Thursday, March 09, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1

February 25, 2017

Smiles for the cameras that his foreign born actress date called to show the world they are a loving couple. In the limo though it was a whole other story and our B+ list cable actor from that hit show was beyond ticked off. Pretty tough to keep two high profile relationships going when cameras are trained at one.

Norman Reedus/Diane Kruger/Melissa McBride


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Wilz said...

@Mia Miserable and bored N is my favorite

Unknown said...

Goats represent the devil, so go figure. Walked right into that one Whorey Kruger! :D

Willow said...

@OMG - regarding DK post "What I do when I see you" - if it was from N's point of view I'd say:

"What I do when I see you" = indifference and the video would show
the kid goat doesn't even look up at her and continues to just eat grass, then wanders off in the opposite direction and is totally indifferent as to whether she is there or not.

OMG said...

@Willow lol, that is funny, but so true.

Do you think he doesn't break up with her because of how she took
the breakup with JJ? she became all anorexic and depressed. Maybe
she says she'd kill herself. I've known ppl that have said that but
didn't really mean it.

Leah29 said...

@OMG I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she guilts him that way. I'm sure she does nothing but play the victim card around him. If those rumors about her lying about being pregnant to JJ or N (and then losing it) are true, then I can see her being crazy enough to use suicide or depression to keep him from running off completely, which is fucked up if she does.

Willow said...

@OMG - I think she manipulates N with guilt, probably tells him he destroyed her relationship with JJ. I could see her saying things like she only has N now and she is getting all this hate from his fans and it is all his fault. I am sure she knows how to push his buttons to make him feel bad.
I think she is very bitter about JJ breaking up with her and that she can't come to terms with it and cannot move on, so she just keeps this attachment to N going to get as much publicity from his name as possible - I mean look at the latest article about her being a WD fan - they referred to her a one of the WD family!
I don't think she actually loves N, she is just obsessed and addicted to publicity so she leeches onto N and gets a free ride on the WD publicity as well for her own benefit.

I am also in agreement that there could be an agreement made during CR that she would agree to a break up (as it is clear N is not wanting a relationship with her), if you remember Annonna said that she gave the thing with D a few months, (as N was only on a freak out rebound with D, after MMB ended things with him), but even then they would keep up the pretence of them dating, for about a year.
D does tend to do this in relationships; she did this with her husband and with JJ. I suppose it is to save face.
If her and N parted after only a few months; it makes them both look bad, he hooked up with a woman who was in a relationship with a friend of his, just through lust not because he cared about her and she cheated on her boyfriend and it was only to become a fb. So they have to spin this 'romance' bullshit to make it look better.
I think all these magazine articles about wanting a baby and them being seen together and all the IG likes are just part of the arrangement.
It was Wilz who drew my attention that since CR - N has been liking most if not all of her IG posts and vice versa.

question said...

I'm sure she uses the hate she gets on IG etc. to her benefit. I'm sure he either feels guilty about it or is pissed at his fans for showing her all the hate. I'm sure that factors into her continual trolling - b/c it buys her sympathy.

One of the haters on IG has screen shots of her IG postings about NR right when they started shooting Sky. Pretty clear she was into him right away and flaunting it.

No one knows what goes on in NR's head about this whole thing but I'm pretty sure it's a mess in there. It will be interesting to see how this continues to play out once filming is finished, he's back in NYC and he's going to have a hard time blaming work for not going to events; unless he actually man's up and starts attending them with her.

MiaColucci said...

I was thinking how much NR is exactly like Daryl. They both are awkward,shy.
Well, NR hides the shyness pretty good but he seems really nervous during interviews and always, ALWAYS, manages to say something incredibly stupid. Playing it cool also helps.
When asked what Daryl would have been if the apocalypse never happened NR answered- The same piece of s*it like Merle.I kinda feel it`s the same with N. When he`s surrounded with normal loving and caring people he`s just perfect-all smiles, relaxed, giving actually really good answers even at stupid questions. It`s really visible when he talks about his art. Unfortunately some of his friends, and now DK, are not good for him and when he`s with them there`s some transformation in him. Then he starts to act like man child or some sort of stupid teenager. I think it`s because of his nature, being a people pleaser. Maybe that`s why he`s still with DK. And if she manipulates N with guilt, telling him how hateful his fans are towards her and etc. it`s pretty easy for me to understand what`s keeping him with her.
Also, in an interview NR said- "I'm one of those guys that - as far as relationships and stuff go - if you smile at me, I'm like, 'Let's date for three years' - which is just ridiculous." He acknowledges his weaknesses but I think it`s time for him to solve his issues. Time flies and he`s not young anymore. It will be really sad if one day he wakes up and realizes how bad the things are and how lonely he actually is. It depends on him now, his friends and family can`t do much because you can't help someone who won`t help themselves.

OMG said...

I think you have all seen the picture of D (I think in
Hawaii) Looking sick with her bones protruding from her bikini. When in the timeline
was that picture taken?

Willow said...

I still think that D is obsessed with N – not in love with him. I think she is still very much in love with JJ and is using N to fill the void she feels has in her life now JJ is no longer part of it. I think N was just meant to be a fling to add a bit of spice to her life (there were rumours of problems in her relationship with JJ ).

Then when JJ dumped her, she latched on to N because she cannot be without a man in her life. Also as she is addicted to publicity she uses N's name, his friends and family for publicity for herself as she no longer gets the photos and pap shots of being on the red carpet with JJ and all the parties she used to be seen at with him.

Another observation I had was that; in my opinion, D will do whatever it takes to achieve her endgame: keeping herself attached to N. She is willing to morph herself into what she believes he wants in a woman, as she thinks this is the way to keep him. If she stopped to actually think about it – MMB was the woman he loved/loves, and MMB does not run around getting tattoos, sticking her tongue out in photos, or flipping the bird, or trolling his fans and she dresses in her own individual fashion. So why would D morphing herself into a female version of N – make him fall in love with her?? It just shows you how much D does NOT understand N and also makes me think he has never opened up to her or showed her his real self the way he did with MMB.

@question – agree that she uses the hate and deliberately instigates it to use for her own advantage. TWD post on her IG and leaving up the comments about DG and MMB was an example of how far she is willing to go.

Noteworthy, how far back her interest in N goes, but I still think she would not have been interested in him if he wasn’t playing Daryl in TWD and has a large fan base. I remember someone on this blind saying they thought; with the ‘Caryl’ shippers following that N and MMMB have, that D thought doing a romantic film with N would perhaps start a similar ready-made fan base for her, all she had to do was replace ‘Carol’ with herself. Then D decided, to do the same in real life as well by driving MMB away with; garage-gate and the Barcelona mess, not forgetting pap walk of shame.

@OMG – don’t know the timeline of photo but I could see her using dramatic threats; pregnancy rumours, or threatening to end it all, to get her own way. I believe she was completely devastated that JJ left her and I don’t think she is over it. Hence always mentioning JJ in her pap articles; usually in a derogatory way as in the baby rumour story, where she dreams of becoming a mum “over her 10years with JJ it never happened”. If she was really in love with N and she had a loving and fulfilling relation with him, she would have moved on and let go of the past with JJ. I think if JJ ever tells her he forgives her and wants her back again, she will jump at the chance to be his girlfriend again.

@Mia – good points about N being like Daryl and I’d add to it by saying; in the ways were he does differ from Daryl - he projects his idea of the person that he (N) would like to be. I agree his behaviour differs depending on the company he is keeping. Some of his other friends do tend to bring out a shadier side to him, like when he is hanging with the NY boys and his behaviour reflects this.
Perhaps he feels he can be more like his true self when he is with his WD family. I agree that the passion he feels about his photography always shines through when he is talking about it.

EnnA said...

Can you name the IG account? I am curious.
I am certainly with you when you say Norman has similarities to Daryl.Maybe even more than we think.I think he is holding onto this role for dear life because -aside from fame and a good salary- it means the whole world to him personally.

question said...

@Enna - it's lauradern2126 - it's an anti DK account but they actually have some interesting posts. IG is crazy.

I also agree she is very bitter about JJ breaking it off with her. 10 years is a long time and they did really appear to be very fond of each other.

Agree NR is very influenced by those he hangs out with and I think he is very well aware of that.

Willow said...

Scrolled back though the blind posts, and the commenter who had the theory that D was wanting the 'Caryl' shippers as a 'ready-made fan base' was Blind Curious. I just wanted to 'credit the author' for that post as it was a very interesting theory.

EnnA said...

@question thanks❤️
@willow I think using the caryl shippers might very well be what D was looking for. Luckily her plan was a spectacular fail

wtf the original said...

@thread I am LOL'ing at the idea of Caryl shippers supporting the DK NR sh!t show. She must be delusional if she thought that would happen. I wonder if he asked her not to post about Ride? You would think a supportive girlfriend would post something about it

question said...

@wtf the original - I cannot imagine anyone in their right mind would post something for Ride after the utter TWD IG post failure two weeks ago. I am sure NR told her to remove the comments on that other post and not to post anything related to Ride. I can't imagine he would want his baby Ride to be in anyway overshadowed by IG BS. But then again it is DK so who knows what will happen!!

MiaColucci said...

@EnnA - Big fail, indeed. It was really stupid of her part, though. Caryl is much more than a regular ship and most definitely not because of the "best" writing. The connection between NR and MMB is so natural,magic and that`s what makes it so special. BTW, MMB just tweeted that the hand hold in season 3, wasn`t scripted, but Norman created it. :)

wtf the original said...

@question I believe that as well but I am not convinced that D is in her right mind lol. @MiaColucci I saw that tweet from MMB and it really was sweet :) People can say what they like but those 2 are Caryl shippers lol

MiaColucci said...

@wtf the original- They are, indeed. :D

I think we should really appreciate N`s efforts and to be honest, for me he is one of the biggest reasons why MMB`s character is still in the game. He basically gave M chance to show the producers what she`s capable of with his actions-all those Daryl longing gazes, him always being near Carol I think is all N. And also the fact that N always said before that Daryl is not in the right place for love, maybe that was his way to keep MMB close to him. HE knew how popular Daryl was even at the beginning so dragging Caryl was the best decision. When we add MMB`s perfect acting and her fighting for Carol to survive season 3 actually everything fits perfectly. I never thought about it before, but her tweet hit me. :D Now Carol has her own arc, Daryl too, thy are not dependent of one another, but yet at some point they are. And I was accusing N for not being invested enough. If my theory is true we can add it to the bunch of things leading to the essence of MMB and NR relationship. Most definitely he wanted her near him as long as possible, he wants her now too.

Blind Curious said...

Thanks @Willow.

I think D is infatuated with N. I can remember being a teenager and having these really intense obsessions with people. It wasn't love, it was more me projecting what I imagined they were really like onto them and thinking we were meant to be together. Blame the hormones! But you soon find out that they aren't really what you thought they were, or they fancy your friend instead or you just get bored as you're a fickle teenager and move onto somebody else. I kind of see her being like this. I don't think she really loves him because if she did she would just want him to be happy, even if that meant letting him go. He really can't hide how miserable he looks in her company but she keeps wanting to be pictured with him. It doesn't make either of them look good.

I've seen MMB's tweets. She's such a doll. That is how you support a friend, not by leaving mean comments up about other people while deleting unfavourable ones about yourself. Or only tagging a couple of people in a post about TWD when there is an entire cast and crew celebrating 100 episodes.

Wilz said...

@Willow/@Blind I agree D is obsessed, not in love. She's an infatuated fangirl.

@wtf We all know D is delusional and probably would think Caryl shippers would be all about their "romance" If N is smart he told her to *not* post about Ride. He probably doesn't want her drama overshadowing the show. No need to repeat what happened with the premiere. Despite the fact that N always says the wrong thing in interviews, the fact he came up with those two gestures reveals he is indeed a shipper lol I hope M shares more factoids!

@Mia I agree with your description of Caryl :) And your theory about N/M and Caryl is really interesting and I've never thought of it from that perspective!

Leah29 said...

@thread I watched the Ride premiere last night and here are my thoughts on it. Honestly, I really enjoyed it. I thought it was a lot better than the first season. The first season seemed like they focused solely on different bikes and bike shops (which is fine, I know some ppl enjoy shows like that). But so far, the 2nd season focuses a lot more on the location and the culture of the area N is at, which is what I love. They focus more on the traditions, the food, the people, and it's a really good change from the first season. Hardwick's analogy was good, in that it has an Anthony Bourdain kind of feel to it now, which I agree with. I know some folks don't want to watch it b/c they're tired of the Neffrey bromance, but I actually thought the episode was good all things considered. N and Jeff were their usual, playful selves but they weren't obnoxious about it.

Keep in mind I've been a part of the D/N shitstorm since N's art gallery in Paris, so I'm well aware of what's occurred this past year. But even knowing in the back of my mind what happened in Barcelona, I found myself forgetting about it and focusing on the episode. Before I saw the premiere I didn't think N would get another Ride season b/c, to me, the show wasn't good enough (in general) to stay on the air. But now that the 2nd premiere aired, I'm changing my tune. I do hope it goes on to a season 3 b/c it has great potential. And obviously it brings N joy to film and make this, so I hope for his sake it keeps going.

I know everyone will have differing opinions on it, but that's just mine. I enjoyed it.

Blind Curious said...

@Leah. Glad you enjoyed it. I've never watched the first series so I doubt I'll watch the second. I'll stick with my little round headed Karl Pilkington for my travel programmes or I'll re-read a Bill Bryson book. I'd recommend Barcelona though, apart from the pickpockets and hidden girlfriends in hoodies. 😉

wtf the original said...

@Leah29 I also watched last night and I will agree with you that it is a much better concept this year than last. Although I couldn't handle the bromance. I am so over those 2 together, But I did love the new focus and I will watch the episode tonight because I like DC and I will be interested to see if it sticks with the same ideas. Even though N said he had been working and hadn't slept I thought he looked better than I have seen him look. Thought it was interesting that he said he worked Friday flew to NY then to LA that day

wtf the original said...

@Leah29 I forgot to mention that Ride has already been renewed, It was announced in September before it even aired so that is a good thing. It will keep NR busy for the off season ;)

liddakrever said...

@wtf I think he first flew to NYC to tape something for a live night show but not sure though. I heard he’s supposed to be on some show that’s in NYC and I could totally be wrong ofc. But why else would he go to NYC just to fly to LA on the same day.

question said...

@wtf the original and liddakrever - he flew to NY and LA all on Sunday? Or he flew to NY on Saturday and then LA on Sunday? Does he have to film today? Seems like a lot of traveling - don't know why TTD doesn't just film in GA. Why do you find that interesting that NR said that? I see DK hasn't outed her location in a few days. I think I saw somewhere she has something else in LA this week but I could be wrong.

Wilz said...

@thread I had Ride on in the background and what I paid attention to I enjoyed. I watched season 1 and enjoyed it too but I do like having the focus on the location and the culture as opposed to motorcycles. I'll agree with @wtf that I'm over the JDM/N bromance.

N is supposed to be on Colbert on the 8th but that tapes on the same day. I have no idea why he flew to nyc or even when-was it late Friday? On Saturday? Sunday morning before he flew to L.A.?

MiaColucci said...

I don`t know where MR is, but HC is in Denmark with her sweet grandma, so maybe NR was checking on Ming.

MiaColucci said...

Thanks everybody for the Ride reviews. :) I`ll check it after all, it sounds good and I love Spain. JDM is annoying but I`ll give it a chance. Season 3 will definitely keep NR busy which is perfect, he loves motorcycles and DK won`t be around very much, so it`s a win-win situation.

NR is really generous with his heart emojis recently. He posted one for MMB too. M`s TWDfactoids were really cool. She`s just so adorable and also her way of promoting Ride was really creative. That`s how you`re supposed to do it!

Willow said...

@Blind Curious – good analysis of yours about the ‘teenage intense obsessions’ – I think we all went there when we were young, but thankfully grew out of it!

D has obviously never grown out of the ‘hormonal-obsessed-teenage-fan-girl’ phrase, I wonder if her bedrooms walls are covered with Daryl posters – lol :D

Not sure if I can watch Ride, I don’t know if it is airing in the UK yet. Season 1 didn’t air until about 6months after the US got it. I’ll have to see if I can find it somewhere.

@wilz – I wonder if N has actually reined D in for once and ordered her not to post anything ‘Ride’ related or maybe AMC has clamped down on her bullshit, after all, two of the actresses on the show were being trashed on D’s IG that night.

I thought N looked well on the Talking Dead; he didn’t look as if he’d suffered a weekend of hell with D. Since he said about the 17 hours worked on Friday and then flying to NY and then LA, maybe he left it as late as possible to avoid having to see her? I don’t know, but perhaps he managed a drama-free trip to LA.

@Mia – yeah HC hasn’t mentioned if MR is with her or not. Her posts about her Grandmother have been filled with such beautiful, poignant words.

Agree MMB showing how to be a true, supportive friend, classy as always.

Pigs Will Always Be Pigs said...

Did it ever occur to you guys that he went to NYC for a day to see Diane? She’s back in NYC so he goes there for one day? Do the math. He went there for a quickie with his whore. His trashy NY friend Nur Khan also just followed her on Instagram.

liddakrever said...

@pigs and since when does he travel for her? Right, never. She could easily go to GA like she used to all the time to get her booty call. I doubt he flies to NYC to see her for some hours when he knows he has to go to LA for work the same day. His kid may be in NYC too and with what’s happening to his granny maybe Reedus was checking on him. I‘m not defending him and maybe he went to get his easy piece of ass I wouldn’t put it past him but I just don’t see that.

Wilz said...

@Pigs It did occur me to but I've seen no proof where D is so for me it's all speculation at this point. Also I'm still unclear on when N traveled to nyc. If he did go to nyc we should mark this milestone-the first time N has traveled to D! And I have no idea who that NY friend is.

question said... you know she is back in NCY? I know she was trolling Saturday to make it seem like she was waiting for him. It's totally possible but that is a whole lot of effort for him to fly from GA to NYC after filming all day for one day to meet up with DK and then fly to LA and then back to GA - (especially if he has someone on the side in GA). It's super weird that all of NR's friends are now suddenly starting to follow DK on IG. He's been with her for ages and now they all start following her????

Norman Hollywood Sellout Bitch boy Reedus said...

@pigs. If NR wanted a bootycall, I’m sure DK would’ve just stayed in LA until he got there. I’d like to think he went to NY to see his son considering he didn’t see him on his birthday & perhaps he had business there too. I doubt he’d announce he flew to NY on TTD if he was just there for a bootycall. NR doesn’t usually fly to see her. If she knew he’d be going there, that may be why she went there bc she has another event in LA this week so why not stay? I’d say if they did spend any time together it was HER going to him as usual.

question said...

I tend to agree with Norman Hollywood...I thought I saw she had something in LA this week too. I just figured she would stay in LA and he would fly out and spend the weekend with her in LA before the TTD taping. So did he really fly to NYC and LA in one day (Sunday)?? When did he return to GA or is he still in LA. Would make more sense for them to hook up out there then flying coast to coast to do so. She could've flown to GA between her LA gigs too. Would've been much easier for everyone.

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting. Before N said that he was shortly in NYC no one speculated that D might be in NY too. Actually people were making fun that she's waiting in LA for him. But after N said that he was in NYC (which means he wasn't in LA until the last minute and likely couldn't spend any time with D) suddenly there's one person here and one on IG that claims D returned to NYC. Where did we get that?

wtf the original said...

@soooo that is what I thought as well. I would have bet that she was still in LA waiting for him and that if they spent time together it was yesterday. Mind you I also don't follow her so I have no idea where she is but I am hoping for Europe sorry @Blind Curious or maybe Mars ;)

question said...

@soooo - who on IG claims she is in NYC? Usually when she doesn't out her location it's for a reason.

Wilz said...

@Norman and @question I had the same thought-she'd stay in L.A. and see N there. I'm still unclear on the nyc to L.A. part of N's travel and I have no idea if he's still in L.A. at this point.

@Soooooo It's interesting how that changed so quickly, isn't it? As far as I can tell we have absolutely no evidence of where D is at this point.

Sh*tshow said...

Not sure what Nurkhan following DK has got to do with N getting a quickie? @pigs please show/tell us where you got the confirmation that DK is back in NYC? I assume she is, I also assume she’s on her way to Paris for her film premier, and then I’m thinking she’s hiding in LA coz N don’t wanna let her out of her box. But please don’t dump your assumptions as facts, is misleading and quiet frankly unnecessary. Peace out ✌️

Anonymous said...

Yeah, also I can't see that person you know who I'm talking about, right?) comments because she blocked me, but from your responses it looks like before N mentioned NY, she was saying that DK possibly flew to GA, right?

I'm talking about one person who follows the blind item IG. Like I said I can't see her comments, but from the responses it looks like she also said DK is in NY.

MiaColucci said...

It`s just not logical for N to fly to NYC considering his working schedule right now. Why would he sacrifice his sleeping hours for quick f*ck when she`s more than willing to offer herself all the time. There must be really good reason for his visit and as I said it could be for Ming. N loves his son very much and he is trying to be better dad than his own for his boy. MR is all grown up now, but still he needs his parents. Yes,NR has his flaws but he is not a horny teenager.
Yes, it`r really funny how out of a sudden some people think DK is back in NYC. :D

Wilz said...

@Soooooo Yes, I know who you are talking about. Initially it was that D went to Ga for a 24 hour booty call then when N mentioned flying to nyc it changed to N went to her for a booty call. I have yet to see evidence of either.

Willow said...

@wilz; as you said; if she was in LA and he was going to LA why would she not just stay there and wait for him.

@thread; Also as pointed out – since when does he travel to see her? Observation: it has caught my attention that N has been avoiding NY when D is there, it seems like he is hardly ever at his NY apartment now since D bought the new one that is close to his place. I also think he wouldn't announce he went to NY on a television programme if it was for a bootie call. It is possible that he went to NY for other reasons than D. MR’s Grandmother is sick, it could be that he called in to see his kid. Just my opinion, going to give N the benefit on the doubt on this one, why would he fly to NY for D during a busy work schedule with no sleep to then fly to LA for a show.

Norman Hollywood Sellout Bitch boy Reedus said...

@MiaColucci. Exactly! Mingus is still only a teenager. If HC is in Copenhagen all this time with her ailing grandmother, I’d imagine Mingus being alone all this time is not cool with NR & he’d wanna see his son. And considering the boy may be losing his great-grandmother soon, he’d want his dad around him. I doubt he’d be in Denmark with his mom all this time being as he has to attend School. NR probably went to see his son on Saturday & then flew to LA on Sunday. He tweeted very early on Sunday morning which would be too early for LA time. I also want to note that when HC posted the heartbreaking pic of her & her grandmother in the hospital, NR not only commented with a heart emoji but also stopped promoting RIDE the rest of the day. Only after HC said her grandmother was holding on for winter did NR start promoting RIDE again. HC’s grandmother is family & I’m sure her illness affects him too. It’s doubtful he’d be flying to NY just for a bootycall & not spend substantial time with his son who may be losing his granny soon. NR may be a bitch boy but I doubt he’s that selfish as to ignore his child during this difficult time.

Pigs Will Always Be Pigs said...

Denial denial denial. He left for NY on Saturday morning. He spent Saturday with Diane in NY then left for LA on Sunday morning. He has zero reasons for going to NY other than to see her and please, stop with the kid excuse. Norman hasn’t seen that kid since the Calvin Klein show. Prior to that he hadn’t seen him since June. He doesn’t care anything about him nor does the kid care anything about seeing his deadbeat dad. The only person who is the focus of Norman’s life right now is Diane. Really, the sooner you people accept this and come to the reality that they ARE a couple and Norman is NOT who he said he was, the easier it’ll be for all of you. He’s been with Diane almost every weekend BECAUSE THEY ARE DATING! What more do you people need to get it through your thick skulls?

Anonymous said...


I just saw a video, fitting our earlier conversation about the "quality" of writing. Maybe some of you will like it.

Willow said...

amendment I meant HC's Grandmother.

wtf the original said...

@Pigs I get it you don't like NR but to call him a deadbeat dad and make accusations about how much or how little he has seen his son is uncalled for. We have no idea how often they talk or see each other we can just speculate. And just because YOU say he went to NY to get laid doesn't make it so.

Anonymous said...


I think it would be helpful if you didn't get so worked up when people don't believe you. It seems like it really matters to you that people belive that N not only spends his free time with DK, but that he's doing so because she's more important to him than his kid.

Willow said...

@NHSBBR – agree with everything you have just said.

Wilz said...

@Pigs I don't recall anyone saying they weren't dating or that it is 100% impossible N went to nyc to see D. All people asked for was proof and saying it multiple times isn't proof. I expected they would be together this weekend, but I figured it would be in L.A. So I'm curious about why they would detour to nyc and how anyone would know that.

"He has zero reasons for going to NY other than to see her". Zero reason other than him living in nyc for years, his son living there, his friends living there, him having business meetings there? Not saying these *are* the reasons he went this weekend, but he does have reasons for being in nyc other than D.

And I'm not sure what's supposed to be "easier" for me-following celeb gossip? Speculating on a real life soap opera? It's pretty easy.

liddakrever said...

@pigs just because people don’t believe you doesn’t mean you have to insult them. Just saying that makes you even more unbelievable. And I‘m pretty sure you have absolutely no idea nor prove how much time he spends with DK and his kid unless you’re one of his crazy ass stalkers. And even then you can’t keep track of him that much. So please if you can nothing but get offensive and insult people crawl back in your hole and don’t say anything at all. No one here knows what he does all the time or what’s going on, neither me and certainly not you either. Peace out.

MiaColucci said...

@Pigs Will Always Be Pigs - I don`t think anybody here is denying that they have some sort of"relationship". Yes, most of us think that it`s nothing big, especially from N`s side. Everybody's free to believe whatever they like and I respect that. My opinion however is different than yours but that doesn`t make me delusional.

@Soooooo- Thank you for the video. :)

question said...

@thread - I feel like some of this could get cleaned up quickly. Did NR say on TTD that he flew to NYC and LA all on Sunday or was it unclear? Either way it still seems like a huge amount of effort for a one day booty call and if it was, he must have one hell of a sex drive to make that much effort after working all week long.

Pigs Will Always Be Pigs said...

I don’t care who believes what. My point is it’s maddening to see the delusions still be spouted on these gossip sites after everything that has happened. My point is it’s easier to accept that Norman is pure trash than to keep making up deluded excuses only to be proven wrong time after time. And no, it’s not uncalled for, for me to say he’s a shit father. He does nothing for that kid anymore. Anyone who willingly stays with the pathetic likes of Diane Kruger after everything she’s done and YES, picks her over his kid is a deadbeat piece of filth in my book. He does not care about anyone but himself and when the next time is he can be with his whore so she can stroke his dick and his ego. If this isn’t the opinion or view he wants people to have of him then he should’ve considered that a long time ago before he chose to have an affair with her! You can call me a stalker or whatever. At least I know my butt from a hole in the ground. I told you people over a year ago he was cheating with Diane yet you refused to believe precious Norman could ever be like that. Yeah, how is that working out for you? I’ve also said this relationship is very serious and it will last for years. When they’re still together 5 years from now, come talk to me. Oh wait, none of you will still care. None of you see the dire ramifications of this debacle. You’re around because he’s Daryl Dixon the same reason Diane is around. None of you care anything about him or the fact that he’s sold his soul to the Devil. But please, keep telling me I don’t know what I’m talking about when I’ve been proven correct about everything because unlike you imbeciles, I actually pay attention. And FYI, Helena doesn’t care about anyone but herself either. She’s posting the pity about her dying Grandmother to make herself look good for attention. You think Mingus or even Norman care that she’s dying either? That’s laughable. They’re a wicked bunch of people headed straight for Hell. They do not deserve support from anyone.

Willow said...

Youtube clip last night's from Talking Dead

'pulled a 17 hour day then went to NY and came straight here'

watch video and hear him for yourselves.

liddakrever said...

@pigs honestly I think you need to seek help. You get so offensive just because people don’t share your POV and don’t agree with you that you’re going that far to say HC doesn’t care about anyone but herself and that M. doesn’t care about his great granny. That is sick to say. You don’t know either of them. Please just stop talking shit. That makes me really furious right now. Your hate for Norman goes beyond anyone elses here. And that just because people won’t believe you. So not okay, really if you have nothing but this to say stay away. Don’t come here and talk shit like this. If you hate Norman so much that you even have to talk shit about people who have nothing to do with his mess you should go. Why do you even care so much and make yourself the work to write all this down. It‘s just disgusting and pathetic and shows how you aren’t better than DK, sorry. No niveau.

Anonymous said...


I don't buy that you don't care. If it was true you would just told us fuck you and that would be it. But you just again wrote a long post about how horrible everyone is. You even reminded us how you were right before (since I don't remember seeing you creative user name before, I assume you had a different one). You know I would say that you're trying harder than even DK herself to prove that N likes her and only her.

question said...

@pigs - how did this relationship become 'very serious'? Or why do you think it is? I agree it is going to last for a while and far longer than it should but I think it's b/c he's all tangled up and not because it's really serious. Also aren't most people here b/c they knew NR and DK were cheating and lying to everyone and that was the big issue.

Anonymous said...


Thanks, that's what I thought. Since I didn't see N online today yet, maybe she will switch to DK being in LA after all and spending time with N.

Wilz said...

@Pigs I think you should take a step back from all of this. This isn't the first time you've gotten aggressive and insulted people simply for disagreeing with your speculation. It is obvious that you are extremely invested in this blind and the discussion. But if the topic of conversation is causing you that much anger and you feel that negatively about the people discussed, it might do you best to move on. Don't devote your time to people that you view as a "deadbeat piece of filth" and a "whore". Do things that make you happy and don't willingly subject yourself to discussions that cause you extreme stress. Best of luck to you.

question said...

probably not our loving duo but if only...

Anonymous said...


N probably wouldn't be called celebrity boyfriend. That title is usually used for someone famous for something other than acting, singing or tv hosting. Enty often uses it for reality stars.

question said...

@thread - pretty sure the answer has been made - both posting at the exact same time on IG - so must be an LA hook up. She is really too much with all of these selfies.

V.v.v said...

Did someone see the post NR liked on daddy issues ig. It says I am at the age where dating is are we doing this or not because I have things to do.
I don't know about DK, but that sounds like indifference, you decide, to me.

I also agree this relationship, if you can honestly call it that when I think deep down NR knows she is not trustworthy or decent (and maybe she should consider this for him), will last because both are in their major mid life crises coming from the back off important relationships and being rejected and need to feel like they will not be alone. Instead of facing their fears and waking to the truth of what they are they will continue to play having fun.
I speculated prior, and say again i believe the reason NR's friends are accepting her is they have given up on him. You cannot help someone who clearly does not wish to help themselves and is automatically on self destruct. There is no helping them so it is an only option to accept. I think this is a part of the reason M said she'd had enough. Eventually it becomes torturous to watch someone you love self destruct, as Annonna said last fall, she was getting tired of his inability to get rid of DK who hurts him.

We all do things for people we are friends or love and I think this is why DK is being allowed away with so many bad things.

Anonymous said...


N was already online today. Ironically at the same time I said he wasnt't online yet. He liked quite a lot of posts.

Leah29 said...

@thread I don't usually use timing on likes or posts to determine if they're together b/c oftentimes they happen to post at the same time and they are not hanging out. It's happened a lot the past two weeks to be honest, with them posting within the hour of each other.

question said...

@sooo - thanks. Just think it's a coincidence they both post on IG within minutes or each other. Figured they had emerged for some air.

@V.v.v. - I think at this point NR's friends are just accepting her b/c they see he's not getting rid of her for whatever reason. If annona was legit (if) it seemed that DK hurt NR a lot before, he was sick of her on multiple times but never got rid of her and his friends didn't know why. I think we have all looked the other way when our friends bring home partners we don't like.

NR is a busy boy this week - is he not working? Love shack in LA, maybe back to GA to film, NY Wednesday for some late night show. A lot going on.

MiaColucci said...

And yesterday he posted the same time as MMB, so... :) I don`t think that`s important, at least not from NR part. DK used to post at the same time as him but they were not together. Of course, they may be together right now, but I don`t thing the timing is so important. That`s just one of the many DK ways of trolling.

Wilz said...

@question I'd like to say I've missed D's open mouth "tell me I'm pretty" selfies but I haven't lol Her selfies also highlight how much she's alone.

@V.v.v I did see that post and it highlights the indifference we've all noticed in N when it comes to D. Other than this one NY friends and JDM following her on IG, what proof do we have his friends are accepting her? As far as I can tell none of their friend groups are mixing and I question if N has even met any of her friends. Speaking of Annonna, I wish she'd pop by and give us an update!

liddakrever said...

I think some people often read too much into social media. Honestly it happened so often that they posted within minutes and weren’t together. Hell yesterday I posted at the same time my bff did and surprisingly we weren’t together. Idk maybe it‘s just me but social media behavior means less to zero to me. Who knows if they currently are together for their weekly/monthly booty call but also does anyone really care? Because I couldn’t care less LOL.

Anonymous said...


Could be but it also could be just a coincidence. I think it happened before when they were both proven to be at different places. It's the same as IG silence being proof they're together. When they were proven to be together, both were seen with their phone or were on SM (CR, US Open). I don't think IG activity should be taken as sign or proof of anything, unless N posts a selfie of the two of them.


I don't think his friends have to follow her and like her posts to show they accept her. D may need that kind of validation but I doubt N does. Especially when he still doesn't show publicly that he accepts her. By not allowing her on the red carpet, I would say he shows the opposite.

EnnA said...

Any idea where her selfie had been taken?Which car is this? Isn‘t that woolen blazer too warm for L.A. right now?

wtf the original said...

EnnA she tagged a stylist in NY so maybe there. Perhaps she had her hair done. Maybe she has an event to go to because she looks kind of dressed up

wtf the original said...

But then again it could just be another latergram

liddakrever said...

I don’t know if anyone watched TTD last night but they had a girl calling them and she asked Reedus how Daryl feels about the closeness of Carol and King Ezekiel. Reedus babbled his usual stuff ”never say never“ and then went to say ”I love Melissa, more than Daryl loves Carol, even.“ (his exact words) while he got all fumbling and nervous. Honestly some people may find this cute but I was just smh. I wish people would stop asking these questions. Reedus can’t answer them anyway without saying some dumb shit most of the time.

Wilz said...

@lidda I saw the clip and while N rarely gives an answer worth listening to, I thought his response in this instance was okay. At least he kept it brief, didn't troll any ships, or mention anyone being someone's mother lol And I thought what he said about M was nice.

nantares said...

De-lurking after lurking my way all the way through the original blind to throw my two cents in about N's one-day trip to NY. I just wanted to point out that the Ghost Stories 2 event hosted by JDM and HB to raise money for Astor Services was Saturday in Rhinebeck. HB posted a thank you on her IG to her and JDM's friends who helped out, including N. No pics, so I'm not sure he actually attended the event, but HB said there will be a video soon of various celebrities helping to tell one a particular ghost story, so I think he was probably part of that. It would have been down to the wire and cutting it close to the event, but his NY trip could easily have been to take part in this.

Blind Curious said...

Jesus, I thought we'd gone back to the old blind for a while reading that lot! @Pigs. Sometimes you have some good points but you need to chill out a bit. We're all here for different reasons and don't always agree with one another but you can do that without being so rude to everybody.

Happy delurking @nantares. I can imagine he was probably there and D has the carbon footprint from hell so she probably was too. She's probably having to be on her best behaviour for a while after the premiere IG crap.

@wtf. 🖕🏻😂 Stop it!

@Willow. Have you ever seen the Alan Partridge episode where he ends up at his stalkers house and in his room that's covered in pictures of him, except for a small portion of David Copperfield? I bet that's like D's room only change Alan for N and DC for JJ. At this rate it wouldn't surprise me if she showed her belly off and she had a tattoo of N's face on it! She definitely seems to have regressed back to a teenager. It doesn't look good after a certain age.

... said...

I don't think DK has left LA. I believe she was here on Saturday when she posted the goat post and was happy he was coming here. She is probably staying in California because the AFI thing starts on the 9th and she is taking part in a panel this week.

MiaColucci said...

@liddakrever - I saw the clip too and his answer was more than ok for me. Yes, it`s not the best thing to ask but what are fans supposed to ask then? :D The actors almost never answer fan questions about the current season properly because of spoilers :D and with the Carol/Ezekiel situation now I understand what`s in the mind of most of the fans( in mine too).
I love the adoration in N`s eyes when he talks about MMB. That`s almost the only time he drops his "cool dude" mask and acts normal.

@nantares- Now as you wrote it- I think I saw short clip at tumblr where NR reads an excerpt from The Highwayman at Ghost Stories 2, but I don`t know if it was recorded or he actually was there. It doesn`t look like he was there but who knows.

... said...

Meant to add that the Indie Wire awards she attended on Thursday were in Los Angeles.

Willow said...

@Blind Curious - No, sadly haven't seen that episode of Alan Partridge, but I can just imagine D's bedroom being EXACTLY like that!
Yes, she WILL probably end up getting a 'N's face' tattoo, and she could get 'Norman' tattooed across her chest to match his! lol :D

TOTALLY agree about D having the 'carbon footprint from hell' - I am surprised she doesn't just buy her own plane with all the flying around she does!

I think this whole saga gets more confusing as times goes on. I don't know what she is going on about on her IG half the time.

@nantares - Interesting information, could be possible.

Give Me A Break said...

@... DK is not still in LA. She is in NYC and has been there since Friday. The guy who did her hair yesterday is in NYC. Her goat post was trolling. Happy to see him my ass. Both of them are fake as fuck trying to fit square pegs into round holes. They do not belong together and the longer they both keep fooling themselves, the more they’re hurting each other. DK is the worst thing that has ever happened to Reedus. The sooner that bitch moves the fuck on, the better everyone will be. Then you Coven asshats can crawl back under your slimy rocks and take your psycho whore idol with you.

question said...

@ give did NR really make a 24 hour booty call to see DK? All seems to stupid to me.

Give Me A Break said...

@question I don’t know why he went to NY. But she is there and she was there on Saturday when he made the trip. It goes without saying that, of course, they saw each other. They see each other almost every weekend now since the CR debacle. It’s very unnatural. For what it’s worth which isn’t much, I speculate he’s back in NY with her right now. He may have took the cat to NY on Saturday. Who knows but she made certain to be in his location destination waiting for him once again. It’s pathetic how degrading she is to women.

MiaColucci said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MiaColucci said...

And how exactly do we know that she`s in NY since Friday? As far as I can remember her selfie was from this Monday. IF we were 100 % sure of her location we wouldn`t have speculated where she was then. I still don`t think his 24 hour trip to NY was because of her. They can be together now and that`s more logical. There is a photo of NR on a plane from yesterday but it seems nobody knows exactly where he went. So he can be in NY right now, checking on Ming again and receiving his weekly "service" from DK. From me that`s a possible explanation of the situation. OF course, if the photo is from the plane to NY.

Give Me A Break said...

@MiaColucci You do realize it’s nearly impossible she was in LA on Sunday when Reedus was there, right? Her selfie yesterday was after she had her hair done in NYC. Check out the page she tagged. He was in NYC and even posted a band on his IG story who was playing in NYC. So DK waited in LA until Sunday afternoon for Reedus? She saw him a couple hours before Talking Dead then spent the night with him? Then she left extremely early on Monday morning to make her NYC hair appointment by, at the latest, 2:30-3:00pm as her selfie was posted by 3:30pm? That is both illogical and improbable. Reedus didn’t arrive in LA until the afternoon on Sunday. He left LA on Monday afternoon. Her being in LA in the context of her hair appointment does not add up with this schedule. I’m sorry but they met up in NYC on Saturday and are most likely together again presently. I’m not sure why it matters either. They’re dating. Why is it such a debate whenever they’re together? That’s to be expected as a given.

Norman Hollywood Sellout Bitch boy Reedus said...

@Give me a break. I have to disagree. Ross M. Who plays Aaron on TWD & with whom he appeared with on TTD was sitting right behind him on the plane leaving LA so it’s more likely they flew back to Ga. They are presently filming the 15th episode of TWD & it’s doubtful either man would not be needed on set especially with only one episode left of the season. This is crunch time & major characters are needed on set thus them flying out soon after TTD was over. They could’ve even flown out Sunday nite as soon as taping was over for all we know. There was also a cast & crew party in Ga on Saturday so NR may have attended that & flown to NY afterward thus not having a lot of sleep after working 17 hrs on Friday. There’s picks of a woman who is related to a member of the band that was hired for the party who posted selfies with some of the cast. You can see them on TSDF in the spoiler sections. There isn’t a pic of NR but who’s to say he wasn’t there. Even tho he went to NY, I doubt he went for only DK. He was probably there for other reasons but she sure as hell made sure to be there as well. We all know she accommodates him & makes herself always available for him so I’m not surprised she was there. It’s sad tho if he was there for his son & she took some of that time away. I wouldn’t put it past her to get in between him & his kid bc she tries to push out anyone who takes time away from her. If they saw e/o on Sat, it was short lived especially if he went after the cast party. And he definitely isn’t with her now bc it’s highly unlikely Ross is in NY too.

Leah29 said...

@Give me a Break I appreciate your input but I'd very much like to see proof that D had been in NY since Friday. I'm not saying there's no way, but I'd like to know how you know this (unless you're assuming). I'd also like to ask how you know that N not only saw her in NY, but also left for NY yesterday. Again, if you have proof, then awesome. But assuming doesn't equal facts. The only thing that tells us that N possibly left LA yesterday was that fan pic on a plane. 1) That fan pic could've been a latergram from when they were heading to LA, b/c N is wearing the same shirt as the selfie he took of the billboard on Sunday, and 2) Ross is behind him in the plane. Considering how much work they have left to do, I would imagine they both need to get back to Ga. There are many other reasons aside from DK that he goes to NY for. He does have a son that lives up there, he has a mother that lives up there, for all we know he could've been doing something for Jeff and his wife's thing, N has often gone to NY for 24 hours to finish up on Ride stuff, etc.

Also, I'm actually doubtful they saw each other over the weekend in NY simply b/c of an sm pattern D has, but considering she often looks at this site, I don't want to disclose what I've noticed about her. Be that as it may, despite the exhaustion, N looked a lot more relaxed on Sunday than he ever did at the premiere. No one can deny that, and it just comes to show what her presence does to him. I know you'll disagree with this view, and that's fine. Again, if you have proof I'd be more than happy to say I'm wrong. But I'm still very much doubtful that N would fly 24 hours to NY just to see her, only to go to LA, then fly back to NY to see her again... That makes no sense.

MiaColucci said...

@Leah29 and @ Norman Hollywood Sellout Bitch boy Reedus - I couldn't have said it better :) and also, I don`t think that they were together in L.A.

question said...

@give me - who's IG story showed the band? NR?

I agree with your description of the two of them being so unnatural and trying to make something work that clearly doesn't align. It's really painful to watch. Those oh so awkward US Open pictures of them 'kissing' and her arms cross while he has his arm awkwardly around his shoulder. oh my. I wonder what their conversations are like; NR - "man I really want to go for a bike ride", DK - "OMG babe I just took 30 selfies with my mouth open, which one should I post on IG"?

I think one angle we don't look at is from NR's perspective related to MMB. For me, I never was sure about the whole NR/MMB fwb relatinship until DK's TWD IG - which for me basically outed the whole NR/MMB relationship. I think both NR and DK know they fucked up good relationships for what they have now. It's possible NR has stayed in it so long b/c it would probably make MMB feel pretty shitty if she knew NR threw away their relationship to date DK for like two months. I think if that happened to me, I would feel pretty crappy. So maybe NR stays in this with DK longer so it doesn't look to MMB like he threw her away for just a quick thing.

I also has a suspicion that after the Memphis trip, after which I think he tried to push DK away, that he also tried to rekindle things with MMB and she told him no. Hence the whole CR fiasco and everything that has followed since (I also think whatever is going on between him and his family has impacted this too).

If he has a girl on the side in GA - I think it would make sense. He probably holds resentment against DK for ruining what he had with MMB and having someone on the side is kind of a FU to her. I also think DK suspects he has someone and I think she thinks it's MMB again - hence her presence at all of the recent TWD stuff where both NR and MMB were together.

@Leah29 - I completely agree she reads this site and that things she does on SM are related to what she see's here. I've seen way too many coincidences between the two to think otherwise.

Give Me A Break said...

There was a sighting of him at the ATL airport on Saturday around 11:00am Eastern time. It was assumed he was going to LA. There was another sighting of him at the LAX airport on Sunday around 12:30pm Eastern time which would’ve been 9:30am Pacific time. This had people confused. It wasn’t until Reedus said on Talking Dead he’d been to NYC that people figured it out. As I said, her being in NYC on Monday afternoon for her hair appointment made it nearly impossible for her to be in LA at the same time as Reedus unless she immediately left LA extremely early on Monday morning after barely seeing him Sunday and waiting there for him since her event on Thursday. I don’t know why he went to NY or what he did while there. I never said the trip was for her but that doesn’t change the fact that they were both in NY on Saturday. What difference does it make? If they didn’t see each other this weekend, they will in the future. He’s got an entire winter break coming up in which she’ll be up his ass 24/7. Better get used to them being together at this point instead of having a conniption every time they’re in the same location. I’m not saying that’s what you’re doing either but the constant arguments about their whereabouts grow tiresome when the proof is right there.

Norman Hollywood Sellout Bitch boy Reedus said...

@Leah29. Since NR said he went to NY first & then straight to LA for TTD then that plane pic is definitely them LEAVING LA, not arriving bc Ross would not be on the plane with him since he left from NY. So at least we have proof that NR & Ross were leaving LA together & obviously heading to Ga.

Willow said...

@NHSBBR and @Leah - well said, you both make excellent points. You would think he'd want to have been at the cast party on Saturday. I would think the filming schedule is crazy at the moment so soon to the end of this season's production, agree they probably had to go straight back to GA.

@NHSBBR - you give a good explanation for when the plane pic was taken.

@Leah - yeah, agree N looked relaxed on Talking Dead, when he has been around D he looks as if he has had the life and soul drained out of him. I wish you could share what you notice on her IG but completely understand you not wanting to say incase D is lurking around here.
Interesting though, she didn't post her NY location until after N mentioned on TD that he had been in NY before going to LA.
Looks like another one of her trolling posts......

MiaColucci said...

@question- Really interesting theory about NR and MMB. That totally makes sense for me. Now you got me into thinking what the future holds for them since some people`ve said that they were all cuddly on two occasions and If we add his answer on The Talking dead that he loves M more than Daryl loves Carol
and we know that`s a lot, the things are getting interesting. First I thought that his answer is just really cute but now...

Anonymous said...

@Give me a break

Forgive me for questioning you, but where did you see that N was spotted at airports, that people assumed he headed to LA or that people were confused?

I'm only asking because this is the first time I'm hearing about it. I didn't see anything on blogs or the blind IG (and I'm constantly amazed by the info people there could find).

Could you maybe point me in the right direction?

Murphysgrl said...

So let me get this straight, we know DK was in LA on Thursday night for that awards ceremony and was posting quite late. Why would she fly to NYC on Friday (when N was working a "17-hour" day) to sit around and wait for him to fly to NYC for a few hours on Saturday? Why wouldn't she just stay in LA where he was going to be on Sunday? Her travelling to NYC for a few hours when she could have stayed in LA (where she is due to be again this week)to see him for the same amount of time makes no sense. Just like Ross being on a flight to NYC with Norman. Come on... common sense.

Give Me A Break said...

@Soooooo The sightings were both on Facebook. Screenshots were posted on a private Instagram account.

EnnA said...

Well @Leah29,now I want to know what you have noticed about DK,like right now!

Let‘s be honest,most of us are still here because we care a whole lot about Norman Reedus. Still. We want to prove time and again that he is not involved with DK emotionally in a serious way. We want to believe and also know for sure that this is a relationship that is not gonna last. Because we care for him and want him to be happy,means being with a woman that is good for him. We want to know that there is hope he frees himself finally.Because despite everything,we want better for him.That‘s why we speculate and try to prove that he is not as much with her as she tries to make us believe.And I firmly believe he isn‘t.
Another thing that keeps me here, I want to see her crash and burn. For everything she did to his fandom,for everything she did to him,his friends and family. She can‘t get away rewarded.I want her to recieve the punishment she deserves for being such a bad person and being blatantly obvious about it.

Murphysgrl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

@Give me a break

Thank you, I should've known it would be on private account.

Wilz said...

@Give I agree with your point-they are "dating" therefore N and D will spend time with each other. Debating the exact time it happened doesn't change that they spend time together. Maybe they didn't see each other in nyc this weekend, but they will see each other eventually.

@Mia I have a list of questions fans can ask lol I'm a shipper and I'm tired of shipping questions and any question about potential story lines is pointless as they can't answer. I'd love fans to ask more character driven questions. That said I did enjoy the love N showed M :)

@Leah29 I'm really curious to know what the sm pattern is but I understand not wanting to share it here.

@question I have yet to see any chemistry between these two-didn't see it while watching Sky and haven't seen it in the pap photos of them together. I agree with your assessment of the N/M/D situation except for one point-I don't think the length of D and N's relationship would make M feel shitty. She was the one that ended things (according to rumors) so I don't see why she would feel bad. I can see N wanting to stick it out so *he* doesn't feel bad and look like a fool for not listening to M's advice and screwing up a good thing. About the Memphis trip/rekindling-I'm losing track of what I say, where I say it and to who lol but I and others have speculated this and wouldn't be surprised if it happened.

Murphysgrl said...

I also forgot to mention, that DK looks like she had her hair and make-up done in that photo for some kind of event. That very well could be a Latergram since no pics of her attending anything last night have surfaced.

Anonymous said...


Who knows when her selfie was taken. She was obviously made up for an event, looks like she's sitting in the backseat of a car (so possibly driven somewhere). To me it looked like she was on her way to some event, but so far no pictures from that or DM article praising her clothing. Could easily be older picture.

question said...

@wilz - I could agree with what you say too regarding N/MMB/DK. I just think it's all related to how long this NR/DK thing has been going on. I think in any other circumstance it would've ended a long time ago. I don't remember seeing anyone else post here similar thoughts to the Memphis/rekindling thing. I've thought it for a while (actually since it happened) but never posted b/c no one else did and I figured I was just far off. Glad to hear someone else thought it too!

Anonymous said...


Sorry, looks like while I was typing my response you posted the same. :-)

Norman Hollywood Sellout Bitch boy Reedus said...

@Give Me a Break. DK could’ve certainly left LA Sunday nite bc we don’t even know for sure that NR & Ross Marquand left Sunday nite too. Yeah they could’ve left Monday morning, but they also could’ve left immediately after TTD taping was over being that it ends early evening around 8pm. They could’ve been on a 10pm flight back to Ga for all we know. And even if they left Monday morning, who’s to say DK didn’t too? I wouldn’t put it past her. It’s not like she’s suddenly a logical person doing logical things. She flies all over the world for a 24 hr bootycall & you’re thinking she wouldn’t fly to NY Monday morning & get there in time for an afternoon hair appointment? Or perhaps she left Sunday even tho NR was still there. It’s not like she’s never left him before when she had to be somewhere else. Remember her post “I wish I didn’t have to go” or some stupid shit like that? Or the sad face selfie at the airport. Point is, they probably did see e/o in LA or in NY but it’s doubtful NR flew to NY just to see HER. And we all know he didn’t fly to LA just for her either. He never flies anywhere just to see only her & I doubt he’ll start anytime soon. TWD is ending in a week so we’ll see how this relationSHIT plays out now that they’ll both be back in NY full time. It’ll either make or break them. Now he’ll have no excuses not to escort her to events but something tells me he’ll still avoid them. Idk how long he’ll continue with her but we all know NR doesn’t last too long in a relationship before he gets bored/feels trapped/doesn’t wanna work at it after the “honeymoon” period is over. I still don’t buy him being serious or in love with her bc If he was then why continue to like half naked beautiful tanned hot curvy brunettes on IG if he’s only turned on by DK? Why not walk happily down TWD red carpet with her & be proud of the woman you’re in love with, everyone else be damned? If these behaviors are a man in love then that is certainly not the norm. I know if my husband was continuously liking naked hot women that look nothing like me on IG, i sure wouldn’t be happy about it. And I wouldn’t be happy to be run off a red carpet when everyone around me is posing proudly with their significant others on the red carpet. Idc how popular my guy is, he better we’ll show me the fuck off & be proud of me as his wife/gf or this relationship is over! But what does DK do, accepts it. This after being treated as a queen by JJ. Nope, NR doesn’t love her bc that is not protecting her, it’s being ashamed of her. And THAT is not love.

Wilz said...

@question It might have been in a private message. I post here, on the IG and on the forum so I truly am repeating myself 95% of the time lol But it is very interesting that others have the same theory. I'd love to hear your reasons for thinking this. I agree that in normal circumstances, N and D would have broken up by now. If this relationship was "normal" they would have figured out that it's not healthy. I'm sure they *do* both know this but pride might prevent them for admitting it (D screwed up a long-term relationship for N, no way she's letting it go after a few months).

Norman Hollywood Sellout Bitch boy Reedus said...

For anyone who would like to see the end of the season cast & crew party pics, check out Rebecca Goldi on IG. Her handle is _motherofdragons_

question said...

question answered...

Norman Hollywood Sellout Bitch boy Reedus said...

How do we know DK is in even in NY when there are no pics supporting she is or that she went to any event on Monday nite?? I think she trolled that she was in NY bc NR was there. Her hairstylist may work out of a NYC hair salon but he obviously travelled to LA to do her hair for the Indie event bc she tagged him. DK is a sneaky liar & we expect to trust her IG posts?? I don’t think so!!!

question said...

@NHSBBR - the new DM article confirms she was in NYC yesterday. She was sure to have her walking into a "meeting" captured on film and matched it to her IG picture.

MiaColucci said...

But, of course, there has to be at least one sentence with NR`s name in it. :D

Wilz said...

@NHSBBR Check out the article @question just posted. It shows D in nyc on Monday. Also, unless I'm not looking at the correct picture, the hairstylist she tagged in yesterday's post is not tagged on her indie award post.

Norman Hollywood Sellout Bitch boy Reedus said...

@question. Thanks, just saw it. Looks like the attention whore made sure her hired paps got her walking into that meeting. Now she’ll need to take a vacation bc she works so hard getting her hair done for meetings.🙄🙄🙄

Norman Hollywood Sellout Bitch boy Reedus said...

For anyone who wants to check out the end of Season 8 Cast & Crew party held in Ga on Saturday, they’re on Rebecca Goldi’s IG Page. Her handle is _motherofdragons_ . I can’t imagine NR would pass up a party with cast/crew so perhaps that’s why he wasn’t in NY too long.

liddakrever said...

@question It was not the wrap party though. Many people weren’t there last weekend. AM and TP are in LA and many others who were in GA didn‘t attend. So I‘m not sure if Reedus was there. The actual wrap party is around thanksgiving I believe.

question said...
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question said...

@liddakrever - I didn't post anything about the TWD party.

@Leah29 - Sure seems pretty deliberate that DK took that selfie and then followed up with a DK article....

Willow said...

Regarding latest DK article:
It is laughable how D still drags out the same old lines about her - ‘new’ romance with N and that they went public in March.
Of course as usual JJ gets his name dragged into it, and of course it has to be mentioned they broke up 2016.
D's continued attempt to re-write history – still trying to clean up her image for the Oscars - it will never work - as there are plenty of people who remember how it all really went down and they are highly unlikely to forget any of it!

liddakrever said...

@question sorry I totally shifted a line lower. Meant @Norman Hollywood.... and not you. 🤦‍♀️

question said...

@liddakrever - love the emoji's:) seriously WTF is with her adding female/male emjoi's too all of these pictures now?

So over this said...

I don't know if anyone noticed but she tagged her stylist as an afterthought like she wanted ppl to know she was in NYC without actually saying

Wilz said...

@So It seems she realized she hadn't tagged her hairstylist after he reposted the picture from her and left a comment on her post.

So over this said...

It does seem that way doesn't it

question said...

She seems to have a really hard time remembering who to tag in posts...

Did anyone watch the second episode of Ride on Monday? It got killed in the ratings compared to Sunday and wondering why (other than the obvious switching days/times)? I hope it picks up steam again next episode. NR and DK drive me crazy but I know he really cares about his work (unlike someone else) and his shows.

wtf the original said...

@question I watched the episode and quite enjoyed it. Lots of really interesting people and stories in it. I hope it picks up steam as well although the show has already been renewed for Season 3 so that is good. He will be busy during the break again and that is a good thing

Willow said...

D explains why she wants to keep her relationship with N private - (well apart from papping him and getting crap printed about him in magazines). :D

"Why Diane Kruger does not want to talk about her love stories anymore?"

Norman Hollywood Sellout Bitch boy Reedus said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Norman Hollywood Sellout Bitch boy Reedus said...

@question. No I didn’t watch it & don’t plan to bc I’m not supporting his work after he lied & cheated. I’m glad his ratings dropped bc he needs to know consequences. If you put bad shit out there, it’s always gonna come back to bite you in the ass. He’s gotta know he is not untouchable. Ppl don’t like lying cheats. And what’s worse is he allows her to troll his fans & he joins in from time to time. He thought ppl would forget? Um no, Normie. You thought you pulled the wool over longtime fans’ eyes? Well they proved you didn’t by not tuning in to your beloved Ride. Wake up call, huh Normie? Try not cheating, lying, & maybe ppl will tune in.

moep said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
moep said...

@Willow Victim card incoming? XD

Oh his mean fans are spreading lies about her and ruining everything. And yeah papping him and all these rumors are not keeping it secret. And isn't it funny that she once again is just talking to non-american magazine about her "relationship"?

Norman Hollywood Sellout Bitch boy Reedus said...

@moep. Lol IKR? She’s the one to call the paps on him & mention him in every article but the fans are the ones to talk shit? What a manipulative lying attention whore she is!🤢

MiaColucci said...

@Willow- What a private person she is. :D So according to her the fact that her previous relationships were so public ruined them!? I never knew a thing about her before the CR disaster and I couldn't care less when two actors break up, especially if I never heard of them.She is trying really hard to make people believe that she is super famous. Who is she lying? Everybody knows why Dk in not under the spotlight with NR- he simply doesn`t care for her enough. It looks like he`s terrified every time the`re photographed together. He is even more awkward around her than he already is which is impressive I have to admit. :D

question said...

@willow - doesn't the last part of that paragraph pretty much out that they cheated on set??????

@NHSBBR - If I read it right, the drop in ratings for Ride between Sunday and Monday was huge. The premiere got like 1 million viewers (huge for that show but he had the whole TWD, TTD lead in and JDM) and Monday's viewership dropped to just over 300,000 and there was a huge drop off in the key demographics. That's a huge drop off. I assume most people didn't realize it was on two nights in a row? Guess it will be more clear next week.

@thread - if DK doesn't want to talk about her relationship with NR, why is there an entire article about that fact????

question said...

Not DK related but TWD - not good -

MiaColucci said...

@question- That`s awful but not surprising. As I said before, the`s too much Negan and JDM, lack of meaningful conversations, no Caryl(8 years!), too many communities. I still enjoy it but mostly because of MMB`s brilliant acting. They need to do something as soon as possible, even to rewrite the rest of the season if it`s needed. They can shoot some scenes during the winter months too. The break after the mid-season finale is the perfect time for that.

Blind Curious said...

So her previous relationship with JJ suffered because of the attention? I'd not heard of her at that point but if you look back at their relationship they were constantly pictured out and about and on red carpets. Who set those up? I can't imagine it was him. If you compare how many times he's been papped and on a red carpet since they split with how many times she has, it's pretty obvious who the attention seeker is. Whatever language she speaks in it's just bullshit that comes out. We all know why she doesn't want to talk about her love stories anymore - there isn't one.

I like how she's now attacking his fans. She's getting very little hate on her IG lately. She's probably hating not getting the attention, even though it is negative. She's thinking if she stirs his fans up they'll start causing trouble on her IG and she can claim she's a victim of bullying. She doesn't like to be ignored. She doesn't get that much hate really. Her DM articles get fewer and fewer comments. Look up any article on Gemma Collins in the DM. There's usually hundreds of comments and probably 1% of them is in any way kind to her - and that's being generous! D is just not relevant. No matter how many articles she puts out or how famous she says she is, nobody cares.

question said...

@blind curious - how is she now attacking his fans? did I miss something?

Willow said...

@moep: interesting point about the non-american magazines – it had occurred to me she is perhaps preparing the ground to do more work in Europe. Let’s face, it she does the usual DM and JustJared over in the States and the comment section is always full of ‘cheated and lied’ posts from readers. Also if it is true that she got fired from her last couple of movies and her reputation in Hollywood is bad – it would make sense to cut her losses and to back to Europe to make movies there. Isn’t she planning on doing another project with Fatih?

Yes, agree about her playing the victim card – poor her, N’s nasty fans didn’t like her and were so jealous of her. Ha, nothing to do with the fact she lied and cheated on JJ and used ‘Sky’ as a platform to snare N to use his name and fame for her own publicity. I agree N is just as much to blame in this mess – but I do believe she manipulated him and the situation from the start. I think her TWD post on IG that night and leaving those comments up proves beyond any doubt what sort of person she is.

@Mia – I think this is preparing the ground for the ‘post-Oscar-break- up’ it seems to be the only logical explanation. Also remember the article about her Indie award that had the dig at N as being noticeably absent (even though he never goes to things with her). Her previous relationships ‘continued as normal’ with holidays and photos together for PR, after the relationship was over, until a suitable time had lapsed to announce a break up.
I think N knew full well he had made a major fuck up after the pap walk, but after Barcelona when MMB broke off with him - he just seemed to go off the rails and ‘settled’ for D as a consolation. I don’t know if you were around to read Annonna’s posts but they were very insightful. He does look trapped, awkward and uncomfortable around D – which speaks volumes - as he is an actor – and he can’t even ACT as if he is happy to be with her!

@question; yeah - an article about the thing she doesn’t want to talk about – she is, as usual, being a ‘hypocrite’ all the way to the bone!
She never seems to catch on that mentioning ‘Sky’ brings up the cheating aspect! Then of course, think back to the crap she said about being nervous about doing the ‘love scenes’ with N in the movie – ha ha – that one had me laughing for days!!!!!!!!!!!

Regarding ratings to TWD, I was hoping this season would be good as I want to see what they do next season with the 'Whispers'. Agree there are too many communities and I think Henry Rollins would have been a good Negan.

Blind Curious said...

@question. I thought I read above that his mean fans are spreading lies about her or something? Not read the article fully as only know basic French and it was taking too long to translate. Perhaps attacking is the wrong word, more having a dig at them. She knows how easy it is to wind some of them up. If she wants to make herself a victim, then she needs the fans help to make her look like one. It's such a subtle move but I think that's what she'll be aiming for. The more she's ignored, the more bullshit she will put out to get a reaction. If that makes sense?

MiaColucci said...

@Willow - I hope you`re right about a possible break up. She`s constantly getting on my nerves now.
I`m very new to this blind and haven`t read most of the previous posts but the people here were really kind to explain the MMB/NR situation for me.

NR really needs to stay alone for at least 4 months in order to get his s*it together. He seems sweet, kind, good person in general but he really has a fear of loneliness. He needs to learn to enjoy his own company in first place.

About their love scenes in "Sky"- Honestly, they were plain and boring. For me it looked like he`s forcing himself so hard to make it work, poor guy. His attempts were not enough unfortunately. The movie was really bad.

Willow said...

@Blind Curious - I agree she bates the fans for a reaction for both attention and to make herself look like a victim. Probably also uses it as leverage with N too - saying how she is getting all this hate from his fans ( I would like to think he has seen though this by now, but you never know).

@Mia - D seems to be getting more desperate - look at all the flights she took recently; Paris - LA - GA - LA the weekend of the premiere and now the LA - NY and assume she needs to get back to LA shortly - isn't she doing a panel or something? I think she will increase her PR articles and pap stuff to connect her and N as she will milk it for all it is worth while she can. Even if there is an agreement to end things, I could see her trying to hold on for longer, but I will remain cautiously optimistic. If they do break up - still expect articles about how she dumped him and how heart-broken he is OR he left her (probably saying he cheated on her) and she is devastated and what a horrible person he is. I don't think her drama will ever stop - it is just part of her nature to want constant attention.

I think it is time for N to go into therapy and address his past and his demons which make him act out in the way he does. He needs to learn how to deal with criticism, rejection, and learn to stand up for himself and confront people who do things that hurt him. He also needs to learn how to deal with relationships if he does ever want to settle down with someone.

Give Me A Break said...

Diane wants nothing more than to shout it from the rooftops she’s dating Norman. She’s not talking about her relationship because Norman won’t allow her to talk about it. She blabbed openly several months ago in Italy about being in love and looking forward to Spring with her new love. After that, any mentions of love or relationships completely stopped. Norman saw it and told her to zip it! This is the same regurgitated bullshit she spewed in Cannes. She elaborates here by saying that no matter what she says, people will twist her words. She does not attack his fans. She’s more or less trying to imply no one knows the truth (Yes, we do) no matter what she says and relationships can be ruined by talking about them. Nice try, Diane. In reality, he’s forbidden her from talking about them hence why she hires paps, plants fake stories, and trolls on her Instagram. It’s her only way around his gag order.

From his side, it’s not for privacy either when he participated in the little US Open fiasco. He lost that right to truly claim privacy as an excuse the minute he allowed that set up. It’s because he knows it’s messed up. When he’s done having his fun, he has an easy way out than if it was admitted. It’s the same principle of why he won’t attend a red carpet with her. That’s the same as confirming it in an interview hence why she’s been left to pose alone at the US Open and why she was escorted immediately off TWD Premiere red carpet. I will never buy the privacy excuse when she 1) isn’t fresh out of high school 2) is a celebrity 3) is their biggest outer 4) she WANTS it out there 5) he participated in very public outings and PDA. He has minimal media coverage concerning her and he’s never admitted anything himself. His one and only public statement about them is they are “just friends.” So when he checks out, he can say “Oh, it wasn’t serious because we weren’t truly dating. Two “friends” just having fun.” She’ll look like a psycho stalker loon. He’s keeping his options open and Diane is a complete moron for not seeing this and allowing his degradation to continue. He’s out to cover his own hide and I’m truly embarrassed for her.

EnnA said...

Has someone of you maybe already translated this new article via google and can post it here? I don‘t have the time right now

wtf the original said...

@EnnA His marriage to Guillaume Canet and his relationship with Joshua Jackson were highly publicized. But Diane Kruger has decided to remain secret about her new story with Norman Reedus.

Word of order: discretion. While his marriage to Guillaume Canet from 2001 to 2006 was ultra-publicized and his relationship with Joshua Jackson for almost 10 years until their breakup in July 2016 made the front page of magazines, Diane Kruger decided, from now on, to remain discreet about his private life. "I learned that ... never again!" Says the 41-year-old actress in an interview with "Marie-Claire" magazine, which she covers in November.

Also read: Diane Kruger and Joshua Jackson, their love story in pictures
"It ends up ruining everything"

Diane Kruger explains why: "Because the remarks are necessarily distorted, that the truth is far from what one can peddle on oneself. It ends up spoiling everything. "And she adds," A love story is hard enough to live on its own. To read what one says about it is to discover something of your couple who does not look like you. For all these reasons, I do not prefer to talk about what happens to me. "The actress chose to keep her love story with Norman Reedus, the actor of" The Walking Dead ", secret.

See also: Diane Kruger: "The unknown fascinates me"

Diane Kruger and Norman Reedus met on the set of Fabienne Berthaud's movie "Sky" (also starring Joshua Jackson). The first scene they shot together was a love scene. The beginning of a pretty story - secret, of course.

Blind Curious said...

Thanks @wtf. She talked to somebody about keeping their relationship alive through sexting though. 🤢 I don't know how anybody can twist those words.

wtf the original said...

@Blind Curious dammit I almost forgot about the sexting article. I think I just threw up in my mouth. Blech lol

Norman Hollywood Sellout Bitch boy Reedus said...

@Give me a break. I agree with every word you said! NR is not in it as much as DK is. She makes this relationSHIT out to be more than it really is. When he finally dumps her for good, he can easily say they were “just friends” having some fun hanging out together & it wasn’t serious. Where DK will rip him to shreds saying that she ended her 10 yr relationship with JJ for him & he broke her heart, NR will say it was only casual. I think NR knows this will happen & is biding his time in dumping her bc he’s fearful of what will happen. He’s gonna have to do it gradually or in a way where she won’t flip the fuck out on him. Perhaps he’s waiting until the Oscars are over & hoping she’ll win so the break up won’t be as hurtful for her. Idk what the hell he has planned but I can’t believe he allows her to continue this fiasco. She trolls, baits, antagonizes his fans. She claims she wants privacy but paps him, plants fake pregnancy, moving in together articles mentioning him every time. Even legit interviews mention him. How the hell is this PRIVATE?? I believe RIDE will be affected by his association with her bc let’s face it, Daryl Dixon he is NOT & the only ppl watching RIDE are NR fans. And when you mislead your longtime fans into thinking you are an upstanding, honest guy & then show them that you’re a lying cheat then those longtime fans are not gonna support you anymore. Ride airing after TWD/TTD benefitted the show but on Monday night no one tuned in. Karma is hitting back big time!

question said...

@Give me a break - What are your thoughts on why he allowed the US Open fiasco and/or letting her come to the TWD premiere? If he wants to keep his options open wouldn't he just tell her no and continue to appear single in public? Or maybe he just likes to humiliate her or see how far he can push her. I still think the TWD premiere was a last minute thing for her.

Wilz said...

@question Haha D has issues with tagging people *and* giving credit for posts. I watched the second episode of Ride but I was preoccupied with doing something else so I didn't give it my full attention.

@thread I think @Give nailed it-D isn't keeping quiet because she wants to protect the relationship, she's keeping quiet because N has put a stop to it. If she didn't want to talk about it she wouldn't be trolling on her ig all the time. We wouldn't get goat videos or airport selifes because she's so sad to leave him. She's chomping at the bit to talk about the relationship. As @Mia mentioned the public nature of her relationship with JJ didn't ruin it-the cheating did lol And let's be real-no one really cares about her and N. They aren't J Lo and A Rod. She should be glad she's not allowed to talk about the relationship because if she did people would be aware that she's doing all of the chasing and her "boyfriend" barely seems to care about her existence. Like @Give said-N has an easy out as far as the general public is concerned when this ends.

@Blind "Whatever language she speaks in it's just bullshit that comes out." 100% spot on. And I have to laugh whenever "fan hate" is brought up. She lost all rights to claim that after the twd congrats post. That incident showed she not only welcomes the hate but encourages it by allowing certain comments to remain on her account. She's ridiculous.

EnnA said...

@wtf Thanks,you are quick!❤️
Well the last sentence „secret,of course...“ sounds pretty ironic.
Of course this is published only in a french magazine.I wonder why...
She has to be careful,she is currently overdoing it. If people in Europe catch up on her antics and start to question things she might not get work here also.Fatih Akin is not dumb,just saying.
I really get the impression that Diane thinks Normans fans and normal people in general are all complete morons.Would also explain her reputation of bullying and badly treating movie crews/fans.

Wilz said...

@EnnA D doesn't come off as all that bright herself so it's not surprising she thinks the same of others. She thinks she's being coy but she doesn't seem to realize how transparent her behavior is. And it's printed in a European magazine because I don't think most publications in the US are interested in her. There are plenty of actors that are more compelling.

Anonymous said...

About her article, I have to give her one credit here - she has almost nothing to work with but she still sells it. It's going to be useful with awards season just beginning. Good for her that both her and the film are trying for the Oscar, at least someone will go with her to the events.

Give Me A Break said...

@question I can’t understand the method to his madness. Certain people, like that laughable Coven blog, think that when things like the US Open/TWD Premiere happen, it means he’s not hiding her. But actually no, he IS still hiding her. That’s why this relationship seems so baffling and unnatural. It’s fine for him to sit beside her at the US Open while acting like disrespectful, immature children but he refuses to stand beside her when going in on the blue carpet? How is that logical? It’s fine for her to be immediately escorted away on TWD red carpet while he shows up alone but her presence there was necessary? Why even show up to be treated like a second-class citizen? None of it makes sense. The only thing I can speculate is she’s easy.

Norman is an extremely basic person. He does his job concerning TWD and Ride. He does what his handlers schedule for him. He wants his basic needs to be met while he does nothing. Consider everything Diane does to maintain this relationship. She allowed herself to be hidden for months last year while they snuck around in upstate NY. She allowed herself to be humiliated at his Paris art show when she showed up under the guise of “friends.” She allowed him to dictate that the Lapland trip remain completely unknown even though she STILL leaked it in a French interview. She allowed him to publicly deny her as being “just friends.” She allowed him to treat her like garbage in Barcelona when he threw her off his bike, made her sulk around in the same hoodie for days, and finally made her leave Barcelona altogether without attending another of his art shows as “friends.” He humiliated her! Pap walk was clearly orchestrated by her. She had him so drunk that he could barely walk and in the video from Daily Mail, you can clearly hear her guiding him in the direction of the paps because she KNEW they were there. It was downhill from there as far as the relationship coming to light.

Give Me A Break said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Give Me A Break said...

Don’t forget the other ridiculous hiding stunts he pulled as well. There were the diversion bike trips to both Asheville and Memphis. Memphis he was public but only AFTER they were busted by creeper pictures at the BBQ restaurant. Diane declined all photos during that trip. Why? Because Norman made her! She was chomping at the bit to be photographed with him yet she suddenly had an aversion to cameras? No way! He rarely let her come to GA for longer than 1-2 days on weekends only. He humiliated her on her birthday by keeping her hidden and not acknowledging her at all other than liking her troll posts. He even tried to keep her hidden at first in Costa Rica until she outed herself as truly being there when she posted the selfie with Greg’s daughter not to mention the paps being there for the first time EVER on his personal vacations. Even his Cannes’ posts were generic without him actually confirming anything about their relationship. He’s posted stuff supporting other “friends” before including the heart emojis. He allows her to be trashed by his fans. He allows her to look like a pathetic stalker. The general public really has no clue about any of the aforementioned happenings. To the general public, they’re still a “rumored” couple who have been spotted together engaging in cozy behavior. Their relationship is not media legitimized like, for example, Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez or even Sofia Richie and Scott Disick. There is a difference because both couples are actively acknowledging and confirming themselves that they’re a couple. Neither Norman or really Diane either have done that. He still has a way out that would no longer exist if either of them verbally acknowledged the other or posed together as a genuine couple for the media.

Diane does all of the traveling. She pays for her flights, hotels, even gas to drive upstate. She says she’ll come here or there. He’s getting laid on the regular without having to do anything for her that normal boyfriends do. I speculate she strokes his ego. This big Hollywood fashionista thinks he’s hot shit. She is an obsessed fangirl groupie who puts up with his humiliation and does all the work to keep the relationship going. She’s STILL worshipping him even after all the degrading shit he’s put her through. It tickles him. It amuses him and as long as he’s not being effected on a large scale i.e. a scandal of Weinstein-magnitude, he sees no reason why it should stop no matter how illogical, forced, fake, pathetic, and ridiculous it is. His mistake is thinking she’s hot shit. That’s why he’s 1) with her and 2) why he thinks she’s innocent. He thinks she’s *that* famous that the paps and tabloids simply follow her and pursue her to make up stories about her. She was already pushing that image during the Sky promotion Q&A where she outed that he wouldn’t return her calls. He’s too stupid to see what she’s doing with the IG antics most of the time. He’s liked several of her troll posts and I think if he does realize it sometimes, he finds it amusing because there aren’t US Weekly articles about her selfies inside his least not yet.

So over this said...

I believe (and pls this is jmo) that it won't last till the Oscars. I believe that shits about to hit the fan or already has. Just some strange things are happening in my opinion we've got NR stating on TTD that he loves M more then D and C. You've got JDM following her after how many weeks, and you've got Cookie commenting on her last post since when does he do that??? And the biggest one yet is this....NR LOOKS GOOD!!! I mean he looks good and he's acting like his old self again. Let's face it when he's around her he doesn't look good at all. Both of his shows have premiered and I believe he pacified her until that happened. I'm hoping that NR will channel DD this season so far become BadAss again and 2 Fucks won't be given for DK!!!

question said...

@so over this - what did Cookie comment on her post? That dude seems like a complete goof and like a terrible 'body guard'.

So over this said...

@question he replied "that's an awesome picture of you" 🤢🤢🤢

question said...

#Give me a break - I agree with all of your points. I just keep thinking he must be giving her something we don't see to make her put up with all of this! I mean I just don't know why any woman would allow herself to be treated like this publicly without something worthwhile in the background. The fact she now has articles coming out saying she won't talk about the relationship - makes it appear even more that she realizes how she looks and is trying to cover it, again (she pulled this before but can't remember when). I've also tried to justify that NR is really that stupid that he thinks the Paps just follow her around. I'm sure she used that excuse in CR. I agree that as long as she continues to do all of the work and he only ends up as 1-2 sentences in her bullshit press that he will continue this stupid relationship. He probably has sex on call, someone to stoke his ego whenever he needs and someone that will drop everything at the drop of the hat to attend to whatever he needs. Pretty fucked up on his end to do but she's a grown ass woman and could put her foot down.

Willow said...

Magazine article - no mention of N at all, only Josh.

Google translation from Huffington post Germany:
Diane Kruger: "The cat is our divorce child"
In the meantime, I often travel with my cat, which sounds like a bad cliché, but after separating from Josh, the hangover was our divorce child and now I'm the 40-year-old actress who carries her cat everywhere."
Hollywood star Diane Kruger (41) is used to traveling. In an interview with the magazine "Emotion", the native of Niedersächsin now revealed that she likes to have her cat with her. Living in Germany is not really an option, even after filming in Hamburg for the Fatih-Akin movie "Out of Nothing" , says the actress. But she also feels at home here. She also had an "intense family time" with her mother after separating from longtime partner Joshua Jackson (39, "Dawson's Creek"), the death of her stepfather and grandmother during the shooting: "I am back for the first time since my childhood slept with her in a bed. "

Willow said...

Google translation:

“Diane Kruger feels rather strange in Germany”
Diane Kruger (41) feels very comfortable outside of Germany.
The actress filmed the melodrama 'Out of Nothing' with director Fatih Akin and was awarded the Best Actress Award at Cannes this year. Despite filming in Germany, Diane does not think about anchoring in the country. After all, she grew up in France and America and feels rather strange in the Federal Republic, as she confessed in an interview with 'Emotion':
"I'm already a stranger here, apart from my family, I do not know anybody here, but I feel at home as well - these are the obvious little things - for example, when someone brings cake and they have coffee together."
However, she still enjoys traveling, albeit without a human partner, after she and Joshua Jackson split up: "In the meantime, I often travel with my cat, which sounds like a bad cliché, but after the breakup with Josh, the cat was our divorcee Now I'm the 40-year-old actress who carries her cat everywhere. "
The cat is named Fat Hobbes and is a findel cat, as Diane had previously betrayed the 'Allegra' when the world was still in order for her and Joshua: "My cat commutes between New York and me and my friend Joshua Jackson and Los Angeles - friends found him as a kitten five years ago, and I took him in. He's quite aggressive and always looks bad on photos. " Now, however, Fat Hobbes and Diane Kruger travel without Joshua Jackson.

Willow said...

I came across 2 articles from German magazines, no mention of N at all, it is like she is only going to mention JJ. I think she is definitely trying to do a 'clean up' of her image for the European market. There is also a JW article about her clothes line, no mention of N in that either.

@ So over this: I nearly barfed when I read your post about what Cookie said on her IG. lol :D

Something is definitely going down.

Annonna if you are still reading this blind - please check in with us if you can.

question said...

@ willow - these are gem's. Why is she talking about her break up with JJ again?

Blind Curious said...

Wow @Willow. Good find. There are so many articles coming out now. Poor JJ just can't escape from her can he. I can't remember exactly from the old blind, but somebody was talking about articles in the DM. How you can buy blocks of so many for PR. I bet there are more to come. I still don't think they paint her in a good light though. I wonder what she thinks she is gaining from them. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Blind Curious said...

"Deleted comments make my ass itch". Abraham Ford.

Willow said...

@question - in my personal opinion - If it is true and N has told her he is done with her, or she knows a break up is imminent - I think she is going to give herself an 'out'.
I don't know why she would think people in Europe don't know about her and N 'what-ever-it-is-they-are' but reading those two articles - it is if she is just going to act like the whole N thing hasn't happened.
It is as if she has just split up from JJ and no mention of a new romance or what ever.
This is why I'm wondering if she is going to concentrate on Europe for work, she maybe realises (or has been told) it just isn't going to happen in the US. There are so many actresses for studios to choose from and she isn't that well known in the states.

So over this said...

Well her newest post she's "just voguing it" she's smoking so there goes those pregnancy rumors 😂 She just slapped her own face on that one

question said...

@so over - I though DK quit smoking? She had a whole IG post about how it had been 6 months a few months back. I guess it's just for the model shoot - sure.

boy did they do a ton of photo shopping in that video and all of the pictures.

MiaColucci said...

@So over this- She just can`t keep track of her lies anymore. It must have been really tempting for her to post this vogue photo shoot. :D

@Willow- Something really stood out to me in this articles- the fact that she feels like a stranger in her own home country. Really, DK!? Who are you then!? That`s sick.

Give Me A Break said...

@question He is giving her something - fame. He has a fan base. She doesn’t. She’s getting attention from both fans and media because of her association with him and TWD. She’s latched on like a parasite and she won’t wise up until she drains him dry. No one gave even an iota about her until this debacle with Norman and there is no way she’d look at him twice if he wasn’t Daryl Dixon. The snob in her would ordinarily think she’s too good for him. She’s also so narcissistic that she believes if she works hard enough, she can change him. That’s obviously not working out as planned. She’s got her claws in him and like a cat on the curtains, she won’t let go of this addiction to attention and drama until Norman forcibly tears her claws out and kicks her from his life. He’ll get tired of her. Women are like shiny new toys to him and like every toddler, they eventually tire and the toys are thrown away to collect dust. It’s only a matter of time until Diane is added to his long list of old toys now collecting dust.

question said...

@give me a break - yep totally agree with everything you wrote. Especially about only being with him, because of who he plays. If he played anyone else she wouldn't even acknowledge him. The way she has morphed to match him is just too much to take. The clothes, tattoo's, motorcycle 'love', hair cut - it's just so embarrassing to watch.

question said...

@thread - it's a DK article gold mine these past few days. Another DM article about actresses wearing only blazers to events. Sure looks like the designer she wore wants her name in the press. I bet DK was pretty embarrassed she couldn't get it onto the TWD red carpet and the designers name in the press surrounding TWD.

EnnA said...

PATTI SMITH: Build a good name. Keep your name clean. Don’t make compromises, don’t worry about making a bunch of money or being successful — be concerned with doing good work and make the right choices and protect your work. And if you build a good name, eventually, that name will be its own currency.

Seems Diane should have listened to Patti

Willow said...

@question – funny you mentioning the photoshop work done on her pics. Here is a link to an article that talks about the amount of photoshop retouching done on her Vogue Germany cover. Makes you wonder what D looks like in real life!

@Blind Curious – I seem to remember someone talking about being able to buy blocks of article space for PR as well. She is certainly going all out on the publicity these days! I don’t think she cares if the attention is good or bad – as long as she is getting attention of some sort.

@mia – I remember someone talked about D not being popular in Germany, I think she concentrates too much on a French connection and does not bother so much with Germany.

So over this said...

Funny you bring up photoshop cause her last post her caption says "photoshop is my friend " ha!! I think it's been her friend for awhile

question said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
question said...

@willow - thanks for that. That article was a trip. The photoshop is really out of control on these pictures/covers. It's such a dis-service to women to suggest that is real life and what woman should achieve to look like. I love that people are calling her out on smoking on her IG post. I can't imagine a life where I constantly needed the adoration of people I don't know in order to feel good. Or a life where I constantly needed to seek that attention.

nantares said...

@question - I don't believe D attending the TWD premiere was anything other than last minute, based on her wearing that jacket-dress-whatever twice in one week. I think that the film summit she attended several days later was when she was supposed to wear it and be photographed in it, not the premiere. The brand is Monse; D wore their dress to present them with the Emerging Talent Award at the CFDA's earlier this year. I think there's a video at vogue dot com of them "helping" her to get ready, so there's definitely some sort of formal agreement between them going on (remember the bright blue beach towel dress with what looked like gold vomit down the front? - that was their handiwork). Anyway, there's no way someone as fashion-oriented as D would wear the same outfit to two different public events within a week unless it couldn't be avoided. I think she wore the jacket-dress to the TWD premiere because she literally had nothing else with her that would come close to working for that event (which it really didn't, IMO), and then wore it to the film summit because she was obligated to. Maybe the designers behind Monse think that even sketchy publicity is good publicity, since they're still establishing their brand, but I wouldn't want to be associated with DK's level of sloppiness.

Sorry if that was a bit long-winded -- I was typing as I was thinking it through.

question said...

@nantares - I do remember that dress and now remember they are an upstart so I'm sure you are right that she has some sort of agreement with them. I agree there is no way she would wear the same outfit to two events in the same week unless she couldn't avoid it. And yes it was very sloppy of her to wear it twice.

question said...

wow anyone else see this article/title

This is a whole new level.

Did anyone watch him last night? Did he even talk about her?

MiaColucci said...

@question- If that`s the whole thing from yesterday- - Nope, not a word for her.

MiaColucci said...

Recently, I find NR`s SM behavior a little strange. Now he uses so much "please", "thank you" and yesterdays " don’t yell at me" and that`s definitely very odd to me. Also, he looked really tired at that interview and somehow not in his regular goofball mood but still he was handsome. :D

About the article- OMG, she`s trying so hard to sell this "relationship"!

Norman Hollywood Sellout Bitch boy Reedus said...

@question. She is hideous planting this articles & attaching herself to him even though they are not even together in the same city. And him going along with it is ridiculous. As time goes on & this continues to happen, I think he is allowing this crap to go on bc he wants the publicity as much as she does. However he did not mention her at all last night & that’s a good thing considering his ratings for RIDE are falling fast. It’s doubtful he’ll ever mention her in an interview live or in print. So for her to be constantly mentioning him in articles is quite obvious the last thing she wants is privacy. Is he that stupid not to see that? And isn’t it funny how she outwardly talks about him only in foreign interviews? I wonder if the low ratings for RIDE make him finally see he can’t get away with cheating & lying & expect ppl to keep watching him on their tv screens. But I wonder if the narcissist in him thinks it has nothing to do with DK. Think again, Normie.

Willow said...

“They struck up a romance after meeting on the set of romantic drama, Sky.”
She is still trying to clean up her image and rewrite the fact they hooked on the set of Sky.

“But Norman Reedus and girlfriend Diane Kruger were busy promoting their own respective projects on Wednesday”
This could be used later by her when she gives a ‘we were so busy with our careers we had no time together’ when they break up. Notice she calls herself ‘girlfriend’ now – Normie has STILL never publically acknowledged her as any such thing. He does have an out when they break up because of this and she is going to look like the obsessed delusional fan girl that she is.

I noticed also that N is put in a bad light – article shows photos of him from Colbert night and he looks unkempt in the ones they choose ( he kinda looks drunk in them imo - check Getty images, there were better shots they could have used from that night) and quoting part of the interview N said about N&N’s “if your whole family went out and got drunk and needed sobering food.” Also the ‘boozy night out’ -reference to the pap walk. She is getting digs in about his drinking, I think, by continuous mention of booze. Ride is also taking place in other countries not just America – well D should know that, after all she was in Barcelona with him!

Also yet again, why bring up the pap walk of shame where N was so drunk he could hardly walk straight.

Meanwhile the photos of her in her mini dress -where she looking so glamorous (barf) and goes on about her awards and movies. This article is solely to promote her, it does not really do anything for N in a good way.

Also mentioning her old staples of HC, MR (she got his age right for once) and of course the lovely, long-suffering JJ adding the claim that N&D went public 8 months after her and JJ split. Notice it only says ‘went public’ not that they were NOT involved with each other prior to split from JJ.

I think there are going to be A LOT more articles like this, someone pointed out to me that the European publicity could be her aiming for a Golden Globe award and we already know she wants a run at an Oscar nomination.

Also interesting to see she still (after the money she spent on paps for pap walk, CR and US Open) has to resort to using pics of her and Normie from the Sky premiere as this is the only times she has been with him on a red carpet. It makes it SEEM more like they are a couple, and the only times that he didn’t look trapped & awkward, when he is around her!

She is going to milk N, JJ, HC & MR names for all they are worth in the coming weeks -for publicity for herself…and any publicity he is doing for his own projects or WD will have D leeching something for herself out of it. She is a disgusting excuse for a human being.

@NHSBBR; I don't think N can control what she puts in her gossip and pap shit in Europe so she can get printed what she likes for over here. Although he doesn't seem to have any control over there in the States either. I do see your point about publicity for him but she never puts him in a good light in her articles and the comments always trash him in DM - so I don't see it does him any good to get called 'hobo' 'drunk' etc. He does get a lot of publicity for WD stuff and he has been promoting his Ride show a lot by himself. I am not sure that he wants/needs the sort of attention he gets from her interview and pap crap - but if he doesn't - it is about time he puts his foot down and dumps her ass.

@EnnA - beautiful, wise words from Patti Smith. :)

question said...

@miacolucci - thanks for the clip. just watched it. He looks terrible and seemed very off and either drunk or/and high.

@willow - went back and looked at the ghetty images and found the ones from the TWD premiere. I did not realize how terrible he looked in those to when he has his glasses off. That man needs some serious help. Maybe Jennifer Garner can set up an intervention for him too.

Willow said...

@question; agree he was either drunk or high last night. I honestly think it is because of D and all the shit she is pulling. He looked awful the night of the WD premiere and it was noticeable that him and MMB were strained too, that night. Go back to the US Open Getty images and look at the photo where he took his glasses off and look at his eyes in that shot – the guy looks destroyed. Any time you see her with him – he looks terrible. Just compare now to photos of him about 2-3 years ago and how bright and happy he looked back in those days. He has been reduced to a shell, she is destroying him and I honestly don’t understand why he lets her do this to him.

MiaColucci said...

@question- I don`t think he looked drunk, but really tired and off- yes!

Wilz said...

@Mia I agree-I don't think drunk or high just tired. The guy has traveled a lot in a week: Ga to NY to L.A. to Ga to NY.

question said...

@mia and wilz - respectively disagree. the guy is a total mess. he really needs help. I'm sure he's exhausted from traveling too but he was totally out of it. You could tell even Stephen had to lead him along a bit. I've seen NR awkward before but this was totally different.

@willow - yes I remember the photo from the US open when he took his glasses off.

Willow said...

@wilz & @mia - I just thought the way he was talking (okay I know he doesn't always come across well in interviews unless he is talking about his art) but he was coming off with the stuff like “if your whole family went out and got drunk and needed sobering food". It isn't the smartest way to promote the restaurant! Oh, come to our restaurant - it's full of drunks!!! I just thought he seemed drunk to me as he was saying silly stuff (which he does do, I know that). jmo.
I saw the Colbert interview on the YouTube channel and some of the comments are not very complimentary.
I agree he could also be tired - saw the IG post about wanting to sleep forever. I wish though his PR would intervene in his interview technics as he doesn't always come across very well in them.

Wilz said...

@question & @Willow We can agree to disagree :) I know when I get really tired I get very loopy and incoherent so his behavior feel familiar to me. This felt different from that radio interview at nycc when I definitely thought he was hungover.

I've been saying for awhile that his PR sucks. He's needed media training for years but I've given up hope on that ever happening.

So over this said...

I find it interesting that he liked a post last night on Instagram from Ex_texts now it could be coincidence or maybe he just thought it was funny.....but I have a feeling there's meaning to this like. Go check it out guys it's the post of asking for a ride from airport.

Willow said...

@ So over this - yeah sounds like someone we know, even the use of 'Babe'.

@wilz - yes can agree to disagree :) no hate towards Normie, more concerned about his health, just looking at the comments quite a few other people thinking the same that he is drunk or high, it doesn't do him any good to get comments like that. Also the usual horrible comments of the latest DM article. I wish his PR would clamp down on her crappy articles and I wish they would get him interview training - he used to be able to do interview years ago. His PR are not doing their job.

Also, I can be loopy and incoherent even when I'm not tired or drunk! :D

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