Friday, February 10, 2017

Four For Friday - Traditional

#1 - During the day this closeted foreign born A list athlete in his corner of the sports world has been hanging out with this way too young celebrity offspring he wants people to think he is dating. At night he has been hitting Grindr hard while holding down a table at The Abbey.

#2 - This former Disney star turned addict is selling himself to men for drugs.

#3 - On the guest list for this huge charity event was that A list acting couple who loves publicity. Last year when the A+ lister in the couple was promoting a movie he was there. This year he stiffed the organization and didn't even write a check because he was not the star. His ex was.

#4 - A child of this now deceased permanent A list mostly movie actress/icon is stealing money from a charity established in the name of the deceased actress.


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