Sunday, March 12, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 3, 2016

I have written about her before being rude to people who she considers beneath her. She hates her fans. A lot. One guy she thought was a fan is actually an A+ list producer. She yelled at him for even daring to talk to her. An hour later, her agent called because he had heard how rude she was to the producer and wanted to know if it was true. Our actress then tried to make things right with the producer, but he wanted nothing to do with her and has told every person he knows not to work with her.

Amy Schumer


  1. mbagrrrl12:48 AM

    Good, she's basically a one-trick pony anyway.

  2. Amy meet Karma

  3. Well that explains why she has completely fallen off the map recently. Good riddance.

  4. AyyyPapi1:18 AM

    What do you expect from one of Lena Dunham's best friends?

  5. And these are the people who's opinion the media wants us to believe we should care about.

  6. I just dont see the talent with her. She is not attractive and not funny. Just irritating. @ktv love the karma.

  7. RenShaw1:59 AM

    She has fans?

  8. Female comedians are just the worst.

  9. Maggie3:08 AM

    Schumer in a nutshell:

  10. Cherry3:12 AM

    Yes, because male comedians are so great! not womanizers at all, etc.

  11. Dumblesnore3:19 AM

    I think this kind of behavior happens a lot with fat and/or ugly people when they get famous. I mean, they were likely treated like overlooked shit because they are fat and/or ugly, then they get a little fame and/or money, and it's payback time. These stories are not unusual for the fug "stars".

  12. She's an ass.

  13. She tore Glamour a new one for including her in its plus size issue. This is mean but she could do a live action Miss Piggy.

  14. Jessica5:16 AM

    All comedians just play exagerated versions of themselves, it gets old very fast.

  15. How do you spell stupid?
    Oh, A-m-y-S-c-h-m-u-r!

    Whatever happened to the fake BFF relationship she had with J Law?

  16. One day i will learn to copy and paste:

  17. makersmark5:34 AM

    she is painfully unattractive. when a butterface gains weight, it becomes useless. i wish her and lena dunham would just disappear.

  18. makersmark5:34 AM


  19. Mop top5:35 AM

    Haha. This makes my cold bitchy heart very happy.

  20. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob5:44 AM

    I hope she is more polite with spanish producers, since she obviously went there after Trump won the election like she said, because why would she lie about moving?

  21. dianavonthirstybird5:44 AM

    Amy and Lena have something in common. The Sioux call them, 'Children Of The Apocalypse." They are from a group of men/women who were born in certain years that are not going to survive to old age. They probably know in their subconscious mind they are doomed so they act out and demand things they don't deserve. There are millions just like them all over the world. Karma for them is going to be the bitch to end all bitches. Outside the Native American community this is not spoken of. I was there. I don't live on the Rez now. I can talk about it. Just wait.

  22. So...she is actually Amy Schmuck, ah? ;)

  23. what certain years? Do we all need to worry?

  24. melissa6:20 AM

    SO interesting....I wonder if this is all connected to the 'other atmosphere' aka 'outer space' aka 'other dimensions and beings', 'star seeds' 'walk ins' etc
    The Native American people have all the answers. I would love to be able to visit a Reservation and speak with some elders and be in the presence of their wisdom and knowledge of this planet and the other dimensions with which we exist and they communicate with.

  25. Amy and Lena are both narcissistic personalities.

  26. Anna From Savannah6:49 AM

    Melissa: Those days, sadly, are gone. The 'Elders' that were imparting the wisdom have passed on. At least on the reservation I lived, worked and studied on in the 90s. A non-Indian is not allowed to live on this reservation. You have to be invited by a member of the Tribe. My story is a movie and a half. Only no one would believe it. Do you have to worry? We all do. What my Medicine Man told me was the gates of hell opened on certain days in certain years and deposited the ugliest souls on Earth. They are the most selfish, cruel, power hungry and vain people walking. No, Donald Trump is not one of them! Nor is Hillary. These people came after they were born. Want to have a real education on the unknown? Listen to George Noory's program Coast To Coast AM every night on radio. His guests (some of them) have enormous knowledge. It's on late, so check the time in your city.

  27. I never ridicule anyone for the way they look, I think it's cruel, but Amy Schumer is a hateful, detestable, offensive individual, and it shows in her countenance - she's very hard to look at, and it's all that venom spilling through her pores.

  28. And, yes, Lena Dunham suffers from the same condition.

  29. information desk7:10 AM

    I chalk Amy's quick demise on her getting called out so publicly for stealing other people's jokes
    Using comedian tig for a cancer storyline/ home
    Stealing a gay from some dead make comedian and trying so hard it's exhausting
    The Emmys I'm wearing an ob tampon..
    Just gross
    And here BFF jlaw dumped her hard when she realized Amy was using her for publicity and Hollywood contacts
    I imagine jlaw has used her contacts to shut her out too
    No one has such a quick rise and quicker fall from relevance than her
    Let's not forget she publicly defended 1 of her writers who was convicted or just accused of sexual harassment

  30. information desk7:12 AM

    Storylines/ bit
    Stealing a bit gag from the dead comedian black guy Maurice I think..

  31. information desk7:15 AM

    Lena Dunham too has stolen work from her writers as her own and settled many suits out of court
    It's amazing how many episodes of Girls have been written solo by her
    When Girls is done so is Lena no one likes working for her they're just getting their check and showering after

  32. sandybrook7:25 AM

    Every comedian, male or female, is fu¢ked. Just like clowns are evil and nasty .

  33. John Lennon7:27 AM

    Stolen one-trick...

  34. Oh, this is just delicious. Mean-spirited comedy, mean-spirited person.

  35. Sammy8:29 AM

    Great Story
    She is a typical screwed up liberal
    She talked crap about Jennifer Lawrence behind her back and publicly that really hurt Lawrence's popularity.

  36. lalaland9:08 AM

    Really? What did she say? Please tell us!

  37. Dannette9:54 AM

    The recent silence from her has been wonderful, and I'm delighted to learn that this is only the beginning ..

  38. Scandi Sanskrit10:23 AM

    I agree. She's hateful and mean-spirited. It shows in her "humour" (spoiler alert: It's not funny).

  39. Scandi Sanskrit10:45 AM

    You know who else is possibly NPD? Erdogan: (LMAOOO! Obviously there's no proof/evidence of this, but when you connect the dots: I think he might've comissioned his own biopic, which is absolutely hysterical—some people you just can't parody anymore because their real-life selves are already the funniest versions they can be).

    Just be glad Amy Schumer isn't in a position of power, running a country (she'd say the most outrageous, dumbest, most offensive things). Oh, wait. America already has a leader like that: Donald Trump.

  40. AyyyPapi12:18 PM

    The late, (and great) Patrice O'Neal.

  41. BETTY BOTOX12:56 PM

    Arrogance and entitlement seem to run in her family. Amy's cousin Chuckie Cheese Schumer is a real charmer. It's his way or the highway. I always thought he looked like Dodi Al-Fayed's twin! If he could disappear from the political scene like Amy and Lena, all us New Yorkers would dance in the street.

  42. Jennifer2:40 PM

    Anyone who thinks this hack is funny must have a really low bar for comedy because her shit sucks. I hear better jokes at work.

  43. Miss Piggy has an attitude not surprised Amy Schumer is a disgusting bitch.

  44. HippieChic3:13 AM

    She took her one trick ass too Serious.. I'm Happy she's that Dumb because I just never thought
    much of her anyway..

  45. Mr. X9:37 AM

    A broken down car has more talent than this tub of shit. Save your money Amy.

  46. Good one, Me. ?

  47. Fatima B. Khan1:31 PM

    I would love to know more about this!!



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