Friday, March 24, 2017

Blind Item #7

This B list actress pretty much does nothing in life other than a movie franchise. It is probably why she has such problems with substance abuse. That being said, she is several months sober after producers of the franchise said she was replaceable.


  1. Tricia131:31 AM

    Michelle Rodriquez

  2. just sayin'1:35 AM

    +1 exactly who came to my mind too

  3. Tricia131:42 AM

    I still have t even watched 1 Fast and Furious movie lol... they're on like 15 I think!

  4. shakey2:32 AM

    The latest one looks like a real howler, i.e. over the top ridiculous. Even more than cars rolling off of planes. They catch submarine missiles in the Arctic!

  5. honey bunny2:50 AM

    I Have a coworker who really enjoys those Fast and Furious movies. I tried but......

  6. mariaj3:01 AM

    MIchelle Rodriguez, hoping is thrue

  7. Tricia133:04 AM

    @shakey-Yeah- very loud sounding and it's not my genre-but as @honey bunny said there is an audience definitely-seriously itvslike #8/9 I think installment wise

  8. I watched the first or second one I think, and I enjoyed it, for a one-time watch. I wouldn't sit on the edge of my seat waiting for the next to come out.

    I met Michelle just after she did Girlfight, she was quiet and polite, but i noticed her dark aura immediately. I think she's a bit of a tortured soul, a bit misunderstood perhaps. She acts out because she never matured.

  9. Hortensia11:24 AM

    Just like you. Dark aura. Never matured. But, everybody understands what you are.

  10. This is for Hortensia, who thinks she can fuck with me and still come out the winner, and it's about that blind that said that Lisa Marie was lying about her ex being a pedophile, I commented late, but here it is, everybody draw their own conclusions:

    Hmmm, does anybody else remember, how Hortensia here on cdan, wrote under that blind, something along the lines of – and I’m paraphrasing:

    ‘Of course he’s a pedophile, just look at him and his hats! He’s disgusting! He’s totally guilty! ‘

    People such as her are dangerous. Their sense of virtue and moral superiority is based purely on emotions. We currently live in a world where facts and evidence are ignored, but primitive emotions rule.
    It’s a very dangerous way to live. This shit should not be taken lightly, people can lose their name, their freedom, and even their lives because of the deranged psychotic virtue signalling of demented social justice warriors.
    (Not to mention how she spread lies about the French government banning priests and nuns from wearing robes and habits – what the fuck do they wear, retard? Jeans and t-shirts? Liar!)

    Lies, propaganda, emotions, distorted truths. Wake the fuck up people. These times we are living in are a strange times, and people like this should be held accountable for what they say and the damage they can do. That’s why I remembered what she wrote. And that’s why I’m brining it up as an example. So hopefully some can learn and see for themselves the irrationality the world is being exposed to. Churchill said “the fascists of the future, will call themselves anti-fascists’.


  11. Now go crawl back under your rock, you fucking peasant, accusing an innocent man of stashing child porn, because you don't like his looks, but defending an entire religion created a pedophile, that does nothing but engage in pedophilia - fucking deranged libtard.

  12. Well, she can form a coherent thought without it descending into deranged xenophobia, or something about libtards/poor people/black people/Muslims/women with opinions/(insert standard redneck label here). Nuance is also an harbinger of maturity. The ability to actually examine issues on their merits, understand the layers and complexities and make arguments that progress the conversation, without using demeaning, catch-all labels that could not possibly be accurate. Calling someone a libtard or a peasant might shut down the conversation but you can't honestly believe they think you're right, they've just realised they aren't facing the intelligence and maturity required for an actual debate. They're walking away in pity and disgust, not defeat. I honestly would feel more comfortable living next door to a convicted paedophile or terrorist than you, Marlo. Do you think your behaviour makes you any better? Yes, seriously.

    Here's my conclusion, that I've drawn all by myself: you belong on a watchlist or in a padded cell.

  13. Amen, Hortensia. Marlo could turn a conversation about potato chips into an Islamophobic rant.

  14. Oh Dee, sweet dumb Dee, you don't get it do you?

    My rants, are an answer to the non stop rants and hissy fits of you libtards. 6 months of 'waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah racist, waaaaaaaaaa
    nazi, waaaaaaaaaaaTrump' - people are sick an dtired of this shit.

    So how does it feel when the show is on the other foot?
    Only you snowflakes are allowed to 'free speech'? What about us people with IQ's higher than dishwater, who actually have something valid to contribute? 6 months of sub-educated celebrities shoving their unasked opinions down our throats.

    Don't you have a pusst-hat march with a convicted terrorist who advocates sharia law to attend you inbred? Are those gonna last 4, oh wait, 8 years??!! Because the more YOUR SIDE rants and throws fits, the more people will see the truth, and NOT be silenced.

  15. WTF? (weekend's comments)...
