Monday, March 20, 2017

Blind Item #6

This A list superhero actress has a new movie. Someone gave her a lovely gift they worked hours on. It was a painting of our actress. She had her PR person toss it because our actress said it looked like Miley Cyrus.


  1. MontanaMarriott1:01 AM


  2. MontanaMarriott1:04 AM

    I don't think so, it was in random pictures on Friday

    O/T is it just me or is this site running really slow today?!?!?

  3. Simon1:09 AM

    Not for me today but yesterday was a disaster

  4. Charlize Theron Atomic Blond

  5. Running very slow and I keep getting errors.

  6. AyyyPapi1:35 AM

    TBF she does look like a mix of Miley and Bieber with the new hairstyle.

  7. shakey2:04 AM

    I think it would have been better for her to sign it for the fan and tell them to keep it.

  8. Sarah2:14 AM

    Scar jo

  9. Guesser2:52 AM

    *1 they could even make money of of it. I doubt we know what the pr person did with it,maybe trouble bringing it on the plane? She posed for photos with it.

  10. French girl3:37 AM
    ScarJo in Korea.
    That looks like ScarJo for me

  11. Scandi Sanskrit10:13 AM

    I sympathise with the fan, but I don't think fans should send celebrities their drawings (I can't imagine what they'd do with them if not chuck them out anyway). Just share it on social media and be done with it, I don't understand the need to actually hand it to the celeb as a gift. They're not going to appreciate it. They're just going to take it for granted, and look here: You get shit thrown at your face for being generous to someone who doesn't give a shit about you.

  12. Megan1:29 PM

    Can hardly blame her. It's creepy when fans spend hours crafting handmade gifts for celebrities, and celebs get tons and tons of fan gifts. Are celebs really supposed to keep hundreds of fanart pictures of themselves? I certainly wouldn't.
