Saturday, March 18, 2017

Blind Item #2

This foreign born Academy Award winning/nominated actress is doing the franchise thing but it was shut down for the weekend because she showed up drunk to work Friday.


  1. Nolove2:17 AM

    Alicia in Tomb Raider I heard another bad rumor just yesterday

  2. French girl2:26 AM

    Cate blanchet to be different.

  3. Sunspirit2:28 AM

    Felicity Jones or whoever it is that stars in Rogue One

  4. sandybrook2:34 AM

    Lupita\Black Panther (don't know if this is a franchise)

  5. Tricia132:41 AM

    Charlize Theron /Mad Max or the Hunstmen

  6. Tricia132:57 AM

    Actually shes filming The Fast and The Furios now(or filmed not sure if it's wrapped or reshoots)

  7. French girl2:57 AM

    You confuse Theron with Tom Hardy on Mad Max set

  8. Tricia132:57 AM

    He was bad news huh?!

  9. French girl3:00 AM

    It is wrapped for last year

  10. French girl3:07 AM

    Hardy was always in late every day(2 h) ,rude with everyone according to Mad Max's DP .Hardy excused himself during Mad Max Cannes fest press conference about his bad behavior
    His bad behavior during The Revenant was also epic and well documented

  11. masterblaster3:43 AM

    the male divas never get press, let along get called 'divas'....while any little thing can make a female star "difficult" - double standard much? but thats redundant even saying that.

  12. Tricia133:57 AM

    That is true to a large extent-but Hardy did at least get some bad word of mouth if I recall-he fought with his director and it was recorded, he at least got called out a bit. His antics are likely diva /drug related I'd guess.

  13. SarahS4:36 AM

    That's so weird--I actually had to google him. I really had no idea who he was tho the name is familiar. I guess I haven't seen anything he's been in except for that awful Mad Mex.

  14. dianavonthirstybird5:12 AM

    SaraS: Sara, dear, do yourself a favor and rent BRONSON from amazon or netflix. Also THE DROP. He is a rare, incredibly talented young man who, sadly, suffers from a lot of demons. I assure you, you'll never forget BRONSON.

  15. BethAnne5:37 AM

    My guess was Alicia, she's had issues with drugs and alcohol in the past. Which was her yesterday?

  16. Noneya Business6:01 AM

    Vikander franchise Tomb Raider, I would say high not drunk.

  17. nobodyhere6:50 AM

    I agree. Tom Hardy is brilliant. Also check out Peaky Blinders, Stuart a Life Backwards, Warrior. I love him. He is a great actor.

  18. Scandi Sanskrit9:47 AM

    No, but the "double standards" go both ways. The other day, I was reading on a blog on Tumblr, [allegedly, I didn't see/read about this myself] this 32-year-old female celeb grabbed an 18-year-old's bum while he was doing a red carpet interview (in the presence of journalists—who love to sensationalise that stuff, and possibly live video cameras). She reportedly proceeded to stare at him creepily instead of stopping/laughing it off like it was a 'joke' (but come on, even jokes are just exaggerated versions of the comedian's true self anyway).

    Now if a male celeb did that, it would've been a scandal and the media would've called him a creep and labelled him the worst kind of scum. A male celeb doing that would get bad press, a female just gets good press like she's "being cute". The guy she grabbed just turned legal, less than 12 months ago he was a minor.

    I'll admit I'm guilty of being inappropriate too sometimes (like posting dirty jokes on social media about male public figures I've actually met more than once/are just a few degrees of separation from me) and because I'm female, I do it without considering how the object of my dirty jokes would feel about it (or whether he'd be okay with that).

    Feminism used to be about equality in all the good things in life (voting rights, equal pay, the right to hold a full-time job). It was never meant to use as an excuse for pussies to behave like dicks and assholes, or for women to accuse anyone and everyone who disagreed with them "a misogynist". If women want to be treated like equals, then act like it, FFS.

  19. Lurkette9:56 AM

    Loved him in "Lawless." Very gifted.

  20. Scandi Sanskrit10:26 AM

    The guy from "Locke"?

  21. This one has to be Vikander! Girl has some serious Demons. She needs help

  22. Source? Fassbender's batshit crazy stans? LOL

  23. RockTheCasbah11:45 PM

    Vikander for me too. There are so many private pics of her drunk I lost count. She also said she shared pain killers with her friends when she was training as ballerina and they were somehow addicted. Bad combination.

  24. dianavonthirstybird8:46 AM

    She probably self medicates because she knows she's the world's worst actress! And ugly as home made sin as well. Am I being cruel?

  25. lemon swizzle10:13 AM

    Don't want to give away any spoilers, but Felicity Jones won't be in a Rogue One sequel . . .
