Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Blind Item #6

The other night, this A list mogul/wannabe rapper was inspired to have a 70's themed style party. He wanted it to be like a porn set from that time period. The only thing that was a bit off was he let his girlfriend run solo while he hung out with guys while he directed them in their solo scenes.


  1. Tricia131:01 AM


  2. Tricia131:01 AM

    And Cassie

  3. Guesser1:18 AM

    Lol Enty calling Diddy wannabe​ rapper, as usual.

  4. Just4Fun1:24 AM

    It's really interesting the way the Blinds are numbered today

  5. Guesser1:52 AM

    Maybe he just wants to see if we pay attention. It's hard enough, because the date is not put on the blinds, so looking for something from a past day is too hard. It's actually easier to get it from another site.

  6. longtimereader3:51 AM

    Well 'benjamins' was a great tune back in the day.

  7. mockmuhwords5:05 AM

    Mr Diddy aka THE closeted rapper mogul

  8. Ghost of Jimmy Savile5:26 AM

    Yo, Enty. I don't care where a guy puts his junk if it's consensual. Why don't you "pizzagate" on hollywood nonces for a change?

  9. Scandi Sanskrit10:31 AM

    This shall be my birthday theme next year... Isn't Snoop Dogg's music video "Sensual Seduction" also kind of in this theme? LMAO.

    Sometimes wake up in the morning and come here to see what's happening in Hollyweird, and I feel like I'm in the waking up scene in Sofia Coppola's "Maria Antoinette" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOIlkCDzH4U).
