Sunday, February 19, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

September 20, 2016

This charity giving B+ list mostly movie actress is headed down a dangerous path if she gets any more involved with this foreign born model/turned worst actress on earth. The model loves coke. Would probably swim in it if she could figure out a way and the B+ lister has a coke issues that goes back almost a decade. They do not need to be together.

Amber Heard/Cara Delevingne


  1. sandybrook1:15 AM

    That's OK, Cara isn't one to stick around anybody for long.

  2. Long Island Girl1:18 AM

    They deserve each other.

  3. Is there a twat in Hollywood that Cara hasn't eaten?

  4. Candy1:45 AM

    Charity-giving? Depp's the only one to have given money to the charity LA Children's hospital and the non-charity ACLU. Heard's received $2 mil to date and won't give unless publicly shamed to or until she's been fully bankrolled by her next victim, Elon Musk.

  5. Really4:37 AM

    Nope. Depp is a POS who beats women

  6. *Heard is a POS who lies and extorts money.


  7. Heard is the one who has been arrested for beating her lesbian lover -- but hey, apparently it's okay to beat a lesbian.

  8. Amber Fan5:09 AM

    Heard gave all her divorce money to charities. One of them being planned parenthood and the ACLU. She will rise as that old bloated beetlejuice look alike will go bankrupt and fade away.

  9. nancer5:21 AM

    i read it was the ACLU and the LA children's hospital. and as far as i know, neither has received any money yet. i wouldn't bet on them ever getting it.

  10. Color Me Confused5:57 AM

    Anyone out there from LA? Has the Internet gone out yet from the storms? How bad is it? NYC dwellers want to know. It is close to 70 degrees here today and Central Park is awash in people running around topless. Yayyyyy!

  11. Hortensia6:58 AM

    Amber Heard is a predator who preys on wealthy men, but in reality prefers women for sex. Johnny Depp is generous, and was easily taken advantage by Heard. I hope Depp has some friends with grounded common sense to advise him on the next woman with whom he gets involved.

  12. Mooshki7:17 AM

    I see you're buying Depp's p.r. spin hook, line & sinker.

  13. Mooshki7:18 AM

    Last I heard, Depp still hadn't given her a dime.

  14. "Heard gave all her divorce money to charities."

    Funny, as neither charity has received a cent.

  15. BETTY BOTOX9:13 AM

    Color Me Confused: No one answered your question because they spend every waking hour on-line commenting on CDAN. They don't know if it's raining, snowing, if there's an avalanche, monsoons, hurricanes, tornadoes, a bunker buster bomb hit the local Costco. Do you really think we have lives? Glad you do. We just care about all of the inane stupidity that Enty unravels that is called entertainment. Answer: We still have the Internet where I live. My pool overflowed and ruined the carpeting out back. Seeping into the kitchen. Cats sitting on top of the table. Other than that, it's life as normal.

  16. Dannette9:26 AM

    Yeah, I get the impression that Depp has had enough wedded bliss for a lifetime.

  17. Milo's Pearls12:36 PM

    They're both weirdos. Choose a side and stay there.

  18. Moonlight Gypsy2:55 PM

    The issue was that Depp was supposed to give the money to Amber and she would give it to the charities. Depp wanted to pay the charities directly so he could take the tax write offs. That's not what they agreed in their divorce settlement and it's not fair to Amber. She's entitled to something after being married to him and he should honor their divorce agreement. I do believe she will donate the money if she hasn't already.

  19. longtimereader1:46 AM

    You kinda have to respect her macking skills.

  20. Good lord, the Depp brainwashing goes deep.
