Wednesday, February 01, 2017

Mr. X Blind Item #2

This A list celebrity/business owner who is known for his wide varieties of businesses is apparently closeted but does a really good job of hiding it. It almost came out when his most recent actress "girlfriend" threatened to tell everyone. I wonder how much it took for her to walk away happy.


  1. MontanaMarriott4:22 AM

    Elon Musk?

  2. The Troublemaker5:01 AM

    Richard Branson

  3. trainrides5:51 AM

    Elon Musk is gay? Wow

  4. Color Me Confused6:36 AM

    If Elon Musk (god, what a horrid name!) is gay, whose kids are those he had with his first wife? He's not gay, he's a species from another solar system.

  5. Winnie6:44 AM

    I doubt that Elon Musk is gay, but being gay doesn't prohibit someone from spawning children.

  6. Junes Better Looking Younger Sister6:52 AM

    Donald Chump

  7. Small Penis Porn6:53 AM

    Leo DiCaprio

  8. Mark (c?) Cuban

  9. Guesser7:11 AM

    Elon Musk paying off Amber Heard, why is everyone so shocked if he were gay? People expect actors to come out, and get all upset about someone like this.

  10. Samuel8:28 AM

    Nope Randy Gerber
    He lost true love Clooney

  11. Elon musk is not gay
    The snowflajpkes are horrifies he spoke to our President hence the personal attacks
    The left is a bunch of whiny losers
    Plus he's with gorge Amber Heard so the snowflakes are green with envy

  12. Kennedy8:31 AM

    Ooh so original little snowflakes sore loser

  13. Kennedy8:31 AM

    I bet June is better looking

  14. JJJJJ8:50 AM

    Sore loser? LOL. I recall you right-wingers whining when Obama won. You probably think homosexuality can be cured through prayer, Republicans are stupid like that.

  15. The losers are the low IQ rednecks who vote Republican.

    At least liberals can spell "snowflake"

  16. GoTrollUrSelf9:36 AM

    Unfortunately, Mark Cuban has a wife or he'd be my guess.

  17. How bored can one be to troll the internet all day long talking about libtards, cucks, snowflakes, sore losers, etc. Are you getting paid? It can't be much. The same words... over and over again. Every-single-day... website to website... everyday. The same words.

  18. information desk10:23 AM


  19. Boredtechindenver2:01 PM

    If Seacrest is hiding being gay, he's not doing a very good job.

  20. Boredtechindenver2:02 PM

    On the other hand, if he is hiding being straight, wow, he is good.

  21. Tere's Anal Beads4:48 PM

    No Cupcake, the losers are the Leftist Snowflake Fags that burn their own campus to the ground, because they didn't agree with the speaker. Democrats are Low IQ Fascists that shit in their own nest.

  22. riven6:12 PM

    This is not Elon Musk. He is not just a billionaire, he's fucking brilliant. Regardless of his sexuality, he will certainly have an ironclad NDA with clearly defined terms and compensation ready to be signed before the first date. FWIW he strikes me as asexual, but what do I know. Regardless, if it was Musk this wouldn't even be here, he runs a tight ship. He can afford to.

    Note that it doesn't say the celebrity is wealthy, or even that the businesses are successful. Think less wealth for sure cause his lawyer sucks. Or stupid new wealth, like that fat IG dude. no wait never think of him having sex. ew.

  23. Spectator8:22 PM

    Fuck Trump Fuck you guys who said I'm negative

  24. Spectator8:24 PM

    Check this out

  25. My 1st thought was Ryan Seacrest

  26. Camal1910:52 PM

    Yes...liberals can spell snowflake, because they are snowflakes. Well, drop the "snow" part. They're just flakes.

  27. 20 to 1 he is a Russian troll.

  28. Jennifer6:09 AM

    Jon BonJovi. It explains his marriage and he owns a sports team.

  29. Annabelle1:03 AM

    I don't know anyone who thinks Seacrest is straight. I cringe myself to death when he talks about "hot chicks" and uses the terms bro and dude incessantly. He needs to just stop the charade ferchristssake.

  30. anonymous3:34 AM

    For the record, the Berkeley protests were fuelled and directed by paid operatives courtesy of George Soros. We as Americans have to get informed and we MUST stick together.

  31. Virus on Tere's Anal Beads5:32 AM

    Well democrats lean left, and fascism is nationalistic/right leaning philosophy...but I suppose facts aren't important to an anal bead, just s*!t.

  32. marlo3:07 PM

    Somebody asking for facts? Here are some fun facts about the left:

    Hitler's speech in 1937, 1st May: "We are SOCIALISTS..."

    As in 'National SOCIALISTS'

    Every country in the world, that has ever been run by the left, has FAILED. Every. Single. One.

    There is absolutely something as left fascism, we are witnessing it right now. Burning down campuses, rioting against freedom of speech while giving platforms to terrorist supporters, islamists, anarchists, violently beating & threatening anybody who holds different point of view, etc: FASCISM in it's purest form, wether it's left or not, that is the definition of a fascist.

    At least a lot of people are waking up right now, because nobody in their right mind, nobody actually human and decent and educated and experienced, believes that this is normal.

    Btw, here in Europe, you sub-educated, green-haired, deranged, sore losers, foaming at your mouths and allying yourselves with those who support SHARIA LAW, the most oppressive political ideology, masked as religion (yeah, cause worshipping a pedophile is so 'holy') are a laughing stock.


  33. The Doctor11:13 PM

    Bet Marlo's got a dinky tinky and has to do his tee tee sitting down. Poor lamb. You'd be angry too if you were that teeny and didn't go out that often.

  34. Amused By It All4:22 AM

    Ryan Seacrest for the win.

  35. All you had to do was see the photos with Obama and Branson this week " the boys are back in town- no wonder Michelle MIA, - dealt first Reggie Love then Bill First and the old choir boy with the premature death- when you have been in a relation with presidents candidate - watch your back
