Friday, March 03, 2017

Blind Item #10

This former actor/host is now pretty much a full-time political pundit. He is also being accused of being a child molester.


  1. ...john Stewart?

  2. Tricia133:25 AM

    Al Franken

  3. Lurky McLurkster3:30 AM

    I might die laughing if this is Jonathan Stewart

  4. Lurky McLurkster3:30 AM

    errr, Jon

  5. Mr Cellophane3:30 AM

    Scott Baio

  6. Lurky McLurkster3:31 AM

    I think being a senator pretty much pushes you past being a "pretty much a full-time political pundit"

  7. TopperMadison3:37 AM

    Please be Kirk Cameron!

  8. loveless3:41 AM

    Chuck Woolery

  9. Tranny3:42 AM

    Not an actor, thankfully. My brain is a bit fried right now though.

  10. Tranny3:42 AM

    That was for Stewart

  11. jenny breen3:51 AM

    I know people think Stephen Colbert is one but don't think he was an actor .

  12. Shorny4:00 AM

    Stephen Colbert was in Strangers with Candy, a full on acting roll. One of my favorite shows. What is Scott Baio a host of?

  13. Dennis Miller

  14. Salaam4:11 AM

    Dennis Miller

  15. Salaam4:12 AM

    This wasn't here when I said the same thing. Def think its him. Always gave off a creepy vibe.

  16. KellyAnne C.,, The Girl From P.U.T.I.N.4:25 AM

    Is there anyone who actually fits the description in the first sentence beyond Dennis Miller?

    Not to say Enty descriptions are always accurate.

  17. Chuck Norris - writes a regular column for the Christian conservative website. Don't know if he hosted anything?

  18. Ms. Anne Thrope4:39 AM

    @ idk Miller was very first name that popped into my head as soon as I read the blind.

  19. Long Island Girl4:40 AM

    Bob Saget always gave me the creeps.

  20. Junes Better Looking Younger Sister4:44 AM

    Depending on how you feel about his hosting vs. political beliefs - Bill Maher

  21. Jennifer5:05 AM

    Jon Voight?

  22. just sayin'5:16 AM

    bill maher makes sense after the events of last week with milo. he was very dodgy in avoiding taking a stand on the subject of underage sex after milo's crash and burn, i thought he was fearing the same kind of retribution.

  23. Ben Stein? Worked for Nixon, best known for "Ferris Bueller's Day Off", often pops up on political shows.

  24. Tricia135:25 AM

    Poor-yes-and host of the game show Win Ben Steins Money or something... good one

  25. Tricia135:28 AM

    True true....thought maybe Enterns might have been pulling a foreign born/not =politician /pundit thingy
    I think @John got it with Ben Stein---ugh- never liked him

  26. JustReading5:31 AM

    +1 Creepy, creepy guy.

  27. JustReading5:32 AM

    He's not considered a pundit, but Enty has trouble with definitions sometimes.

  28. Fandangler5:47 AM

    Mike Rowe? No way.
    Tim Allen? No w—

  29. Fandangler5:50 AM


    It's not...

    Joe Rogan?

    But I can see how "they" might want to destroy him.

  30. Dennis Miller

  31. SkittleKitty6:50 AM

    I think Dennis Miller is the best guess, though Bill Maher has acting credits, too. I agree that Maher is not a pundit; it would be strange to refer to him that way. Ben Stein also fits. Met him once / heard him speak. He was pleasant and the speech was good. Despite being the other end of the policital spectrum, I agreed with some of his views--he spoke on the U.S. economy.

  32. Ben Stein has well-documented issues with inappropriate behavior toward very young women.

  33. LiveYourLife7:01 AM

    The only problem I have with the Dennis Miller guess is that I would think his being a stand-up comic would be more prominent that his acting (which, outside of minor cameos, has been a non-career for decades). Of course, citing his stand up background maybe would have been too obvious? (Although Rogan, Maher, Saget, and Allen have all had stand-up careers, too).

    As unlikely as it would seem, I think Mike Rowe could be as good a guess as Miller, at least from a description standpoint. Yes, Miller gives off a creepy vibe, but that's just stereotyping. Not all pedos come off as 'creepy' in public. Mike Rowe was on Fox News discussing his recent testimony at the Capitol about how to battle the skills gap and make blue collar work 'cool' to help stimulate the economy.

  34. Megley7:03 AM

    Is this the same guy being accused on BG? A 12-year-old??? Nope. You don't get to keep the dick, buddy. Or the balls.

  35. Brittmf7:03 AM

    Seth Meyers


  36. LiveYourLife7:04 AM

    Oh, and a couple other reasons Rowe could be it (at least in Enty's imagination).

    1) He's never been married.
    2) He's been heavily involved with the Boy Scouts.

  37. just sayin'7:12 AM

    i agree it's gotta be mike rowe now. wasn't aware of his talking head activity. he best fits the former actor/host definition by far. and i've always suspected he was a pedo - just got that vibe. this is coming from a victim who's alarmed by his brand of disarming boyish "charm" - it's too familiar.

  38. New Englander7:22 AM

    First time poster, long time lurker. I'll guess David Gregory. Just saw him last night on CNN, but he used to be the host of Meet the Press on NBC.

  39. P-Dawg8:42 AM

    either Kirk Cameron or Scott Baio

  40. anonymous9:16 AM

    Lots of suicides coming down the pike thanks to Pedogate, and I for one can't wait. The media crushed the first Pedogate suicide attempt, the lovely Miss Janet Napolitano, two weeks ago. Massive intake of undisclosed "meds" and liberal amounts of booze led to a failed attempt at checking out. It was covered up quick - but I'm saying Janet's the first one. I'm guessing Al Franken (creep city). It is said many intelligence agencies have video of Schumer in a shower with a very young girl or boy, thanks to Anthony Weiner, who is currently singing like a bird. Hang 'em all, Donald...

  41. kater9:26 AM

    i really doubt it's ben stein - his career started in politics and was a nixon speechwriter.

  42. I HJojfkth9:42 AM

    Your beloved Donald Trump is the real abuser. Franken and Schumer have never been accused by anyone.

    And "pedogate" exists firmly in your retarded brain

  43. I HJojfkth9:43 AM

    You are going to cut off someone's balls because of unproven accusations? Wow, you sound like a sociopath.

  44. Zilla19:58 AM

    Isn't Dennis Miller doing more sports commentary than anything else these days?

  45. Truth be told10:08 AM

    This Al Franken I would believe Something not right about him democrats should never have anything other do with him. Or Michael Moore.

    Dennis miller would kill himself before harming a child. The other guesses are silly too.

  46. Truth be told10:10 AM

    Did some stupid idiot honestly say Scott Baio or Kirk Cameron? Enjoy hell because I don't see god allowing u in.

  47. Pale Horse10:33 AM

    Yep. It's coming hard and fast. Heads are gonna roll in DC, NYC and Hollywood. Can't wait to see justice served for all the children these pathetic, disgusting psychopaths have damaged, harmed and murdered. Tick-tock mofos.

  48. Guiltypleazures11:42 AM

    My vote goes for Ben Stein. Back in the mid-90's I worked in LA as a call girl. I was 24, and he had me role-play multiple times as a little girl. It made me sick to my stomach and while I had paid $3k for an exclusive list of clients, I dropped him quickly. Always wondered about him after that.

  49. Guiltypleazures11:47 AM

    Just because someone works on certain issues politically, doesn't mean they conduct themselves the same way behind closed doors. If I had a dollar for every anti-gay rights politician that has been caught being gay themselves, I could buy you all lunch. ;)

  50. Senator Al Franken?

    Good lord that's a stupid guess.

  51. Laura Palmer12:15 PM

    has to be the BG blind

  52. Laura Palmer12:22 PM

    this is pure ugly

  53. Do we remember what happened to Boner?

  54. Sd auntie12:53 PM

    Ben Stein gets my vote. Hope they take Singer down too. I know that Kirk Cameron has several skeletons in his closet. That over the top religous devotion masks his real Issues.

  55. Sd auntie12:56 PM

    @truth be told... how the hell would u know what God likes. Scott Baio. Washed up racist actor who treated women like garbage. There is a reason why Erin Moran is a screwed up mess..
    Go to hell yourself

  56. Hortensia1:35 PM

    Not, not, not Al Franken.

    Steve Bannon. Of course!

    Or Kellyanne Conway. Now there's a freak.

  57. Hortensia1:37 PM

    +1,000 for Ben Stein. Giant ass.

  58. Bob Knows1:49 PM

    The stories about Ben Stein have been around and backed up for years. I know a call girl he used to book and she dropped him as well. 1000% him. Unless, someone else is this fucked up too

  59. Holy shit, the comments on this site get worse and worse. And now a full time Pizzagate crackpot? Yeah, good luck with that.

  60. 1stPost4Me9:42 PM

    @guiltypleasurez YOU should be writing your own blog about your early career days! Or perhaps Enty should hire you to write for CDAN! Outside of the naming-of-names interest, I think many people are fascinated by the whole call girl/client dynamic, especially when it involves the outsize egos and surreality of Hollywood. Enty, are you listening?

  61. Lalalady11:30 PM

    Wow about this Ben Stein stuff! I met him once when I was a young woman in Hollywood and he gave me his number. Thank god I never called him.

  62. I know dennis miller. No way is this him.

  63. logic2212:38 AM

    This sounds like it is spun as Milo's attempt to get back at Bill Maher for going after him on his show. It says "accused" not that the host actually did anything. I am guess that Milo is putting it out there to get revenge. Just speculating of course.

  64. Prunie11:49 AM

    So the only first hand or second hand stories about benmm stern in the comments have him interacting with adult females. Role playing with adults doesn't make him a child molester.

  65. Emily Dickinson2:47 PM

    Alec Baldwin

  66. Scott Baio

  67. Martina3:47 AM

    ummm ... Herr Gropen Trump has a lot of "issues" when it comes to women

  68. Lailani3:51 AM

    It's Ben Stein. Once again conservatives are usually hiding their issues. Instead of focusing on their own emotional issues whether it's abuse from childhood they've never dealt with. So for instance a woman is trapped in a marriage without love. Instead of dealing with the fact that her husband is cheating on her she obsesses over the Muslims and conspiracy theories on the internet. It's a form of disassociation and is very unhealthy. Unfortunately more common as people sit on their phones more and more.

  69. Long Island Girl7:12 AM

    Ease up there I HJojfkth, pretty sure Megley was referring to castration if the man in question was proven guilty.
    One would have to wonder why you would take issue with his or her comment.

  70. Long Island Girl7:21 AM

    Well now that's a resounding character reference, lol!

  71. Long Island Girl7:23 AM

    Dear Truth be told, you couldn't be more wrong. Oddly, you sound just like marlo.

  72. Long Island Girl7:25 AM

    Say a few hail marys and go on being a HERETIC! Haahhahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

  73. Long Island Girl7:26 AM

    Let's not forget members of the clergy.

  74. Long Island Girl7:28 AM

    Anyone can send in a 'tip'. I think you called it.

  75. Long Island Girl7:30 AM

    Wow, that's quite an assumption. And I like it.

  76. She who must be obeyed10:27 PM

    Bill Maher... following in the wake of the Milo Yiannopoulos scandal.

  77. Dick-less6:26 AM
    Not such a stupid guess when you realize what a fucken piece of cowardly ,hypocritical and swarmy piece of shit he is-DICK

  78. Ken Shalek4:05 AM

    The Donald would have to bring himself down as well, he has more rape allegations then money.



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