Saturday, February 11, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #7

August 15, 2016

What was going to be the darling of Oscar season this year is having a ton of PR issues and that sure thing Best Picture award for this movie which has not yet been released is now looking to be a long shot. At this point the movie might not even get nominated.

Nate Parker/Birth Of A Nation (and it didn't get nominated, although Casey Affleck and his sexual assaulting self did)


  1. I waw Manchester By The Sea and it was really good. It's slow as all get out, but you must stick with it.

  2. Nate Parker raped a woman with his friend that wrote the movie and made her life hell after she reported it so much so she killed herself. What Casey did was shitty, but not comparable.

  3. Are we surprised? It appears that only pedophiles, rapists, misogynistic pigs, assholes, douchebags, whores and couch riders get all the accolades in Hollywood.

  4. I wasn't aware of this ^^.
    I guess then he may as well get an oscar, as they only honor despicable people in Hollywood.

  5. austin3:17 AM

    Agree. Totally worth seeing. Any true movie buff will love it. The recognition it's getting is well deserved.

  6. honey bunny3:27 AM

    As far as I am concerned BOTH should not be getting awards. They are both monsters for what they did.

  7. What Casey did was not just sexual harassment but abuse of power. Both women risked their careers to come forward. Now the Affleck/Damon PR machine is working overtime to convince people that what Casey did was "not that bad." It appears to have at least partially worked, too, given all the posts and articles that have I've seen. Comparing him to Parker is irrelevant. His actions should be measured on their own and against your own barometer for basic human decency. Casey is shit and a douchebag.

  8. Guesser4:17 AM

    Roman Polanski won an Oscar, and the support of many in the Hollywood community. He was convicted.

  9. Show business is full of despicable people; performances and films shouldn't be lauded on the basis of whose nice, whose turn it is to win because they keep getting shut out, who belongs to a population demographic that's suffered in the past. Everything is so hyperpoliticized anymore that films are no longer an escape from everyday life, as they should be. Performances and movies should be recognized because the product is superior - nothing else should considered. If Casey Affleck is a horrible person, fine, but invite him over for dinner, but if he gave the best acting performance, give him the Oscar.

  10. ALLEGEDLY. He was found not guilty, so you don't really get to say definitively that he did any such thing.

  11. Dannette6:10 AM

    Sorry I'm not buying that, epiphany. Affleck's sins are being reported during the same general time frame as these awards are being doled out, and he stands to immediately reap monetary and other benefits. The left hand is abusing people and the right is a good boy? I don't think so.
    Parker was acquitted, and it's hearsay the suicide was his "fault." The black guy got a raw deal and the white well-connected one gets a pass.

  12. Danette let's look at who is giving him a pass.

  13. Hot Cola8:04 AM

    @Danntee I honestly don't believe its a race/ color issue: Affleck's brother is more powerful & connected yes. Makeing it a race /color issue is taking power away from other cases when it is.

  14. Hothotheat8:23 AM

    Parker admitted having sex with her drunk and inviting two other guys to participate while she was too srunk to know what was happening. Read the court transcripts. He was acquitted because they had had sex once before. His co-writer friend was convicted, the acquitted after the victim refused to testify a second time, probably due to the abuse that was being hurled at her be his friends.

    Casey Afflect on the other hand was never charged, he paid off the victims before it got that far.

    Both should be shut out but thats Hollywood.

  15. Bloody well said, this. We don't have to constantly compare the two incidents to judge them on their own terms.

  16. I fall in the middle. I think Hollywood is disgustingly racist and white privilege has played a huge role in the different treatment of the two. That said, i don't think Casey would be getting away with this if not for his brother and family connections. I reckon a combination of factors.

  17. Also want to say, I think in noting the hideous white privilege on display here, the issue is not that Nate Parker is the victim. It's that Casey Affleck should have been penalised ALSO. That's an important distinction.

  18. Actually...8:56 AM

    Erin: If we're going to assume the only reason it worked out that way is because of white privilege, let's also talk about all the black rappers and musicians who are known to have murdered people (whether revealed here or in courts), and are still major stars and media darlings. And why does Chris Brown still have a career? Take your victim bullshit back to college, snowflake.

  19. Sheenabeena9:04 AM

    The rest of the cast of Manchester by The Sea should not suffer because of it. I saw all 9 movies, it's the best movie with the best acting and the most substance. Not by a huge margin over LaLa Land and Moonlight. So the boycott of votes for the movie itself is crippling it. It's a must see. Agree with above poster on it starting slowly

  20. Yet Meryl Streep stays silent- women and abuse in
    Hollywood don't count- because she has skin in the game. Literally and figuratively She is powerful enough to make a difference yet glorifies pedophile Woody Allen/Polanski Hollywood Hypocrites

  21. Bookjacket7:28 PM

    When did she glorify either of those? She had a small part in one of Woody's movies in 1979,the year after she graduated from drama school. She never worked with him again, and he certainly hasn't been part of any tributes to her. They are both based in the NY area, so I think the lack of collaboration over a forty year period says something. Likwise, I never heard of her working with Polanski. What am I missing?

  22. She dramatically (of course) gave Polanski a standing ovation in 2003. But hey, no big deal. I'm sure you've missed nothing.

  23. Guesser12:02 AM

    All of us can read the transcripts. The problem is ,Nate doesn't have a power base, Casey does. Mike Tyson is a convicted rapist,Chris Brown we all know about, but they already had their protectors. The movie also wasn't as great as it was promoted. It wasn't necessary for it to get undeserved awards when better films with Black actors were both artistic ly and commercially successful.

  24. Simon1:43 AM

    Enty have a late night last night?

  25. Yeah, Meryl Streep and her selective outrage is getting on my last nerve.

  26. Sd auntie1:57 AM

    Enty must have went to Clive's party!!! Its hard to get up once your past a certain age!! Just kidding

  27. GoTrollUrSelf2:13 AM

    Bacon & bourbon hangover

  28. Not working again?

  29. Simon2:24 AM

    Yea, this is pretty late for enty

  30. Bibsee2:32 AM

    Chris brown has had his domestic violence history brought up all the time compared to sean penn who beat Madonna. Think about it.

  31. Rufus2:45 AM

    Have to post and then it moves to the next blind.

  32. Guesser2:51 AM

    I don't see a twitter feed either, not even the old ones.Maybe Enty got outed Something bad always happens on the Grammy weekend..

  33. I Woody Allen doesn't belong in the abusers category. He is the victim of a vengeful ex girlfriend. He has never been charged with anything.

  34. SD Auntie6:37 AM

    Woody should be on Megan's List. My friends from NY would get mad at me back in the day because I used to enjoy his movies. They used to say he was a dirty old man. He crossed the line when he went for his S/O adopted 17 year old kid and I believe Dylan's allegations. Frank Sinatra should have ordered taken care of him for just screwing up the family. After all this, I stopped seeing his movies. All he needs is a trench coat ....

  35. How is it victim bullshit? I'm white. You fucking idiot. The reason is that for all we devalue black people, we literally don't even see women as humans. That's why. God forbid the "snowflake argument brigade" make a critical argument, just "fuck everyone because it doesn't affect me."

  36. Shut the hell up9:53 AM

    dannette: You are so full of shit. If you ever saw Parker in a interview, you'd see the lying POS he is, not to mention his ridiculously oversized ego. It has nothing to do with race, so enough with the bullshit victim mentality. How could Parker get a "raw deal" if he was acquitted?

  37. CaryBuu9:05 AM

    Meryl gave Roman P. a standing ovation when he won the Oscar for the piano. Yet Merly hates men who abuse the weak and powerless according to her hypocritical speech at the Golden Globes which was just a ploy to insure her 20th Academy Award nomination. Remember Merly threw a wild-a$$ fit to the studio exes at Paramount to release that stinker of movie Florence whatever. Amy Adams got robbed by Merly. Amy Adams carried The Arrival which scored 9 nominations including Best Picture. Merly in was the same barage of prothestics and vocal gynastics.

  38. CaryBuu9:06 AM

    RE-release Florence

  39. No, not allegedly. You can read the transcripts of telephone conversations between Nate Parker and the victim, where he is basically torturing her and clearly doesn't believe that having sex with an incapacitated woman constitutes rape. He doesn't deny his behavior. The transcripts are public record. His co-rapist (and his co-writer on his film) was found guilty. Parker was acquitted simply because the victim admitted to consensual sexual contact with him in the past, before the rape, so the brain-dead jury did not believe she had the right to withhold consent, basically. Nate Parker is a rapist. That is not merely alleged. It's a fact. He's an unrepentant rapist who tormented his victim until she killed herself.
