Thursday, March 30, 2017

Blind Item #2

This A- list mostly movie actor is trying to tell in his own way that his foreign born co-star is hacked out of his mind on drugs. The co-star might actually be lower on the list at this point but has A+ list name recognition.


  1. Tricia1311:56 PM

    Jonny Depp/Orlando Bloom?

  2. Hacked = Whacked?

  3. Tricia1312:12 AM

    Think so

  4. Caitlin12:20 AM

    Charlie Huunam said Robert Pattison never spoke to him the whole time while shooting Lost City of Z

  5. And-so-on..1:03 AM

    Eh what? Aw, yeah? scratch sniff and stare off at nothing, isn't much of a conversation Rob.

  6. Did the foreign born co-star write this blind? If so, then yes... he is whacked out on drugs.

  7. That is who came to mind ... +1

  8. Dennis2:32 AM

    Charlie Hunamm and Robert Pattinson. Rob has been a mess and all the photoshopping over the month doesn't help. Wondering how much longer Dior will play along

  9. longtimereader3:03 AM

    So kstew has a career and some cred while shovelface is heading for the dumpster?

  10. Baby love5:29 AM

    Shovelface has been in the dumpster since last twilight film

  11. masterblaster5:49 AM


    THIS. rob didnt talk bc whacked out on drugs all the time.

  12. Parker6:59 AM

    I dont see Hunnam as A list. He was on a tv show that did really well but he hasnt done much since that show went off the air. He was in that movie with Hiddles but that didnt do very well as i remember. Rob is strange but i dont think that has anything to do with drugs.

  13. Jillian7:49 AM

    Hunnam is foreign born too

  14. Stacey9:08 AM

    Really, not even a hello, or, there is a mosquito biting you? Damn, what happened to Rob?

  15. Hothotheat10:14 AM

    SoA was bigger than any film Hunnam has done so I think if this is him he'd be described as mostly television.

  16. Dennis12:58 PM

    @longtimereader she doesn't really have a career in terms of acting career. She's a well promoted product. Without her PR people everyone would have forgotten her name for years already.
    I don't blame Rob for not have chosen the same path. He has a good heart but he needs to make up his mind and focus on what he wants. Or better get off the drugs first, then focussing will become easier

  17. Eleanor12:12 PM

    Not sure Rob willingly chose this path. It's clear tptb don't want or need him to promote his movies. He's with a good agency which is how he is getting these nice but totally secondary roles. Kristen has respect in the industry which Rob lacks.

  18. RPPuttz fans b crazy12:46 PM

    blah, blah, blah about the pr people. Seriously. It's so ridiculous & total bull crap. You RP fans are always predictable. It's sad & it makes you sound delusional.
