Saturday, March 18, 2017

Blind Item #4

This one named former daytime host was set to land a new big deal. Then, she trashed a family member and the deal was pulled.


  1. Tricia132:46 AM


  2. Tricia132:48 AM

    Wait how is that possible she owns a network lol! ?

  3. Iyanla is my only other guess

  4. sandybrook2:51 AM

    Mo nique

  5. Tricia132:52 AM

    Could be-or Tyra maybe ? (She too has a last name but I think her show was just "Tyra" can't recall

  6. sandybrook2:58 AM

    I don't think it's her. She's taking back her show from Rita Whora and replacing Nick Cannon on America's Got Talent.

  7. Tricia133:03 AM

    That's right- I read people weee like ugh about AGT-probably MoNique +1 sandy

  8. just sayin'3:09 AM

    would rosie be considered one-named?

  9. Guesser4:07 AM

    The clue is trashed a family member.@justsayin, was Rosie's show ever called just by her name? I know it wasn't always. Or is the family member of the producer's? Ellen is still on, and Oprah would have to fire herself, this should be easy,but isn't.

  10. loveless4:24 AM

    Rosie O'Donnell's brother is a member of the NY State Assembly. He could be a friend of the state's governor.

  11. Yolanda!

  12. Cher is one name. Oprah Winfrey is not. See how that works? You can't just use the first name and say it's a one-named host.

  13. WhoGotRidofDerek?Kudos!7:20 AM

    Rosie just went off about her former daughter having a special ed IQ.

  14. Hothotheat7:37 AM

    Oprah doesn't trash folks.

  15. Guesser7:39 AM

    I agree,but this is Enty, and I thought maybe it refers to the show name. The only one mentioned was Mo'nique, but I thought her show was nighttime?

  16. @mmm Oprahs show went under the umbrella of singularly named "Oprah" every year after its inception more or less which was like 150 years so you're wrong there.
    Rosie's show was always the "Rosie O'Donnel "show and she's better known for the "View". Not sure about Tyra's show, so it's maybe Monique or not guessed yet.

  17. Sally


  18. She does sort of look it.

  19. Nasty2:47 PM

    I wouldn't talk...

  20. Sidebar - can you imagine being raised by this woman? She's a fountain of spewing, bitter poison just on and on and on. I don't know anyone that likes her. And my friends and I are all leftwing lesbians who have a special place in our hearts for A League of Their Own.

  21. Dee - Rosie's kids have turned out pretty well. They could have ended up like the Baldwin girls, or the Hadid sisters, Instead, they are (except for the oldest girl) pretty normal. They do normal things, play sports with normal kids, and don't feel compelled to be famous, do drugs or get tons of plastic surgery. Chelsea has brain damage from her bio mom's drug use during pregnancy. Rosie and the kids' other mom, Kelly, did everything possible to get help for that child, just like they did for their other kids' disabilities.
    Rosie isn't a bad person or a bad parent. She doesn't spew hate constantly, but only that gets publicity. She's kind of a concrete thinker and tends to take things personally,
