Thursday, March 09, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1

February 25, 2017

Smiles for the cameras that his foreign born actress date called to show the world they are a loving couple. In the limo though it was a whole other story and our B+ list cable actor from that hit show was beyond ticked off. Pretty tough to keep two high profile relationships going when cameras are trained at one.

Norman Reedus/Diane Kruger/Melissa McBride


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Blind Curious said...

DK's fans honestly seem as vapid as her.

Why are you a fan?

Well I saw her in a film once and thought she looked pretty.

Any other reason?

.........I like her clothes.


MiaColucci said...

@Soooooo - Your theory is totally making sense for me. The CR trip was the thing that got me into thinking that there is something really odd about this "relationship". He looked so miserable. Before that I didn`t care about his love life at all. I`m not fantasizing about him being my boyfriend or wanting him for me like Coven always accuses the people with a little common sense who are questioning NR`s behavior. :D I agree that he`s not acting like he`s really in love with her and here comes my confusion about his motives for this ridiculousness. As you said there is a constant pattern at NR`s behavior and it`s exactly like moving in circle. 1- he seems ok, then 2- something happens and 3- pap pictures, 4- she is trolling hard, 5- he`s posting pics related to MMB, Ming or Daryl, 6- silence. and the repeat :D

question said...

She didn't seriously fly from LA to GA on Wednesday to hang out in GA for 1-2 days while NR worked to fly back to LA today did she????

Kat said...

I think she is just trying to stir up things and get attention. I live her comments being turned off. She seems so ridiculous and forgettable now.

Wilz said...

@Soooooo Reading back on my earlier post it does seem very doom and gloom end of the world haha That's what I get for posting before I get coffee. I don't think N is sentenced to a lifetime with D and agree that this relationship was doomed before it started. But watching this wreck is painful so I want it over soon lol Right now option #2 seems what will probably put them out of their misery. I think they broke up after the roadtrip too and I agree that the pap walk o'shame was a reaction to something. And after discussing CR with someone, I think the same thing happened and yet again N lashed out. There is definitely a pattern/cycle to this relationship. It's also a valid argument that some of N's behaviors toward D might be because he is punishing her a bit.

Anyone who ever thought Coven mod was anything other than a D fan masquerading as a N fan is delusional.

Wilz said...

@question I posted this elsewhere but it does appear that she left L.A. to fly to Ga for two days only to fly right back to L.A. My theory? N was upset about that post and D rushed to Ga to talk her way out of trouble. I 100% think her trip to Ga. was unplanned.

Blind Curious said...

@Wilz. We'll probably never know but it is a possibility. Isn't LA meant to be where her heart is? You would think she would have caught up with her friends there. The whole premiere to me is still pretty amusing. She must probably thought she would be the big fish in a little pond on the red carpet and then as soon as she got on it she was whisked off! I like to think it did some damage to her hubris. She knew she was going to be hidden, that's why she posted that pic. She just couldn't help herself and he should know her well enough by now to realise she will always do this. She likes the attention too much whether it's positive or negative. It's like she did the whole comment thing to spite them for not letting everybody see her and take her picture, even though the show is nothing to do with her.

I don't know how long this thing between them will last, or what the of it terms are, but she is never going to stop this crap that she pulls. It's embarrassing. TWD people must all be wondering how he ended up with this idiot. Was it 2 girls that whisked her off at the premiere? Can you imagine what they must have thought when given the task by their boss of making sure she didn't get to linger on the red carpet? She wasn't even allowed to sit with the friends and family in case she made that all about her too. If you can't take your "girlfriend" to an event like this without taking these sort of measures, then it's not saying much about either of you.

question said...

The whole TWD red carpet scene makes you wonder about the US Open and what the role of NR's handler really was. I know NR took her last year but it was super weird to take her again on a date with his girlfriend.

Will be interesting to see what happens next. I'm eagerly awaiting her airport picture today to let us know she is headed back to GA.

MiaColucci said...

So DK flew back from Europe, skipping the last two days of her film promotion, just to be dragged across the red carpet at TWD premiere in L.A. Then she left L.A. to fly to Ga for two days and now she is back in L.A!? How embarrassing is that? This woman is surprising me every day.She just could`ve congratulate NR with a phone call or something like that, but no! :D She had to made sure that people are aware of how "supportive" she is. It seems like she is so unsure about her "thing" with NR that she uses every opportunity to demonstrate that they`re together. She must be really desperate that`s for sure. It`s definitely not looking good when a woman is chasing a men.

question said...

Its just so embarrassing. She won a huge award at Cannes this year (even the TWD producers congratulated her on IG for the win) and she is not allowed on the TWD red carpet, be seen with NR at the premiere or talk to anyone on the red carpet. One could argue she just wanted to be under the radar for his big night but we all know that's not true b/c its DK we are talking about. I don't know but I just hope for her sake that they have an understanding both are comfortable with. Unfortunately for her it doesn't play out well in the public eye. As her film prospects die up she sure does appear to become more and more clingy and I can't imagine that makes HW producers more interested in hiring her.

EnnA said...

Comments are back on Dianes IG. Maybe she is disabling comments on obvious troll posts from now on?
Who is excited for EP 2 of TWD. I am predicting single digit ratings this time.

Willow said...

I see from the various photos taken, that N was wearing his white CR pants at the WSAlanta con. Why he would want to wear them and remind anyone of that pantomime of a vacation is beyond me!

@Mia – Hullo, and yes, I was also glad to stumble across this blind after it was revealed, and that I wasn’t just imagining that N & D’s so called romance seemed staged and weird. It is interesting about N always posting of EITD and MMB on IG just before another D incident takes places – there is definitely a pattern in it. Also it is sad, pathetic and very telling of the mental state she is in; that she keeps leaving her own premieres and events to go trailing after N. She has put herself in the position where the only thing she has in her life is N, maybe her plan is she thinks that he would feel unable to ever leave her as he is the only thing she has got left.

@Sooo – interesting what you were saying in your post about the whole N & D thing going in a circle, agree they repeat a pattern and the N ‘hurting’ her theory about posting the ‘birthday wishes’ for others but not for her. I think they do things on purpose to hurt and punish each other – just part of their toxic relationship. I have a theory that each one deep down, resents and blames the other because they are not who they really want to be with. N wanted to be with M and I believe D still wants to be with JJ and can’t accept his dumping her.

@leah – agree with you, it just doesn’t make sense why N invited D; especially if it makes it awkward for MMB and the rest of the cast and it look like it was awkward for him too! I can’t understand why he would want to ruin the evening for Mel, I don’t think anyone saw her in the green room and I am sure she would have been there with the rest of the cast if D hadn’t been there. I have given up trying to understand why he does the stupid things he does. Also why invite D and still treat her like a dirty little secret that has to be hidden.

@wilz – excellent points on your posts about why N & D are together; I finally saw last week’s talking dead and wow, yes I can see what you were talking about here about the awkwardness and the facial expressions on N & M when they came out on stage!

@is it just me – brilliant analogy on the fast-food /relationship comparison. I loved your line ‘they forgot the napkins to wipe the stale grease off your sad, bitter face’.

@EnnA – yes why does she still need to troll his fans – I liked what you said about her compensating for his lack of attention. Oh why the need for her starbucks IG post! (and why the need for his twitter post) – D just had to let everyone know the ‘happy couple’ were together and she went from LA to GA and then flew back to LA again, that just makes her look even more desperate and unhinged. She is destroying her own career by leaving events early to run after N. I would think that there will not be too many script offers for her in the future; her reputation is abysmal, now that she gets fired from the roles she was offered and she does nothing to promote the films she actually did work on and she leaves events/premieres early to go to something she has no connection with just to associate herself with N.

@EnnA - yes I noticed her comments were back on - didn't think she could bear to live without the IG attention for long.
I don't rush to watch TWD anymore sadly, I will watch it but it took me a week to get around to seeing the Talking Dead even though the whole cast were on it. The WD show is going to be in trouble if it can't pick up interest in it this season, I know they say even a drop in ratings is still giving them higher ratings than some shows, but bad reviews or lack-lustre interest can start a downward spiral for a show.

Blind Curious said...

I've not got much time this weekend, but what's with the rewear of that horrid coat with the too long sleeves that she wore to the premiere?

Wilz said...

@Blind My theory is that her attendance at the premiere was last minute and she came straight from France, cutting her trip short and not having time to get something else. She didn't have time to find another outfit to wear to her event on Friday because she took another impromptu trip, this time to Ga to smooth over this weekend's drama.

Wilz said...

@Blind But yes, it is not a good look-it doesn't fit at all.

Blind Curious said...

@Wilz. It looks like a flasher mac on her. Good theory.

MiaColucci said...

@EnnA - I`m excited for ep. 2 :) but not as much as I used to be. Now I`m watching it mostly because of MMB,AL and NR. They are the most capable actors there in my opinion and are truly in character. The plot is kinda dumb right now. I don`t like Negan at all and there are too many communities for my taste. :D but still I LOVE the show.
DK and her IG- Yes, I saw it too. And the comments on her posts are normal (If we dont`t count this one- Where's your skirt, sweetie?) :) so NR fans are definitely not trolling her and now I`m 100% sure that she wants all the hate just to make him feel guilty. That`s her game and that`s why he always looks so sad and kinda off when she`s around.
@Willow- Hi:) About his CR pants- I didn`t notice at all because I was distracted by his face. He looked ok, in a good mood and without sunglasses which is cool. But still there is zero interaction between him and MMB when it`s not necessary. The strange vibe remains. Like she doesn`t want to be near him when it`s not strictly for work.

wtf the original said...

@thread whew what a lot to catch up on. I also believe that she was last minute to the premier and I am still scratching my head over her being rushed off the carpet and even the few after party pictures. No affection at all between them or not really in what I saw. That outfit was awful but I have a different theory, I think she was supposed to wear it on a red carpet and have pictures to get the name of the designer or company out and since there was nada from TWD she wore it to this event and thereby got the pictures that were needed. I am not sure if she flew to GA or not but neither scenario would surprise me in the least. I am a little excited to see TWD tonight but I am expecting a further drop in ratings as well

Is it just me? said...

I started following JJ after his Cannes congrats to D. He has been posting videos recently about a biker trip he's going on to raise money for elephants. Holy hot damn someone hose me down that man is HOT.HOT.HOT!!! Bonus: He can intelligently string many sentences together without sticking his tongue out or flipping off the camera . Not knocking N. He is who he is and certainly has his own unique appeal. But I can understand why she's whacko in the aftermath of their breakup. We don't know what went on behind the curtain with those two, but she lost a gem of a man on the surface. I also saw pics of N from yesterday WS Atlanta and agree he looked happy and relaxed. I knew D wouldn't turn off comments for long. She couldn't bear not to see all the "you're so pretty" comments.

wtf the original said...

Yes I am sure she was going through withdrawal from the ass kissing comments. Now hopefully all the haters give it a rest for a week or so and then she can't play the oh poor me the fans are just so mean to me.

MiaColucci said...

Both JJ and NR are handsome and cool guys. Just don`t know what possessed them to choose exactly DK. Maybe she has some hidden talents that we`re not aware of. As an actress she is bad in my opinion. I`ve seen her in Troy and Fathers and daughters. I don`t remember anything from her in Troy, like there is a blank space in my mind about that. As for the second film, I specially paid attention because I saw it after the CR disaster and she was awful. She was overacting and made her character way too dramatic without any need. She had max 15 minutes of screen time though so I liked the film in general.
BTW, MMB looks really beautiful at todays WSC Atlanta photo ops.

question said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Not cool said...

Judging by her IG, I think she does kinky stuff, like three ways, for example she posted naked women and she said "wait for me girls," NR busted his butt to get to NY that day. She also posted, I like tacos and being spanked. Or after NR posted the pic of his living room, with the lesbian kissing pic, she posted three women's mouths Frenching. She also, had a bondage and S&M post and the pic of the statue that looks like it had stuff coming out of it's butt. She is so nasty! No other celebrity post such low class and tacky things. Like penises or Mickey in panties. I wonder if European women are more open to these things and that is why HC said something like, NR prefers them. If you read the other blinds, there is one about NR taking two groupies back to his room, over another one, because she didn t do three ways. Or maybe they like the super skinny, anorexic type. She melts herself down to stick limbs, a head and VJ. It could also be that they are in love with themselves, since she is willing to give up her own identity and morph into a female version of them.

question said...

NR post's heart emoji on latest DK IG. I know he's done that before but can't remember the posts and whether there was anything weird going on when he did those to. Interesting he's at an event with MMB and does that. I never put much belief into the NR MMB thing until DK's TWD IG post - which screamed jealous girl. Guess she really worked him over with the poor me card with that TWD post. I have to give her props she is quite clever and conniving. This just seems like the most dysfunctional relationship ever (and yes I know none of us know then or what really goes on behind the scenes). They both seem to constantly do things to hurt the other but can't break free of each other. Someone on the other blind (about her being fired etc.) says he still cheat on her. Anyone know why that person said that?

I can't believe DK would wear the same outfit to two events like those.

question said...

@ not cool - I totally think she is into very kinky stuff and lets him indulge in his dark side. I have always thought that was one of the big/major things that keeps bringing him back to her. I'm sure she has him figured out and knows exactly how to keep bringing him back for more. I know she thinks she is being cool and exotic with all of those posts but they are just stupid. No one needs to see a women her age do that stuff. Behind closed doors fine, but in the public - super lame.

MiaColucci said...

@Not cool- Well, I`m from Southeastern Europe and women here are crazy :D but there is one thing- we don`t share and we are not more open than the Americans! LOL In fact, women from South and East Europe are the jealous type and we have a lot of uncles, cousins and brothers who "take care" of our boyfriends when it`s necessary. I don`t know about the other European regions but I can assume that things are similar there too( without the part with the uncles :D).
@question- I saw it too, And HC liked her post too. But it`s strange that NR posted the heart emoji exactly when I noticed that something was really off between him and MMB this weekend. Yes, same old, same old.

EnnA said...

I do not think European women are basically more open to kink than for example US women.But they are more open in public about it.
In Europe,many things are just out in the open and not seen as dramatic at all.Europe is not uptight about sex,so to speak. I am German and I wouldn‘t even call a threeway a kink.There are far more piquant things I would call that.
So there is that. It might be a thing N is attracted to or that he finds refreshing or that is just easy.But such attractions usually don‘t last long.

I tend to think after all these years of groupies and various experiences it might actually be more of a shocker/gamechanger/rarity for N to find a woman that is just not getting boring.Interesting right to her core.Funny.Truly beautiful.
Imo he had it and is now distracting himself from the loss.With alcohol and more cheap women.

question said...

@MiaColucci - what did you see this weekend that made you think things were off between NR and MMB? I haven't seen anything with them. Just their fan pics.

MiaColucci said...

Well, usually when they are at the same con they took at least one picture together, or they hang out during the breaks. I saw pics of NR with Sonequa,Scott Wilson and other cast members but not with MMB. MMB and NR used to be really close to each other, I mean literally, like physically close but it appears that they are not anymore. In fact the last time I saw them behaving relaxed and happy around one another was at the SDCC. It makes me sad and got me into thinking what the heck has happened between them. I really don`t care about the essence of their relationship because sometimes you just can`t put a label on things but as I said before , I sense strange vibe between them and I`m not liking it at all. Don`t know if it`s just me though. Maybe I`m wrong.

Blind Curious said...

@Not cool. I'm not sure if we have more of a kink than the US. I would imagine the US would vary between places but it can seem quite conservative at times. It's kind of a talking point here that Americans would rather there kids watch violence than sex on tv. My idea of kinky may be very different to yours. I'm rarely shocked by anything. We tend to talk about it more in the pub than we would on social media. That's just not classy. You might get away with it in your youth but after a certain age it just looks desperate. Proper relationships aren't based on whatever sort of sex you're having. There's more to them than that - friendship, trust, fun, etc.

Wilz said...

@iijm JJ is quite the hottie, isn't he? His personality makes him even hotter. And I agree N has his own appeal so not comparing. And D has turned her comments back on just in time for a "tell me I'm pretty" post. Predictable D.

@wtf It would be great if people would stop leaving hateful comments on her posts. Like she needs more 'boo hoo I'm the victim' material.

@question I believe he left a butterfly before. And one of his Cannes posts had hearts. I don't remember what was going on around the butterfly post but leading up to Cannes, N stopped liking her posts, she started trolling hardcore (remember her frog/prince post?), and he made a really sweet birthday post for *someone*. And we saw what happened last week with the comments on her congrats. I have some theories about what leads to these brief moments of pda from N and they all lead back to guilt trips about something. Or *someone*. As it was pointed out-these two are in a toxic relationship that cycles through the same bad behavior.

@Mia I don't think it's that unusual not to see pictures of N and M from this weekend. Other than cast photo ops, I can only think of one con where I've seen photos of them hanging out together. WSC Atlanta is the biggest of the con and I'd imagine the most hectic. However I did pick up on some weirdness at the season 8 premiere.

... said...

Well, it's not like they have all that much free time at the cons. Especially MMB, she is very popular. At the premiere, during the Talking Dead, they were very close to each other. She stayed by him during commercial breaks and they almost sat in each other's laps during some breaks. So I think they are fine, just busy at this convention.

liddakrever said...

“They almost sat in each others laps“...yeah sure. Please don’t make this stuff up. Diane‘s fan is back trying to make everything look good and perfect. Anyone can see MMB and him aren’t as close as they used to be ever since he started this shitfest with DK.

question said...

@Wilz - that's right the butterfly on the picture DK posted of her in her ballet outfit as a girl. Posted right after CR. Wasn't that when NR and HC first had their little IG breakdown? I thought she un-followed him shortly after the CR cluster. Also didn't DK get a lot of hate b/c of her CR trolling. He is pretty predictable as is this relationship in my mind.

@.... how do you know what happened during commercial breaks? Where those breaks on TV or were you there? Just wondering how you know that.

Wilz said...

@... Interesting you have that little tidbit as I've only seen it mentioned one other place. Hmm

Is it just me? said...

When I see anyone posting lots of suggestive, sexual stuff, I tend to think they are overcompensating. It smacks of trying too hard to be edgy and cool. I tend to think it's a front and they aren't really as provocative as they are trying to appear. If D, and even N sometimes, were twenty, I could chalk up much of their behavior to immaturity. I'm all for being fun and cool, but the maturity one achieves through age is so much more attractive and classy than juvenile, in your face, antics. JMO.

Willow said...

@ thread - just saw someone has posted this on N's IG, just thought I'd show it incase he deletes it.

"really Norman you got on just to put a heart on her post???? I used to think there was hope for you. but now I see you enjoy this b#llsh#t game as much as her. sorry i'm one of your long time fans and I will not watch the walking dead or your pat on the back show this why you cancelled the con in dec???? to be with her her drags your name and Helena's and mingus's name in the tabloids??? funny I never read about you or them in the tabloids till that came in to your life and you cant change the truth Norman we all know that movie sky was a set up for her to get her teeth in to you. and this has been going on since 2015 not this past march sorry but we know. a relationship built on lies and more lies will never last. and karma catches up sooner or later. when all is said and done and you have nothing do you think she'll stay??? guess again she'll find someone new and bigger. have fun while it last. better pray she doesn't get pregnant now that will be your prison sentence." They also asked him what the lump was on his neck.

Yeah this is like Cannes again isn't it with the posting emojis on her IG. She trashes his co worker friends on her IG, leaving nasty comment up about them and he rewards her bad behaviour yet again - groundhog day on a loop!

question said...

Interesting that HC liked DK's post and NR put the heart on it too. So is that person who posted on NR's IG saying NR only logged onto IG to make that heart post?

I have no idea about HC and DK. I wouldn't expect HC to have an issue with DK since her and NR have been done for years. In HC's eyes its not really DK's fault the decisions NR makes those are on him. But I would've thought if HC wasn't trying to troll DK with those pictures she would have deleted all of the comments that remotely referenced DK (and I think those comments were pretty obvious). I certainly would have done that had I realized my post unintentionally was making fun of my ex's new GF.

@....are you referencing the Coven's post from one of her followers that was watching the interactions with binoculars? If true, I guess they just like to now look like they can barely stand each other in pictures but in between commercial breaks they are all over each other? Does not add up at all.

@thread - I really wish everyone would stop the IG hate on DK. NR is never going to break things off with her when she is getting this much hate b/c of her relationship with him. I would guess this relationship would've already been over had it run its course without all of this IG drama. I'm sure he feels tremendous guilt because he's a guy and doesn't see how manipulative she is being.

Wilz said...

@question Someone did say he got online, liked her post, left a comment and that was it. And to me that seems very deliberate. And I wish people would stop the IG hate on D's and N's accounts too.

Delta said...

Norman and Diane don't give two fucks about hate.Norman cares about two things money and his ego getting stoked and Diane stokes his ego 24/ 7.Both are attention whores who want everyone to kiss their asses.Diane loves attention she doesn't care if it's bad or good it stokes her inflated ego.Norman will dump Diane when he gets bored with her or she does something he doesn't like.

Another thing why do people in here post about JDM being some amazing man. He is a huge asshole with ego to rival Norman's.

Is it just me? said...

@ delta, took me a while to warm up to JDM, but I think that was due to his role as Negan. Idk he seems like a decent family man. What has he done to make you think he's an asshole?

Willow said...

Just think in another couple of months it will be the 3 year anniversary of them meeting on set for the filming of Sky - 3 years of knowing D. It is longer than most of his relationships! His life would have been so different if they had never met!

Wilz said...

@Delta I disagree. D does care about hate because in her mind "hate" means people are sooo jealous of her. As you said-she loves attention, good or bad, so people trolling her IG plays into what she wants. And I haven't seen any comments about jdm being a good guy lately.

question said...

@delta - I completely agree about JDM. JDM is a huge asshole who constantly tries to play this nice, regular down to earth guy. His ego is out of control. The way he and NR constantly stoke each other ass's drives me up the f%$^ wall. It is beyond embarrassing watching men that old act the way they do. If I was JDM's wife, I would be completely embarrassed by his behavior. She is not though and she stokes his ego just as much. I stopped watching TWD just because of JDM and his portrayal of Negan. His poor wife is constantly trying to right his wrongs (and now NR/Dk's as well). He is very charismatic, which wins him his fans. I think everyone should circle back about 7 years to when he meet his wife and rehash what really went down then. I think people would have a different opinion of him now if they remembered what happened when he meet HB. I think the two worst things that have happened to NR in recent years are DK and JDM. NR is an addict to anything that makes him feel good and people take full advantage of that.

NR, DK and JDM all live in the Hollywood bubble. They think all hate directed towards them is unwarranted. All three of them are too stupid to see the truth. My point was that all of this IG hate brings them closer, even though it's not always warranted. Do not get me started on the double standards of what that asshole JDM posts on IG and how 'normal' people respond to Dk's stupid trolling TWD post. They all live in a bubble. The problem is that at some point people thought that NR was not in the bubble and now they see that he is fully encapsulated in the HW bubble and his fans are freaking out. I have not followed him long enough to know if at some point he was truly an outside HW type of guy but now it's clear he drank the kool aid. All I see now is an almost 50 year old man that looks and acts completely lost and it is truly quite sad to watch. I see him at these con's and he's completely fu$% up half the time. I do not know how people do not see this. And that god damn body guard of his. He should see all of the signs and do something but he is just another 'yes' man.

question said...

The other thing about the IG hate - NR will never end things with her when she is getting all of that IG hate b/c then he would have to admit that all of those people were right. His ego is far too huge to ever do that and she knows this and she capitalizes on this.

Hunter - The Original said...

So Reedus posting a ❤️ response to Diane’s magazine cover IG posting is considered confirmation & public acknowledgement of their love? Give me a F**kin’ break. If that were true, he would have provided some real support when she was being raked over the coals for her racist comments. 🤔🙄😳 Reedus is dim and wouldn’t realize if Kruger is one as long as he’s getting his little weenie taken care of. SMH. 🤣🤣🤣 OR else he’s riding the PR train and only liking the non-controversial postings. Either way, he’s an idiot. Yet, I admit this sad “relationshit” is still keeping me entertained.

wtf the original said...

@Hunter - The Original Welcome back and if nothing else these 2 are entertaining

MiaColucci said...

Unfortunately, this whole " they almost sat in each other's laps during some breaks" was posted at Coven`s blog first. So, sorry, but I don`t believe it at all. I wish it was true and I really hope that everything between MMB and NR is more than fine but... for me it`s not. And about the pics at cons- now we have picture of NR, Scott Wilson and Laurie Holden and there`s another one of MMB, Austin Amelio, Lennie and Tom. Yet, we don`t have MMB and NR. Austin and Tom are not part of the Kingdom photo opp and Laurie`s picture seems to be after the con. For me that means that they had some time after all. And now it`s not even about a picture anymore, it`s about the closeness they used to share.

@question- Thank you for your post. I feel exactly the same about JDM. This particular part " I think the two worst things that have happened to NR in recent years are DK and JDM" is spot on. Just because he seems charming for most of the peope, doesn`t mean he`s not an ass*ole.

About the hate that DK gets- I really wish everyone would stop the IG hate on her too. But sometimes there is a part of me that`s glad that people are not acting like noting`s happened. When she posts normal stuff like her movie posters, some pics from a charity event, even plain selfies nobody is hating on her. Yes, there are mean comments but which celebrity`s not getting them on a daily basis? Her magazine cover got hate mostly because of the fact that she is wearing fur.

For me, there`s something seriously lacking in NR life right now and when we add DK and JDM thing seems to go downhill for him. I still thing that NR is really unsure and he`s covering it with all this middle fingers, masks, acting "cool" , etc. Deep down he`s wounded child. Of course most of his friends will still be around, that`s what friends are supposed to do. I won`t leave my friends, or relatives just because of their poor choice of a partner. I`m dealing with something similar right now and it`s really hard. Drifting apart is not working, trying to convince the person is not working either, nothing`s working. It`s like hitting your head against a brick wall.

EnnA said...

I don‘t know about JDM. I only knew him from *p.s. i love you* and I thought he was fucking hot in that movie. I agree the whole JDM/NR bromance seems way over the top. Things like this never go well for a long time,you grow tired of the other very quickly in my experience.

Going by N‘s relationship with HC and allegedly MMB I think N has a real strong thing for women that are widely adored by the masses.He‘s into it.I think he needs it for his ego to have a claim on a woman that many people ‚want’.Look how the audience explodes with love for MMB every time.Way more than for N to be honest. And Helena was a super model during the time he dated her,men were going insane when they saw HC.
Maybe he thought Diane is such a woman,too.Hollywood material,A-list.(haha)
Well I bet it has already dawned on him that he was VERY wrong and he got the evil twin of the woman he really wanted.

EnnA said...

I think one thing that factors in as well is that he never was allowed to claim MMB in public. I am sure he wanted to.
And what a coincidence that he now refuses to be public with DK instead...
I am pretty sure the blind about MMB was true,and the longer this continues,the more I am sure about this.

Is it just me? said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
question said...

@MiaColucci - since you are new here what are your thoughts on HC liking DK posts on IG? I think you also thought she was making fun of DK with her bathing suit/island blogger posts. Not sure what to think or if it even means anything at all! I know Coven uses her liking DK IG to show HC has no issue with DK.

MiaColucci said...

@question - Only if I knew! :D I`m really puzzled about that like everybody else. That`s the reason I comment here, just things are so crazy, everything is escalating so quickly, nothing seems normal about the people involved
in this "relationship". Sometimes I have no idea what the heck is going on and why. Maybe HC doesn`t care about DK at all as longs as this woman is not near her son. I want to think that now there is some sort of understanding between her and NR. Whatever it is I`m 100% sure that HC was mocking DK with the pictures. She made sure to post not only one, but two in order to avoid any confusion. As I thought about it, maybe we`re too paranoid. :) It`s just a "like" at the end of the day. NR sometimes likes all DK posts, sometimes he`s not liking at all.
I was thinking, DK is too quiet now, minding her own business which is strange, Something`s about to happen.

MiaColucci said...

I almost forgot :D NR liked Laurie's pic and left her a heart emoji. I think that says it all about his "love"" for DK.:D He just loves to comment emoji stuff and things all the time- red baloons, pandas and butterflys(mostly for MMB), aliens, rainbows, cakes,you name it.

question said...

@MiaColucci - just saw the heart emoji on Laurie's picture. It's the exact same one he left on DK's. Too funny. Didn't he and Laurie have something going at one time? I remember seeing pictures of them kissing behind stage or something once. As for DK and HC and the trolling - b/c it happened so close to the kids birthday, I wondered if maybe DK stepped too far and tried to get involved with the celebration and that sent HC over the edge. But who the hell knows!

MiaColucci said...

@question- It`s hard to tell with Norman. LOL He is a big kisser and hugger. I think he kissed Laurie at some sort of public event ant it was definitely a quick peck on the lips. But as I said- It`s NR :D He kissed Danai on the lips too, and Andy I believe.

So over this said...

I am sure HC was mocking DK cause why would she keep comments up saying she was. And as far as N liking DKs stuff it means nothing. Let's face it he's commented with Congrats and emoji with Cannes and it was only on group pics. And a butterfly for her child ballet pic so what this emoji makes 3 or 4?? He shows more love and gives comments more to his fans then he does her.

Wilz said...

@Hunter Good point-if he wanted to show support, why not do it when she was fighting with people on her IG?

EnnA said...

Diane fighting with people on her IG is the most stupid immature thing I have ever seen.Ridiculous! How old is she? She lives in the public eye for decades,she should be able to ignore things like that,even more so if she herself begs for the attention and judgement.Even CS,when she did fight with fans,managed to come across much more articulate and reflected.
Well, for me this is confirmation that Diane is not the brightest bulb and/or that she is highly insecure regarding N and even herself.

wtf the original said...

@thread I wonder if DK will throw out a promo of Ride for N. I mean other than TWD one I have never seen her promote anything to do with him well other than Sky and God that was a terrible movie. I tried to watch and had to FF and then yeah couldn't even watch. Maybe if she does do a promo for Ride she can fight with some more fans because that is something she seems to like doing

Wilz said...

@EnnA Are you referencing something in the past or is she fighting with people again? She needs to turn comments off permanently.

Wilz said...

@wtf Sky was so bad-bad plot, bad acting, just bad all around.

wtf the original said...

@Wilz glad it wasn't just me. But then I saw Inglorious Bastards and I don't even remember DK and pretty sure I saw Troy as well and same so there is that. And if I am being honest NR is a much better actor when he has a good acting partner. If they are mediocre he doesn't seem to be on his A game. Just my humble opinion

EnnA said...

I am referencing to the times she did it before.Nothing new recently.

Anonymous said...

While it would be easy to consider N and MMB distatnt and even blame DK presence I think it's not necesarily true. We all know that M is very private and I think she's aware of this blind and publicly tries to keep her distance. Someone on IG, whose friends was at the premiere, said that they were quite cuddly when the cameras were off. Not sure if that's true, but just because they don't appear in public as they used to, doesn't mean that spend time together privately.

I actually heard the same thing from someone who is definitely not DK's fan.

That's what I thought, I also saw it on one specific place :-)

Someone else on IG called his comment a reward and I couldn't disagree more. He likes most of her posts and he even made a few comments. After 8 months this is not a reward (even for DK who seems to be desperate for anything), it's a consolation prize, because he won't give her what she wants – the status of an official girlfriend.

When I wrote the first one, I didn't realize someone already told you. I'm not sure when the info apperaed on Coven or even that it did. I saw it on the blind IG, from someone who doesn't like DK at all. And I'm pretty sure that account is followed by Coven spy.

There was a rumor about him and LH to which he replied that he kisses everybody.

@wtf the original
I don't follow her so I can't see but someone said she didn't like his post about Ride renewal.

Sunny The OG said...

@EnnA @thread go on dk IG. Scroll down to the picture she posted of Lauren B. The black and white photo. Where she said there is so many things to cry about these days. She is still on her rant about All lives matter fighting with people. Less than a week ago I noticed another dk comment when I looked at that post. She deleted the comment she made to the account. The girl who runs the account dk blocked came back on her personal account. Go check out what she said right now!!!

Anonymous said...

@Sunny the OG

Okay I saw it and would be interesting if it's true. Especially the part about someone around her leaking info.

Willow said...

@Sunny - wow, good catch that you noticed that. I wonder who the major paper is - and who is the leak in her camp?! The shit will really hit the fan if that story ever gets published!

@Soooooo - re: the 'reward' heart comment: it was just how it seemed to me at the time. Then later I was talking to a couple of other people who think he is doing it out of guilt; which I can accept is more likely.

MiaColucci said...

@Soooooo - That`s possible explanation. I really hope that you are right.
Maybe MMB really tries to keep her distance especially with DK`s stupid behavior. I don`t blame her if that is the case. After all we don`t know what`s happening behind close doors and that`s why we can only speculate. The discussions here are really helping me to complete the puzzle. Can somebody explain quick what people on this blind are assuming about MM and NR relationship, please? As you all now I wasn`t here at the beginning and the old comments are down so I feel like I`m missing something.

Anonymous said...


I can't speak for anybody but the general belief is that they were in some not serious friends with benefits situation and N developed feelings that were either not mutual or were mutual but M didn't wanna go there for some reason (according to one person who was here at the beginning and claimed that she knows people around N, it actually didn't have anything to do with DK). Which may have cause some lapse in judgement with N and he went for DK.

Personally I think it makes sense. N declared DK to be just friend (I consider just friends to include FWB) only few days before the pap walk. Some people say he was obviously lying but I don't believe it. I think something happened between this declaration and the pap walk that made N agreed to it.

It also depends WHEN you're asking. I noticed that sometimes when DK appears somewhere close to M (like when she visited N in GA for the first time) some people say they didn't believe it anyway.

Wilz said...

@Mia Check the comments made by Annonna on this post for details:

V.v.v said...

When i looked for this blind again I found some of the earlier pages with a comment by one of the sources. How NR was into M, and M was pretty into him, but at that time N more so because Melissa was "getting tired of his inability to get shot of what (who - DK) hurts him". Reflection on this after this year is interesting especially if the rumour that they argued after the NYC garage pictures is true and later after Dianes spectacle in Barcelona M decided to end things. It must be hard to see even a close friend be so destructive at themselves.
Reflecting on this notion I can see why his friends have just accepted DK. That's what you have to do for friends but I could also see they give up on NR getting his life and head together ever and its easier to accept his situation than fight it anymore because the hope for him is gone. It would put this year into perspective on how things have progressed and why NR continues to show ugly colours with a worrying trend towards adopting DK's behaviour.

MiaColucci said...

Thank you very much. :)This theory is really believable, especially after DK`s post about TWD and the way things went. She was definitely jealous in my opinion. Now things are clearer for me. Thank you again.

Neutral Observer said...

Can anyone elaborate on the IG comments Sunny the OG is referring to? I don't have SM.

question said...

@thread - I don't know if anyone else still follows the most recent blind that came out on DK - but interesting comment's towards the bottom of the blind.

Wilz said...

@question A revealed blind that names her or one that people are speculating is D?

question said...

@wilz - should've just done this first. someone made a comment and I asked for further information and they shared.

Anonymous said...

@Neutral Observer

Someone left a comment od one of DK's post (maybe someone she was fighting with over the ALM movement). She says she has a friend who's writing an article for a major paper about DK's racist behavior and that someone near her is leaking info (to the press I guess). No idea if this is true or if the person just plays with her. The comment was posted four days ago and is still there, I assume DK didn't see it.

EnnA said...

Excuse me....
@question regarding the interesting comments on the recent blind.
Maybe I am wrong,but mmb does live in atlanta,right??? Are N and she back at it?

question said...

@Enna - I have no idea where MLB lives. I just remember last month there was something about NR furniture shopping in atlanta with a nline and he asked someone not to take a photo of them. I think people thought it was DK but maybe not???

liddakrever said...

@Enna MMB doesn‘t live in actual Atlanta. She lives near Senoia I think it’s about 45-50 minutes away from Atlanta.

EnnA said...

So who is the regular hookup living in Atlanta? It is said he still cheats on DK with this woman. The amc blonde?

Willow said...

Would you describe AMC blonde as a girl or a woman? Personally I would use the word ‘girl’, as she is young, but it doesn’t rule out someone using the word ‘woman’ to describe her, does anyone know if she lives in Atlanta?

The use of the word ‘woman’ to me, suggests someone older than AMC blonde, maybe it is M and that is why N still has not publicity acknowledged D as a girlfriend and still hides her, perhaps they have rekindled their fwb, who knows.

Annonna said that N&M’s ‘fwb’ was stopped, by M, if he was publicity involved with another woman, but he has never admitted to D being a girlfriend or being in a relationship with her MAYBE after all this time N & M got together again, who knows..

I don’t know, it could be neither of them, or it could be one of them; I just thought the use of the word ‘woman’ was an indication of the age of the female as someone a bit older than AMC blonde. Just my opinion.

IF (and I emphasis 'if') it is AMC blonde, well good for them, he gets to spend time with a girl who DOESN’T pap him or make use of his name or fame for her own gain, or drag his friends through the mud, and she genuinely likes bikes and riding around on them – it sounds like a good match to me.

question said...

I do not think it is MMB. I can't imagine she would get involved with NR with this whole DK mess. I don't think it's AMC blonde - doesn't she have a boyfriend. I just think he has a discrete FB, whether DK knows about this or not who knows. Maybe it was part of the agreement if she wanted to 'come out' with him publicly. Who the hell knows. Maybe he knows at this point he can get away with whatever he wants and DK won't go away.

Wilz said...

@thread People have been claiming that N cheats on D all the time since this mess started but no one has ever provided details beyond that. Not saying it's not true but to me it seem like something people say to criticize the "relationship" not as something they have actual proof of. So I'm skeptical of these claims.

Wilz said...

Also why would he need another FB when he has one that is willing to travel at the drop of a dime, cutting her own commitments and events short? Lol

MiaColucci said...

It can be MMB if at least small part of the other blind is true. 40 minutes away is close enough to be considered Atlanta and far enough so they can keep it private. Also MMB is not N`s regular "type" so there is like zero speculation about them on the media. It can be her if they got together again but I have to admit that I can`t imagine MMB in this DK crazyness.
NR is almost 50, he works a lot- on the show, at cons, Ride and God knows what else so I don`t believe that he has several hookups here and there. What a stamina he needs for that? :D He is not superman. But most of all I don`t think he has the physical time to even sleep properly and with all of this DK visits...
If it`s not MMB after all, we know very well that every beautiful woman NR`s been seen with, is considered at least a hookup for him. I haven`t read something like that in a long time. Atlanta is a big place and it`s suspicious that nobody caught him with this anonymous woman at least once. He must be really good at hide-and-seek then :D.

EnnA said...

@Willow @question @Wilz
All good points. I guess we will remain in the dark.
Maybe he gets different things from different fuckbuddies,so he simply keeps multiple women.
In general I am wondering if he is that much of a testosterone hothouse that he is able to satisfy multiple women on a regular basis.Especially young ones.Considering his need for pain medication and his heavy seems kind of impossible to me.I always thought he is much less of a player than everyone thinks.

EnnA said...

@mia colucci
We posted at the same time 😉
I agree mmb is not Ns regular type but real type. I always said that I see many similarities between HC and mmb,the boho style,the vibe,they are both really smart,independent,kind and charismatic.They both have the most beautiful eyes.

Wilz said...

@thread I think we can rule M out. This whole thing started because she ended things because she didn't want to be pulled into N/D drama. As I mentioned before-I'm skeptical about these claims as no one has proof.

@Mia and @EnnA You make good points-people love to paint N as this sex crazed guy that's doing every woman he comes into contact with and I can't see that happening. He works a lot and he's not a young stud lol I doubt he has the energy to juggle multiple women.

MiaColucci said...

@EnnA- Yeah :) I also think that he`s not such a player and I believe him that he has no game:D He is famous, rich, good-looking and cool why he needs to bother to go after a woman. I`m sure there are women who are offering themselves to him and that`s the case with DK.
MMB and HC are both amazing women, yes. NR talks with such a respect and admiration about MMB and I find it so cute. And with HC he went public on full mode :D. It`s so obvious for me that this women are really important to him and he keeps them close to his heart.

question said...

maybe @Sh*tshow can elaborate more here if they choose. I think they have posted on this blind before about when DK was in Atlanta over NR's son's birthday weekend and after the TWD premiere. Seems they live in the area so maybe they actually do know something. If it's true, I'm sure NR and the lady are discrete about it b/c what woman in their right mind would want to deal with the wrath of DK!

@Sh*tshow - if you do want to post more I'm also curious what comments you deleted on DK's IG picture from the Hartsfield airport. I know you said you didn't want to get blocked by NR but just curious.

As to cheating and stamina....isn't this what he had going on before DK outed them? Some discrete FB. Agree DK has been down in GA a lot more recently - maybe related.

Anyways - just more to gossip about until some sort of truth comes out of all of this. I think this will go on for a long time to be honest though. DK seems to have done plenty of shady shit that NR would've had plenty of reasons to get rid of her but he has yet to (at least completely or for good).

Avery said...

I think TWD has hired Maria Bello, could it be her?

EnnA said...

Maria Bellos current partner is a woman,I think.
So no,I don‘t think it could be her.

Unknown said...

Maybe N and M.B were the ones out and about when creepier picture was taken...maybe he was showing here the area,(GA), would make sense why he asked for picture to be deleted...and people that don't know D.K could get them two confused..both tall blondes...just a hunch...and !maybe that is why D is hanging around more...M.B is beautiful..and she goes for men and women so.... it's a chance these two could spend time together...heard a few things from friend... don't have time right now but one thing I will say..N did Not invite d to W.D red carpet...that was a last minute invite or more less a plea..there was a reason N arrived 10 mins.later.,.they waited until she arrived and rushed her in so no chance of red carpet pictures like she was I said..I am told info...take it or leave it..only pass on what I am told..

Willow said...

@exwiccan - has your friend heard anything about N & MMB falling out?
It definitely looked like there was tension between them on the Talking Dead, just wondered if things are okay between them or not?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

@debra peters

I don't think it was ever officialy confirmed that Bello was cast in TWD. It all came from her when she said she loves the show, she's a friend with one of the produces (GAH maybe?) and they're writing role for her. I didn't hear anything else about that or her being seen on set. She's currently starring on NCIS, so I don't think she's going to be in TWD this season. Maybe the next one?

And apparently she's currently dating a man.

So over this said...

@debra peters can't wait to hear what you have to say

liddakrever said...

Can we please not drag Maria Bello in this now. She‘s not even filming for TWD nor does she live in Atlanta. She‘s currently on NCIS. I‘m all for gossiping and stuff but not if people are getting dragged into this who don’t have anything to do with it. It‘s sad enough MMB is part of this mess Reedus started now. She deserves so much better.

Hunter - The Original said...

@liddakrever I’m in agreement. Let’s try to refrain from dragging Maria Bellow into this Blind.

I have yet to watch TWD S8. Based on the reviews, it’s more for binge watching one weekend when mid-season break happens. I am tempted to watch Talking Dead after reading some of the feedback about the “tension” between Melissa & Norman. But Hardwick bugs. Maybe I’ll just forward through until they show up on stage.

I see that Kruger is finally moving towards promoting her film. Can’t believe she’s up for the IndieWire award. Than again, it’s newly launched. Maybe her PR paid tons just to get that award. As if it will lead to an Oscar ��������������

question said...

@Hunter the original - I think most of those types of awards are PR bought and part of the whole Oscar/award season deal. I can't believe that out of all of the 'indie actors' (and since when has she been an indie actress????) she is one of the top 6. I have held out on commenting on her acting but have to admit I have seen her in a few things and just been like, WTF (could barely make it through the Infiltrator on the plane). I think she comes across so well in this film b/c it's in her native tongue and most actors at one point get cast in that role that they can actually fulfil. I think she also knows her HW prospects are drying up b/c if you read her most recent article about In the Fade she talks about how much more she enjoys making the foreign films, yada yada yada. I think there was a blind on here a while ago indicating the same thing (that she says she wants foreign films but really just can't get the HW films anymore).

Unknown said...

I have read M.B has a part in this season..(comic book men), and NO ONE is dragging her into it...I only said maybe she was in town and was being shown the area..nothing more..and picture would be a big deal because character has not been introduced yet..she is one of my favorite actress's..I would love her on W.D... like I said..the only thing I heard was N did not invite D to premier...I was told that is why they had N hang back until she arrived, the got her under cover basically and then he arrived..he was not happy...but,he did not let it ruin his, what I heard was N did NOT see comments that happened on her I.G that night..only after the fact when it looked like she was being,what I was told people were telling N different things that were being posted so friends started following her because more sets of eyes watching is better then just his,(a lot of times he is busy.. doesn't really read her comments), I heard she wasn't gonna go to premier until she found out someone was gonna be there..who??idk..but that's when she made plans to get there..he left L.A pissed at her and that is why she came here to try and play the victim card..and it worked some what... someone on here said ppl need to stop commenting hateful things on her I.G..and that is so works for her benefit...this relationship is pretty much over,(she is holding on to the last shredded of hope),the person said her flight to GA was last minute... hence the picture of herself in airport lounge...she keeps promising him she will stop all this shit when Oscars are announced...but I don't believe that one bit.. that's all I was told..was told everything has been quiet...I just don't understand why she is throwing her career away for a man that really has no feelings for her..I mean he cares for her but not a loving,long lasting relationship..

Unknown said...

Oh what I forgot one more thing...I was told D was NOT in Georgia the weekend of M .R birthday..N was busy filming and told M he would make it up...Now,when everyone started posting comments on D I.G.about her being in GA she basically told N...see,the trolls start all this not me..H.C.was pissed..thought she was in Atlanta..but was reassured she wasn',if she was,she was locked in the house...see what I mean..if this was a real relationship then what would be the point of hiding any more?? N was very public with other g/f..hell the young one even posted pictures of herself on their bed,with N cat..etc..g/f have been with him and his son...this relationship is nothing.. it's a illusion in D mind but to N she is nothing more then friend with benefits...and when articles come out about them two she plays the victim card...D is worse then a obsessed fan girl...this women has problems and she will not let go of his so easily...and I believe he is starting to see it...maybe at first his ego was boasted...but,I believe now,he knows he is in big trouble with this one....I remember when my friend told me months back D had something on N...I still think their maybe some truth to that..I don't believe it had anything to do with M.M...but,it must be something big...guess we will have to wait and see...but,N is gonna take a big blow when this does come to a complete end...she will crush him..and I believe he is afraid of that

Nicoline88 said...

@debrapeters, I mean is it even a relationship at this point? He's obviously not in love with her, but allows her to do all this shit. Does that mean that after Oscars they'll "break up?"

wtf the original said...

@debra peters @thread so many of the commenters here have said over and over not to leave negative comments on her IG as it lets her play the victim. I think it is better to just ignore her completely. Don't comment and then she has no victim card to play. The more she is ignored the more she will troll I think and then it is her that looks the fool. Of course that is just my opinion.
I can't imagine that she actually thinks she still has a chance at an Oscar nomination. I mean talk about late to the party to promote the movie sheesh

Unknown said...

@nicoline88...N was promised a semi public break up after the Oscars when he agreed to C.R...but I don't believe stalker D is walking away that easily or quietly...normal people can look at this relationship and know something is really off and strange...I mean if you truly loved someone and yes,even though it started off as cheating they could of said..hey,sorry,we know we hurt people but we fell hard for each other,but that was never the case...he never publicly said she was his g,f...and only for the couple set up pap pictures,(and even in most of them they looked miserable).they never gave the impression they were nothing more then friends... I mean romantic C.R...and they looked miserable,like they were forced,(he basically was),this was a bullshit relationship...he wanted nothing more then a fling...she wanted and still wants much more...oh,I have to say one thing... people were saying the reason pictures are never taken when N is out with D here in GA was because people down here respect people's privacy... I live her in GA..still a lot of small country,many people down here would recognize N never D...She is no big star....but people in small towns talk much MORE then big cities because they know,that theory does not hold me..

Nicoline88 said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again, if she was not "famous", she'd be considered a stalker ex gf. I personally feel she's fucked herself because she had a really good guy(jj) who worshipped the ground she walked on, and now she's "with" a dude who treats her like she's not a gf or even fb. As much as I dislike dk, she as well as Norman deserve better then the bullshit they have going for them now. I said this before and I'm sure it rings true in the small towns as well, it's not that ppl don't know who she is (although they probably don't lol), but it's more that they don't give a shit
It's him people are intrigued by. I legit thought she was January Jones until this year. Lol

Is it just me? said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

@wtf the original.. agree comments..let her sink herself...every mean comment make her look like a victim...she posted a comment..A witch bows to no man...God,I wanted to comment...really???so what do you call a witch that gets on her knees for every man....but,I behaved...@nicoline88...I went back and looked at D I.G..and J.J...he was so damn sweet to her...and she dressed so nice...what the hell happened??..I also never gave a shit on who N dated...did not even know about young one until I came here...what did me in was the walk of shame...He clearly was drunk and trying to walk the other way and she pulled him in her direction...and that shit ass smirk on her face...and then when I read J.J flew in on the set of SKY for free,and filmed that small,she was banging N and when J.J came she jumped in bed with her man..and after he left went back to N...what a nasty bitch...I started reading articles about her and I knew N was in big trouble with this one...and then all the sneaking around...if your so proud of your man or woman why hide?? She must have no class,self esteem morals,or self respect to be treated like a high priced call girl..oh wait..a John pays for the high price call girl...she acts like the neighborhood it out to anybody....sad really,. Her career was finally going somewhere and she screwed that up....t wasn't her acting that got her the Cannes awards...but the director F.A...and the fact Europe just got hit with a big terrorist attack right before awards show...I also agree no person should treat another person like these two do...maybe they feed off the misery...or the guilt ..who knows..both are very day N looks good and happy then she show's up and he looks like all the life has been sucked out of him..she is like a succubus...

Sh*tshow said...

Yep, DK comes to GA more often now coz we think she suspects he has a side bed buddy. Only stating what I know but it’s not MMB he’s hooking up with. He sees a regular girl and a few others he picks up as he goes.

Blind Curious said...

@debra. EK was at the premiere. It could fit that she didn't want him around her. I could imagine her being jealous of anybody that has a fan base connected with him. I also agree about people commenting on her IG. I think the people that cut her off of pictures with N probably piss her off more. She likes any form of attention. The ones that act like she doesn't exist probably upset her ego.

@Sh*tshow. I can't imagine MMB going back there. Whoever he goes with in the future is always gonna be linked with D in her shitty articles. She'll be milking his name like she still does JJ's.

MiaColucci said...

With everything stupid and crazy that DK does I`m surprised at how well behaved are people who comment on her IG. She clearly wanted to provoke with her "witch" post but NO :D people are so calm and that is funny. There are 3-4 women on IG who are making hateful comments and posts about her but as I said that`s the case with every celebrity and they should deal with it. I noticed also that when her posts are not NR related somehow, she doesn`t have a lot of comments in general.

About her Cannes award- I believe she won just because the director of the film is Muslim and the plot is about terrorist attack. That`s really a huge thing here in Europe. We are dealing with tons of refugees too and It`s really hard and people are sensitive about that topic.

About the premiere of TWD- There was clearly something strange with DK. First of all, she wasn`t dressed properly for the event. Second, she was dragged out of the red carpet in the minute she arrived by not one, but two people.Why they needed two people in first place? If she was there for support she would`ve just waited for NR to finish with his pictures. Third, NR arrived 10 minutes or more late, Why if the thing about bringing the cast and the families with buses together for safety purposes is true? Forth, NR looked distracted, kinda off and really quiet on the TD. Usually he is way more hype at this sort of events. Last but not least, and I don`t know if it`s true, but if we assume that it is, why DK wasn`t with the other actors families? Where as she during the 2h. of the TD, backstage? with the staff? It`s just so humiliating.

And even if everything we assume is not true and NR really wanted her at his special event and was counting the days to see his "girlfriend" something is really off again. Why he was hiding her then? I can understand if he didn`t want too much attention on him because everybody on this production deserved to be acknowledged especially on something as big as the shows 100 episodes. But then again- wasn`t there a back entrance or something more discreet for her to enter only for the cast party? So I`m not buying this theory. It`s not that some fans took pictures of them. She was in front of everybody- cameras and etc. So I can`t believe that. And if we add the fact that DK is living for the attention...

I always try to look at the things from neutral point of view and that`s why I read Coven( only read :D). That blog is written from a DK supporter so it gives me the other point of view, but recently the lady there is acting really crazy. Her last post about the fact that NR`s done the most photo ops by a single star is stupid. It`s like we wanted him to not be successful. Actually I`m really happy about him because that means DK is not affecting his career and I know how hard he works for it and how sweet he is with every single fan. It looks really exhausting and with all this flashing from the cameras his eye must be killing him and I know that he`s not taking pain killers when he`d doing cons because they make him sleepy and dizzy. I like that guy and that`s why I`m here. He should be worried not when people are questioning his behavior and partner choices, but when people lost their passion about him and are just- meh. That`s when he`ll realize that they only wanted him to be happy and right now he is clearly not.

Blind Curious said...

@Mia. I hope people continue to behave on her IG. Even when she's obviously trolling. It's playing right into her hands. Without NR she doesn't have much else going for her attention wise. I don't know why she doesn't give up with IG and the prearranged papwalks altogether. She bought most of her followers and the only attention she drums up for herself is hate. In quite a few cases she's made herself look ignorant at best. People manage to get work without having their private lives displayed all over the place. I don't know what she thinks she's achieving with it all.

There is just so much that doesn't add up with the premiere:

- 2 people dedicated to whisking her off of the red carpet when everybody else was allowed to walk through unattended. She does not look happy about it. There must have been a side entrance for her to go through that would have been less humiliating. He could say it's to stop her getting hate, but she's getting it anyway.

- The rewear of the horse blanket outfit to another event. The ideas we had about that was she either had to wear it and be photographed on a red carpet or she hadn't had time to arrange something else to wear with her impromptu trip to Georgia.

-The vibe NR and MMB had when they came out onto the stage. LC's face when she came out behind them reminded me of KK between N and HC at MR's fashion show where they had been arguing.

- Her post about TWD on her IG. She knew from previous trolling posts what would happen if she posted that. To top it off somebody was being mean about MMB and she left it up while removing mean ones about herself. I so wish I had taken screenshots of that happening. It was disgusting that she did that. She sunk to a whole new level with that.

- She was only (from what we have seen) pictured talking to the usual fuckwits at the party and MMB was nowhere to be seen.

I wouldn't pay too much attention to Coven. On the old thread they showed themselves to be really vulgar headcases. There is so much they did but the worst thing was posting N's address as proof that they knew where he lived. They're best ignored. 😀

MiaColucci said...

@Blind Curious - OMG, really? posting his address? They clearly are insane! I just have no words for such a disrespectful behavior. Poor guy, with such "fans" who needs enemies?

Blind Curious said...

@Mia. Yes. They wanted to prove that a trolling pic D posted of a cake on Independence Day was taken in his house so they told us the address so we could see his flooring and furnishings. They're not his fans, they're hers. Somebody on the old thread said that it used to be a DK fan account but changed to his name to get more followers. I don't know how true that is but I'm inclined to believe it. Apparently one of the main sources of information is a known N stalker and has been found taking pictures of his house (or old house as they didn't know he'd moved - something like that).

MiaColucci said...

@Blind Curious- Thanks for the information. :) Things are much worse than I thought. That`s what I call creepy people.

question said...

Slightly off the NR DK topic but has anyone seen how terrible viewership of TWD has been so far this season? It seems the viewership is in a free fall and down to 2012 levels. Wonder if they will be able to gain many viewers back this season or if this is the beginning of the end.

Leah29 said...

Even though we don't know for sure what @exwiccan said is true, I personally tend to believe it b/c the way in which both N and D acted during the premiere made me very suspicious of why she was there. N looked stressed and awkward when he arrived, and much more reserved during Talking Dead. He hid her the vast majority of the time, and when he was actually hanging out with her at the afterparty, he got wasted. Like I had said before the shitstorm happened, N seemed very relaxed and refreshed looking Saturday, so it didn't seem like he knew she was coming.

Also, how fucking crazy is DK? She flew from Paris all the way to LA to show up (possibly) unannounced for the premiere. That is the THIRD time she has skipped out on promoting herself in order to stalk N. The first time was right after Cannes, where instead of promoting herself in Germany she trolled him in GA. The second time was her leaving Germany for NY during 4th of July, essentially skipping Fashion Week in Europe to stalk him in NY and troll the fans. Now, third time's a charm, she leaves right in the middle of promoting herself in Paris to travel to LA and go to his premiere uninvited... fucking seriously?! That's insane! She has become fully obsessed in stalking him to the point where she doesn't even act like she gives two shits about her career. N treated her like a piece of dirt being swept off the red carpet, and she was willing to take it (personally she kind of deserved it, but I'm bitter). She then follows N back to Ga to smooth things over. Again, she stalked him.

I know it's aggravating that N hasn't stopped this up to this point, but at the same time, he can't control an obsessive stalker, b/c that's exactly what DK is. She's an obsessive stalker who listens to nobody and is willing to look like a complete idiot in order to be tied to him. I keep setting lower and lower expectations for her and she keeps breaking them. I underestimated her crazy yet again, but I sure as fucking hope there's a limit to her insanity. N may have done shitty mistakes but he's not an awful person, and I don't want this to escalate into something dangerous.

Is it just me? said...

@question: re: the ratings. I've been concerned with declining ratings, too. Have not heard what S8 episode 2 ratings were yet, but I thought it was such a weakly written episode. I occasionally follow a YouTube channel that discusses the episodes and was curious to see their take. Many of them are die hard comic fans and they seem to be really stoked about S8 so far. TWD has morphed into a very different story, and that is in part due to the source material. It may settle into a smaller viewership of die hards as the masses grow tired of it. As long as AMC still sees it as profitable and the leads (AL) still want to do it, it may continue indefinitely as they envisioned.

MiaColucci said...

@question- I`m not surprised, with all this pointless speeches and clown Negan. Also, there are too many communities and characters. The firs episode was so stupid and chaotic that left me in confusion. The second wasn`t that ad, but... I still enjoy the show and I`m sure they can gain back viewers if they kill Negan, let the main characters have real conversations, Daryl not grunting/mumbling and actually speaking in full sentences,Caryl canon, more happy moments in between all the drama. OOO, and reducing the unimportant characters, kill them in that war. :D

Is it just me? said...

I think if D is truely stalking N, it's because he keeps allowing it. It may have to get to the point where he doesn't care about the consequences of blocking her. Including her having supposed dirt on him to expose.

question said...

The premiere was like 11 million (gained more during the 3+day recorded watches) and second episode was down in the 8 millions and lost a lot in the key 18-49 demographic. Not good at all. I think Negan has turned off a lot of watchers. He is just awful all around. I watched last season, giving every new episode a shot and was just pissed I wasted an hour after each one finished. The finale was terrible. They keep killing off good characters and leaving ones that are terrible and terrible actors (ROSITA - I wanted to throw a chair at the tv every time she came on last year). I agree, they introduced way too many new communities and characters all at once last year. It's not the show I started watching so I stopped watching.
The writing is terrible, they have destroyed some really good characters (i.e. Daryl) and just completely stopped character development on all of the original characters. Glenn was probably one of the most well developed characters and they killed him off because the comic's did and they did, which was really stupid. I personally think AL wants off the show. Every time I see him talk about Rick, he mentions how the show can go on without him. I could see him wanting to do something different at this point. With all of the legal drama surrounding the show too, I wonder how AMC is going to deal with this (fire GIMPLE - another creep associated with the show)?

question said...

@Sh*tshow - there have a been a few times there have been rumblings on SM about NR being seen with someone other than DK and then all of a sudden she is down in GA. I have wondered if she sort of stalks him on SM and other ways and when she see's something indicating he's been seen with another woman, she high tails it down the GA. If it's true and NR is seeing someone on the side, he sure is putting up with a lot of shit from DK and I don't understand why he wouldn't just let her go. Unless he actually gets a kick out of the drama and the way she humiliates herself on a consistent basis to prove/be with him.

@debra peters - some of what you say makes sense. I just don't understand how she would just walk her way into the TWD premiere? If N didn't want her there why would he allow that? I suspect he had a fight with someone close and decided to invite her last min, hence her wearing that terrible dress to two occasions. I also wonder if she posted that TWD IG thing when she found out he wouldn't let her on the red carpet - knowing how it would turn out. Did your friend have any thoughts on DK at the NYCC after party? It seems she is either holding on for dear life or he's finally letting her in (although still in a really odd way). I guess time will tell.

Leah29 said...

@thread I do miss the days when they focused more on character development than big booms and gunfire. I know some ppl find actual dialogue and convos between the main characters more boring than action. But what's the point in the story if you don't have emotion, if you don't develop the characters into believable arcs?

Also, on a random note. I went to WSC Atlanta this weekend and was able to meet both N and MMB. N was exactly what I've heard, a very kind and genuine man and made the experience great for me. MMB is just an adorable cupcake that needs to be protected at all costs! But anyways, I did notice tension between N and MMB during TD but I heard they were more cuddly off screen. Also, while I was at Walker Stalker, I did hear that N and MMB were cuddly behind the curtains at the con, but unfortunately no one took a pic of it (damn!). So there may be some tension there but it sounds like if there was, it's dissipating.

Is it just me? said...

I wonder if they will reduce the number of episodes per season if the downward slide continues. I wish they would. I think they could have more time to make a better quality show, and free the actors up to do more things on the side if they wish. Even Kirkman has whined about how they don't have the luxury of time GOT has to make epic battle scenes.

MiaColucci said...

@Leah29- Yeah, she is definitely a stalker, but I`m really curious what`s going on on her mind. Like, NR is ignoring her, hiding her, looking uncomfortable around her and yet she is willing to take it all. For what? Is she so in love or trying just to be under the spotlight again? This thing is damaging her public image but it looks like she doesn`t care. I get that NR is handsome, hot and everything but is that enough for a grown up woman?

@question- Oh, yes! Rosita is annoying and now Jesus, the whole Hilltop community actually is getting on my nerves. King Ezekiel and the Kingdom too, but especially the king. :D

question said...

I agree that everything we as the public see makes her look just terrible and like a stalker. I would like to give the benefit of the doubt that what we see isn't really all there is - b/c I hate seeing woman act like this. However, her constant trolling and antics make it hard to believe this. If she really is as desperate as she comes across as - I think it's a pretty simple answer - she can't stand to think she left JJ for something other than true love with someone else. It has got to be a huge blow to the ego to go from JJ and how he treated her to how NR treats her (at least in public). She will try to make this work until he completely ghost's her or someone else comes along and sweeps her off her feet. If NR is really as disinterested as he appears or gossip suggests, I have no idea why he continues to string her around - other than it's just easier to do so while he has his fun on the side, rather than deal with her drama if he were to end it. At this point, he has to realize how she trapped him into this starting in the garage pictures that started this whole blind. I just don't think at that time he realized how good she is at getting what she wants and what she is willing to do to get it.

Wilz said...

@thread I pretty much agree with all the thoughts on season 8 of twd. It's not holding my attention-I'm not interested in endless fight scenes full of guns and explosions I'd like *some* character development. I won't be surprised if the ratings continue to drop since a lot of diehards (not the comic purists) are over the show.

@Blind "horse blanket"? lmao Thank you for that! I wasn't paying attention to LC's face when she came out on stage but I think I'll go back and have a look. "talking to the usual fuckwits" is the best way to put it. Hardwick and Nicotero? No thanks.

@Leah29 D doesn't care about working. She cares about being famous. She's like a Kardashian with a quarter of the fame. I hate seeing someone running after someone else, especially when that someone else barely seems to like the person. It's embarrassing how desperate she looks. I'm glad to hear you had a good time at WSC Atlanta! I've been to WSC but never in Atlanta and I'm so jealous of those who have! It's awesome you got to meet both N and M and they were as nice as reported. Interesting that there are rumors about them being cuddly at WSC too. This is the second recent occasion of them being tense in public but affectionate behind scenes.

@question "if she sort of stalks him on SM and other ways"? IF? I think we all know she does lol

Murphysgrl said...

@is it just me - Here is the definition for a stalker - "a person who harasses or persecutes someone with unwanted and obsessive attention." It is irresponsible to say if DK is stalking Norman (which she is both cyber and physically), that he is allowing it. That is the exact opposite of the definition. Don't place the blame on Norman for her unhinged, obsessive behavior -- that is exactly what it is at this point. Try telling the victims of stalkers who had their lives destroyed or were hurt or killed by their stalker, that they allowed it.

Wilz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wilz said...

*deleted my last post to edit one sentence

@Murphysgrl I agree it's irresponsible to say a victim of stalking "allows it" but I also am hesitant to use the word stalker for D. My question is if she is stalking him, why not put additional security measures in place? A restraining order? Why not have her kicked out of the premiere? Why continue to engage her online? Do I think D acts like an obsessed fangirl when it comes to N? Yes. Do I think N went on vacation or attended the US Open with someone he views as a stalker? No.

Is it just me? said...

I'm sorry for alluding that N is allowing D to stalk him. I often write things in a hurry. I have never been stalked so I don't even know what that is like.

MiaColucci said...

@Wilz- I thought about it and you`re right. Stalker is not the right word to use, it`s too harsh even for DK`s behavior, obsessed is better. After all he is allowing her to act like that.

If the rumors about MMB and NR being cuddly are true, that can explain why he looked so refreshed, happy and without his sunglasses at WS Atlanta. Maybe things between them are getting normal again. If that`s the case I`m beyond happy. :)

Anonymous said...


For me TWD has two big problems that makes a terrible combination. Greedy network and weak showrunner/writers.

I think TWD would work perfectly well with 10-12 episodes per season like most cable shows do (I think FTWD also suffers from that). But when TWD turned into a hit a huge moneymaker they got greedy and ordered more. I remember an article when Darabont was fired that he claimed that AMC wanted more episodes for less money. The same article said that both Mad Men and Breaking Bad also had issues with the network but had it easier since they weren't owned by AMC.

Problem is that the show doesn't have ideas to fill the episodes with interesting storylines, that's why there's so many filler episodes and undeveloped characters that get killed after few episodes. I enjoyed the comics, but let's be honest, Kirkman is far from a great writer, even less for writing a screenplay. And IMO SG seems like a total pushover who doesn't put his foot down and says No this story doesn't work. Maybe I'm wrong but I think he does whatever the network tells him to do.

And I think the show should stop pandering to the comic's fans, especially when it comes to killing the few actualy developed characters people care about. Comic book is cheaper to made so they can afford to risk loosing some readers, expensive TV show doesn't.

As for Negan, I think JDM is great actor, but the character comes of as cartoonish (even more than in the comic). Aside from his first appearance, he doesn't look like villain at all.

However I'm not worried about the cancellation at all. Even with declining ratings, TWD is AMC's biggest show. And after the end of Mad Men and Breaking Bad, that's pretty much the only recongnizable title they have. And it's still earning them a huge amount of money, especially with syndication and merchandising. I think it still has few years left.

As for AL wanting to leave, I've read a rumor about a possible huge change from the source material. I don't know what it is, since it's being discussed in closed groups, but the first thing I thought about was Rick being killed off. Especially with AL's comments about how the show could survive without Rick.

question said...

@soooooo - the rumor of someone big being killed off this season is not Rick. If you want to find out who they think it is, go to spoiling dead fans. You just have to create a login and then it's pretty damn easy to find. The information they have is pretty convincing.

DK isn't a stalker but I do think she follows everything he does on SM pretty closely and tries to mimic it on her IG. I never followed DK before this whole mess but knew who she was, JJ and how she dressed, acted etc. so when I saw her linked to NR, I was like WTF. I checked out her IG page and at first thought I had her confused with someone else b/c she appeared to be just like NR. That was until I got far enough back to when her and JJ were still together and realized she just changed to fit the image of someone associated with NR. Seeing how she changed to mimic NR on her IG, the garage pic's with his look of WTF when he realizes they are being photographed, while she is all smiles, followed by that silly DM article where she just happened to be caught grabbing a cab in NYC headed to the airport and then another DM article days later where she just happened to be caught out and about in Barcelona in the same exact outfit as she was wearing hailing the cab in NYC - that's what got me hooked into this show. The entertainment hasn't let up since!

Anonymous said...


Thank you, I have a login but I didn't think to look. I thought it was being discussed only in the closed group on Facebook.

I saw it and I have to say that I didn't see that coming.

Willow said...

@thread - HC latest IG post of her and N with caption India 13th January 1999. Wonder what this is about?

@Leah; re: what you heard when you were at WS. Glad if MMB and N are friends again.

@Soooooo- agree that AMC is a greedy network and TWD suffers because of it.

Willow said...

@thread - only thing I can think of with HC post is 13th January 1999 and 9 months later is 13th October 1999 = MR Birthday.

Sunny The OG said...

@question and that leads back to the very beginning of this blind... the garage pics. He had an arrangement with MMB. If he were to go public with someone their fwb relationship would be obsolete. He didn't want that. So he had to rush and put out the "just friends" statement. Then Barcelona happened and that's apparently when MMB said she was done. I'd love for Anonna to come back. If in fact @anonnas inside scoop was legit. She did offer good insight and pretty much nailed a lot that has happened thus far.

question said...

@willow - very interesting post from HC. It's totally related to when MR was conceived. Does NR follow her again? Interesting time to post this as MR's birthday already happened.

MiaColucci said...

HC`s photo with NR is really cute, they both look beautiful and @Willow I like your explanation about the date( so sweet if it`s true).

So now appears that both MMB and HC are worming up to NR again( IF we take HC`s last photo with young Reedus and the rumors about him being cuddly with MMB). Now it`s really interesting what`s going to happen next.

question said...

@MiaColucci - I'm not sure I would read HC's post as warming up to NR. It could also be taken as her making NR feel guilty about not being involved with MR as much now (total guess that is happening). Although since he doesn't follow her that might not make sense. It could total be a random picture too, although an odd choice.

MiaColucci said...

@question - Yeah, everything is possible. Maybe it`s not important at all and HC just likes that photo :) but today I`m really positive. Actually, I want to be positive especially after the red carpet disaster and DK`s post about TWD. Only time will tell.

question said...

@MiaColucci - positive - great - go for it!!!

Kat said...

If the new planted article about the happy couple and D wanting a baby doesn't make N realize he is living in a real "Lifetime" crazy obsessed stalker movie...nothing will. He should have run away a long time ago. It's on either one of their #.

V.v.v said...

I hope that conversation wasn't true because, poor kid.
Diane has a history of planting baby articles with JJ .if NR would stop drinking her kool aid he would remember she did so to him this year too in major fashion, and also several highly embarrassing articles about their sex life and dirty video. How he's not humiliated?. DK has used that same magazine lots too.
True or False NR should be disgusted once again she is using her PR machine for herself but also placing AL and AL's CHILDREN in magazine articles to give herself a boost (how low will she go? again). She will never stop and I have always stood by the fact she plays these games and then puts on an oscar worthy performance to convince him it's not her, or she's changed for him. She cycles around until she craves the attention and starts again. NR has just had too much kool aid to notice anymore. He appears to have completely forgotten how long it has been and she is still the same person who did all those terrible things. It shouldn't matter if they sometimes have fun. A bad person is always a bad person.

Willow said...

@question: you raised some very good points in your posts about the viewing figures declining, and have some very valid points on the show’s failure to deliver last season. I do think the budget they are given has a lot to do with the problem. Also I would agree that cutting down the number of episodes per season could stop the ‘filler episodes’ which do nothing for the story line. I was talking with someone else about how Daryl started off as a very promising character until about the end of season 5, then the ‘powers that be’ decided to turn him into a sex symbol for the fan girls and stopped his character development. They had started a developing friendship between Aaron and Daryl, which was interesting to watch around the end of season five, which the writers just seemed to forget about from season six onwards.

I think the show could do with new writers being brought in, to give a fresh perspective on the characters and the plot. I have heard the spoiler ‘death’ and I have to say if it is true – I have no idea where they are going with the future storylines that would involve that character.

Also, about what you said about D stalking N online – I noticed a pattern, not always but it happens enough that I noticed it, is when he posts something and a minute or couple of minutes later she will post something. I don’t know if it is co-ordinated between them or she is just watching his IG ready with something to post when he does. It happens too much to be a coincidence, maybe she does it to let him know she is watching his IG, who knows…

Regarding the HC and N post in India – I was thinking about that, it is just my opinion but the fact that she put the date must be significant. It is exactly 9 months from the day MR was born. I think, since babies are not born exactly born 9 months from the day of conception, that it is symbolic. I do think it is in connection to MR’s birth, but it could be from a time in their lives that meant something specific to them, maybe from a time N & HC were particularly close in their relationship. It has been said here and other places that there are problems between him and his family, perhaps she wanted to show people bridges have been mended or are in the process of being mended. Perhaps it is the opposite as you have suggested and she is guilting him about something .Although I do not think HC would be as callous as to shame N on something like that in public, as MR would see the post too. I think anything she had to say to him she would just say to his face or on the phone in private. Perhaps, it is another post aimed at D to show her that she cannot break N’s bond with his family. Just my opinion, I don’t know, but I don’t think it is just a random post.

@Blind Curious: yeah I noticed LC’s plastic smile; I got the impression when I saw N & MMB coming on stage that they had just been arguing or at least something had gone down right before they came on. You are right it does seem a similar situation to the fashion show row between N & HC, when KK had that big ‘just-pretend-everything-is-alright’ smile on her face. As I said earlier, I am glad that Leah heard they were friendly again at WS. Loved the ‘horse blanket’ comment you made earlier!

@Leah: agree that D has lost the plot; her behaviour is getting more desperate and unhinged. All this flying around: leaving Cannes and Toronto early when she could have stayed to promote the movie; and the latest - Paris to LA, LA to GA back to LA; when she should be promoting her own career projects. I am surprised her manager or PR hasn’t tried to intervene with her, as her behaviour is destroying what career she had. Although I suppose they can’t force her to listen to them even if they do try to talk some sense into her. I wonder if it is true that she her parts were cut short and she was booted off her last two movies, I suppose we will we know when the movies come out! I agree with you that N had looked happy and relaxed the day before in the photos that were posted. It sounds like you had a great time at WS. :)

question said...

@kat and V.v.v. - what article are you talking about? A baby? Oh my. Is he trying to mirror JDM or is she trying to ride that coat tail? These articles always seem to come out at interesting times. Could the article be related to the HC post?

Unknown said...

I believe H.C posted that picture of her and N for many reasons..1) to show what a couple in love looked like,2)I do believe N and H are trying to fix things,3)no matter how many fights them two will have they will always have a unbreakable bond together...coven is having a complete melt down over the picture..telling people N and H only have a understanding between them for the sake of the 8th son..really?? Their son isn't two he is 18..old enough to understand Mommy and Daddy don't get along..If they always fight,(like coven said),then why did N spend the holidays with them last year..M is old enough to spend part of the holidays with Mom,other part with Dad..Coven said all He and N did when together was fight..really??well,must of stopped long enough to conceive M...I heard D is holding on to the last shred of hope in this relationship...N is really trying to break away...I have said before N should of thought with the right head before jumping in the sack with her...I have said he deserves everything he gets but now I feel bad for the guy...D is NOT giving up so easily and she will make his life miserable...maybe his friends are letting him know they are going to stand beside him...because it's gonna get ugly

question said...

Never mind - found it on IG. Ok magazine article. Now it looks much more like HC's IG post was intentional and not just random. I heard DK liked the post but not NR. Some saying story planted by NR. I can't believe that. Interesting timing as Ride is set to premiere this weekend. Doesn't filming end soon? Oh man things should be getting interesting once he's back in NYC. Did the cast stay at the hotel mentioned in the article during the tWD premiere? Never a dull moment.

Blind Curious said...

Brilliant. Another pregnancy article. Either it's her desperation kicking in and she's having a last ditch attempt to get her name out with his as he's chucked her, or it's pr for her to get an Oscar or for Ride. Either way it's vulgar. I'm definitely of the opinion that HC had prior knowledge of the article. We now know why she wore the unflattering horse blanket at least - to hide the nonexistent baby bump. As if she would have a baby and ruin her figure. And give up booze. How long ago was the picture where she said she might have had too much to drink?

@Leah. So jealous you got to meet MMB. Glad to hear they're still good friends.

Ahhh got to go to work. 😟

Blind Curious said...

I'll answer myself! It was October 14th she made the booze comment on the cat vid. She's also got a film out in a few days too.

MiaColucci said...

There we go again. :D She was suspiciously quiet for too long. Another pregnancy rumor, it`s not funny anymore. N,save yourself when you still have time! The article is really stupid though. My absolute favorite part is-
"The couple starting talking babies after having brunch", LOL it`s just ridiculous! Wasnt`t AL`s daughter older? It appears they did the same like in the DM articles about HC and MR when they got wrong the boy`s age.

MiaColucci said...

OOo,and another thing. Everybody`s assuming that HC knew about the article and that`s why she posted the photo. But what if it`s the other way around? I don`t know when this article was published but it can be Dk`s response.

EnnA said...

Norman has liked HCs post as well.But I feel sick when I see Ds like there.It‘s like a defilement.
My God.I know this is probably only obvious to people that pay attention.But what a mess.
Diane dragging every name she can connect to NR into her recent trash article scrap.Embarrassing to the bone.
I habe a feeling D will not stop with Norman.She likely did promise him to drag everyone into the tabloids that is dear to his heart. She just started in ok magazine.

question said...

@MiaColucci - if you search on IG someone with a spinner something account said the article is for the Nov 13th edition of OK magazine but that online versions come out earlier and she gets them, which is why she has the 'article' picture. So very likely HC knew about it through industry. Way too much of a coincidence she posted that picture and the online version come out around the same time. Lots and Lots of coincidences in this whole situation.

question said...

@thread - did you guys read this article

My lord FB is so in love/infatuated with DK. If I was his wife...well I would feel very uncomfortable.

Love to wake up to not only a DK DM article but a new pregnancy one as well!

Willow said...

@question - yes I did see the indiewire article but I found it very hard to get past the title of “Diane Kruger Is a Serious Actress Finally Getting the Respect She Deserves, Says Director Fatih Akin” without choking on my coffee with laughter! :D

Yeah FA seems to be infatuated or in love, I suppose she shows him a side that doesn't involve stalking, lying, printing crap about him and his family & friends in the tabloids - as she does to N.

@thread -The latest OK article, coupled with all the chasing N around LA and GA and attending all his recent WD events, to me looks like she is desperate to wring every last drop of attention she can milk from him for publicity. Is it for the Oscars, or is it because hopefully N is getting the strength to finally boot her to the kerb once and for all?? Time will tell.

I see JJ has to be dragged into it yet again, what is she implying? That JJ fires blanks?! She just can't let go of getting digs in at JJ after all this time. Of course she has to drag HC,MR, AL and his daughter into this bullshit. This is what N can expect from her for the rest of his life - crappy articles getting digs at him, and dragging his friends and families names into everything - mind you, she still does that even when they are still dating!

I hope N does get free of her, and now more than ever I think HC was showing support for N by her post.

I think DK is SO jealous of HC, she was the one (apart from MMB) that meant so much to N and they have the bond of having a son together. The relationship may have ended, but their friendship survived all his other girlfriends/fb's until this one - what does that say about DK!

Willow said...

@thread - I will amend the use of the word 'stalking' and replace it with 'obsessive behaviour'.

MiaColucci said...

@question- If that`s the case even better.The people on this blind were right about HC not liking DK. So, young Reedus photo was posted absolutely on purpose. It can`t be a coincidence again. HC is back in the game :D I wonder what are her motives to do it exactly now. I mean, not only the latest post, but the one for MR`s birthday and the tropical pics as well.

About DK and FA- Please, Mr. A, take her with you. :D What captured my attention in that article is the fact that he was drunk on his own beach party and she offered herself for his upcoming projects, really professional, indeed.

EnnA said...

I read the Indiewire article. I basically have a lot of respect for Fatih Akin,he is one of the best and down to earth directors in Germany.
He normally does not work with people like Diane. She‘s way too much over the top. And he says it himself, there are a lot of prejudices about her,and rightly so. It seems Diane has managed to play and manipulate him as well,and I have a clue how she did it.....making sure she will have work for a while.I am pretty sure she behaves around FA. And he is most certainly very unaware about her insatiable need for attention,meaning pap walks,planted articles and so on. He is in for a big surprise for sure.
I am at the edge of my seat! Bring it on!

question said...

@thread - does anyone else thinks its really weird DK liked HC's IG post of her and NR? I would feel really awkward if my boyfriends ex (no matter how long ago they split) started posting old photos of the two of them together. The more I think about it, I agree with others that HC posting that has more to do with them mending fences. Also - it might not be HC that has an issue with DK - it could very well be MR. I know my dad did some super shady stuff when I was younger and I sure as hell would not have wanted to be friendly with any of the people he was involved with. Just saying. And Coven freaking out and saying HC and NR never got along - I know I've read things from HC saying she would protect NR to the end or something along those lines. So I don't buy it. I'm sure they argue - co parenting has to be tough but to still have some sort of relationship after all this time does say something about the two of them.

Wilz said...

@thread I don't know HC's reasons for posting that picture. It could be as simple as she likes it and wanted to post it. I'd like to think it means things between HC and N are getting better. He liked one her posts recently, now she's posting a picture of him. I'm going to look at it positively. While I do think HC might enjoy poking fun at some of D's more ott antics (who doesn't?) I don't think she takes real issue with D. She follows her on IG and likes some of her posts and no I don't think it's to "keep an eye on her". I think any issues HC has are purely family issues.

That article is so unbelievable it's laughable. Someone did point out that AL's daughter's age is wrong. But what I want to know is when this brunch allegedly happened? The Sunday of the premiere? And am I the only one that thinks it's weird they'd be walking a 10 (or 8 lol) year old around the restaurant holding hands? That seems like something you'd be with a fidgety baby just learning to walk. As far as them being "excited to take things to the next level" perhaps acknowledging each other in public and N actually traveling for D would be more logical next steps than a baby lol

EnnA said...

Just saying, if JJ will announce a marriage or a baby on the way with his new girlfriend in the near future-
I WILL BE HERE LAUGHING SO HARD AT DIANE.She deserves nothing less than that.

MiaColucci said...

@EnnA- I was thinking about something similar recently! How I`m gonna trow a party when NR finally breaks up with her.:D What a happy day it will be.

Willow said...

@question; I think D by liking HC post, is her pretending that she doesn't have a problem with HC. It has been said that people think D is jealous by nature. HC is frequently brought up in comparison to other women N has ‘dated’ and as HC being the ‘love of his life’.

Probably why D ‘likes’ posts of MMB too, trying to appear that she is not jealous of her.

You are right about HC saying she would ‘protect’ N, she said as much in an interview.

Extract from HC interview:

“On fighting for the people she loves:”
“There are just some people in my life whom I would fight for until the end, no matter what. And Norman [Reedus, Mingus’s father] is one of them. There’s him, my son, my boyfriend, my family. That’s my South American side, where you fight for your family, you fight for the people you love. My boyfriend’s always teasing me with, ‘Here comes that Peruvian side! The emotions are erupting.’”

@wilz – ha ha, I agree with you; it is laughable she talks about ‘taking things to the next level’ with a man who doesn’t even want to be seen in public with her, or acknowledge any connection to her as his girlfriend!

It is not laughable though, that she drags other people’s names into her bullshit and I’d agree that AL’s daughter seems a bit old to need hand holding!

I hope anyone in N’s circle who didn’t see through D, is now starting to understand what kind of ‘attention-addict’ she is and the lies she is willing to tell to sell this bullshit ‘romance of the year’ story.

@EnnA – I was wondering if JJ and girlfriend are planning marriage or baby, it could be a reason for D doing something like this. D has done things like that in the past; pap walk was after JJ was seen with a ‘girlfriend’ if I remember correctly. The fact D keeps bringing JJ’s name into interviews shows she is not over losing him and is bitter about it, as she tends to be derogatory about him in her gossip/pap articles.

Anonymous said...


DK baby article is interesting for the mysterious figure in DK's life know as the "source" :-) This source and similar happy article about their relationship appeared twice already.

First time was shortly after the garage pap pictures, in this one source claimed that are finally able to be open about their relationship (as they were previously hiding it to not hurt heartbroken JJ) and appear together like normal couple. DK was probably feeling very confident about it, however shortly after that N issued the "just friends" statement.

Second was I think sometimes around her birthday (to me her most desperate time and I personally believe that it was a time he dumped her, at least for awhile). This time the source claimed they were taking things to next level (familiar?) and moved together and started finding house of their own.

Also another thing happened yesterday, which is similar to what happened before. DK had her newest pap walk yesterday and there's a picture of her looking at her phone and smiling. Someone pointed out that you can see a reflection in her sunglasses and it looks like she!s looking at a turned off black screen of her phone. Sounds like her fac(k)etiming.

Anonymous said...

@debra peters

From the sound of it it looks like Coven's loosing it more than DK. I don't understand the need to make two of the most important peole in N's life look bad. First her post about their son where she pretty much called him a drunk and HC a bad mother. And now this.

Unknown said...

D won Indie award and no comment from N yet??oh no!!?is something wrong with Romeo and crazy Juliet??

question said...

From the DM article on her win "Noticeably missing from Kruger's side was her boyfriend, The Walking Dead's Norman Reedus, whom she fell for on the set of Sky in December but only went public with in March." Oh my, throwing out some shade. Hope NR gets on his IG soon to make some sort of comment! Man HW is so rigged with these awards.

Blind Curious said...

Oh bugger. I've missed 2 DM articles. Hmmm. Def throwing a bit of shade at NR. It could have so easily said he was busy filming. What's with the "boasts 807k followers on social media"? Has she been buying more followers again? What's with the trousers? Has her cat been using her legs as a scratch post? Bizarre.

moep said...

@blind curious no it's IG (646k) + FB (161k)

Blind Curious said...

@moep. Ah thanks, I forgot about FB. Surely some will be the same people anyway so I don't know why they would merge them together other than to make her seem more popular. You can tell by how few comments she gets that she isn't very popular.

MiaColucci said...

@Blind Curious- I was about to write that too. Judging by the comments and likes she gets and the number of her followers she doesn`t seem very popular for me too. That`s one of the reasons why I find her pap pics strange-"DK and her breakfast it NYC"- 2 times, her recent "shopping" thing, "DK arriving at NYC`s airport" and many more like this. She is not Angelina Jolie, after all! I don`t think a normal magazine( online or not ) is paying for this pictures because it`s just not economically justified. That leads to one thing- she`s definitely paying herself.
NR`s name in that kind of articles make me laugh so hard and especially when he is being referred as "DK`s boyfriend".("The partner of Diane Kruger returned the affection, hugging the husband of Hilarie Burton"- really?! :D still laughing at this line). Now I have a new favorite -"Noticeably missing from Kruger's side was her boyfriend, The Walking Dead's Norman Reedus" as if he were there for her in previous occasions.

question said...

@MiaColucci - exactly - wouldn't there have to be some history of him going to these events for it to be 'noticeable'. I also love that the other NR gossip (not coven) has pictures of him filming yesterday. Making sure all bases are covered!

MiaColucci said...

@question- I absolutely love the other gossip site. The mod there is so chill and drama-free and the information is reliable and really useful for person like me who doesn`t live in the USA. There I`m able to catch up with everything N related. In fact, that`s how I found out about this blind.

I saw the pictures too :) Good for N, that`s where he`s supposed to be, his happy place,free on the road, working and spending time with his friends.

Kat said...

Well, D's flurry of activity and two bs baby articles sure shut down the Ride posts N was happily posting. He even said plenty more we're coming, then the article came out and he just stopped. Also, pics are not allowed on walking dead set. They are super protective of filming. Seems really.odd to me that N is waving to photographer that shouldn't be there in first place.

question said...

@kat what was the second baby article? I saw the new US weekly and DM articles. She seem's to really be busy today posting about herself and putting out articles on them. I agree it's really weird that he's waving in those photo's and they happen to be from yesterday.

question said...

@thread - I see no comments from NR on her Indiewire award. Has he been liking her flurry of posts yesterday and today?

Kat said...

@question- think it was Star and came out today. Basically a rehash of the first article. She also had 3 magazine covers that came out today. One was Vogue Germany.

Kat said...

And its way beyond coincidence that all of these articles/covers are a couple days before his Ride season premiere.

question said...

@ kat and thread - I wonder what delights are within those new articles!!!

Leah29 said...

@Kat I don't think it's weird that N waved to the camera during set. He waves at fans all the time who take pictures. Just look back at previous set creeper shots and you'll find a few where he's waving to the fan that took the pictures.

D sure as hell is active today, obviously trying to take the hype away from N and Ride. She's going to piggyback on that bandwagon as much as possible, especially since he'll be in the news the next week. Why not? She just won an award, he's hyping up for Ride, it's the best time to try and promote yourself by attaching herself to him... oh wait, she doesn't give a crap about actually promoting her career. If she cared about promoting herself, then she wouldn't have abandoned interviews after Cannes, or left Europe fashion week early to stalk N during 4th of July, or leave TIFF early, or leave Paris early to go to the premiere (wow, that was a lot). All she cares about is fucking with N and his fans.

Kat said...

I can't see who likes them. I unfollowed him after it became apparent that he was allowing her to treat his fans the way she does. I just check their ig's every now and then. From what I read here, he has been liking her professional posts but not her personal or opinion ones.

MiaColucci said...

@question- I don`t have an instagram, but checked Coven :D and of course there was the answer- he liked her posts as well as JDM.

Kat said...

I honestly didn't think N was a part of this whole little game she is playing but the longer it goes on, the more I think he is, which is very disappointing. He won't come out and say they are together but he keeps supporting her so.... I guess I will be joining all the other xfans who bailed shortly. @Leah29. I have only seen one other set pic where he waved and there was quite a commotion about it when it happened. Same time as D's fake FaceTime which still makes me laugh at her horrible overacting.

Wilz said...

@thread One article was OK! and the other US Weekly.he picture used in OK! is from the Sky premiere but the picture in US Weekly is of N on the beach in CR looking like someone kicked his dog lmao There's also an article about how D is *such* a big twd fan. Imagine my shock that D is ramping up her tabloid publicity the weekend Ride premieres.

He liked D's last few posts but I don't see it as him playing her games. I mentioned elsewhere that his consistent liking of her posts since CR seems obligatory. That plus the articles that came out right after CR almost make me believe the Oscars breakup theory.

Kat said...

Wilz - I truly hope you are right!

question said...

@wilz - with JDM now liking all of her stuff too..seems very calculated/timed. She followed him months ago but it took until the TWG IG disaster for him to follow her (and she still doesn't follow HB even thought HB follows her). It's all just so weird. Why would he put that heart emoji on her first magazine post (same day he put the exact same emoji in LH picture) but not make any post on her award win? She certainty is putting out more articles these days.

Wilz said...

@question The timing of jdm's follow doesn't seem like a coincidence. Why didn't he follow her after that dinner date the 4 had earlier this year? It's all very strange especially when you remember D is known to pretend that a relationship is okay even after it has already ended. Lately it feels like people are playing a part.

MiaColucci said...

NR`s really killing me. So 2 days ago he was so active on his SM accounts, he even posted a real tweet and not an instagram link. Then he went silent for almost 2 days in the exact same time when DK`s award ceremony was held. He liked her posts but nothing more and now he`s "on board" again posting new Ride stuff.Almost as if he wanted to hide in a hole and to stay there until the waters are clear again. I gonna say it again- Even if everyone here is so very wrong about the essence of their "relationship" why he`s acting so odd?
It was a fun day when NR posted the heart emoji for Laurie. It`s almost like he was telling everybody that DK`s not special for him. There are tons of other emojis but he choose the heart one.

About JDM- I don`t like him so even if he really enjoys DK`s company I don`t care. For me he ruined the show with his overacting and now he`s gonna be on Ride too. I won`t watch it because of him, it`s like he`s everywhere. There`s something in him... I can`t explain it exactly but for me he looks like an ass*ole.

Blind Curious said...

@Mia. That's the entire thing. If you're in a relationship with somebody, don't treat them like a second class citizen. It's like he's ashamed to be with her. I mean, I would be too with her antics but there comes a point where you must either confirm you're in a relationship or cut your losses and move on. I don't mean he has to shout out to the world that she's is girlfriend. If he cares about her and is in love with her then it would come across when they are photographed together. He looks miserable when he's seen with her. I'll give him a bit of credit for the tennis where he didn't look as miserable but extremely awkward and not at all comfortable. They don't look like 2 people happy to be in each other's company, especially when they don't see all that much of one another. Whatever they are, it's not coming across that they mean the same to one another. She seems to hero worship him and he couldn't care less if she's there or not. It's very bizarre.

As for JDM, I'm not a fan either. I don't recall seeing him in anything else so I don't know whether I'm projecting Negan on to him or not. He's just another person I now don't watch in interviews about a TWD (N being the other). I know what you mean about him as I can't quite put my finger on it either. There's a certain arrogant smarminess about him that I don't find appealing

MiaColucci said...

@Blind Curious- Thank you! Arrogance is the right word and overconfidence too. I don`t watch most of TWD interviews anymore because he`s always there-talking and talking. It was a nice surprise when he wasn`t included in EW`s issue for the 100 episodes of the show. Now it looks like everything is about him- cons, interviews, red carpets. They put him next to NR or AL all the time! I get it- he plays the villain and everything but it`s too much JDM, too much Negan. Actually maybe that`s one of the reasons the ratings are dropping( and the bad writing, of course :D). - too much publicity. Is there such thing as too much publicity? feel like they`re shoving him in my face constantly.

Blind Curious said...

@Mia. I completely agree with everything you just wrote. I know he's the main villain but the rest of the cast have been completely neglected since he's joined the show and they're the people that have kept us watching and made the show what it is/was. He's definitely reached absorption point in my eyes. I've always enjoyed TWD as the cast don't go out of the way to promote themselves. We don't really know much about them. I've been a fan of AL's since This Life and I couldn't really tell you much about him. Since JDM joined the show, on and off the screen has been all about him and then there's all of this DK crap. Every time I looked anything up online she was somehow attached to it, without her even being on the show and if it wasn't her then it was JDM. I think it stands out so much more as the rest of the cast aren't doing anything to get more limelight.

question said...

@mia and blind curious - You couldn't pay me to watch NR and JDM act like teenagers riding their bikes around for an hour at 11 pm on Sunday night. It will be interesting to see what the ratings are for him this season. I think everyone is on JDM overload and I wonder if it will help/hurt or have no impact on Ride. There have been entire articles written about how the only way to save TWD is to kill off Negan. I have read on many threads people that stopped watching the show because of him. The ratings drop are really significant, and there is something behind that. I think a lot of original fans are probably sick of JDM being shoved in their faces everywhere, NR and DK popping up everywhere and the show just not being what it used to. I think people liked that you never saw the cast as all HW but that has started to change. Just my opinion but certainty for a me a big factor (in addition to the horrible writing and all of the other issues).

As for JDM - he is an arrogant asshole and with this whole Negan character and his TWD fame, it's really starting to come out. It's also beyond obvious that his sudden liking of all things DK is calculated.

As for DK's flurry of IG activity over the past two days. It's kind of like she publicity barfed onto her IG account.

Isn't NR headed to LA for TTD this weekend? I'm sure we will have a new sighting of the two of them b/c I assume she remained in LA awaiting his arrival.

MiaColucci said...

OMG, DK popping up from everywhere is the worst. I want to ignore her, I really do, but her name`s always attached to everything NR and TWD related. Just an example is that article for TWD`s 100 episode celebration. I`m thankful to the Universe that Dk doesn`t have much photos with NR. Unfortunately that`s not the case with JDM. His face is in every TWD tag, doesn`t matter if you want to see pictures of Danai, AL, MMB or even the kid that plays Judith! Now Ride airs on Sundays and I can only imagine the amount of Neffry bromance pictures. I just want to peacefully watch my show!

@question- Ooo, I`m 100% sure she`s in LA. DK won`t miss a chance to be seen with NR, it`s not like she has a lot of work to do anyway. I`m waiting to see NR`s face on the new pap pics of them. For now we have drunk and confused NR, miserable and bored NR, uncomfortable and distracted NR(well, he smiled a little at US Open).

Blind Curious said...

@question. I completely agree with you. I hate that the focus has been taken off the rest of the cast and on to a couple of immature arseholes. It hasn't done the show any favours.
Bound to be some more pics of them in LA then. Let's see what these ones are like. I hope people keep on not leaving shitty comments on her IG - even though part of me thinks she deserves them. She so desperately wants the attention. Make her work for it like everybody else does.

OMG said...

In regards to DK ig post. "What I do when I see you" = I want to barf! Anyone else want to say what they do? haha Yes I think i'm funny. She's trolling again.

MiaColucci said...

She`s so predictable, it kinda kills the fun. :D I don`t know how she can stand herself. I can`t remember who pointed out the constant pattern in her behavior but there we go again. DK will never learn that acting this crazy is not doing her any favors.
Completely off topic, but the little goat is really cute.

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