Friday, March 31, 2017

Blind Item #12

This former A+ list tweener had his bodyguards beat up a woman while out of the country this past week. Apparently the woman had not completed her transition and the former tweener flipped out.


  1. Tricia134:55 AM

    Bieber in Brazil

  2. sandybrook4:56 AM

    Duh ?

  3. texasrose4:58 AM

    I wonder if it was the girl he was making out with in his DM pics.

  4. Do Tell5:02 AM

    I'd think that would have been right up Bieber's alley, so to speak.

  5. sd. Auntie5:04 AM

    National Enquirer/Radaronline will have the story soon. Hope he compensates her for that terrible reaction

  6. masterblaster5:36 AM

    @ Do Tell

    was gonna say....most of these guys want a dude that looks like a lady so they can enjoy fucking a guy that looks like a woman and tell themselves the lie they arent gay (leo anyone?..)

  7. dianavonthirstybird5:40 AM

    Because of his insanity, Beebs will not make it to Christmas this year. He will either be in prison or will be taking a permanent dirt nap. He had such promise! 50 miles of sad.

  8. Non-American5:57 AM

    America's gone crazy. This is what a Trump/Pence win gets you guys - open, unabashed bigotry.

  9. Bieber may be former tweener but is still A list.

  10. Hello6:06 AM

    I agree with you about the "crazy" part. Men pretending to be women IS crazy.

  11. Jo, from "The Facts Of Life"6:32 AM

    Bieber was peeing in mop buckets and being an overall d-bag long before Trump was in the mix.

  12. Jennifer6:38 AM

    Beiber hasn't finished his transition either.....

  13. I can't belieBe they beat up people for this.

  14. dianavonthirstybird9:09 AM

    Speaking of not finishing his transition, Caitlin allegedly is about to cut off Bruce's thingy. What if he/she decides a week after it's gone he/she wants it back again? Is Caitlin actually DATING anyone? Was this sex change thing the worse decision of his life? I mean AFTER marrying Kris. Inquiring minds want to know.

  15. "had his bodyguards beat up a women"...
    WTF??? jail for pharaoh & his slaves, plz!!!!

  16. Jennifer9:54 AM

    It's all shades of weird and you're a "bigot" if you don't celebrate his mental illness.

  17. Sd auntie10:21 AM

    Beiber is Canadian and does not belong to USA! As far as trans persons, its a free country and if it bothers you, then you are Insecure!!!! Live and let live. Go put on your grannie panties.

  18. Karma, please. For the lot of them.

  19. FlowerChiLD11:13 AM

    Wait? What? Why did he have her beat up? Transition? I don't understand.. Help..

  20. Meaning like shes transgender but no sex op so has a dick but he THOUGHT she was a woman w a vagina

  21. SnarkIsFun12:13 PM

    Can someone please transport Bieber to another planet, so we never have to hear about him again? And take Lena Dunham, Amy Schumer, and the entire Kardashian Klan (and Associates/hangers-on) while you're at it? I'll start the GoFundMe . . .

  22. looking closely8:35 AM

    Interesting. Trump caused Bieber (a Canadian) to assault a Brazilian Tranny in Brasil.

    Amazing. Is there anything the President *can't* do.

  23. looking closely8:49 AM

    Meh. Jenner has said publically that she isn't going to have the surgery, but then also publically that she didn't rule it out and could potentially still have it. Third party "reporting" claims she's already had it (there is a story claiming such on radar online). Third party "reporting" also claims Jenner is full of regret and wants to transition back to male.

    What I conclude here is that you can't believe any story you read on this. At this point Jenner is probably the worlds most famous and visible trans-sexuals right now and I think if she did get this done, it would become public knowledge.

  24. looking closely8:55 AM

    The implication is that Bieber, thinking this tranny was a biological woman made out with her, presumaby thinking sex was coming.

    Then, finding out she/he was still anatomically a male, had her(/him) beat up for the deception.

  25. looking closely9:00 AM

    Gee, trannies get KILLED for this sort of thing.
