Sunday, February 26, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #4

February 14, 2017

At a Fashion Week show this week, this former stylist turned reality star turned failed designer would hold out her hand when introduced to someone and expected her hand to be kissed. She acted like she was the Queen or something. It was ridiculous.

Rachel Zoe


FairyDogMother said...

If this item had said "held out her CLAW" we would have guessed this much more quickly

Putzywutzy said...

This young lady graduated from the You Are A Chosen & Entitled One University. Hand kissing is one of the courses. All this too shall pass away in 5, 4, 3, 2 ...

Mop top said...

I would have reached out and shaken it. That's ridiculous.

Zilla1 said...

I would have said "Hi, how do you do?" and left her holding air.

CheeseFries said...

She's a joke.

DUH said...

Isn't she THE chupacabra?

Dani said...

What Rick James said, Cocaine is a hell of a drug, lol

melissa said...

Rachel Zoe Rosenzweig....I unfortunately/fortunately (since its one of the only nice parts of this shit hole) live in the exact area she is from. All the women around her are AWFUL like this, like her.
It's no coincidence that Chelsea Handler, Anne Hathaway and that Patti Stanger are ALL from this area. This is a ridiculously affluent mostly Jewish area (I am Italian/Irish so I do not fit in nor am I accepted by them, Thank God), it sucks and they all suck.
And I went to the same HS Ms Streep did as well, also another ridiculously affluent area, no Jews at all out there just lots of old WHITE money. Trump's golf course is out in those parts. The 1% area.
Ms Streep has never known a hard day in her life. She should shut her mouth as well.
All the spoiled ass, rich before they 'made it' people need to STFU.


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