Thursday, March 09, 2017

Blind Item #6

This late night talk show host went on a rant earlier this week to his bookers who he feels are not doing their job. He thinks they are bringing him more and more second tier guests for all the spots each night on the show.


  1. Jimmy Fallon

  2. MontanaMarriott12:03 AM

    Seth Meyers? Is he even on anymore?

  3. RoxyRue1112:06 AM

    Jimmy Kimmell (getting stuck with Leann Rimes)

  4. Just4Fun12:08 AM

    Fallon. He has been losing to Colbert in the ratings

  5. i think Colbert is funnier and more interesting to watch.

    (He had a slow start, but I think Steven is hitting his stride.)

  6. sandybrook1:24 AM

    I think it's Fallon and it's part of a backlash from that suck-up Trump interview he did last fall. Letterman did an interview last week and even he had something to say about that interview, compared to how he used to handle Trump.

  7. shaddup mimsey1:27 AM


  8. longtimereader1:40 AM

    I prefer jimmy, colbert is getting sanctimonious and dull. At least he is not as bad as sam bee. Plus he has the roots.

  9. What about all his suck up interviews of Hillary?

  10. sandybrook2:30 AM

    He got hammered for mussing up Trumps hair by just about everyone.

  11. sounds like Andy Cohen

  12. Jennifer3:17 AM

    Jimmy's ratings are way down but it's not the guests that are the problem it's his lousy comedy bits. Box of lies is the stupidest thing ever. He needs some fresh material.

  13. shakey6:16 AM

    What about The Daily Show?

  14. Colbert is number one and a great guy so it's 100% not him. I'll say fallon cause he seems to get a lot of leaks probably due to the fact he treats people like shit and is a huge coke fiend

  15. marlo1:56 PM

    SMH - who??

  16. Jimmy - everyone is sick of tired of your coked up weirdness and totally homogenous, boring show. None of your stupid games make sense and it's hella uncomfortable watching you clap and laugh hysterically for ten minutes over someone making a funny face.

    Please go away forever.

  17. I ranted about Jimmy F but I actually agree this is prob Andy Cohen. He just treats everyone like garbage, all of the time. Unable to realise nobody wants to be associated because your brand is TRASH with a capital T.

    And gay guys acting like misogynistic assholes has finally had its day and is seen for what it is - gross and not cute.

  18. chrissy3:43 AM

    Don't get why people are guessing Fallon for this. His show usually has the first pick of every major movie star and musical guest. The hosts who seem to get the most 2nd rate bookings this year are Colbert and Corden. Colbert's guests are usually so 2nd rate, his show is pretty much unwatchable after the monologue.

  19. LOL, Andy Cohen has been getting better guests than Fallon. He just had Cher, Gaga, Samuel L. Jackson--he's even had Oprah. It's not him.

    And Fallon never did any softball interviews with Hillary. He saved that for Trump, and that's exactly whey stars don't want to be on his show and why the audience has switched over to Colbert.

    There is literally nothing Fallon can do at this point to get the audience back. His juvenile games and sycophantic conversation is so 2016.

  20. Bookjacket8:41 AM

    Anon-- Well said.



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