Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Blind Item #7

Unlike the last person the world believed to be his girlfriend, this A+ list mostly movie actor has made sure this new one will sleep with who he tells her to.


  1. Tricia1312:31 AM

    Leo DiCaprio

  2. Sunspirit12:36 AM

    So he's a pimp then

  3. mariaj12:44 AM

    Pimp for money or for fun, as in, to " play" with people?

  4. Guesser12:45 AM

    Leo makes the agency pay him for the beards, them forces them to have sex with other men. If true, please , young ladies, turn him in. Or maybe Enty is just getting back at his former friend.

  5. Lurky McLurkster1:02 AM

    Leo needs to shoot lower than an internationally know model if he wants to pimp her out to his friends

  6. Debbie Do (@debbiedonothing)3:18 AM

    Does he get off on watching? He seems cold & detached, the kind of guy who can't stand human contact.

  7. This creeps me out.

  8. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob4:13 AM

    A pimp, corrupt with Malasyans... This dicaprio is truly a person to follow and trust all the time like all hollyweirdians. All hail hollyweirdians, they are our leaders.

  9. celibot4:54 AM


    Im not normally ok with outting people, but leo is a total creep and pimp and generally a total douchebag to women. I am of the opinion his ass should be outted.

  10. celibot4:55 AM

    somebody needs to upload a video or audio of him doing something 1) incriminating and illegal w/that whole malaysian laundrering thing 2) secretly record him telling her to fuck another guy 3) blowing a dude or showing he is closeted. fcuk this guy

  11. But also another rumored to have been " passed around" as a young teen- it is actually so disgusting to think how people like Leo were created - and trying to overcome it by exerting control over someone else making them the victim - but if course, it is he who is still the victim - he has not overcome the self hatred so plays this part with the models and everyone knows it is a game line Liberace . But I do feel Hollywood culture that it is okay to molest child actors is still prevalent and NO ONE can take one word of their political grandstanding while they celebrate in real life degrading if women and teenage actors

  12. vodianova10:16 AM

    And people want Leo and Kate to be together. Psh. Kate deserves better than this womanizing douche and she probably knows it deep down. He treats her like a goddess but he has serious issues with the way he treats these models. So messed up. I wouldn't be surprised if Kate was the one girl who "dared" to say no to him back in the day. His friendship with her is my favorite thing about him haha. It shows that he is actually capable of having a meaningful relationship. You bet he's not gonna fuck it up. Both of them are smart not to be together.

  13. Ever Duchovny11:15 AM

    Maybe his weenie is just a pee-hose and he can never get hard...he can only watch.

  14. Frank Reynolds8:41 PM

    If its anyone its Leo or zac efram. Both seem to hate who they really are and get no pleasure from money or fame. Just drugs and power.



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