Friday, March 31, 2017

Blind Item #6

This relationship between an actor and actress, one of which is in a family of actors is in trouble. Apparently our actress barely can handle being a future step mom and now is being pressured by her boyfriend to get pregnant.


  1. Tricia131:01 AM

    Kate Mara-Jaime Bell

  2. Sarah2:00 AM

    Yikes! Not a bright future. Cut their losses?!

  3. Is it too mean to say: I never wanted to be a step-dad?

    Yes, I have two (now adult) children. But, I never wanted to be saddled with the responsibility of another man's child.

    Is that mean?

    Ok, Internet Trolls, Begin!

  4. Piper2:24 AM

    Actually NO it is not. I am a woman and I do not want to be a step mom. I have no kids and I do want kids in the future, however I don't want someone that already has kids. When I say this, the women get it and the men act like I am a creature from out of space and begin to tell me how small my dating pool will be and I am perfectly fine with that

  5. Jennerationb3:12 AM

    No David- you're not mean, you're honest. It is a big responsibility and it's better for you to be upfront than let the child(ren) get attached and then cut out. My biological father died in an accident before I was born and my mother remarried when I was 5. My Dad (I never refer or even think about the word "step") has always loved and raised me as his own, and for that, I am eternally grateful. It wasn't until a few years after she passed that I was told the story of how his mom ("Granny") sat him down within weeks of him starting to date my mother, and told him (he was only 22 at the time) that "If he couldn't love me as much as he did my mother and any future children they would have, and raise me as a proper father, then he had no business dating my mother". I am happy to say that over 35 years later, I have always felt loved, cherished and equal to my brothers. I am grateful that she challenged him and that he accepted the challenge and hit it out of the park!!

  6. one of my sisters has been a stepmother for years and its been hell. my brother in law is a great guy but his ex wife is a total psycho who has brainwashed his kids against him. they are adults now and still believe all the lies their mome feeds them. its pretty sad and apparently very common too

  7. Nicola4:51 AM

    No. You're being honest and at least you know that about yourself before getting involved with someone who has children.

  8. Baby love5:18 AM

    Rooney Mara Joaquin Phoenix

  9. Clairette6:09 AM

    Joaquin and Rooney or Casey and whoever he's fucking

  10. Clairette6:10 AM

    ^joaquin doesn't have kids so nevermind. Casey Affleck and that chick he's with

  11. I don't think it's mean, but it's...a narrow viewpoint at best. However, if you would consider yourself to be "saddled" with another man's child rather than simply having another person in your life to love, then it's probably for the best.

  12. NoseyNeighbor9:05 AM

    No, it's not mean at all. I never wanted to be a stepmom. I love kids and want my own but not someone elses. It's too hard. I'd feel like a glorified babysitter.

  13. Scandi Sanskrit11:16 AM

    Adding another, "no, I don't think it's mean, I think it's honest!" so many strangers out there reading know they're not alone and there are people out there who get them.

  14. Scandi Sanskrit11:18 AM

    I hate when people use children as pawns (or worse actually purposely conceive and have them for all the wrong reasons—I mean, FFS, it's a human life).



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