Jamie Lynn Spears Watched Daughter Crash
Reports yesterday suggested that Jamie Lynn Spears was not present when her daughter Maddie rolled an ATV and remained submerged under water for several minutes. Jamie was there but was unable to rescue her daughter immediately. Reports by the same outlet also said it was during a hunting trip. That was wrong too and happened in full view of the house. The police report says, the child was apparently steering the Polaris ATV about 100 yards from her parents when she took a hard right to avoid running over a nearby drainage ditch. “In doing so, she over corrected causing the ATV to enter the pond,” the report reads. “The ATV and child were instantly submerged in the water right before their eyes.”
“Within seconds the child’s mother, stepfather and other family members reached the pond, dove in and attempted to rescue the child to no avail. The child was trapped and secured by the seatbelt and the ATV’s safety netting. Within two minutes, Acadian Ambulance Services arrived and assisted in freeing the child from the cold waters.”