Monday, March 13, 2017

Blind Item #5

This A- list mostly television actor who will be back to B+ next season was a very bitter man at a recent event towards his now former actress co-star. He thinks she hated him enough that she whispered to producers to get rid of him.


  1. Tricia1312:02 AM

    Milo Ventimilia/Mandy Moore
    (Was he killed off?) or maybe Hayden P

  2. Is he really rated that high?

  3. French girl1:00 AM

    If Armie Hammer is A- movie actor( he is the actor of the bondage blind) ,Milo can be A- also

  4. Milo is still very much on This is Us.

  5. Milo is definitely an A. My first thought even tho old news is McDreamy and Meredith Grey

  6. Tricia131:43 AM
    But he won't be next season(which is probably what's meant by "dropping to B+)... the show is told in the past and he's already deadapparently I don't watch),but next season it will reveal his death

  7. Stephie2:28 AM

    Tricia, viewers already know that Jack is dead, we just don't know HOW he died and why his daughter feels responsible. The families story is told in flashbacks and shows how Milo's character helped shape their lives as adults. I would be surprised if they changed the premise and got rid of such an important character. I think you may be right with the Hayden guess but no clue as to who the A- list actor is.

  8. Tricia135:09 AM

    Gotcha @stephie:) sounds like an interesting show (should watch I guess?))

  9. Stephie9:18 AM

    Personally, I think it's a great show and I don't say that too often. If you decide to watch, keep tissues nearby. ;)

  10. I can highly recommend it,Tricia! I wasn't going to watch it (not really big on dramas), but then I got curious and now here I am waiting impatiently for the season finale.

  11. Clarisse McClellan1:07 PM

    Not Milo. He's in Season 2 and they signed on for Season 3.

    I read this as McDoctor and Meredith.

  12. Hot cola2:38 PM

    Some whiny narcissist who would probably do the same to her, if she refused sleeping with him.
    so who cares.

  13. Tricia1311:01 PM

    Hey OKay! I guess I'll start next season... but so funny just this morning I saw people complaining about the episode last night lol...saying they were disappointed? He walked out or something I reckon?
