Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5

February 2, 2017

While his pregnant girlfriend waited at a restaurant for this A- list network reality host to meet for dinner, he was hooking up with a fan he met earlier in the day. He actually told the fan he had to leave to meet his girlfriend. After they had sex of course.

Nick Cannon


  1. sandybrook2:37 AM

    The fans have never much cared if the star they are about to screw is married, in a relationship or single. They just want to screw them.

  2. Guesser2:44 AM

    Is it my imagination or has Nick Cannon gotten really full of himself recently? Both him and Mariah seem weird after breaking up.

  3. sandybrook2:48 AM

    He's always been that way he just hid it better.

  4. CheeseFries4:57 AM

    What does he think he's going to do without AGT? It's not like his music and acting career are hot.

  5. Who the hell wants to have sex with Nick Canon? I guess they are after the Mariah settlement money.

  6. AndrewBW5:49 AM

    I said it before and I'll say it again -- Nick Cannon has fans???

  7. Jennifer8:33 AM

    He's ugly.

  8. You lost me at nick cannon has fans. Unless you mean oscillating fans or ceiling fans. Or those cute little fans at the nail salon

  9. Surly9:43 AM

    Maybe she was auditioning for Whilin' Out?

  10. information desk12:20 PM

    He was always like this he went bankrupt right before meeting Mariah
    Ever since he got his 30 million in cash from mimi he has been going off the black panther rails

  11. Bobbi Newhart1:36 PM

    So? This ho knew he was a ho and would keep hoin' after she ensured her monthly check for 18 years.
    And it's Nick Cannon. Who cares?

  12. I Can't Believe It's Not Butter11:35 PM

    The Baby Mama is not a girlfriend and she knows that. He talked all about it on Stern last week.
