest DM article; the plum coloured dress D's wearing is truly hideous. It would have probably been okay without those leg-of-mutton sleeves. Strangely, yet again there is no mention of N. On a different subject; Salma Hayek looks amazing in the group photos and her dress is lovely.

Interesting reader’s comment in the article – “Wonder why no-one still wants to comment on Diane being snapped with Harvey Weinstein back in 2009?. Anyone want to start this off or will this comment get redacted for not being sugary sweet enough or dealing with a "real life" not fantasy issue?”

There are certain issues about D’s reputation that she is just never going to fix, no matter how much she tries to clean up her image.

@Mia – agree with you about N, that you can still like someone, but be realistic about them if they are being stupid. There are definitely times he needs a good kick up the backside for some of the things he has done.

Blind Curious said...

@Willow. The leg of mutton sleeves dress is the one that makes her look like the Stretch Armstrong toy. To me anyway!

If I didn't have such a vivid imagination, I'd also be interested in what her "fun times" with HW consisted of. 🤢

wtf the original said...

"leg of mutton sleeves dress" made me spit out my coffee. The picture of her with the other 5 actresses where she is wearing I don't even know what to call it grey thing was imho by far her worst choice for the entire weekend. She needs to hit up Jason Wu for some new outfits because the ones she has been given or picked are bad

Willow said...

@Blind Curious – good description – Stretch Armstrong – lmao :D. She has gone into overdrive putting out so many articles lately – and they still don’t do her any favours judging by the comments section. I fail to see what all these DM articles are doing to promote her career anyway, since it is well known that she pays for them to be printed and pays for the pap shots. Agree that she definitely needs a stylist to advise her as she wears some very strange clothes.

I still miss the laundry pap walks articles…… ;)

The link below is another DK article about her Vogue shoot, it is in Polish, it isn’t so much what they say (no mention of N) but have a look at some of the photos – what is going on in the one where she is bent over backwards?!

question said...

The German Vogue photos are so ridiculous. I'm not mocking her looks here but they did so much photo shopping on all of those pictures it doesn't even look like her - at all.

Willow said...

@question - I agree with you. I wonder how she feels about them photoshopping her to the point where she no longer looks like herself!
I seem to remember that it was said on here a while back, that she gets her IG photos 'retouched' before she uploads them as well. I wonder what she looks like in real life! You can't edit what people actually standing in front of you are seeing.

wtf the original said...

Wow that is a lot of photo shopping even in the article it said it doesn't even look like her on the cover. There are a couple of pictures where if you didn't know it was supposed to be her you would think it was someone else for sure

You always remember your first said...

Speaking of the photoshopped vogue pics. There is one where I think she’s in front of a window, the photo only shows her head and upper torso down to her breast. She is wearing a ratty sweater. Well, anyway, in that pic, the photographer photoshopped her entire left side of her chest out. She only has a right breast and it was photoshopped to look big and saggy.

MiaColucci said...

DK`s Vogue cover was really good. The sad part is that it is heavily photoshopped. Her other photos from that magazine are strange- the clothes?!, her poses?! I don`t know what the stylists and photographers were thinking!

I was wondering why NR posted that Caryl video only on his twitter. It looks like he tries really hard to keep MMB away from all the mess now. Maybe he has learned his lesson and especially if we were right about things being tense between him and MMB .

Blind Curious said...

@Willow. Is she trying to be Negan with that leaning backwards pose? What the hell is that about? There's one of her magazine covers that looks absolutely nothing like her. I thought it was Kate Moss at first. I don't like photoshop. I don't mind them removing the odd blemish but that's just ridiculous. I can't find the one with the missing boob. Why would anybody think to do that?

MiaColucci said...

@Blind Curious- I think the photo you are looking for is from DK`s DuJour Magazine photo shoot not the Vogue one.

moep said...

do you mean this photo?

Blind Curious said...

@Mia and @moep. Yes that one. It looks nothing like her. There's been that many pics out this week that they've all run into one. But that one stuck in my head as I had to look at it a while longer before I could see any part of her face in it.

You always remember your first said...

Sorry, yes it was Dujour, not Vogue. The one with the sweater falling off her shoulders.

Willow said...

@thread – just had a look at the one @moep left a link for. That photo is SO WEIRD, what on earth is going on with her boobs in that shot?!

@Blind Curious – oh good one, I hadn’t thought of the ‘Negan’ pose. According to the magazine blurb – she is showing how flexible she is – whatever the hell that is for!!!!!!!!!!! They must have been trying really hard to be ‘arty’ for those shots, it just ends up looking weird! Funny too, that is the second article I’ve come across that mentions how unrecognisable she is on the Vogue cover shot.

I suppose all these magazine articles keep her name in circulation, but a good solid reputation as an actress with a background of being in movies where she gave a memorable performance would do her more good. At the moment she is known for leaving her own premieres early to run around the world after N, and paying paps and the DM to do articles about her. She is doing so many at the moment it is becoming a joke, it is like every day there is another DM article! If this is for the Golden Globes and the Oscars – it is probably only going to get worse!

@Mia – I would hope that he WILL do everything he can to keep MMB away from this mess after what happened the night of D’s TWD post.

Bowman said...

Just my two cents... If you look at the photos, she looks like KStewart in a couple - clothes and hair and poses. In others, she resembles Courtney Love, Debbie Harry, and Helena Christensen. I think this was intentionally done, and I am not so sure that the sweater pic with the bad photoshop was an accident. The only picture out of all those photos that even remotely looks like her is the one of her in the leotard/bathing suit and men's jacket. My personal opinion is that she is trying to make herself look like the women N has publicly expressed affection for at various times (the exception being KStew, (I think that was just a trying to look edgy and young, and she had just been around her). She even recently tried to come off as the "cat lady" who travels with her cat everywhere, going so far as to call Hobbes a 'Divorce Child'. This was after the articles about N taking EITD most places he goes. However, she actually has a friend who cat sits and just stated on IG that she would be keeping Hobbes for a couple of months. This isn't unusual.
IF she has backed off of N because of her PR people, it is only because they are trying to control the narrative at this point. She has made herself look like an obsessive fangirl and it has steadily gotten worse. There is even a picture of her talking to Salma Hayek, and in it you can clearly see that even at this roundtable event that she is part of, she is on her phone trolling through Instagram. I don't know if anyone was ever able to determine who's page she was looking at, but still... you are at work promoting your self and your movie!
I have heard more rumors about DK and FA. I am not sure as I don't really follow him. But I was under the impression that his wife stays in Germany most of the time, but she is in LA now after these rumors began popping up. Again, just repeating what I have heard, but interesting nonetheless.
Sorry I have been scarce lately... Been super busy, and IG is easier because I can do it on my phone!

question said...

What is this IG blind page everyone keeps talking about? Is it related to this blind or just gossip in general?

MiaColucci said...

Coven woman is crazier than ever! She left me speechless. I was checking NR`s tags on tumblr when I saw her last posts. She tries so hard to portray herself as N`s savior from the awful trolls, it`s pathetic. She`s really "worried" that his friends and family read all the bad fans accusations. :D Give me a break! I`ve never read anythings as bad for N as the things in her latest post. NEVER! The guy is oh, so loved and his most passionate fans excuse everything he does even if he`s not exactly right. From Coven posts it looks like N`s being constantly bullied which is so not true. It looks like everything DK related is toxic! I hope N understands that as soon as possible.

question said...

@mia - I had to check out Coven. That was an amazing read. I love how she doesn't want the public to hurt him but then posts' it on a site she knows he reads - so even if he wasn't aware of those things, he is now. Some of those 'diagnosis' were just incredible.

MiaColucci said...

@question - Exactly! That`s the worst part- he reads there! I`ve never heard of anything like this about N until now. Coven plays the victim card just like DK and I`m not surprised at all.

Willow said...

@mia and @question – I had a look at the Coven post, actually had to look up some of the ‘diagnosed afflictions’ as I’d never heard of some of them. If he’s not already paranoid about what people say about him, he probably will be if he reads that post! I know the guy has his issues but I don’t understand what Coven gets out of posting that – she is supposedly defending him?

On a different topic – I haven’t seen the Ride episode with him and Greg, but there is a clip where they have made a replica of N/Daryl, it just occurred to me that N should give it to D when it is finished. It looks very realistic, so she could use it as a prop for all her pap and troll photos, so the real N doesn’t even have to be there anymore!

Have you seen this latest blind? -It's not confirmed who it is yet.

question said...

Found this interview of DK

I had a great laugh when she talked about tattoo's and how she lost a bet and was forced to get one. Acted like she hated it and was acting like a 16 year old but forgot to mention the second one she got on her arm afterwards... Apparently she doesn't eat meat anymore like NR (which is bullshit b/c the dude eats meat) and my god is she boring.

Unknown said...

Looks like Miss Thing is at it again... I just saw her IG post with her in the jacket that looks exactly like NR's...with what may be his motorcycle and helmet. Comments are turned off. Girl damn. Honey this is not the way to promote a healthy relationship. Oddly though her ex is on a motorcycle trip right now saving elephants. So is this for NR? Trolling his fans? OR to show your ex that you like riding motorcycles too! Sweetheart a grown ass woman doesn't play games like this. LOL she is seriously one hot mess and you KNOW she thinks she is bad ass as hell. Poor girl. All I can do is shake my head and laugh.

Wilz said...

@Sunny It does which is probably why it appealed to D ;) It's not his helmet and I'm not sure if he has that bike. Either way her post is hilarious. She truly has turned into a fangirl and it's hilarious and sad to watch. And yes, she turned off comments on what is obviously a trolling post because she's super private now and won't talk about her relationship. That's the line she's been feeding people lately, isn't it? You're right that a grown woman doesn't play games like this but this isn't the first time D has proven to have the mentality of a 16 yr old.

question said...

@SunnyDaze - she is just such an embarrassment to women.

MiaColucci said...

Here we go again! She was quiet for too long. Unfortunately for her, that`s not N`s helmet, but I think it`s the same brand. N`s has a sticker on its left side. As far I can remember N`s jacket has a,uhhh, I don`t know how to say it on English, but maybe some sort of emblem on the left side, but the jacket looks exactly the same. She scares me, to be honest.

Unknown said...

@Wilz - It truly is sad. Sad and ridiculous. It's bizarre that she obviously has no true friends because a real friend would step in and stop this madness. I would have to stop one of my friends from making a complete fool of themselves ESPECIALLY in front of the world (meh you know what I mean).

@question - OMG isn't it?! I see her antics and think I am so embarrassed for her. Okay so she has no friends to stop her but damn there has to be family lol! I am close to her age so yeah I am grown but my own Mother would kick my ass for a) acting this stupid and b) chasing a man like this. Thank GOD!

@Mia - She seems to be one of those women who become who they are dating. I have never understood that considering that most likely is not what attracted the person in the first place. She is scary as hell! They have SNAPPED (show about stalker/psycho women) and Lifetime Movie Network because of women exactly like her! WHY isn't he scared is the question?! THAT truly baffles me how he seems to almost feed into it.

Remember when E! had those "E! True Hollywood Stories" back in the day?! Oh this one would have been a doozy...

Willow said...

@ thread -The jacket same as N's, the helmet and the bike, oh and the devil sign. Maybe she wants to take over and actually become N - like that movie 'Single White Female'! Next season on TWD she will probably be playing Daryl! She is beyond help!

@sunnydaze - excellent points you make in your posts.

@wilz, @question and @Mia - agree with you all.

Wilz said...

@Sunny I have a friend that sometimes acts like D (not half as embarrassing thankfully) and I can say for a fact that even when you tell people they are being stupid and running after someone who is not worth it, they don't listen. I imagine that D's friends have told her she looks like a fool but she persists.

D has slowly been transforming herself into mini-N since Sky was filmed. She's a fangirl copying her favorite celeb. N better hope this doesn't turn into an episode of Snapped! lol

MiaColucci said...

I just remembered that the only woman I`ve seen with N`s helmet was MMB.:) Actually, N posted the pictures himself.Just a fun fact.

Sunny The OG said...

Ok, this is now officially out of control. She knew what she was doing the minute she woke up this morning. The last few DM articles had no mention of Norman reedus, so she has to stir the pot to get people talking. By turning off the comments though, just made things worse for Norman. Because now, people are starting to go on his IG making fun of DK. So way to go numb nuts reedus!!! You got yourself in a bit of a pickle ya?! Y'all we got ourselves a stage 5 clinger!!!

Blind Curious said...

😂😂😂 She must be getting desperate for some attention now. Very few comments in DM and no mean comments on her IG lately. We said if people ignored her on IG she would start trolling more. I think it's started. I'm embarrassed for her. She's pretty much surpassed ridiculous at this point. I'm still gonna laugh though!

Unknown said...

@Wilz - True. We all know people who just won't listen regardless...and when she sees his friends, JDM and other TWD cast follow her on IG it gives her the boost and in her mind validates her behavior. She seems the type who thrives from IG no matter if it's good or bad. It's really quite tragic and God help her once her reality sets in (should it ever).

She really is a fangirl and that is so funny to me. It should scare the shit out of him but somehow I think he is amused by it. Amused is my word choice because it pains me to think he actually likes it LOL. Well then she should know he bores easily and her # will be up soon enough. She will be all tatted up with her damn motorcycle and probably start stalking somehow who is the COMPLETE opposite (like NR vs JJ)ahhh good times!

LOL yeah Norm...avoid being on Snapped at all costs!

Blind Curious said...

He's going to have a lot of fun when TWD finishes filming and she's tagging along on all of his road trips like his very own Mini-Me. I can't wait for those creeper pictures.

EnnA said...

I totally think that the new blind @Willow mentioned is about Kruger.
At least her being on cocaine all the time would explain a lot of her irrational and desperate behaviour.This is not the behaviour of a sane and sober person.I worry about N in this context,though.
I think it is fucking funny that Diane now classifies her own posts for us.If the comments are turned off,we know it is trolling.And intentional.
My god,she is shooting herself in the foot over and over.
And if I were N,I can tell you I would be bored to tears with her.

question said...

Is that supposed to be the bike he supposedly bought her when he spoiled her rotten on her bday? She must be practicing riding and getting ready to tag along with NR on all his bike adventures once TWD is done filming. I cannot wait. I hope she doesn't kill herself or someone else riding that bike. She doesn't come across as much of a biker. Also it's kind of a big FU to JJ (who still follows her I think on IG).

As to why this behavior doesn't bother NR - it's because he needs his ego (and other things) rubbed constantly and she does that for him all the time. He probably gets a huge kick out of it and I'm sure JDM and others do as well. I'm sure it took him and JDM about 2 min to like this post.

Every time I start to think, maybe she's not that bad or crazy, she does something like this and it's just like why DK why. But I guess after you spend 3 years fu&*ing someone, have to use the papp's to out the relationship and you are still being denied any public form of attachment, you have to resort to these types of antics.

I'm slightly older than her and this whole fiasco just screams mid life crisis.

I can not wait to see what the winter holds for these two.

NR it's time to man up and own your girl or tell her to get some self respect and stop this shit.

V.v.v said...

@Enna the nature of that blind makes me uncomfortable but it is not the first, nor the second or third time he has alluded to that fact actually.

DK is just a really sad person now. She doesn't need to share that picture or information with us, especially as she knows it's trolling if she felt not to turn comments on.There is no requirement to share it and Look at her overall account it is pictures of herself, something related to NR, or trolling. Now, there is obviously more to her life than this, there must be, so it is her own choice to post so many NR related romance and life events. That is her choice and NR is a fool for allowing her to make an idiot of him when she has condoned hate against his colleagues, and is more than troublesome every day.

He has ignored so much by now I really would like to know how she has convinced him it is mistakes or she is innocent and misunderstood. It's crazy.

Kat said...

I think it's clear to everyone now that there are some serious psychological issues at play here. This has to be the most desperate attempt for attention ever. She has completely lost herself in an attempted to morph into N. How humiliating for her and him. It is possible this bike thing is to take attention from him and make people think she is out riding with him and will be on an episode of ride which would be a very bad career move for him with the ratings already so low. But I think it's just her craziness coming out. How pathetic, sad and desperate of her.

question said...

Oh lord - just checked out JJ's IG. I didn't realize he had been posting all of those motorcycle pictures from India! Girl is cray cray.

@EnnA - I agree that it's just so much easier for us to know when she is truly trolling now b/c she just shuts off the comments. Awesome. And then she can go and tell NR that she is protecting him by turning off the comments. She is something else.

I don't think that blind is about DK but probably Ruby Rose. If she is on something I would way more believe it would be prescription drugs or something. If you see some of the interviews with her and the director she is kind of out of it. She also looks super nervous before the interview I posted above.

EnnA said...

Also,if this is a North face thermoball jacket like the one N has,this is not even remotedly a motorcycle jacket.
For riding you need a jacket of a solid,thick fabric or made of leather,so you have protection when you fall.I think riding in a lightweight nylon jacket is a very bad idea.

question said...

Coven is going crazy over this and the helmet. If she has a bike why would she be wearing his helmet. If she can fly all over the world to see him, I'm pretty sure she can afford her own helmet! just saying.

question said...

@EnnA - I was going to say that but I don't ride so didn't. But we all know she is full of great ideas so...

MiaColucci said...

Coven is at a whole new level of craziness, yes. :D She`s as scarier as DK. It will be really interesting when she realizes that this helmet is not N`s. :D As I said before, I`ve seen only one woman with N`s helmet. :)

EnnA said...

My father used to ride a lot. You have to wear a helmet that fits you perfectly.Women normally do have smaller heads than men,so I dount this is Ns helmet.It may be the same brand.

EnnA said...


Anonymous said...


Posing for selfie in front of a motorcycle doesn't mean that she actually intended to ride. For what she's doing the jacket is probably enough :-)


She had her own helmet when she was with him on that trip to Elvis museum. White one and white sneakers too, looked shiny and new. Wonder what happened to it, I doubt N wears it instead.

nantares said...

TWD gave us a Carol-centric episode and the Caryl shippers went a little crazy gushing over it, so OF COURSE she had to put up a 'no, he's MY boyfriend, not hers' type of post.

@Willow - DK's hand gesture isn't the "devil sign" -- that would be with the thumb in. Since the thumb is out, the gesture she's making is "I love you" in Universal Sign Language. Bleh. You have no idea how much I hated typing that. :P

Anonymous said...


In her case I think it's wrongly made devil's sign. I would be surprised if she knew what it means in sign language.

question said...

Ride's rating were low again this week compared to last year. I am pretty sure you are supposed to increase ratings every season not lose them (unless you are the 8th season of TWD). I wonder if this whole DK mess has anything to do with that.

MiaColucci said...

I thought that it was the "rock and roll" b*tches sigh. :D

Anonymous said...


It's tempting to blame her for that but last year Ride was on during summer and on Sunday (not sure if the day is correct). This season it's aired during the fall TV season and on Monday, definitely more competition than last season.

MiaColucci said...

This season of Ride is actually better that the first one. Both of N`s shows are with lower ratings now which is sad but not a coincidence for me . DK is not the main reason, of course, but she plays a huge part in it. People just hate her and are projecting their hatred that way. I don`t think that most of them are realizing it but I found myself less excited about TWD and Ride this year.I `m just tired of her being everywhere or turning everything about herself. DK is everything N has once said he hates in a woman so part of his fans are feeling betrayed and a little angry at him.

Anonymous said...


And to your earlier question. When the old blind started to fall apart, one of the former members here set up an IG account as a back up if this site ever crashes completely. It did so some of us moved the gossip there and we mostly stayed there since the new format here is not for everyone. So if anyone refers to IG blind, that's it.

V.v.v said...

fans are well within their right to be turned away to NR when everything he has ever said about himself he has proved false and has engaged in awful behaviour with DK. They want someone with integrity to support and since he no longer has this it's a struggle to support him.
It's also incredibly frustrating to see how she's imprinted herself on twd and you can't even read about the show without her name being there. She has nothing to do with TWD yet she, and NR have allowed her to use the show, cast members, and NR (he's either complicit or by this stage entirely deluded by her lies) for herself.

nantares said...

@Soooooo and @MiaColucci - I took another look at her IG and I think you're both right. The emoji she used is the thumb-down rock'n'roll/"devil" sign, even though she herself is doing the thumb-out ILY sign. Pick a lane, DK.

question said...

@sooo how do you access the IG blind site? Is there different gossip there or basically the same as here?

Unknown said...

Inglourious Bitch is on the way people. Keep up the narcissism gf! She gets too much validation and a false sense of identity and ego from paps, tabs, and magazines. The fans are mean? Spiteful is what you are. You DON'T need to let the pics fly and disable comments. No amount of trying to fix the PR show is going to undo what bullshit is already known about them. The virtous victim Diane is a fucking hell of joke!

MiaColucci said...

I was thinking about Coven`s latest posts that NR bought DK`s bike for her birthday and that most likely they are in GA together now. So if I accept that to be true and he gave her the bike and they were in GA for the birthday, how in the Earth that bike teleported- GA-somewhere-GA( I can`t remember where exactly) for her to troll that she`s learning to ride it . The other possible explanation is that the bike had stayed in N`s garage all this time!? yeah, she must have been really enthusiastic :D or maybe she drove it GA to NY!? :D or she hired somebody to transport it :D impossible if you ask me. Sorry, DK, I`m not buying it! Maybe the helmet and the jacket are presents from N too! Nope:D she`s such a joke. Lately she scares me, that`s a whole new level of trolling and craziness. I`m tired, really tired of her but I`ll stay just to see this "relationship" going into pieces. Maybe not today, not tomorrow ... you got the idea. :D She could`ve played her cards much better , she had the chance to be loved , but no, she had to papp him all the time, to troll, to spread hate, to argue with his fans and to shove in everybody`s faces that she put her eyes on N even before knowing him, because he was hot! It must be a deep love then.

EnnA said...

Here is something I found interesting....
We were discussing in a twd thread if Norman wants Caryl. Most people said that he always fought it and was against it until roughly one year ago where he suddenly changed his tune.Now he always says he is all for it.
Mmh, I have to wonder if this has something to do with Mmb calling it quits with him.If this is true,maybe he is still invested and tries to get whatever possible to be near mmb.And canon Caryl would help a lot,right?

Blind Curious said...

@Enna. I know he recently said he wouldn't be against Caryl but MMB now sounds as if she's fed up of hearing about it. She's always been so positive and put a good spin on their friendship but in a recent interview she did, it seems like she's saying don't get your hopes up, nothing else is going to be happening between them. I would love for it to happen. Even if it's mostly to piss D off. 😁

MiaColucci said...

N`s the ultimate Caryl shipper. I stand behind my theory that most of the Caryl moments exist because of him. In my opinion he wanted and still wants to keep MMB as close as possible and dragging Carol/Daryl thing was the perfect solution. MMB kinda confirmed it for me with her tweets explaining that N created the hand hold scene in season 3, and also that the reason behind the cat "fight" picture was actually an unscripted nudge on M`s arm. :)We can add the season 5 hug when N was told not to kiss M and the fact that they had to re-shoot it couple of times because of N`s over-excitement :D. Also, if I remember right, the pookie nickname is N`s creation too. I`m not even including his special Carol voice and the longing gazes. For me the guy is trying so hard but sometimes the producers are not at the same page.

@EnnA - I think you might be right. It will help a lot because at least they have to spend some time together and he can try to work his charm again.

@Blind Curious- Yes, now I have another reason to ship Caryl.:) I can`t wait for the fans response with all the gifs and pictures covering every single N SM account. OF course, there will be all that merchandising, magazine covers, interviews, con pics. EPIC!!!

question said...

@Mia - coven does nothing but make this whole relationship and DK look worse. She just re-posted those cringe worthy 'PDA' pictures from the US Open, where they look like two people who can barely stand each other when they are 'kissing' and when he has his hand around her. Lets follow that up with this whole bike/b-day situation. Coven is so proud that DK flew on her b-day down to visit NR and he gave her a bike. Then she is so proud of DK for being a strong independent women. Lets think about those two things for a second. NR was seen riding bikes with JDM that day DK flew all the way from Canada to GA. NR could have gotten his ass on a plane to see his GF on her Bday, but no she flew to GA and back to CA in 24 hours to see him on her own damn bday. Then she gets to GA (I know some think she never did go to GA) and he gives her a bike for her bday. I'm sure that's just what she wanted. She was with JJ for 10 years and he rides but for some odd reason she never showed interest until she starts dating a guy whose entire image is bikes. And the dude has like a 100 bikes (or so JDM said on howard stern) so he probably just went into his garage and picked one out for her. It basically like, look ride your own damn bike and stop riding with me. Did he ever give MMB a bike? I don't think so. Probably b/c he enjoys her riding with him. And how is DK dressing up exactly like NR a strong independent woman? How is a woman who openly talks about not really liking tattoo's all of a sudden getting them? Its as if NR is consistently trying to see how far he can push DK and how much he can humiliate her or let her humiliate herself. Now his friends are engaging in the same behavior. He created a monster and now he's going to have to deal with it. I wonder if he has given any thought to what she is going to expect out of him once he's back in NYC after shooting wraps.

I went back and read some old blinds where Annona was still commenting. She said that the day the garage article that spawned this whole blind came out, he went and liked a picture of MMB on IG (among other things). How funny is that.

Wilz said...

@thread N can't even be bothered to buy a plane ticket to see D, but he bought her a bike? Yeah right. Coven needs to think that theory through. I am in the group that doesn't think she was in Ga for her birthday and I don't think N bought her a bike.

@thread I never thought N was against the ship and he's always said that same "never say never" line. That isn't a new thing. I do think he was hesitant about the timing and what it would do to his character which is a valid concern. Based on what we're hearing about N putting his own spin on things, it seems pretty obvious he's always been open to it. While I don't think N had much influence in the pacing of story line I do like @Mia's theory :) I don't think M's recent interviews were meant to lower fans expectation. When I read them I read frustration about being asked the same question all the time. She either doesn't know it will happen and has nothing to share or she does know it happens but can't spoil it. Either way, she can't give an answer. So what do they want her to say? I don't understand why she and N are constantly asked. Do interviewers think one day they'll slip and tell them?

wtf the original said...

@thread I agree with @Wilz I think both N and M are fine with Caryl happening but I imagine that both of them are sick of being asked what will happen. They can't say anything. I thought she was saying that from what has been given people will see it the way they want. If they see it as a love story then that is what it is for them and if they don't then that is what their reality is. For my own peace of mind and because I do not care I don't read Coven and so the only time I hear about anything to do with them is when I read it here. Of course they are going to look at everything from a positive point of view.
I also don't think they were together for her birthday because some girl at Sephora in the Winnipeg mall said she sold her a face mask on her birthday. Why would that girl lie? She has no reason to make up that story, but we know damn well that D would lie.
I love the fact that she is mostly being ignored for her trolling and so now she has to step it up a notch. I just hope people keep ignoring her because I am interested to see just how far she will go

EnnA said...

Yeah,I am all here for Dianes head exploding because of Caryl. Can you imagine the internet traffic when it happens? Hell yeah D will have nowhere to go,Caryl everywhere !!! I am living for that day!
I am curious,too! How far will she go? Maybe some naked photos? I am not surprised about anything at this point

Willow said...

@EnnA - Yes, I am with you 100% - please, please, please let Caryl happen! I can just imagine the magazines, internet coverage, fan reactions and merchandise of Carol and Daryl everywhere!!! D would have to go and live on an Island somewhere that doesn't have internet connection to escape from it all (and stay there)!

@thread - No, I don't believe he bought her a bike either. From what I remember of the old blind comments, hadn't N dumped her around her Birthday and that's why she was trolling hard? I laughed at how Coven can deduce that N bought her a bike from a couple of Instagram shots!! Or maybe she is just physic! I'd want to see the actual bill of sale for the bike, with his signature on it before I'd believe it.

Christmas is coming - maybe D will buy herself an engagement ring to pretend they are getting married and start a fresh session of 'engagement, baby, moving in rumours,' - at this point nothing she does would surprise me anymore - she has totally lost touch with reality - she is such an embarrassment to herself and others !

question said...

@EnnA - she has gone pretty far already. Least we not forget about DK's arm tattoo that is a heart just like NR has on his chest and is located in a very earily similar location to HC's star tattoo on her arm. For someone who never had tattoo's before and spoke openly about how she didn't care for them...that is nuts.

Willow said...

^ Psychic

@nantares - re: hand gesture - didn't even notice that her thumb was in or out the shot. Thanks for info, I didn't know a 'thumbs out' on that sign was 'I love you' that is interesting to know. Just thought she was doing the devil sign because as we know, she is such a hard ass, bad to the bone, fiercely independent, biker-chick who knows her own mind.... lmao :D

MiaColucci said...

I also don't think they were together for her birthday. If they were together she would`ve made sure to be papped from at least 34 magazines. :D Can you imagine the titles- "DK spends romantic birthday with bae NR", "The German- born actress spending her birthday with boyfriend NR", "Romantic getaway for DK`s birthday", "DK- biker birthday". No way she would`ve missed the opportunity.

TWD ratings are better now. Give us more MMB, she`s the best. :)

Blind Curious said...

@Mia. I like your theory. 😀 I actually think at this point that most of the actors know their characters better than the producers. It would probably be a better programme if they were given a rough outline and allowed to ad-lib their scenes (obviously not the stunts and stuff!). If they're not talking in riddles, they're making speeches. It's just not relatable at times. I kind of agree about her birthday as well. There would have been more put out there by her if they were definitely together.

@Willow. Christmas engagement by any chance? We ought to have a sweep. We'll know the trolling picture as she won't allow comments on it!

@EnnA. I'm all for her head exploding with Caryl, but don't jinx us with naked pictures. 🤢 Oh God. It's gonna be naked pics of her on her bike isn't it. 🤢🤢🤢

Anonymous said...


Sorry, time difference and work, I didn't see you answer sooner. The account is blinditemrevealed, just send her amessage first. The gossip is pretty much the same as here only with pictures :-)

About DK's birthday. I also don't believe she was in GA. Not because of the Sephora girl (it could be true) but because her big picture that day was selfie in a dark room with bike mirror in the middle of the night and that was it. To me it seemed like she was improvising because she didn't have much to work with. And another selfie with the face mask on in a dark bathroom (hiding the fact it was hotel bathroom maybe) And she spend the whole July desperately trolling while N looked the happiest since February.

Honestly the last time she posted something that was definitely from his house was after Cannes when she photographed bugs in his backyard. Since then it's planes, airports, unidentifiable garages (don't forget her helmet selfie with helmet that was definitely not for motorcycle), cars, radio, etc...

Unknown said...

here is a link of D on a bike...old that the same bike???

MiaColucci said...

@debra peters- I`m not an expert on bikes but the bike from DK`s recent post is yellow and the other from your picture is gray. Both are Honda and they look really similar. Maybe someone with more knowledge on bikes can tell 100%.

Kat said...

if it had a paint job....maybe. the one in your link has racing checks at bottom. I think the actual Honda lettering is different too.Great detective work though!

Willow said...

@debra peters – it’s a Honda but not sure it is the same bike – tank and front suspension look different, although they could have been changed, but I wouldn’t be an expert - just my observation, but good find on that pic of her. I agree with @question – that it is very strange that she was with JJ all those years, and he loves bikes, yet she only shows any interest in becoming a ‘biker chick’ when she leeches on to Normie!!!! I think she bought the bike herself. D probably thinks she can join in all N’s road trips now, what super fun for him to have a novice riding at 40miles an hour trailing behind him and slowing him down on all his jaunts around the countryside on his road trips.

@Blind Curious – yeah – Christmas Engagement (with her buying her own ring, to troll) I was thinking she would be trying to out-do herself with the ultimate troll this December – I mean she will have to go one better than last December’s gate-crashing N’s Gallery Show in Paris and grabbing the attention for herself. Then there was the previous December before that with the rumours about the make-out session in the NY bar. I am just expect some major trolling event for this December.

EnnA said...

It is a very similar bike for sure.
She has an instastory up and she is trolling the bike topic there too
NR and Christian Serratos liked her pic.

EnnA said...

Have I missed a bike pic? The one that was linked was a black&white picture,so we can‘t tell the colour.Could very well be gold.The checks could be adhesives;maybe they have been removed.

MiaColucci said...

@EnnA- Check that one. I just typed the name of the photographer and DK`s name on google.

question said...

@Enna - how is she trolling the bike thing in her instastory? I actually have no idea what that is. I had no doubt NR would like that picture of her. I'm sure CS thinks she is awesome. Wouldn't surprise me in the least.

Unknown said...

I honestly don't get it...I fail to see how these people (ESPECIALLY NR) doesn't see right through her?? BTW JDM "liked" the bike pic too. LMAO of course he did!! **eyeroll** And if we say anything we're just "jealous of her" no, not at all. But if truly baffles me how she does these calculated oh so obvious screams for attention and NR just falls for it. Every. Single. Time. I know the man isn't stupid but really?!

And I am amazed how she didn't give a rats ass about the 'biker life' (cough cough) while she was with JJ knowing he is all into it. She HAS to regret how that ended with JJ. He seems to truly be a really good man. He is extremely good looking. Cares about actual things that matter. Mature. And he seemed to honestly adore her.
She has to at least mentally kick her own ass for letting him go for a man who appears to honestly not give a shit about her. Not that I care anything about how she feels but I can't help but wonder if she does regret it.

question said...

@sunnydaze - NR, JDM they can't see through it b/c their ego's are way too big. JDM probably gets a kick out of how cool NR is that he has this chick morphing into him and NR just gets a kick out of how far she will go for him. Are you kidding - these men's lives revolve around women throwing themselves at them. If NR had a strong independent woman he wouldn't know what to do with her.

Of course she is kicking herself for what happened with JJ. Who wouldn't? and I'm sure that's why this has gone on for so long b/c she can't admit to herself what a mistake the wonderful DK made. And I do also think the picture she posted of the bike was also a FU to JJ b/c I think he still follows her on IG.

From previous blinds it seemed NR tired of DK pretty often. I'm sure she has very high expectations for how their relationship will play out once he's done filming and back in NYC. He's in for a great time.

EnnA said...

She has taped a little sequence of her sitting somewhere in a public place with her hood up,and she has used some funny IG devices to paint a motorcycle helmet and motorcycle on herself.Hope this helps,I don‘t know how to explain this properly.

MiaColucci said...

@SunnyDaze- Aren`t we all thinking the same thing? WTF is going on is beyond my imagination too. Maybe I need to put DK`s irrational behavior in chronological order starting from "Sky". Something is very wrong but what exactly?!

Wilz said...

@thread I think people think that N and those around him analyze D's behavior as much as we do and I really don't think that's the case. We see trolling and they see a bike picture. I don't think it's all that deep for them.

question said...

@EnnA - OMG she is just too much. That is perfect. Maybe she is on drugs. She needs to find a job to keep her busy.

@Mia - you will be busy for a long long time trying to go through all of the crazy shit she has done since Sky.

By them all feeding into this crazy behavior or hers - they are just feeding a monster. She gets off on it and will just continue this crazy behavior. In her mind she thinks she is awesome and that everyone is so jealous when she posts this. She doesn't realize that everyone who has half a brain see's right through this. We have all known crazy women and can see the signs.

Unknown said...

@question - You nailed it perfectly. Ego. Both of those men are so used to women throwing themselves at their feet that it goes without saying. Sigh...smh I used to wonder how such a good man like JDM would think that cheating was okay (ex: the SKY affair) and then I heard the rumor (don't know if it's true and don't care honestly) about how he and his wife ended up together so I figured his moral compass may be warped too. Just MY own opinion and again who knows what is and isn't true. But my respect level for JDM went down after that.

It's so stupid that it's funny for her little FU's to JJ (and that makes perfect sense once I read what you wrote) because we all know she would JUMP at the chance if JJ asked her to go back to him. Of course he is way smarter than that but you know she thinks it in the back of her mind. It's almost tragic. Almost.

@mia - Like they say "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." She is repeating things over and over with NR and expecting him to finally be the bf she wants.
All I know is I am watching this play out because it entertains me BUT that girl is going to seriously lose it once reality hits.

Ain't karma a bitch?! :-)

question said...

@SunnyDaze - I never bought the whole JDM and his perfect family act. I also went back and read about how he and HB got together. She got pregnant really fast and then he took her and hid her for almost a year. They refused to even acknowledge the kids birth. The first time they appeared together at a public event was after their son was born. There are also rumors about JDM and these con's so I don't really think he gives a rats ass about NR being involved in cheating. There are also the rumors that he has another kid that he refuses to acknowledge but who know's that women could be making that up for attention.

I love how Enty titled the last DK picture he posted "DK attending an event solo". Ha ha. I expect another blind to come out soon.

question said...

@thread - we keep wondering why all of NR's friends are jumping on board the DK ship - maybe it's all of DK's friends that have left the DK boat b/c of the NR and what she is doing. I would certainly back away from my friends if they started acting like her at her age. It's just way too much drama. I mean she must have had friends when she was with JJ right? The only 'friends' she posts pictures of on IG are hair and makeup people. It's quite sad. Maybe it plays into this whole addiction she has to NR.

MiaColucci said...

@question- I never knew who she was before the drama but for me it looks like she`s obsessed with the men in her life. She was married once, then 10 years she was with JJ but it seems like her friends back then were just her men`s friends and not hers. Right now how can she possibly have time for other people with all her travelling here and there I don`t know. Maybe she`s trying to blend in N`s friends because he`s not really willing to give her his full attention. As we know she does all the work with the traveling so when exactly can N meet her friends. I still think that if she has close friends they are most likely in Europe.

Unknown said...

@mia - I didn’t know who she was either. I know her as the woman who cheated on Joshua from Dawsons Creek with Norman from I’ve been a NR fan since The Boondock Saint days. She may be thinking if his friends like her and show her attention then he will too. She’s old enough to know that doesn’t work. I almost feel sorry for her (not really) because I don’t think she really has friends. She puts her all into whatever man and well her track record with men doesn’t look too good. Seems like I heard it here or in some interview about her saying she doesn’t feel “home” in Germany. Really?! But that is your HOME! Born and raised. How sad. She hasn’t called NYC home that long (and she chased JJ there ) so that just truly be a lonely existence. Just an observation...

Kat said...

@question- I am starting to think along the same lines. They know most of his fans who are even aware of her, think she's a joke and a mental case so they are supporting her just to f*#k with with non diane supporters heads. IMO, they shouldn't get too cocky cause fans are fickle and can turn pretty quick. Hollywood is just starting to come into the bullseye from people who are disgusted with their behavior. Lots of lies are starting to surface and those who think they are irreplaceable and untouchable better think twice.

Unknown said...

coven again posted some b.s info.....they posted a picture of the motorcycle supposedly the one N bought D before it was re-done....really??? here is the link of the bike sold in 2015...she also claims D was seen riding through Atlanta.....really???and where are these pictures...the pictures I seen of N on that day he clearly had a drink in his hand...was in alcohol?? IDK....but, again,,no pictures of her..

question said...

@debra- why would DK be riding in Atlanta if she was visiting NR? That makes no sense. What pictures of him? From the day of the troll post or the one from the coffee shop yesterday? anymore gossip from your end?

MiaColucci said...

Coven thinks?! D was/still is in GA. Well, I think N was on Mars. :D There is like zero proof that she was seen there and most probably because she simply wasn`t with N. D`s just in her usual trolling mode, that`s all. N was seen alone! in a coffee shop buying a cup!(not 2 lol) of some caffeine drink. The dude was most probably working the past days, It`s simple.

@debra peters- I don`t get this specific Coven post with the bikes. :D She posted D`s latest pic, then a link to the same bike model!?, then some strange D selfies. I can`t find her logic, like really. What was she trying to prove? But after her creepy post about N and "fan" theories on his health I`m not surprised. LOL

Unknown said...

I thought I read somewhere that she was supposed to be in Germany for some event today. Kind of hard to be there and riding around Atlanta...ha! Who knows...Lord knows she has blown off her own events before just to be 'around'. The crazy is deep my friends....

MiaColucci said...

OOo, I was thinking isn`t DK`s bike too slow,or whatever it`s called, to be riding with N? His bikes are like really huge and powerful. I`ve never seen him on another type of bikes.

moep said...

@SunnyDaze she will be in Berlin for the Bambi today.

Unknown said...

@moep - ahhh Thank you! I thought I heard something about it...

Willow said...

@mia @thread - looked up the spec for her bike using the picture @debra posted link to, for model reference: note that the top speed is listed as 68.4 miles per hour. Not exactly a fast bike, it is classed here as a scooter, still, she is just learning to ride (supposedly anyway!)

General information
Model: Honda CB 100
Year: 1973
Category: Scooter
Rating: 66.2 out of 100. Show full rating and compare with other bikes

Engine and transmission
99.00 ccm (6.04 cubic inches)
Engine type: Single cylinder, four-stroke
Power: 11.50 HP (8.4 kW)) @ 10500 RPM

Top speed: 110.0 km/h (68.4 mph)
Bore x stroke:
50.5 x 49.5 mm (2.0 x 1.9 inches)
Valves per cylinder:
Fuel control: Overhead Cams (OHC)

Willow said...

More magazine coverage of D - only mentions the film not N.

Found this about Bambi 2017:

"Special Award for Diane Kruger and Fatih Akin"
"Hollywood star Diane Kruger and director Fatih Akin are awarded the "Special Prize of the Jury" at the BAMBI Awards for the film "Out of Nowhere".
"For the lead role in Akin's thriller, Diane Kruger ("The Infiltrator", "Inglourious Basterds", "The Bridge", "Troy") received the 2017 Palm Award for "Best Actress" at the 70th Cannes Film Festival, where the film celebrated its world premiere , "Out of nowhere" will go to Germany for the 90th Oscar for the best non-English-language movie. "'Out of nowhere' is the most important German film of the year," says the BAMBI jury. "It's big movie and tells a chapter of contemporary history that matters."
In "Out of Nowhere" breaks Katja's life: her husband and her son die in a bomb attack. Police seize two suspects: a young neo-Nazi couple. Katja wants justice - there is no alternative for her. "Out of nowhere" makes the emotional chaos in which the main character is overthrown tangible. The BAMBI jury says: "In her first German film, Diane Kruger convinces through her enormous range of expressiveness, in no moment do the strong emotions she shows seem exaggerated or implausible. She succeeds in producing an outstanding interpretation of the carefully watched book by Fatih Akin and his subtle directorial work." "
"Out of nowhere" starts on November 23, 2017 nationwide in the rental of Warner Bros. Pictures Germany in German cinemas.
Young talent and great name
At the beginning of her career, Diane Kruger proved in 2003 that she is a great talent. At that time she was awarded the Chopard Trophy - an honor for the then 28-year-old. Diane's success should prove Chopard's merit: in 2017, the actress was named the best actress in Cannes by a top-class, international jury.
And now the golden deer
BAMBI, Germany's most important media award and one of the biggest social events of the year, will take place on 16 November 2017 for the 69th time. 'Das Erste' broadcasts the gala from 8:15 pm live from the theater on Potsdamer Platz in Berlin."

MiaColucci said...

It looks like N`s name is only mentioned in DM articles. I wonder why? :D

@Willow- Thanks for the bike info and actually, you are right - she`s "learning" now.

Willow said...

@Mia – isn’t it strange she never learnt to ride a bike when she was with JJ? He is into bikes and I’m sure would have taught her how to ride, IF she in fact was interested in them. It is very odd how she only wants to learn now, just because she is ‘with’ N. I am wondering how much the ‘biker’ ig post was to troll fans and how much it was also for JJ to see, if he still looks at her ig.
I would think the Hollywood Reporter write their own articles as opposed to D’s team writing the drivel they submit for the DM articles. Maybe that is why that HR article reads as if an adult wrote it! :D

EnnA said...

I had a look on JJs IG documentation of his bike trip through india.So good!
My God,this is a charming,smart,handsome guy.And he tries to actually help.He is a likeable,pleasant person through and through.Check it out.Quality content IG.This guy has something to say.I‘m impressed!

MiaColucci said...

She`s scary like there are 300 personalities in her. That`s one of the reasons I don`t like her. Who is the real DK? With JJ she was all feminine- no tattoos,wearing mostly skirts, dresses, red carpet looks, loving LA like crazy,hating bikes and thrift shops, saying that women should keep it classy. Now all of a sudden she`s rock`n`roll chick- baggy jeans, hoodies, bikes, tattoos, pretending to listen N`s favorite music, NY is her place?! , middle fingers. And I`m sure that`s just a small part, because I`ve never read a lot about her(just a quick search after the CR disaster). She doesn`t have personality.
If she had stayed the same as she was before N I would`ve respect her at least a little. It looks like the only constant in her life is cheating on one boyfriend to get another one.

Exwiccan said...

Funny...d.m.article today said d just finished filming new movie October 19....wonder if they get their info from the same person that feeds the coven their b.s...right off D I.G...she was in Paris promoting her movie and I believe doing a tea commercial...again..the facts can be easily't heard anything from friend except what bowman said...seems D has been getting very cozy to a director...enough talk that wifey flew in....This director is going to be very powerful in Europe if Oscar is won....she approached him for movie part...sounds like another person...approached by her to do a movie..Well played!!

Willow said...

@thread – check out D’s latest posts on IG – another award for D. Think now she will definitely be trying for Golden Globes and Oscars too. I haven’t seen any hearts emojis from ‘Babe’ yet, but her post hasn’t been up that long! I’m sure he will be rushing to his phone shortly to post a congratulates to her. ;)

I think that we can expect many, many, many more magazine articles……………..

MiaColucci said...

I`m not surprised that they won Bambi awards. The film is Germany`s entry for the Oscars and of course the country wants all the buzz. It`s normal. Unlike the other Oscars,the Best Foreign Language Film Award is not presented to a specific individual and it is considered an award for the submitting country as a whole. Which means even the film gets it it won`t be DK`s personal award. We will see which are the other entries.

Her dress was ok. :D I can`t believe it.

EnnA said...

I saw the BAMBI gala on German tv. Fatih was adorable,but Diane came across stiff and over the top.
11 hours and 3 posts of her later,no like from NR.

Blind Curious said...

@Mia. The dress was ok. Would have preferred it if wasn't a two piece. Her makeup was good for once. I'm pretty much the same colouring as her and I don't get why she does the really dark eyes. It ages me by about 10 years and makes my eyes look tiny and tired, so you would think she wouldn't do it with all of the makeup artists she knows. I'm not keen on the Pat Butcher earrings either.

@Enna. She has absolutely no personality and zero charisma. She can't even act like a normal person. Have you seen the picture of her sticking her tongue out like some sort of wannabe rebel? If you're trying to be taken seriously by people and want to impress them, it is hardly the way to do it.

question said...

@Enna - saw a clip of her accepting the award. She pulled the whole crying card and then 2 seconds later was smiling. She is so fake. No like yet? I'm a bit surprised. Has he been online since she posted? I would expect the whole TWD crowd to like those posts.

Sophia said...

Dk is a horrible person, and I still can't believe Norman chooses to be with her. Why would you want to be with someone who has totally changed who they are, how they act, how they dress, and basically become you? I mean, how can he not notice she dresses differently, she acts like a high schooler with the tongue, she dresses like a hobo biker chick when she always dressed very feminine when she was with JJ...she is basically Norman with a vagina. I guess it's just a big ego boost for him, and lord knows his ego is HUGE. this probably just turns him on. Of course he has assimilated to her in ways too...what with buying that ugly pompous Mercedes. Yuck. And he seems to encourage her hero worship...I mean the bike he bought for her is painted exactly like his bike and the bike Daryl rides. Coincidence? I think not. I dread this filming break. I can see many papped and creeper pics in the future. We are in for a long bumpy ride with these two as much as it pains me to say. they are both really sad individuals. It shows you what kind of person he is for choosing to be with someone as arrogant and downright mean as she is. And it shows what a loser she is for becoming someone she's not for a man. Truly pathetic. What they say is true though....birds of a feather flock together. Norman was just good at PR all these years, plus people will overlook anything he does because of the way he looks. I mean he cheated with HC and they hid it for a year, but people conveniently forget about that. Just history repeating itself. He is not the nice guy he claims to be. He just hates cheating when he's the one being cheated on. I shouldn't be surprised he chooses her. They are just alike.

question said...

@sophia - what is the history with NR/HC and cheating? I never even knew they were together until this DK thing happened. Was he cheating on a girlfriend with HC? I've heard rumors but never the story.

Unknown said...

@sophia...I don't believe this ship is sailing on calm sea's right now...The cheating rumors going around between D and the director is making the rounds big time...enough for the wife to get a ticket and fly to the states...and the bike D is posing by... don't believe N bought her that bike...if it was a birthday gift why is this the first time she posted a picture of it?? No,this is another big troll moment for her...She was not here in GA for one day..number of facts..No way did she fly from L.A...spend a few hours here then right to Germany...and N was out and about Wednesday taking photos with fans....she is working overtime on her trolling...last time she did this they had parted was between Graceland and her Bday...bday she turned comments off..and bike picture..turned comments off..why?? Afraid someone will call her out on the bullshit it is...and if that is suppose to be the same bike coven posted on their page just redone then again...full of shit..that bike was sold here in GA a year or so ago...went right to the page that coven forgot to remove... proof is right on the web's been 13 hrs D posted her award pictures...did N like them yet? I have my theory on why a few W.D cast started following her..H.W is full of kiss ass's. With her possible being nominated for Oscar..never know when your W.D days are over..always good to have a Oscar award winner friend on your I said before...friend has been silent but still brought up two main facts...One...N is still piss about the post that caused all that trouble with M...she WAS NOT invited to that season opening party by N...and I believe alot of people figured that out on the way she was dressed..D would NEVER wear the same outfit twice in one week to a highly publicized event..TWO..C.R stunt was agreed upon so they can announce a break up(civil),around Oscar's...time is getting closer and I believe N is starting to realize she isn't going away so easily...he is in big trouble with this one...and the more awards she wins the more people she will have around kissing her ass getting people to do what she wants into events N at...

Wilz said...

@Sophia I don't think I'm following-the bike D posted for an orange Honda. And the bike N rides is black and not a Honda. Same with DD right? So how are they the same? Also I'm still curious why we're to believe N bought D a bike. And opinions may differ but I don't think buying a Mercedes makes one pompous.

Blind Curious said...

@Exwiccan. He'll probably like them now it's been put on here that he hasn't yet. 😉 He should be pissed off about her not taking the MMB comments down on IG. The fact that she removed the negative ones about herself and left the others on is just vile. She should have removed the lot. She shouldn't have posted it in the first place. I know she can do what she wants and that she's shagging the "star" but she knew from previous trolling posts what would happen. The fact that she posted it in the first place made her look like a giant twat. I don't care that some of the other cast members had family/friends/whatevers post things on social media about the premiere. None of them have done anything controversial over the past year and got themselves linked with just about every article about the show for free publicity. I just have zero respect for her. Everybody has a shelf life. She needs to realise hers is coming to an end.

Unknown said...

@blind curious..I agree...she better enjoy the spotlight...but we already know her reputation on film sets..with all these awards it's only going to get worse..I no N was extremely pissed at D..that is why she fly to GA real fast after he left L.A..and what I heard was still pissed but is still playing the good b/f role for now..but like I said the cheating rumors involving her and director is not looking good..but he should of known..if they cheat on someone to be with you,more then likely they will cheat on you to be with someone else...and he threw a good thing away with M.M for this piece of trash...

SnoopyD said...

I just refound this Can someone shed more light on the director rumor? Does anyone think this relationship is truly legit or do you think it was done to get DK back in the rag mags in the States to create buzz for potential award nominations? Plus, I feel like she might be to privy to NR/MMB personal business and wouldn't bat an eyelash at exposing any of it. Just my opinion, of course

Unknown said...

I saw where HC's Grandmother just passed away and DK put a little red heart in the comments on IG. I just don't understand any of that debacle. Losing a family member is so very hard (especially a Grandparent) that I could (and hope that I am) be wrong but just DK doesn't seem sincere and to use shit like this for your own little games is so wrong to me. Hey I could be wrong and will admit if I am but...I don't know. I saw her comment and rolled my eyes. I mean, were they friends Pre-NR? It just made me sick a little on HC's behalf. It's sad that I never think anything at all is ever legit or sincere coming from DK. It's sad to think that way at all over any person.

Wilz said...

I don't think you have to be friends to offer condolences for a loss. D lost her grandmother last year so I'm sure she understands what HC is going through. I'd like to think regardless of any issues people may have (and I don't think D or HC have issue with each other) that they can set those aside in times of loss.

In other news, N is following HC on IG again.

question said...

@ Wilz - that took NR a long time to do! Has NR done his good boyfriend IG like of DK's posts yet today? He's slacking a bit.

@SnoopyD - I think there are some rumors that DK and the director had a fling. If you read any article where he talks about her, you can tell he's infatuated with her. No one know's what the heck is going on with them. A lot think she has latched onto him for the name recognition b/c she knows her name isn't enough. However, she is clearly obsessed with him so I don't think it's all PR from her end and I don't know why NR would ever do some PR move like that.

Willow said...

@sunnydaze I was just coming on here to mention that too - that I'd seen HC's post about her grandmother had passed away - and of course D had to leave a heart emoji as a comment - if it was anyone else I would think it was genuine - but I do not believe it of D, her previous behaviour just makes it seem like everything she does is for attention for herself.

@wilz - I hope I am mistaken and perhaps it is genuine as you say, but I don't think D thinks of anyone but herself.

Willow said...

@wilz - did HC ever follow N again?

Wilz said...

@question I'm guessing HC losing her grandmother prompted him to refollow. Funny thing is that he's liked a few of her posts while not following so it seems he was checking her account. He also left a comment on an old post of hers today.

Yes, he liked D's most recent posts. At different times which makes it seem he was liking as he went through his IG feed.

Wilz said...

@Willow No she still isn't following him.

Willow said...

@wilz - thanks, I was just wondering.

MiaColucci said...

N was silent after DK`s award winning again. :D Last time he did exactly the same thing- like he was hiding in a hole somewhere for 24 hours. Now he`s active again but on his twitter. What`s going on with him I don`t know. It looks like he`s scared of something. His behavior is strange. Maybe he doesn`t want to make his fans angry because I`m sure he`s fully aware of people`s opinion on DK.

About HC grandmother- I`m really sad for H, the hardest thing is to say goodbye to loved ones but I don`t think D`s comment was necessary. Maybe we`re too sensitive because we don`t like D.

SnoopyD said...

@question, thank you for your reply. I take it the director is for the movie she is getting current recognition for? I read the Indie Wire Interview he gave, talking about seeing her in National Treasure and having a drunk (on his part)conversation on the beach where she mentioned she wanted to work with him. He definitely sounds smitten.

Anyway, I still think all these months later that this thing between them is nothing more than a highly publicized friends with benefits relationship. And I don't think they are exclusive to each other either. But maybe my definition of true love is different than theirs, so who knows?

Wilz said...

@SnoopyD I think the same thing-not much has changed since last year and they are still fwbs/fbs.

Sophia said...

Norman admitted in an interview he and HC hid their relationship for a year after they got together because they knew it would look bad. I know he doesn't ride a Honda but the front of hers has gold bars where the front tire is, Daryl dixons has gold bars, Norman has a bike with gold bars where the front wheel is. Look up photos of his bikes and you'll see. For someone who drove a used jeep and a truck, sorry but a six figure vehicle is pompous and also gross because she drives a Mercedes. And this break up crap is people stating opinion as fact. Also the surprise twd red carpet and that he was upset...same thing, someone's opinion as fact. I'm not trying to defend either because they make me sick, but I think this is gonna last a while. I will be giddy if I'm wrong.

EnnA said...

Now I want to know why you think it will last a while. I am truly curious about your opinion,because I am beyond confused about this fiasco myself and don‘t really know what to think anymore.Some puzzle piece is missing,and my head is spinning about all the back and forth.

Blind Curious said...

@debra. I don't really like speculating on the cheating either FA rumours. While I can believe it of her, I still hope there are some decent people on the planet, so I'm keeping quiet on it. I feel sorry for his wife whether it's true or not as she's an innocent party in it all.

As for her commenting on HC's post. I would like to think it was genuine, even from DK. It's shit that I couldn't even say that with 100% certainty.

Exwiccan said...

The red carpet show....being fact or opinion......fact..she must of jumped on her turbo broom I said..she would NEVER wear same outfit twice in a highly photographed the same week..conclusion..she was not prepared to go to one of these events because she would of had packed enough outfits for these occasions..fact..The crew all walked on red carpet with spouses/boyfriend's or girlfriends..D arrived and was removed off red carpet very quickly..N arrives later...and let's not forget yesterday...crew was seen at airport leaving...most likely either filming has ended or enjoying Holiday with families...He could of went to Germany with her if indeed she was just here the other day...I don't see what gold bars on his bike has anything to do with D.....a lot of bikes have that...I'm only saying..we know they were not together for her bday...if it was a bday gift It would of taken the devil himself to stop her from posting pictures earlier..this could of been anyone's bike..she had a ride and now it's her bike he bought...trolling at its finest...I will believe it's her bike when she is driving it...when did D learn to ride?again don't you think instead of all the airplane bathroom selfies she took she would of thrown in a few of herself driving a motorcycle...if he truly loved and supported her if he wasn't at award ceremony he would of left a sweet message on I.G..right away..not half a day later..most likely she called him reminding him to like her post

EnnA said...

So why is jdm commenting on the Bambi posts and not NR?
I would think if he does not give a fuck about the shitstorm,and he already liked the post,he could comment as well? This looks really bad.

question said...

@Enna - ha ha ha - JDM goes from ignoring her when she followed him on IG for weeks (until the TWD IG disaster) to now liking all of her stuff and commenting on her posts. This is great. Keep feeding the monster. I can see her head/ego expanding exponentially as she continues to win awards and get public accolades from NRs friends. I'm sure NR will get on and comment now.

What comment did NR leave on one of HC's old posts?

At least DK is getting stronger every day.

MiaColucci said...

@EnnA- Yeah, N is behaving really strange every time D has some sort of red carpet event.
I was thinking, maybe JDM knows D from back in the days she was with JJ. It`s possible, they are in the same Hollywood circles.

Willow said...

@EnnA - I also wondered why JDM commented on the post. I don't know why N didn't comment but someone pointed out to me he didn't comment on her indie award either. Perhaps he doesn't want to recreate the shit-storm caused by his comments on her Cannes award.

I don't have an IG account so I can't see likes, only comments - did any of the rest of the WD cast like her Bambi posts?

I don't understand why some of the WD cast show support to D on her IG after she left all the nasty comments about DG and MMB on her IG that night she posted the WD post. It is like they are condoning her bad behaviour towards DG and MMB.

question said...

Does NR really know what went down with her TWD IG post? I mean he was at the event and already drunk when he walked the red carpet so it's possible he didn't see her deleting all of the negative things about her, whilst leaving up negative MMB comments. When he saw the comments (an probably told her to deactivate comments) she probably just told him she had no control over what people were commenting. So JDM and NR probably only have her sad side to the story and not the truth and now they are trying to 'protect' her from all of the evil doers out there on IG.

Willow said...

@question - yeah, saw D's 'stronger every day' post - I assumed she was talking about her 'trolling powers' to annoy N's fans, were getting stronger!
A new anti-super hero = 'Troll-Woman'- her special power is to antagonise a fandom through her IG posts and pap shots! Maybe they can make a movie about her!

Willow said...

@question - I am sure D did have a sob story to excuse herself that evening about the IG comments, but what reason did she have for posting the WD post in the first place? - The only possible reason was for trolling purposes, if N and JDM cannot see that for themselves, combined with all her papping incidents and shit that she has done to N, then both men have drunk the 'DK cool-aid' and are beyond all hope of ever seeing the truth about what she does.

MiaColucci said...

@question- I still think that N wasn`t aware of all the drama. As you said, he was at the event and then most probably drunk after that.

Everybody from TWD always says that they are like family and blah, blah, but I don`t think that`s exactly true. You just simply can`t get along with everybody. The people from TWD that now are following D are not exactly my favorite actors on the show, so for me it`s not surprising. N loves all the attention he gets, he`s like a little child and wants to be loved from everybody. Some people are stroking his ego all the time and let`s be honest- they are using him because of what he is. I highly doubt most of N`s friends now would have been his friends if he wasn`t so popular. That`s why I always say that N needs to deal with his own problems and childhood traumas asap. Right now h looks tired, much older, puffy, kinda off.

EnnA said...

But why does he even care about a shitstorm,I do not understand. It‘s out in the open for a long time.With her trolling shitstorms are the regular by now.That doesn‘t make sense at all.
This has to be some kind of deal.

MiaColucci said...

@EnnA - That`s exactly the problem- what the heck is going on really. I can`t figure it out so I`m commenting here in hope to find the reasons behind all of this mess.

question said...

Does anyone remember if NR likes DKs TWD post before or after she disabled comments?

@EnnA he's posted comments on other posts of hers so no idea why he doesn't on the awards posts..

If NR and JDM know she left up those horrible comments about MMB and continue to support her they are both total shit heads. I would be mortified if my boyfriend or husband did something like that. If I remember correctly she left all of those posts up almost the entire next day right? Then started deleting and finally disables comments right?

question said...

@Mia and @EnnA maybe NR dumped her add after the TWD IG disaster and JDM is trying to classify her to keep her from freaking out. But of course we all know that didn't happen and DK will pop up with NR over the upcoming holiday season and the trolling will continue.

MiaColucci said...

@question- I think it was before she disabled the comments but can`t remember if it was before or after D deleted the hateful comments about herself. Maybe that will show us if N could`ve read the mean ones about MMB or not. D left the hateful ones about MMB for 24h, yes.

Anonymous said...

Regarding N's coworkers and friends following DK on IG and commenting, I have a theory, which I came up with after SO followed her.

DK and the rest of the TWD cast likely met at the premiere (even though it looks like no one really care enough to talk to her). But no one followed her directly aftre that, even JDM followed her 3 or 4 days later. And while his bodyguard doesn't follow her, he obviously checks her post. Now JDM and his bodyguard are withN quiet often and I assume they talk like friends normally do. I don't know if CHS was with N before following DK, but I assume they were filming. And SO was with N and some other cast members few hours before following D.

My theory is that while hanging out with friends N probably makes some jokes about his huge fangirl and her Instargram antics (Guys, you will never belive what she posted) and makes them curious. I honestly think they may use her as a source of entertainment. You can see that the poeple who followed her are not N closest friends from the cast and they seem like the type to lauh at that. And I personally think it's not something he would do with AL, MMB, DG and other close friends, because they would call him out for being a jerk.

And I think she knows that, which is why she didn't follow them back or why she doesn't like their posts, or JDM's comment.

Speakingof JDM's comment, the way he wrote it it almost looked like he was parodying her post (with the way he repeated the letters several time in his comment, just like she did with her caption).

Wilz said...

@question If I remember correctly the next day (almost 24 hrs later) N liked the post and the comments were still up. I checked back not long after and the comments were deleted and disabled. This is why I think N told her to disable comments. She seemed okay to let that go on forever. I'm less clear on when jdm liked the post but I think it was after everything was deleted. And I think N was mad which is why she took that quick trip to Ga.

Wilz said...

@Soooooooo I think your theory is a valid one. I will argue that N and jdm are close but because they behave like immature teenagers around each other jdm would find this funny. So I think he's the exception to the close friend rule. I do agree that certain cast members would be less amused by N's behavior toward D.

Willow said...

@Soooooo - your theory certainly sounds plausible. It would mean that N was being a jerk. I do not like D at all nor have I any sympathy for her because she inserted herself into this drama, but she is so obviously obsessed with N and he treats her like shit. If he is using her for amusement, that is not only very immature but also cruel. I could see 'the lads' having a laugh at her expense - but why not just end the relationship instead of this tit-for-tat destructive, immature behaviour from both of them.

@wilz - I agree with you that certain cast members would less amused by this behaviour from N. I wonder if AL and MMB even bother with N as much as they used to outside of work. I haven't seen any pics of N with AL outside of work and work promotional situations.

MiaColucci said...

About DK`s TWD post- It`s really interesting to know how the things went.

Theory 1- She post it- people comment hateful things about her and MMB- she playsmthe victim card- N sees the mean things about MMB and tells D to disable the comment section.

Theory 2- She posts it- people comment hateful things about her and MMB- she deletes the ones about her but leaves the bad ones about MMB- N likes the post and sees the mess with MMB`s name in it- N tells her to disable the comment section

Theory 3- She posts it- people comment hateful things about her and MMB- she deletes the ones about her but leaves the bad ones about MMB- D is happy- N likes the post automatically like he does with most of her posts anyway- N doesn`t read the comments- the comment section is battle field and doesn`t portray D in good light at all- she angrily disables the comments.

Theory 4- She posts it- people comment hateful things about her and MMB- N sees everything- he reads the comments but doesn`t care N likes her f#ck you song.

I`m going with theory 1 or 2, 3 is possible too. As for theory 4- I don`t want to think N is such an ass*ole. He always talks with such a respect and admiration about MMB, it looks like the guy adores her but most important I can see the same ting with her too. This people have really strong connection between them.

@Soooooo - I like your theory, that can explain things.

Wilz said...

@Mía I vote for #2 mostly because N never cared about D getting hate on her posts before so I don't think he would care that time either. Why was different about this time? M and DG were brought into it. I don't see #4 happening ever.

Willow said...

@Mia - like your theories - 1,2 and 3 are hopefully all possible. I would hope theory 4 would not be something he would do - but who knows! I took it that N liking her F U post on her IG was him supporting her against the 'nasty trolls' despite the fact it had only happened in the first place because of her trolling with the WD post. Either he doesn't seem to have realised that or else he did, but didn't care.

Anonymous said...


I agree it's a jerk behavior although I don't see it as a huge flaw. Could be that I'm just cynical and I think that almost every guy (and let's be honest women too) make jokes about their significant other when they with friends. I think most of us have some friends that make as act immature (I know I do). I also personally believe that they would't make such jokes about someone actually important, due to the risk of that person finding out and being hurt.

As for why N doesn't end it. IMO because he doesn't care. His behavior suggest that he couldn't care less even if he tried. He doesn't seek her company but when she does he doesn't care enough to send her away and find someone else. And I think this is also the reason why he doesn't do anything about her trolling.

I think he will be the one who ends it, but he needs a reason to do so. I think it will be that either someone new will appear in his life or DK will cross the line he set for her.


I think bot JDM and Cookie are close friends, but the kind who would laugh at that.

Wilz said...

@Willow I thought D's FU post might have been directed to N. FU for not sticking up for me, FU for taking someone else's side etc.

MiaColucci said...

@Willow- It`s possible, or he could`ve just liked it automatically like he always does. :D He likes almost everything she posts like it`s mandatory for him. It looks like theory 1 or 2 are the most possible ones.

Willow said...

@Soooooo - you make good points, it is sad though that two people treat each other with such little respect. I suppose I am just baffled by their behaviour because I don't see the point of him being in a relationship with someone he couldn't care less about, and that she takes the treatment she gets and still comes back for more.

@wilz - that never occurred to me, I thought it was directed at N's and MMB's fans. If it was directed at N - why would he like it though, unless he just doesn't give a fuck either, about her or her opinions.

The longer this 'relation-shit-fest' goes on - the less I understand any of it! :D

Wilz said...

@Soooooooo I agree completely. When people are baffled why N still does this or doesn't do that they should remember that it comes down to the fact that he truly doesn't care about D.

@Willow "If it was directed at N - why would he like it though, unless he just doesn't give a fuck either, about her or her opinions." You answered your own question ;)

question said...

@Wilz - I have thought that DK posted that TWD IG post when she found out she wouldn't walk the red carpet with him. I think he invited her last min and she dropped everything to get there and then he told her she was going in on her own. She got pissed and made that post b/c she knew it would cause him problems. The FU post could go either way. I tend to agree her trip to GA was to chase after him b/c he was pissed. He flew out the day before her back to GA and there was no reason for her to stay an extra day. Her posting the selfie in his car (were comments turned off on that too?) was to show everyone that NR had her back, which really just made him look more like an asshole.

Does the body guard really not follow her? I thought he re-followed her. B/c if he doesn't follow her that post 'really good picture of you' he put on that over the top selfie was a really odd thing to do in my opinion and not really that profession.

@soooo I didn't even catch that JDM was copying her comment with his use of extra letters. It could be read either way, he's doing it to show support or he's making fun of her. I have had the same thoughts as you that he makes fun of her posts and some people have followed her to see it for themselves. But that just makes him look like a real jerk so I try to believe that's true.

Wilz said...

@question I think that's very likely why she posted it. And that may have been another factor into her leaving nasty comments up for so long. The comments were on for her Starbucks car post. And Cookie does not follow her.

question said...

@Wilz - thanks, then I think it's pretty weird his body guard decided to post that comment on that picture. I thought she posted that picture for NR to show him how beautiful she is, to get his attention. Maybe the body guard was actually making fun of her with his comment. I also think that heart emoji he posted on her magazine picture after she rushed down to GA to see him, I think that was a sending her a message b/c he posted the exact same heart emoji on LH's IG picture of them together, I'm pretty sure on the same day. If my boyfriend did that, I would take it as a sort of back hand slap. I don't know the order in which he posted those heart emoji's though.

@Wilz - just checked and comments were off for starbucks post. As someone else pointed out she now just lets us know flat out when she is trolling.

Wilz said...

@question My mistake! And yes D makes it easy to identify her trolling posts now. N leaves heart emojis on lots of posts. He left multiple hearts on a post of SY and his family recently. Some days he's really active on sm leaving emojis and comments everywhere. I think the day he left the heart for D was one of those days.

Sophia said...

@EnnA I think this will last awhile because they don't seem to be around each other enough for him to get bored with her, he's enjoying himself what with her hero worship of him and him getting sex on demand from his traveling vagina, she's definitely enjoying herself wth all the attention she's getting and the glee she gets from antagonizing fans and rubbing him in everyone's face.

They are both disgusting. I can't imagine letting a man treat me the way he treats her. He never goes out of his way for her. She does all the work. I guess that's why he buys her expensive gifts like a motorcycle...hoping to appease her for his lack of attention? Idk. Their whole relationship is f'd up. He makes a complete fool of himself by lying about it and then doing the drunken coming out pap party thru the trash in NY. All they while they rarely see each other, he never goes to any of her events, yet he gets himself tatted up for her with that nasty hideous thing on his chest and she gets the matching pit tattoo after always saying she didn't like tattoos. She completely changes her looks, actions, and interests to be just like him. She says she will never discuss her relationship now yet we all know she lived for the attention she got with who's lying... is she calling the shots or is he? I think he's the one who still wants to hide it just for the fact that her thirst for attention is so great that she would have this relationship splashed everywhere if he would allow it. I mean it's obvious she wants everyone to know...look how she trolled before it was public with all the posts everyone knew were about him. The whole thing is beyond ridiculous and completely f'd up. Are they seeing each other more than we know? I mean, they both have tons of money and could hire a private jet to get together. Who knows??? I just like making up theories about these two Assholes. All I know is, I'm glad I'm normal and in a normal relationship. They both seem to need some serious therapy.

MiaColucci said...

@Sophia- I don`t think his tattooed heart is for her at all. As far I can remember he did it while he was somewhere with JDM, they were bored so decided to get tattoos- JDM tattooed his son`s name and N a heart.( JDM talked about it at Jimmy Kimmel`s show) D got hers months later. Who does matching tattoos that way?! I also don`t think N bought her the bike. Come on, she is an attention seeker, she would`ve posted a picture of her on that bike exactly on her birthday. What she did instead,she posted a blurry picture at a hotel/airport bathroom. I also don`t think they are seeing each other really often- the guy is working and fans are stalking the working process so we know where he is most of the time. :D At weekends he is out and about with AM,JDM and sometimes alone all over GA especially last month.

question said...

@Sophia - he's done a lot of dumb shit with this DK mess but there is no way that heart tattoo he got on his chest was for her. That is just a bogus rumor and one that people are reading into more now b/c of DK's new tattoo (which is what she wanted). She on the other hand did get that heart tattoo for him and to match his. Who know's maybe he got another smaller heart tattoo somewhere we haven't seen with her but the large one is not for her. And you don't get matching tattoo's months apart either. I can say one thing, if the guy I was dating showed up with a smaller version of one of my tattoo's, I would be gone so fast that person wouldn't know what happened. So one has to assume NR knew and was OK with her getting it but the original one he has was no way intended for her. Or she showed up with that tattoo and he finally realized how crazy she is and just doesn't know what to do. Also = the HC trolling posts of DK (if you believe they were) happened shortly after DK revealed her arm tattoo in her IG story.

Kat said...

@question - I think he dumped her after that too. I think she crashed the premier and he finally realized how nuts she is.Thats when she really amped up her trolling, asked FA to "do"LA with her. Her whole attitude changed.

Willow said...

@thread – Since the pattern for N is to post pics of MMB or MR when some shit is about to go down with D – and his last post was a pic of MR - and filming is due to wrap up this week in GA…...D’s last post with her and Hobbes looks like she is letting us know she is back in NYC……Things could be going to get interesting, let’s see what happens when they are both back in NYC.

@Kat – we can only hope that your theory is true but there are SO many times she has pulled shit before and he has let her away with it.
I’d forgotten about the Starbucks IG photo she posted after the premiere, when she went to GA after N (probably to apologise about the IG mess) and then he’d posted a photo on twitter of the bumper sticker, ( photo taken from passenger seat of his car), at the same time as she put the Starbuck’s pic up – (her in driver’s seat of N’s car) looking like everything was fine between them and they were together in GA going for coffee. Please anybody, give a different theory or thought behind this because, sadly to me, it looked like he had just forgiven her shit yet again. I used to give him the benefit of the doubt and wanted to believe their was hope for him – but I am finding that harder to do these days, after everything that has happened……

Anonymous said...


1) I don't think DK is implying she's in NYC because her cat isn't there (and if he was she wouldn't make a post about missing him). Her cat is in LA with friends who are watching him for few months (and interestingly had him even when DK was in LA). Ironically her friend posted about that catsitting shortly after interview with DK where she claimed how he's used to travelling because she takes him everywhere.

2) Sorry but that theory that N posts personal stuff when "shit" is going to happen is nonsense. He posted his son/MMB/his cat and liked Caryl stuff even when DK was miles away and nothing happened at all. People just ignore those and focus on the time DK appears. IMO not enough to see this as a pattern.

Another thing is - this blind is definitely not what it used to be and the IG has less than a hundred followers. Why would opinion of this small group of people should matter to N that much that he would have to post pictures of his friends or kdi to make those people happy? Especially when they clearly see right through it?

And why is the possibility that they'll see each other in NY considered a shit about to happen? I mean 3 pap sessions, him congratulating her during Cannes, her visits in GA, her appearance at the premiere. I don't understand why people freak out every time she's even in the same state. Which is something people will have to get used to anyway. Even after he'll get rid of her for good, they both still live in the same city.

3) As for her picture. While I think she was in GA, we don'tknow if her selfie was current, if it was really his car or if she was actually driving it. She could've easily slipped behind the wheel when he went to buy coffeee and took a selfie there. Whenever she takes selfie, it looks to me like she's alone.

Wilz said...

@Willow People say there's a pattern but as far as I can see there is no actual pattern. N has posted pictures of M and MR and nothing has happened with D so I'd say looking at that as a sign of isn't practical. Also according to recent ig posts a friend of D's is cat sitting Hobbes and will be for a few months. So I think that's an old picture. She has a film premiere on the 23rd so I'm unsure if she even left Germany.

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