Monday, February 27, 2017

Oscar Ratings Hit Nine Year Low

At least this year’s show wasn’t the longest in history. The 74th Oscars show in 2002 was the longest at 4 hours and 23 minutes.

Unfortunately for ABC, the length of the show didn’t add up to high ratings.

This year's Oscars averaged 32.9 million viewers -- a drop of more than a million viewers from last year's telecast. It was the smallest Academy Awards audience since 2008.

Audience erosion has been Oscar's trend for three years straight. In both 2014 and 2013, the awards show reached more than 40 million viewers, but in 2015 only 37.3 million tuned in.

In 2016, producers of the show attempted to introduce a “thank you scroll” at the bottom of the screen. Nominees were asked to submit the names of the people they wanted to thank ahead of time in order to chop down the length of the speeches. That idea flopped and winners went rogue with their often very long-winded acceptance speeches.



  1. That's too bad. I thought Kimmel did a good job but then I like his humor (most of the time). I think people just do not care much about the films that are nominated or maybe everyone is losing interest in award shows period.

  2. Bubbles Cash11:09 PM

    Most people don't want to be lectured by a bunch of wealthy Hollywood types that never get out of their bubble. The producer of the show was urging the winners to spout off politically. No many want to hear that. JMO.

  3. More like we are tired of arrogant people who live in gated houses and have money out the wazoo telling us regular folks how we should think and live.

  4. Didn't watch.
    I learned a long time ago that famous for being famous people don't really have much to say that is worth listening to.
    Sad about the ending -- until i thought: Was envelope error staged so people would be talking about it for the next few days, weeks, months?
    (The former PR person in me must think too much.)

  5. In NYC12:17 AM

    If there is a collective conscience in the country it's not about any movie right now. We don't care. Agree with the conspiracy theories that the flub was to boost rating.

  6. Guessing12:39 AM

    I feel sorry for that poor guy who's been outed as the cause of the flub!

    I think people don't watch because celebrities are available 24/7 now. We see them going out to dinner, buying Starbucks, working out - they never disappear. And, we can immediately see what everyone is wearing - we don't need to tune into a boring awards show to see the fashion parade. It's immediately available on any online gossip rag.

  7. Who WOULD watch this drivel? I don't need a bunch of self involved, egotistical, overgrown children telling me what I should think or believe. If they would stick to talking about movies, maybe more folks would tune in. The level of hypocrisy these people display is breathtaking. They rail against building walls, yet have 20 foot walls around their mansions. DeCaprio preaches incessantly about "climate change", then flies an artist 7,500 miles to style his eyebrows for the Oscars!

  8. Guesser12:41 AM

    Too many awards shows, too many unlikeable stars. It's like we already know who won, because we've seen the Globe's, etc. It's no longer a treat to see favorite stars any longer because we see and hear everything they do now in real time.

  9. Guesser12:47 AM

    @Guessing,. We sound too much alike at the same time! But I still think someone set it up, but no one let Warren and Faye in on it. Warren noticed, but didn't say anything ,he showed it to Faye, and she just read the movie title.

  10. Guessing1:24 AM

    @Guesser. Lol. We are gossip dopplegaggers! Yes, we've had similar posts and similar names!

    The internet is a beautiful thing - who knew there could be such a thing as "gossip twins," but indeed, it seems there are!

  11. longtimereader1:59 AM

    There is great pejorative insult for actors in the UK that never sadly made it across the pond - 'luvvies'. It basically means someone who thinks pretending for a living is somehow more important or stressful than say, a doctor or a nurse.

  12. AndrewBW2:12 AM

    I don't care about celebrities spouting off about their political opinions. The first amendment applies just as much to them as anyone else, and I doubt their opinions are any less well-informed than those of most other people. I just got tired of the proliferation of awards shows, which really devalues them all. Besides that, I'm an old fart who thinks that the movies and music of today are vastly inferior to forty/fifty/sixty/seventy years ago, and that most of the celebrities of today are vastly lacking in any real talent compared to their predecessors. I just don't have any time to sit around watching second-raters sprain their arms patting themselves on the back.

  13. Toppermadison2:21 AM

    That's because movies suck these days. Of all the movies nominated, there were only two that I even remotely wanted to go see, and not that badly. Since I didn't care to see the movies, I didn't care to see who won.

  14. I went rogue on watching because I'm over politics :(

  15. RenShaw4:57 AM

    I haven't watched in years and never will again. I do find some of these characters unwatchable with their collective putrid love for Allen and Polanski. I want to know which one of them will take a stand on Oscar night and rail against Hollywood pedophelia and the casting couch. Don't hold your breath. I heard about Viola's ramblings and she pretty much sums up the bubble they live in.

  16. Cherry5:02 AM

    Do the ratings include people watching on another platform besides television?

  17. AyyyPapi5:08 AM

    It's probably not helped by the fact that people post-election have really had enough of being talked down to by the 0.01% who have no idea of what reality is (Meryl Streep) and them taking an opportunity to rant and lecture about causes that they don't even really support (Leo).

  18. I agree with all the comments here. Lots of kettles meeting pots in Hollyweird these days. I did notice Julia R/Cate B/Kate W and a lot of others were absent. We're the Clooneys there? Didn't see them either.

  19. I've got no problem hearing what people think about stuff. But I don't watch awards shows, because...why?

  20. Alabama12:18 PM

    I think the fact that most of us haven't seen the movies or had a chance to is why no one watches. All the political trolls above...funny how and when y'all show up. There was very little of that this year anyways.

  21. Hot Cola12:54 PM

    Surprise Surprise.
    Said no one
    ( except those with their heads up thier asses in the studios)

  22. Random1014:51 PM

    Honouring the pervs and sexual assault types is standard. Casey won (Vomit)

    And as a person whose name white people cannot pronounce properly, i think Kimmel was really mean with Mahershala Ali's name thing and what did he mean by Yulerie is not even a name??

  23. Louise6:41 PM

    Haven't seen any of the films, don't know who a lot of the people are, haven't watched this since I was a kid growing up in the country with two television stations. There's nothing much they could do to get me to watch, it just has no appeal to me.
