Wednesday, February 01, 2017

Your Turn

Do you believe this Beyonce pregnancy is real?


  1. MontanaMarriott3:54 AM

    Twins so I say IVF or another surrogate. Bey is most definitely not going to spoil her bread n butter i.e.her body giving birth to one let alone two babies.

  2. Dunno. The fact that she's already 4-5 months along is shady to me. I wouldn't be shocked if she's using a surrogate again.

  3. SteffyForrester3:57 AM

    Surrogate for sure, no way is she actually pregnant.

  4. Tee Dee3:58 AM

    If she tried to outshine either the Grammys or Gaga's upcoming super bowl performance, it would be a fishy move of hers.

    I guess the blind item revealed about them having some money problem was somewhat validate, hence the tacky picture.

    Otherwise, double the baby = double the pillow. Congrats!

  5. Sunspirit4:05 AM

    I don't think it's Jay-Z's kid(s). She's cheating on him like he's cheating on her.

  6. Haterz are lonely and poverty stricken4:08 AM

    Yes I believe it. She had a devastating history of miscarriage the first time around which is why they gave up and got a surrogate. This time they did ivf and it worked. I think she's going to be on bedrest the rest of the pregnancy like Mariah Carey was. As far as her body. Look at Kim k. She has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on surgery after her kids , Beyonce can easily do the same. Congrats queen Bey!!!!

  7. Sylvia4:18 AM

    If she fake it once don't you think she will try again...

  8. Guesser4:21 AM

    I believe this one is real, she will take time off after,like she should. The first wasn't real, although it may have been her's biologically. She had an instant perfect body and did rehearsals soon after for the Superbowl, unlikely considering her past issues. Not to mention the folding tummy.

  9. AndrewBW4:28 AM

    I don't even believe Beyonce is real.

  10. Didn't take long for the nastiness to start. I wonder if she drowned Enty's puppies at some point.

    The Superbowl was a year after Blue was born so she was not rehearsing after the birth of Blue for that. She did 4 concerts 4 months after she was born that couldn't have taken much rehearsing. I'm sure lots of women lose weight quickly after birth if they were fit beforehand. Both pregnancies were/are real. We saw her baby bump a few times during #1 and she has literally just posted a pic of her bump for this time.

  11. Of course she's not pregnant. Anyone can make their belly look like that unless you're rail thin. Bey is not rail thin. Surrogate again for sure.

  12. Enty your site is bit under cyber attack

  13. I don't feel like I am in any position to speculate on her pregnancy situation, but what I will say is that photo is a hot mess!

  14. mariaj5:22 AM

    idk the belly, but her legs are phooshopped for sure ( and no, i don't believe she will really carry the baby, perhaps i am wrong, but i don't buy it )

  15. WTF is with that veil? She looks ridiculous. And of course she's not really pregnant. Photoshop and a good prosthetic makeup artist.

  16. John jr5:44 AM

    Beyonce just broke all Instagram records with her pregnancy announcement. I love how the haters propel her popularity to even greater heights. This is a nice break from the apocalypse news about the Orange demon and his pack of demon possessed rich white male lemmings.

  17. Roses5:49 AM

    She looks like a gorgeous angelic fertility goddess. She and Bey have been together olive 15 years now with all it's ups and downs. Congratulations to them. And blue will be a big sis!!!

  18. Roses5:52 AM

    *over why is autocorrect trying to taunt me today?

  19. Bmoviegirl6:41 AM

    No way she is pregnant. She should just admit surogacy. If she is then Coachella better have insurance because they are about to lose a headliner.

  20. Guess the pregnancy proves this blind was BS:

  21. Laila6:46 AM

    Pregnant women can still sing tho? She won't be able to do the choreography. But I think she may drop out of Coachella.

  22. Haterz have bad breath and their private parts smell like tuna6:48 AM

    This pregnancy is the best thing to happen in America in a month.

  23. Color Me Confused6:54 AM

    OMG! Are we going through THIS again?! Who the F cares? Is it his, is it hers, are they test tube babies, are they spawn from hell? Who gives a ----!

  24. Barbara RiceHand7:19 AM

    When I see that picture, all I think about is Kanye and Kim spending their honeymoon making their wedding pictures just perfect. With all those flowers and making sure the light and positions were just so. Utter rapping nonsense. Either that, or Solange directed this shoot.

  25. Allie7:27 AM

    I think Adele will announce a pregnancy too. Maybe that's why the both didn't march.

  26. porca madonna della flore...

  27. RenShaw7:30 AM

    You guys say IVF as if that is not pregnancy too. Anyway, I say she is not but did go the surrogate route using IVF to finish up with the having kids thing. I think the prevalence of twinning with celebs are medically assisted. Bey has a history of miscarriages and on top of that, she is guarded about her appearance, hence, surrogates. Since she got a shellacking the first time, she's now doing the Demi to better manage her public persona. She will cover her ankles, use better belly props (they make unbelievably real looking bumps). She will not wear down the public otherwise it will be on from the naysayers. The pic is unfortunate though. What do the flowers remind you of.

  28. Allie7:36 AM

    The flowers remind me of......uh flowers? It's a celebration of femininity. Spring, renewal. The earth mother. People are so bizarre with their conspiracies and hate.

  29. Can't believe anything this chick says, unfortunately.

  30. Hortensia7:49 AM

    Yes, someone is really pregnant; either Beyonce or the surrogate.

  31. RenShaw7:50 AM

    Bizarre: strange, peculiar, odd, funny, curious, outlandish, abnormal, eccentric, unconventional, unusual, unorthodox, wacky, bizarro, oddball, way out, kooky, freaky, off the wall, offbeat.

    These are the words most appropriate celebrities and they are not here on this site Allie. Some people actually don't drink Bey's coolaid.

  32. Nicole7:54 AM

    I think they put the veil in there so when people say "it's photoshopped" they can answer "it's the veil making it look fuzzy".

  33. Allie7:58 AM

    3 million likes on Instagram in 20 minutes, world record broken. All power to the beautiful, powerful earth mother. :)

  34. Phyllis Whitweed8:14 AM

    Good for her! Have more babies! Whether you give birth, have a surrogate or adopt it's real...also a personal decision. If she wants to trick the press and keep them out of her uterine decisions then slay it, woman.

    But those flowers look like a roadside memorial for a car accident.

  35. Beyonce forever8:17 AM

    It's art hunty.

  36. Hopefully, they won't murder this surrogate as they did the last one.

  37. Beyonce forever8:36 AM

    Conspiracy theorists stay crazy as usual.

  38. Beyonce forever8:45 AM

    Please talk about the lizard people next or the Loch Ness monster or how liberals infiltrated your tv and muppets on Sesame Street are advancing the gay agenda. Go outside of your moms basement studio apartment for a minute and take a break from the internet. Live life and spread love.

  39. GoTrollUrSelf9:24 AM

    It's late, so no one will see this, which is good because I have no desire to start shit, but a tweet I read about Beyoncé's announcement earlier today made me chuckle:
    "Beyoncé now has more black people inside of her than in all of Trump's cabinet"

  40. Ayesha9:28 AM

    Haters, how the breast milk taste??? Lol.

  41. Beys twins9:33 AM

    Delicious and life sustaining , thanks for asking.

  42. I don't think studio apartment's have basements. LOLOLOL. Although, you'd be the expert.

  43. Guesser10:09 AM

    @M I admit I was wrong about the Superbowl, still think the first was by surrogate for a number of reasons

  44. Scandi Sanskrit10:49 AM

    Double standards.

  45. And-so-on..11:01 AM

    I think it should have been staged with a cuter, happy family involved announcement with Bey looking lovely decked out in a fancy gown in in a huge multi pillowed luxurious bed.. Blue Ivy and a play doctor's kit opened and spilling out over the covers while she curiously listened, kneeling close hear the new babies sound with a toy stethoscope while JZ was oblivious to their antics, in a chair next to the bed busily trying to use the tweezers on a cord to pull out a body part without making a noise.. from an Operation game on a small table in front of him.. and Solange laughing with a spike heel in her hand, hid behind her dress with her son;.. cause you never let your guard down or know when trouble with start.. see!!??!

  46. information desk11:08 AM

    Congrats to the surrogate
    Get $$

  47. Beehive11:31 AM

    wow Beyonce just slayed 2017 with one insta post.

  48. Beyonce forever11:33 AM

    Actually hubs and I have a four bedroom home on half an acre but go off, I guess.

  49. S.D.AUNTIE12:51 PM

    Beyonce is not my favorite singer but she has the most beautiful face. I hope she stays healthy if she really pregnant and that both
    babies are healthy . Phew, good luck with twins!

  50. Scandi Sanskrit2:35 PM

    But, but Celebitchy and the "ballet writers" at The Guardian say she's real?

  51. CheeseFries4:37 PM

    Real or not, that picture was a mess.

  52. lol, first thing i thought of when i read the pregnancy news. was a pregnant Beyonce supposed to perform on top of the superbowl roof with Gaga? seems like the majority of Gaga blinds are made up here.

  53. PSDoctorPs9:00 PM

    I have seen better pictures and backdrops on K-Mart's discount bin photo cards. What in Truck Stop Nation is this foolery?!?

  54. Bailey11:18 PM

    She's got about 550 pics up now with underwater shots and shots with Blue. I love how she just murdered all the conspiracy theory weirdos. God bless the Carter Knowles family.

  55. Ayesha12:45 AM

    Beyoncés stunning Instagram photo was created by Ethiopian American artist AWOL Erizku, who is 26 years old and graduated from Yale. His multimedia works include adaptations of famous tropes of western art such as Vermeer the girl with the pearl earring. So Beyonce used this joyful moment to 1. Promote an immigrant artist 2. Create beautiful art that uplifts and celebrates motherhood, in particular black motherhood which society often does not honor. I really don't know how I can love this woman more.

  56. Beyonce forever2:35 AM

    Check for more artistic photos of the "fake" pregnancy. Lmao, y'all are some weirdos.

  57. Apricot5:49 AM

    It took me a minute to believe but I think it's real. She is going OVER THE TOP proving how real this pregnancy is. Releasing tons of pics, most of her naked to prove it. too funny
