Saturday, March 18, 2017

Blind Item #1

Our favorite north of the border television actor broke up another relationship. This time with a foreign born co-star who told her boyfriend she was breaking up because of distance. Nope.


  1. sandybrook2:20 AM

    Now I have a favorite Canadian TV actor? Ok let's try Amell. My personal favorite is Nathan Filion though Entwerp. ?

  2. marlo2:55 AM

    Love Filion. He seems charming and smart.

  3. Tricia133:30 AM

    Check out him in the modern take of Much Ado about Nothing that came out about 4/5 years ago. Really small film shot over a weekend and Joss Whedon(writer /directors) home.... pretty interesting , and he is so fun to watch as ways

  4. Taylor Kitsch

  5. marlo5:01 AM

    Thanks Tricia, will do

  6. Love Fillion too - seems like a nice guy and very talented. Can't wait for his next project. And yeah, he was great in Much Ado.

  7. Raggedy Old Ann5:12 AM


    Totally agree: Nathan is great in that. He always plays the charming schmuck--a tougher role than it seems because an actual schmuck wouldn't have enough self-awareness to pull it off. Switch him out for another actor in many of his roles and the character would be insufferable.

  8. Tricia135:19 AM

    Well said..... could easily come off as smug but the self deprecation and effortless charms makes him endearing:)

  9. Tricia135:20 AM

    Very welcome,marlo

  10. Hot cola8:58 AM

    @Tricia, thanks for the recommendation, I loved that movie with its versions and Like Fillion too. +1 on everything said about him here.
    OT- check out the mini series Victoria, it aired last summer in the UK and it's very very good.
    Happy Weekend everybody

  11. sandybrook9:07 AM

    Marlo I started following him when he was a young'un on One Life to Live here on the daytime soap operas.

  12. Scandi Sanskrit9:31 AM

    I hope karma freezes up his dick, and it falls off like frostbite.

  13. numoon69:44 AM

    I like Nate Fillion to - huge Firefly/Serenity fan.

  14. Oh, but wouldn't THAT be juicy? For the record, NF is my Canadian fave too. :)

  15. Joeeeeeeeey!

  16. sandybrook10:29 AM

    +1 and the entire Lord family their offsprings and all their broken families.

  17. PattiJoy12:42 PM

    J-O-E-Y! That took me way back to college and the good times.

    Anyway, I'm going to rain on everyone's parade and say although I adored him as an actor, I heard terrible things about him on Castle. DN reported that he and Stana fought like crazy, he made things miserable for her, and she got kicked off the show

  18. CheeseFries2:12 PM

    Ryan Gosling

  19. Raggedy Old Ann3:15 PM

    Heard that as well and it is probably so, given the tepid goodbye they gave one another at the end of "Castle." But who among us has universally adored every single one of our colleagues? I figure this makes him human. Nearly every single one of the other co-stars he's appeared with have high praise, and he has had a lot of post-Castle work. That wouldn't happen if he really was an ass: there are too many "Nathan Fillion like" actors out there. I mean, he's no Matt Damon!

  20. Tricia1310:13 PM

    No problem @Hot Cola-Happy Weekend!

  21. Mmmmmm10:48 PM

    Every time I see Fillion, he strikes me as very beefy. I don't mean that as a compliment. It's odd... that description always pops into my head. Anyone else? I don't dislike him as an actor. Just can't stop the "beefy" thought. Funny.

  22. shakey11:48 PM

    Not tv. Nor is the other Ryan. Drake?

  23. Do Tell2:19 PM

    Nathan's lost some weight. He looks much better these days, as far as how he looked on Modern Family.
