Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Today's Blind Items - Wrong Time, Wrong Guy

This beloved B list actress is an offspring of celebrities. The thing is most of us forget that part of her because she is such an incredible actress on her own and one of the most amazing people ever. Apparently she is thinking of adopting and is not shy about telling anyone who will listen why she does not have kids. When I have heard her discuss it, she generally leaves out the name of the second guy because she likes people to forget she dated such a tool. Anyway, back in the day she was dating this A lister and got pregnant. The thing is he was in a really bad space drug wise and she was still a teenager so she didn't think it was the right time. Personally, and this is solely my opinion and she has never directly told me that I think if she could have a do over she might have changed her mind. She would never in a million years though change her mind about when she got pregnant while dating this at the time B+ list television actor. All of you know him. He was just getting out of a marriage where he cheated every day and he was cheating on our actress every day and he still cheats on every person he is with every day.


  1. elle b2:15 AM

    Rashida Jones

  2. sandybrook2:22 AM

    I can buy her looking at her dating history.

  3. Tricia132:25 AM

    Martha Plimpton/River Phoenix for A lister and Fred Armisen for TV actor(getting divorced from Elizabeth Moss)

  4. sandybrook2:25 AM

    Don't know if
    1) I love her
    2) How many " amazing people" needed to have 2 abortions in their life.

  5. elle b2:27 AM

    yeah it's not her tricia's got it

  6. sandybrook2:28 AM

    She fits better I think. She was 16 - 19with Phoenix.

  7. longtimereader2:29 AM

    Daddy Q would have the bastards knee's broken at the very least.

  8. Tricia132:31 AM

    She was young yeah--- she's a cool chick (met her when she was around that age$ and then not too too long ago --very open,honest etc) and I imagine if her, shell be great.

  9. If I remember correctly, I believe that she has mentioned that she's had 2 abortions. So this fits.

  10. Tricia132:38 AM

    Sally Timms was the wife at the time(Moss was his 2nd(unfortunate )wife years later

  11. Rufus3:03 AM

    Not sure.

  12. Lindsay Lohan

  13. Seriously?3:30 AM

    Abortion is legal and there is no apology necessary.

  14. Long Island Girl3:41 AM

    Juliette Lewis came to mind.

  15. nancer3:45 AM

    yeah, i like the martha plimpton guess. i've always loved her. 'running on empty' is one of my favorites.

  16. Ms. Anne Thrope4:29 AM

    Runners get on Empty and as one of the best movies. Both River & Martha were AMAZING.

  17. Ms. Anne Thrope4:30 AM

    UGH Autocorrect! *Running on Empty

  18. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob5:18 AM

    2 Abortions? Has she not got enough dough for condoms/whatever females use which name I do not know in English and she has to use public money to get rid of the babies?

  19. SarahS5:18 AM

    LOVEEEEEEE Martha Plimpton!!! I want her to be MY mom! <3

  20. Dennis5:53 AM

    Rachida Jones isn't beloved she's annoying as hell and not the great writer she fancies herself to be, her penned episode of Black Mirror was by far the worst and most obvious in its "satire"

  21. Agree. Rashida Jones seems so smug. I think Martha Plimpton is a fantastic actress. Does she have famous parents? Who would be the men if it is Rashida?

  22. Ever Duchovny7:00 AM

    Plimpton is a Carradine.

  23. Boredtechindenver7:15 AM

    God, you are such a cock gobbling, mouth breathing, sad excuse for a supposed European. There are no public funds for abortion in the States, hell, most private insurance policies don't cover them.

  24. Boredtechindenver7:19 AM

    Jeebus. You are such a bunghole tongue jacking, mouth breathing, microencephalic idiot. The US doesn't have public funding for any abortion, and if the syphilitic chancre sores in charge get their way, there won't be public funding for birth control.

  25. Boredtechindenver7:24 AM

    Jeebus. You are such a crusty taint tongue-jacking, mouth-breathing, micro-encephalic idiot. The US doesn't have public funding for any abortion, and if the syphilitic chancre sores in charge get their way, there won't be public funding for birth control.

  26. Boredtechindenver7:25 AM

    hehe, tells me that i had duplicate posts, but didn't post anything. so i had to make my posts over. I think I like the insults in the last one best

  27. Shortie2:32 PM

    I love RashidaJones. And keep your stupid ignorant opinions to yourself about abortion. All these pro-Lifers are actually just pro Birthers, with no sense that there are WAY too many unwanted children in this world with all these people giving birth but don't have the: money, time, maturity, intelligence etc. to actually raise that child and love and nurture. If YOU don't want an abortion than don't fucking have one. But keep your ignorant self righteous opinion to yourself. More educated women are able to make the right choice for themselves about when they are ready to not only give birth to a child but most importantly, when they can be fully responsible to raising that child, giving it a good life with love attention and everything else a child deserves. Too many unwanted children being brought into the world by these ridiculous pro-Lifers who need to get a life and stop telling everyone else how to live. FUCK YOU pro lifers. Eat shit.

  28. I think imma gonna +1, here. The Duggars scare me, like why did you continue to have kids knowing your oldest molested your daughters? And why didn't child services step in.

    Why do we let the polygamists in Utah continue to rape little girls so they can rape those girls' daughters?

    I don't get proliferation. They don't give a shit about life once they are here. Maybe they just want more kids to rape. Sick fucks.

  29. Prolifers - autocorrect is my nemesis

  30. Late to the party10:41 PM

    Laura Dern

  31. Pamela Kiss11:24 PM

    Oh Sandy- Your safe bubble of deluded seclusion must be a great place to live. Guaranteed, you personally know at least 2 women that have chosen to end a pregnancy for incredibly personal reasons that you choose not to emphasize with. But.. because you focus on issues (abortion) that are meant to deter you from actual issues (lack of a quality education, environment, medical coverage....) that they've been shamed into a corner they do not belong in.
    Or, since you do not believe in a woman's right to choose, how many adopted children do you have? Would you prefer to leave them with deadbeat welfare parents? Be abused, neglected, under loved, etc.
    Your lack of empathy is astounding. Your ignorance has been sadly proven by your own words.

  32. Pamela Kiss11:28 PM

    Don't call them pro life- they are Anti Choice.

  33. I am pro choice. Abortion should be legal everywhere in the world.
    Having said that, it takes a very selfish person, no matter what age, to not use protection when engaging in sexual activity. In civilised society, every child above the age of 12 knows where babies come from. Abortion is not a contraceptive!

  34. Camal191:13 AM

    Hey Shortie. You should take your own advice and keep your own opinion to yourself.

  35. PETTYfapp4:06 AM

    Erm, is this site about abortion or cheesy Hollywood gossip??

  36. Long Island Girl4:50 PM

    Hey, marlo - contraception is not 100 percent. Not the birth control pill, certainly not condoms, however, the morning after pill is highly effective but very controversial in the so-called pro-life world.
    Whilst you are so PRO-TRUMP, how does this issue not enter into your realm of consideration? Oh, I see, it doesn't wash with your agenda.

  37. Long Island Girl4:52 PM

    Forgot to mention, sandybrook...
    Kiss my ass. You don't even have a uterus, do you.
    Have any children? That you know of?
