Sunday, February 12, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 17, 2016

This foreign born permanent A list singer everywhere but the US and Canada turned celebrity/reality star always has a trouble keeping a straight face while lying so lets the guy she calls her boyfriend talk about their non existent sexual relationship.

Kylie MInogue/Joshua Sasse


  1. sandybrook2:12 AM

    So you're calling Kylie gay?

  2. Gertrude2:44 AM

    You realise she started out as an actress, right? AKA lying?

  3. Enty has in the past suggested that both of them are gay. Everybody's gay in Enty's world! I dunno why she'd bother covering it up if she was (which I doubt). Samantha Fox is out, and my hubby still thinks she's all that.

  4. melissa6:10 AM

    I actully could see this and I am not one to even think about this stuff but as a straight 36 year old woman I have to say, no I would not be shocked at all to learn she is gay.
    Not for one second.

  5. SD Auntie6:31 AM

    Kylie is not gay and that chemotherapy led her to menopause. This really makes your sex drive non existent and I would understand her feeling that way. She had Olivier Martinez when he was super hot and her other BF"s were really attractive. All that dancing and health issues have probably sapped her energy. I did see some pictures where she looked really depressed and sad. It gets harder as you age....

  6. sandybrook7:42 AM

    It gets harder as you age??? THANK YOU JESUS!

  7. Aussie soaps are barely acting.

  8. marlo1:29 PM

    Kylie isn't gay.

  9. Sd auntie2:07 PM

    @sandybrook. I meant when the relationship ends, it's harder to get over. Lol

  10. Pffffft11:45 PM

    Lol, I'm just like this...Even if I wanted to cheat, hubby would know I was lying. I either grin or giggle, or I get super defensive. I always have him do the talking when we're canceling plans with people or negotiating...I'm a terrible liar
