Friday, March 17, 2017

Blind Item #12

Those national chain pharmacy workers out in West LA. Yeah, you know who you are. You sure do turn a blind eye to the ever frequent employee pickups of this former A+ list tweener turned a-hole A list singer who has a massive oxy problem. That is a huge amount of pills every month.


  1. Tricia134:49 AM


  2. sandybrook4:49 AM

    Biebs duh

  3. Tricia134:50 AM

    The real question is what pharmacy??
    Walgreens,CVS,Rite Aid?

  4. JustReading4:51 AM

    An employee is the prescribee who picks up prescriptions? Bieber picks up employees? What?

  5. Lurky McLurkster5:04 AM

    I would guess it is a local mom & pop type place

  6. sandybrook5:09 AM

    Says national chain, most likely Walgreens since they are taking over the industry.

  7. Guesser5:10 AM

    This is something you can report, likely they are doing it for many people, not just Bieber.

  8. With the Opioid epidemic in the US, it could be any 'former A+ list tween-er turned a-hole A list singer.''

  9. Police dog5:21 AM

    Wow this is INSANELY illegal

  10. He is probably paying them off.

  11. Lurky McLurkster5:42 AM

    reading is hard

  12. just sayin'5:46 AM

    enty got a tip from one employee but there could be multiple pharmacies filling scripts for him. pill addicts doctor-shop, tho famous addicts probably stick to one tried-and-true doctor and pharmacy to keep a lower profile.

  13. sandybrook6:21 AM

    I'll just say its St. Patrick's Day and your usual abilities might already be impaired?

  14. Valerie15309:05 AM

    If this is true, the employees will be in the crosshairs of the Feds as if they aren't already. Are pharmacists really filling all of the prescriptions and are not even a little concerned? This is hard to believe but hey, it's LaLaLand.....

  15. Do Tell9:18 AM

    Well, maybe they simply don't want to prevent said a-hole's inevitable OD.
    Hats off to you, good people.

  16. I was in CA (from Canada) and bought 10 anti-histamines...I had to stand in line to get them from behind the counter, give them my license and answer a 20 minutes questionairee to get allergy pills in the spring..took 45 minutes, opioids would have been quicker and I wouldn't give a crap about my itchy eyes and runny nose.

  17. dianavonthirstybird11:09 AM

    2017 College Entrance Test Question: What do you want to want as a career once you leave university? Answer: I want to spend the rest of my life looking the other way. I don't want to see anything or hear anything. That way regardless of who does what and what laws are broken, I am not complicit.

  18. dianavonthirstybird11:11 AM

    What do you want as a career. Guess who has been pub hopping since Noon? Forgot how to turn the computer on and then spilled green beer all over the keyboard. Tomorrow it gets better. Right?

  19. Arianna Grande

  20. Once they can't get the pills they start using heroin. Opioids are opioids in whatever form they come in. Opioid addicts are the worst.

  21. longtimereader3:43 AM

    Hello Dr. feelgood.

  22. cannot be Biebs, last time he was referred as an A- singer, when did he rose up from A- to A? Has to be another singer
