Monday, February 13, 2017

Blind Items Revealed

May 10, 2016

Over the years I have always held off writing about this actor. The thing is, if you write about him other than as a blind, then the comments section turns into a war between a few women he has wronged over the years and supporters of the actor, finally followed by hundreds of comments from the actor himself using various pseudonyms. Lots of them. Our actor devotes a fair amount of time each day to comments sections of various websites. The thing that makes him so good at it probably is what makes him such a good actor. He is heavily invested in these pseudonyms. He can tell you their back story and a little biography about them and he writes them all as if they are those people. Our actor has never publicly come out as bisexual, but in the comments as one of his characters he will gladly tell you that he is gay and how men and women love him. Our actor has a girlfriend. A long long time girlfriend. He will comment as her even though it is him. Our actor is A-/B+ list. I think when he lands a series he is A- list, but most other times he is B+ list. His most recent foray into television was a two season cable show which was decent. He starred in another long running cable show. Lots of credits. Movies and television. Women love him. Well, until they get dumped. He has several secret kids. He is even a very very young grandfather. Although he spends time defending himself on gossip sites, his main focus is on conspiracy sites. This is where he shines. If you can think of an outlandish conspiracy, our actor is all over it and usually supports these ideas. He has learned to refrain from expressing his opinions on sets after one producer refused to work with him again. Online though, it is a whole other world. He gets together all his characters and will generate comment after comment in support of the conspiracy to the point where it seems as if hundreds of people all share in the same idea which then causes more people to discuss it and he just fans those flames.

Daniel Sunjata


  1. information desk2:34 AM

    The guy from Graceland and Notorious he sounds exhausting

  2. sandybrook2:35 AM

    Welcome to CDaN Daniel!

  3. sandybrook2:37 AM

    (there's a BI from a couple of months ago that has so many comments now, it refuses to load for me , I wonder if Daniel is on there?)

  4. AppleTartin2:38 AM

    Hi Daniel ;) wanna fuck?

  5. mariaj2:51 AM

    Searched his name on google...not bad

  6. Jessica2:58 AM

    had to google this guy, but my god he sounds exhausting, and really needs more work or a day job if he's got all this time on his hands

  7. Honey bunny3:23 AM


  8. I can't even bother to google this guy...

  9. hey enty, höw is this "not outing" the peron of the blind..?

  10. Sounds like he needs to get a life, he's not that big of a celebrity.

  11. Vapey4:06 AM

    I think I speak for everyone when I say, whom?

  12. dutch4:11 AM

    more like a C- celebrity

  13. He's so hot, but he sounds exhausting. And deeply insecure.

  14. Chandelierxo4:15 AM

    Huh, never heard of him.

  15. You know?
    I thought of doing this very same thing on gossip sites, a few years ago when the Las Vegas CRE market was in the toilet; but, I decided against it because it's too much work.
    I have better things to do that are money earning worthy than to create characters and follow sites all day long.
    I'm glad Daniel has the time.
    I got to go meet an appraiser on an escrow i recently opened.
    Have a great day!

  16. Cuah?4:43 AM

    I doubt he's the only actor who does this. How the hell else can they get ideas beyond what's on the script?

  17. Sd auntie5:46 AM

    Wierdo alert.

  18. shakey6:22 AM

    I had to go on imdb to find out who this guy is.

    What I really want to know is, do his aliases engage in conversation with one another?

  19. CheeseFries6:27 AM

    Hahahaha! Like everyone else, I had to google him. He's not a big deal which is why he has time to create all these personalities in comment sections. Spend more time on your career and less time worrying about gossip sites. Then maybe we'll know who you are.

  20. GoTrollUrSelf6:47 AM


  21. ZoeCharles7:12 AM

    Oh Daniel, I know you are reading this.......Loved you in RescueMe. But come on, get a new hobby! ENTY you are hilarious. Just encouraging Daniel to comment, he is going to lose his mind. hahaha.

  22. TanGyal7:32 AM

    Anyone remember His page was loooooooooong and very memorable ?

  23. Bubbles7:46 AM

    Wasn't he in Devil Wears Prada?

  24. Frank8:00 AM

    I saw him years ago on Broadway doing a baseball play, "Take Me Out." Lots of nudity. I'm sure half the cast was gay. Good show both literally and visually.

  25. texasrose8:42 AM

    HH314 got it. Congrats. A lot of wrong guesses.

  26. Hot Cola8:50 AM

    Extream Narcissism.

  27. Hortensia10:45 AM

    How can someone people have to google be A- or B?
    Makes no sense. Sunhat sounds like he's certificably nuts.

  28. cricket12:54 PM

    Who was he on Rescue Me??

  29. yah,right2:05 PM

    Seriously. A-/B+ and two thirds of us haven't heard of him?

  30. Brunnhilde5:51 PM

    Maybe he & Derek Harvey are the same person lol

  31. MereMere1:26 AM

    He is definitely crazy hot (and was great on Rescue Me), which makes me much more patient about the conspiracies.

  32. So was he one of the people pushing the pro-Trump, anti-Clinton conspiracy theories on here in the lead-up to the election? The people who would post pizzagate crap on any random unrelated blind?

    (If this blind is true, then the page will be spammed anyway, so we may as well bring Trump into it...)

  33. Saniel Dunjata7:44 PM

    the only crazy ones here are you guys. daniel sunjata is a great actor and is #1 cutieboy handsome man. all the girls love him and even though he's not gay all the guys do too. probably what most people like best about daniel is how he is humble and not crazy. great success!

  34. Never heard of him, but looking forward to the comments!

  35. He's here..... Lola Hey,Daniel. Always posing as your own biggest fan.

  36. Scandi Sanskrit11:18 AM

    Enty's idea of a Valentine's Day present? LMAO.

    Come on, Enty. You know he's not the only actor who does this...

  37. Scandi Sanskrit11:20 AM

    No, of course not. I used to think they'd have some PR intern do the posting, but the more you read them, the more personal they're drafted/crafted, the more you get a sense they DIY the comments. They wouldn't trust a PR intern with the "task", it's too embarrassing.

  38. Scandi Sanskrit11:26 AM

    Actors have all the time in the world. Waiting on set is the biggest bore of the job (amateurs like me might spend that waiting time being nervous the whole time, but I'm sure more experienced actors can more easily switch on/off into character when it's their turn).

    Even when you play lead, you still get a chunk of waiting time because you wait for things to get prepped up for filming (the fact that they film on "odd hours" has nothing to do with "long hours" at all, IMHO). Actors are the most overrated, overpaid of workers on set. There are plenty of types of crew members who deserve to be paid more than actors, work more, are higher-skilled, clock in more effective hours. And then when they play lead they act like everything revolves around them and show up late.

  39. morgan11:51 AM

    I can confirm. I had to stop following him on Twitter because as he got on the USA Network show about spies that was his first big lead role on TV (he had others as co star) he started posting the most INSANE anarchist-oriented things and yeah, I would definitely expect his crazy self to have voted for Trump and have spread all those insane conspiracy theories from the alt-right, from pizzagate on.

    Sorry, being hot doesn't make up for this. Also yes, for the person who asked above, he WAS in The Devil Wears Prada. Plays the young stylist that designs the horrid dress for Miranda and then his brand is taken global and poor Nigel gets completely tricked by Miranda on becoming the person to manage the brand.

  40. Isn't he the guy from that meh ABC show last summer with Piper Perabo? If that's him then I always assumed he was gay. I'm not one of those that thinks all are either, but he just has an effeminate undertone that I assumed was from his being an out, & comfortable in his skin gay man. Never occurred to me that he wasn't.
