Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Michael Felsher Blind Item

I'll never reveal names, but I just suffered through watching one of the most unpleasant and unprofessional interviews I've seen for one of my projects. By turns confrontational, mean-spirited, dismissive, and all-around unpleasant, this "person" managed to waste everyone's time and money and as a result will barely figure into the project due to their half-assed answers and shitty attitude. What a complete disaster. I feel sorry for the crew that had to film this individual but I can't help but feel relieved that I didn't have to be there in person to deal with it. I would have shut the interview down after the first ten minutes and just called it a day. Wow, this is a serious bummer.

Here is his film company's Facebook page so maybe there are some clues.


  1. trishlovesdolphins3:17 AM

    I'm going to guess Hugh Grant. He was "banned" from The Daily Show with Jon Stewart for being rude and nasty to the staff.

  2. Zilla13:18 AM

    Sounds like the recent Jerry Lewis interview.

  3. Nicole3:28 AM

    So I'm confused.

    This is a "Michael Felsher" blind item. So I assume he is the narrator. At the end it says "Here is his film company’s Facebook page so maybe there are some clues.". From the Facebook page, I went to the website, where it says Michael Felsher is the owner of Red Shirt Pictures. So either he's not the narrator, or he's referring to himself in the blind?

  4. Erin B3:28 AM

    Since it's a bummer, I'm thinking it's someone you would think is cool & easy-going. I'll go with Bruce Campbell but hoping it's not him.

  5. sandybrook3:29 AM

    Uncle Terry because he's a living horror movie.

  6. GoTrollUrSelf3:42 AM

    Randy Quaid

  7. @Nicole I think the last sentence is Enty/Entern commentary. The rest is the Felsher dude.

  8. Stephe964:41 AM

    Based on stuff in the website: Stephen King?

  9. Oobejabbawonka4:50 AM

    Wash your mouth out, @Stephe96! :D

  10. Sadie5:29 AM

    As this guy's movies are strictly D list, straight to video, it's probably somebody nobody's ever heard of.

  11. Stephe965:46 AM

    It mentions an upcoming "project" - that could be something like a commentary track or documentary about an old movie coming out on a Blu-ray, like 'Creepshow' - the kind of thing Stephen King would be asked to participate in.

  12. heliotrope5:48 AM

    "this “person” managed to waste everyone’s time and money and as a result will barely figure into the project due to their half-assed answers and shitty attitude."

    methinks this is like...a documentary or something? where questions are asked etc on the footage? honestly jerry lewis IS an asshole but that hollywood reporter video was comedy gold. the internet loved it, they should be thankful for all the web traffic sent their way lol

  13. texasrose7:16 AM

    I agree. Their website doesn't really give any clue about current or upcoming projects that look like they would include celeb interviews though.

  14. Check out Michael Felsher (@redshirtpict): https://twitter.com/redshirtpict?s=09

  15. Trish8:35 AM

    The post does not mention gender - is the unpleasant person a woman?

  16. Hortensia9:52 AM

    Jerry Lewis is still alive?
    He's always been known as an A-hole.
    No new news there.

  17. Cranky Cornbread11:31 AM

    It's HUGH GRANT, kids. (The 2nd post on the FB page is for a film he's starring in.). Plus, he's a widely-known ratbag/garbage fire. ..Just another superficially-charming narcissist (x 100 + fame/money.)

    Still, I'll *never* forget unknowingly walking right into a scene he was filming in a downtown San Francisco park (for the movie "Nine Months"). The sight of Hugh Grant *circa 1994* standing just 8 feet in front of me was breathtaking. The man literally GLOWED.

    Siiiigh... If only he'd died young-ish (pre-2000), he coulda been a *Legend*. But, no.  Instead he's just a rude/nasty, prematurely ANCIENT-looking P.O.S. endlessly chasing 19-yr-old tail while barely acknowledging the kids he's randomly fathered.   Pffft.

  18. marlo2:19 PM

    I have met Hugh. He's a self absorbed, angry and rude arse.
    Not sure why he's still making movies, he has played the same tired mumbling awkward Brit, in every single film. His talents don't stretch much further.

  19. Camal1912:23 AM

    Hugh Grant...definitely. Arrogant and self-absorbed.

  20. i actually thought his role in Florence Foster Jenkins was one of the best of his career. he deserved an supporting actor Oscar nod but he must really be loathed because he didn't get one.

  21. Clarisse McClellan10:42 AM

    I know Bruce and I'm happy to tell you that he is not rude in interviews. However, he is not as goofy as you would think in real life. He is a rather serious, straight-forward guy.

  22. Thanks, Clarisse. Good to know. I was trying to think of who it would be a huge bummer to learn that about, & that would be big to me.
