Saturday, February 04, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #7

November 23, 2016

Night and day for this A-/B+ list foreign born mostly movie actress. That is what press are calling her interviews for the franchise that recently suffered a big fail compared to the interviews she is doing now just a month later. She feels she is finally getting the credit she deserves and is not a fan of the A+ lister she co-starred with recently.

Felicity Jones/Inferno


  1. texasrose2:48 AM

    So she thinks the success or failure of Inferno lies with her and not Hanks??? She is truly delusional.

  2. More like she thinks the success of Rogue One is due to her and it has gone to her head in interviews?

  3. Laura Ramona3:04 AM

    Hahahaha... falling on the floor laughing. Is she for real? Tom Hanks might have diabeties and got older.. but I will kiss his backside for his carer@!!!!!!!!! Feaking delusional stupid 2 legged

  4. Wasn't there a blind on here about Tom Hanks trying to force Audrey Tautou to sleep with him during Davinci Code filming, and when she wouldn't submit he had her blackballed by his high power Hollywood-friends (I guess his reach didn't extend to French film industry)? I read that somewhere, and once I read it, I never looked at him the same … Sexual coercion in a professional context basically rape. If that blind is true, I wonder if there's a greater backstory with Felicity Jones and why she hates him ...

  5. janinedm3:29 AM

    I love Tom Hanks as much as the next person, but I can believe that he could have been less than fully engaged while working on and/or promoting another Da Vinci Code movie, because surprise he's human. I can also imagine how disappointing that could be if you're all psyched to work with Tom Hanks and you only get to see Hanks running in sleep mode.

  6. To be accurate, I read a blind, not a reveal, with the popular guess as Tom Hanks, and sometimes the popular guess is wrong.

  7. texasrose4:04 AM

    That makes more sense.

  8. Sadie4:34 AM

    She's the dullest actress. And I wish she'd do something about her buck teeth. They're distracting. She's was embarrassingly boring hosting SNL. If she thinks the success of a Star Wars movie is her ticket to greatness: contemplate the career of Mark Hamill.

  9. Sad but true, sex is THE currency in the fame game. It's not just Hanks (if true); it's all of them.

  10. mariaj5:21 AM

    Btw, maybe Inferno didn't do well in the Usa, but worldwide has made thrice the budget, so, by a business point of wiew, not a success, but not a " big fail"

  11. Not that it matters or if anyone should care, but i always got the vibe Tom was gay and was married to Rita as a cover.
    She did give up her career for him -- while his exploded.
    I could be wrong. I have never met Tom or Rita.
    But, let the Anonymous Internet Trolls begin!

  12. RenShaw7:11 AM

    The sex is the currency for employment in that world. Period. Even men are not off limits. I wouldn't be surprised if Tom tried to pull the stunt.

  13. RenShaw7:11 AM

    I saw Rogue. Boring AF and she didn't help the movie either.

  14. texasrose7:22 AM

    Quite frankly any actor should consider themselves blessed if they get cast in a Star Wars movie or spinoff movie. Felicity Jones had no impact on the success of Rogue one. Her role could have been played by a dozen or dozens of actresses with same success.

  15. I loved Rogue One! Waaay better than last year's one.

    Except I saw it twice and still not sure where the many Bothans were that died bringing us this information...

  16. glly-yo9:23 PM

    @Spit. Yes YES YES this thank you. All I could think are WHERE ARE THE BOTHANS!

  17. longtimereader1:12 AM

    Actress on a big hit movie has hot air blown up her ass and believes the hype? shocking.

  18. Suitsyousir2:29 AM

    Bothans died getting plans for 2nd Death Star, stop getting Star Wars wrong

  19. information desk2:36 AM

    Well that explains why Alicia vikander was suddenly dropped from the movie before filming
    Harvey didn't want to force her to be Tom's ho so he dropped her and hired felicity
    Alicia moved into Bourne franchise

  20. Oh, alright, you've talked me into it. I'll watch them all again... (yay!)

  21. Penelope25:16 AM

    This is hearsay and malicious... you are starting rumors about someone that are based on nothing.
