Thursday, March 16, 2017

Blind Item #8

This former A- list mostly television actor from a long running network show still on the air turned B+ list mostly movie actor was being a huge d**k to everyone on a recent set. He may not still be cheating on his wife (that I can find), but he has turned all that anger against every person he works with on a set.


  1. Tricia131:47 AM

    Patrick Dempsey

  2. I think he's preparing for life after being an actor.

    I foresee an unemployment line in his future.

  3. Texas Flower2:01 AM


  4. SarahS2:02 AM


  5. Tricia132:11 AM

    God I wish he just stayed that cute kid in Can't Buy me Love"or the Pizza Delivery dude lol

  6. sandybrook2:24 AM

    He didn't have to go back to her, so what's his f'n problem?

  7. B+ movie actor???? Lolol. Oh come on.

  8. French girl2:49 AM

    Dempsey was at Paris with wife and kids 2/3 weeks ago and apparently he was nice
    B+ list movie actor is very very generous to describe Dempsey

  9. dianavonthirstybird4:20 AM

    From personal experience, there is always one dickhead on every set for every TV and film production. Example: Husband, director. Wife, star. He was foreign. She, home grown. She was famous for one particular TV show. He got the job because he was married to the Star. A few days into production in NYC, he did too much blow and went apeshitcrazy and trashed the set. The producers of the show were Hollywood Royalty and HER husband. End result: Production went way over budget and way over time allotted. TV movie was not the hit it could have been. Star lingered in the marriage a while then divorced him. I think the ex died a few years later. She has another line of work and does quite well. Still stunning after all these years.

  10. Haywood Jablomee10:32 AM

    He was late teens/early 20s and married his 40+ agent/svengali. Kind of his own Scio era.

  11. Tricia1311:18 PM

    That's true-he did
