Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1

February 8, 2017

This A-/B+ list alliteration actress is so full of crap. I hate hate hate when actresses tell an interviewer they don’t worry about what they eat or they are naturally thin. F**k that. Especially this particular actress on a hit almost television show. She eats about once a week and chews Nicorette when she is not chain smoking. That is how she stays thin. So, yeah, I guess technically if you never eat there is no need for a diet or exercise.

Michelle Monaghan


  1. Anonymous12:25 AM

    Might be true but she exercises. I see her at my gym.

  2. morgan512:59 AM

    She says she doesn't obsess over her body but probably lives mostly on water, nicotine and exercising constantly.

  3. Sadie1:06 AM

    She was a model before she became an actress. Guess she acquired her eating habits then.

  4. sandybrook1:34 AM

    She just did a layout for a fitness magazine, that must be what pissed Entern off.

  5. *Goes to store to buy nicorette and starts planning my one meal*

  6. texasrose2:28 AM

    I don't care how she does it but she is hot. Watch Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.

  7. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob5:01 AM

    Both statements are not incompatible: She can eat whatever she wants, and just want to eat tiny bits of food while chewing tobacco. I have been this past vacation week doing so only not tobacco because I do not smoke, but with some other substitutes.

  8. SarahS5:29 AM

    HOW do you do it??? That's what I want to know! If I eat very few calories for the day, I get the most insane headaches. If I knew how to get past the headaches/nausea from starving, I'd honestly do it for a few months.

  9. Mop top6:25 AM

    Seriously. Why didn't I think of that?

  10. Mooshki8:56 AM


  11. GoTrollUrSelf9:08 AM

    Enty's hangry

  12. Marlboro Man3:00 AM

    Don't they realize smoking prematurely ages them? Welcome to a life of wrinkled skin and raspy voice, moron. Plus it's disgusting.
