Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Blind Item #9

This former A- list almost network actor crashed and burned his latest time out. He is in the closet. Has been. The thing is, most of you know he is in the closet and he is only fooling Kneepads and US Weekly readers. His career is in the tank. He has been dragging around his former co-star as a beard hoping something will pop. They are both miserable and her career is even more of a dumpster fire right now. It is painful to watch.


  1. Tricia133:47 AM

    Chance Crawford

  2. Tricia133:50 AM

    And maybe Jessica Sczhor or Rebecca Rittenhouse(from that crap show Fire and Oil)

  3. Which tabloid is Kneepads?

  4. MontanaMarriott3:54 AM

    People magazine.

  5. Crawford is a great guess.

  6. Tricia134:02 AM

    Thx Ryan-the costar could be a few though-even Michelle Trachtenberg maybe?

  7. TheDude4:05 AM

    Obviously Chace Crawford.

  8. austin4:09 AM

    What an unnecessarily insulting write up Enty - SMH. Chace Crawford has been cast in a recurring role for Season 3 of the Hulu Comedy Series "Casual".

  9. Andwhat7:18 AM

    Or, exactly, as Enty said, Chase will literally take anything. And lol at recurring for a streaming show. Streaming. Not even regular. That's like trying to brag about being the used car commercial girl for a commercial shown in a ten mile radius.

  10. austin2:37 PM

    I commented on the unnecessarily insulting aspect of the comment. SMH at you too. Despite what you seem to think, it's not a good look.

  11. Andwhat10:59 PM

    @austin, you need to familiarize yourself with the concept of insulting. What Enty did was far from that. Which is why only you, in your self obsession, is hurt enough to let it affect you and comment on it. What Enty did do is provide commentary on the blind he posted. Which is his right at this is Enty's website. What is not a good look is you complaining about a blind after reading it. Don't like it? Go somewhere else. You won't be missed as you obviously can't handle it here.

  12. austin11:16 PM

    Who do you think you are trying to impose censorship on comments? Come down off your sanctimonious pedestal dude. Free speech is everyone's right. If I feel like expressing an opinion, that's what I'll do. If you don't like it, ignore it. If you can't ignore it, f*ck off yourself.

  13. Andwhat12:23 AM

    @austin, but what you attempted is not free speech. You had a meltdown over Enty's commentary and were annihilated for it, appropriately. And as a result, you learned that any action has a reaction.

    Now in your tenuous grasp with both comprehension and sanity, you are completely crumbling apart into the laughable, anxiety ridden, hot mess currently displayed. Silly misplaced vulgarities and all. Seek help, you need it.

    And ironically, the only person trying to censor someone here is you, Austin. Which you tried with both Enty and myself. So basically, you are telling yourself to f*ck off. And trust me, no one is interested in your masturbatory tendencies. Now shrink away, useless imbecile.

  14. austin12:42 AM

    I have to feel sorry for someone so serious about diminishing another person over a silly comment. I hope that putting me down has made you feel better about yourself. Clearly I'm not worth your time or energy, right? So just ignore me in the future. Thank you.

  15. Andwhat12:50 AM

    @austin Again with the trying to censor someone. It's not a good look for you. And no, I'm not going to ignore a stupid comment made on a discussion board. I am going to comment on it, which is the intention of a discussion board, explicitly. If you don't want to be embarrassed in such a public manner, then don't write someone so sophomoric and inessential.

    If that makes you so uncomfortable, which clearly it does, then I have a great suggestion for you. Click out and don't return. No one will miss you or your miserable attempts of contributing.

    And, I feel sorry for someone who wastes their time complaining about somebody else's comment, loses their mind to the point of vulgarities, and then upon exposing themselves as an utter simpleton doesn't have the good sense to take the loss and learn from it.

  16. austin12:55 AM

    Meds are your friend. People who need them should take them. I'm done with you.

  17. Andwhat1:10 AM

    @austin Good to see your crazy continues even beyond all logic or reason. At least, you aren't complaining about people "insulting" you or trying to censor you. And people who shouldn't post, and whom make it obvious they have nothing significant to add, should be quiet. Which is why it's the first truly brilliant idea you've had to discontinue your discourse. Should you restart, I'll be right here to continue to expose your folly thoroughly. Until then, I'll reiterate my suggestion to seek professional help.

  18. austin1:24 AM

    LMAO.. asshole :)

  19. andwhat1:37 AM

    @austin and we are back to the vulgarities. That didn't talk long for your fragile ego to be hurt enough to respond again, against your word. Which just exposes two character traits about you: easily agitated and dishonest. And to think, you could have spent this time doing something productive, like researching the proper facility to get you the professional treatment you desperately require.

    And you say a**hole like that's a bad thing. If it obliterates dimwits like you, than I'm happy to provide the service. Repeatedly if needed. Now take your shattered pride, easily outmatched wit, and flushed embarrassment and wither away.

  20. austin1:39 AM

    LMAO.. psycho :)

  21. golly1:40 AM

    You are insufferable, Austin. I've noticed this in other posts. This is not a one-off. Later.

  22. austin1:48 AM

    Ok Andwhat.. and I've seen a tirade of yours here before when you jumped on someone else. it took a couple of your comments directed at me this time, but then I remembered. I don't know what your game is, but you must really get off on this shit for all the effort you put into your crazyness when you show up. SMH

  23. andwhat2:01 AM

    @austin Nope, never happened. It's clearly a figment of your imagination because you were called out correctly by Golly for your pattern of behavior. If true, and it's not, people had plenty of time to back your claims. Don't project yourself onto others. And for someone who spends all day trash talking others, you certainly can't handle it back.

    No need to make up a reality that doesn't exist to cover up your embarrassment. Learn from it. And trust me, making you look like a fool took no effort at all. In fact, it's probably the easiest thing I've accomplished all year. Don't flatter yourself.

  24. austin2:04 AM

    LIAR.. fruitcake :)

  25. andwhat2:08 AM

    @Austin Fruitcake? You mean a baked treat embarrassed and exposed you? You made it that easy? You only have yourself to blame. Don't be bitter. Oh wait, you meant it to be derogatory. Is that the best you can do? Hello... you are on a Hollywood gossip blog... the majority of us ARE fruitcakes. Deal with it. Quickly. Total insult fail.

  26. austin2:12 AM

    LMAO.. freak :)

  27. andwhat2:21 AM

    @austin. Yea, I get my Adina Howard on regularly. Good for you to recognize. Too bad you are so dense, as you could have taken this opportunity to be a freak like me. Which, by your compulsive responses, you so badly want to be. Why is another question entirely... but I'm sure a good therapist can sort that out for you.

  28. austin2:25 AM

    LMAO.. nucking futs :)

  29. andwhat2:33 AM

    @austin, I got it, you have a sexual identity issue. Now it all makes sense. Fruitcake, nuts, a**hole, psycho... Don't worry, with today's modern advances in therapy and medicine, I'm sure the appropriate help for you is out there.

  30. austin2:36 AM

    LMAO.. bizarro :)

  31. Sd auntie9:42 AM

    Andwhat is,Derek?

  32. No, Derek is Tricia13's "opponent"(different style of writing, more emotional); looks like Austin got her/his own private troll...
